I have a server that relays between two (different) clients. When the User (first client, through websockets) sends a message, the server needs to repeat this message every X milliseconds to the Device (second client) until a new message is received, or the websocket is closed.
I consume the websocket as a flow, and I've created the following operator:
fun <T> flowEvery(value: T, everMilliSeconds: Long): Flow<T> =
flow {
while (true) {
fun <T> Flow<T>.repeatEvery(mSec: Long): Flow<T> =
this.flatMapLatest {
flowEvery(it, mSec)
Problem is, once the socket is closed the last message is kept on being sent for ever.
My call site is:
try {
incoming.consumeAsFlow().repeatEvery(50).mapNotNull { frame ->
when (frame) {
is Frame.Text -> listOf(frame.readText().toFloat())
else -> null
} finally {
close(CloseReason(CloseReason.Codes.NORMAL, "Ended"))
the incoming channel is closed (onCompletion is called) but the stream sent to sendTo is not. sendTo it self consumes the input stream and send a UDP message for every element it consumes.
How can I force the flow to stop?
By using flatMapLatest or transformLatest you replace the last value of the upstream Flow with a never-ending Flow.
You must stop that Flow somehow and CancellationExceptions are used everywhere in coroutines to signal the cancellation of coroutines. You can wrap your never-ending Flow logic in a coroutineScope to precisely cancel only that scope once the upstream flow has completed.
fun <T> Flow<T>.repeatEvery(delay: Long): Flow<T> =
flow<T> {
try {
coroutineScope {
onCompletion { this#coroutineScope.cancel() }
.transformLatest { value ->
while (true) {
catch (e: CancellationException) {
// done
PS: .cancellable() doesn't do much in your example. As per documentation Flows built using flow builders like flow { … } are automatically cancellable.
emphasized textI am trying to use Kotlin Flow to process some data asynchronously and in parallel, and stream the responses to the client as they occur, as opposed to waiting until all the jobs are complete.
After unsuccessfully trying to just send the flow itself to the response, like this: call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK, flow.toList())
... I tinkered for hours trying to figure it out, and came up with the following. Is this correct? It seems there should be a more idiomatic way of sending a Flow<MyData> as a response, like one can with a Flux<MyData> in Spring Boot.
Also, it seems that using the below method does not cancel the Flow when the HTTP request is cancelled, so how would one cancel it in Ktor?
data class MyData(val number: Int)
class MyService {
fun updateAllJobs(): Flow<MyData> =
flow {
buildList { repeat(10) { add(MyData(Random.nextInt())) } }
// Docs recommend using `onEach` to "delay" elements.
// However, if I delay here instead of in `map`, all elements are held
// and emitted at once at the very end of the cumulative delay.
// .onEach { delay(500) }
.map {
// I want to emit elements in a "stream" as each is computed.
fun Route.jobRouter() {
val service: MyService by inject() // injected with Koin
put("/jobs") {
val flow = service.updateAllJobs()
// Just using the default Jackson mapper for this example.
val mapper = jsonMapper { }
// `respondOutputStream` seems to be the only way to send a Flow as a stream.
call.respondOutputStream(ContentType.Application.Json, HttpStatusCode.OK) {
flow.collect {
// The data does not stream without the newline and `flush()` call.
write((mapper.writeValueAsString(it) + "\n").toByteArray())
The best solution I was able to find (although I don't like it) is to use respondBytesWriter to write data to a response body channel. In the handler, a new job to collect the flow is launched to be able to cancel it if the channel is closed for writing (HTTP request is canceled):
fun Route.jobRouter(service: MyService) {
put("/jobs") {
val flow = service.updateAllJobs()
val mapper = jsonMapper {}
call.respondBytesWriter(contentType = ContentType.Application.Json) {
val job = launch {
flow.collect {
try {
} catch (_: ChannelWriteException) {
I can see the following example working in Spring WebFlux handler for a flow builder:
suspend fun getDummyFlow(req: ServerRequest): ServerResponse {
val flow = flow<String> { // flow builder
for (i in 1..3) {
delay(1000) // pretend we are doing something useful here
emit("<p>Hello $i</p>") // emit next value
return ServerResponse
Yet, I need to build a flow with a MutableSharedFlow which is not working in Spring Web Flux. Here it is an example:
suspend fun getDummyFlow(req: ServerRequest): ServerResponse {
return coroutineScope {
val flow = MutableSharedFlow<String>()
launch {
for (i in 1..3) {
delay(1000) // pretend we are doing something useful here
flow.emit("<p>Hello $i</p>") // emit next value
My implementation is based on the example of SharedFlow documentation.
Yet, any HTTP GET request to this endpoint stays pending and waiting for a response, whereas the former example with flow builder receives the response progressively and fine.
I have already traced my code in debug and I see .bodyAndAwait(..) being called and then emit() in both cases.
I'm using Project Reactor with Webflux to try to read data from a message queue, then process it in chunks (eg, five at a time) and make a request to an API with each chunk. The API does not work well with high throughput, so I need to have control over how many requests are sent concurrently.
Basically, I'd like to have a WebClient call finish, then be able to tell the Flux that we're ready to process more.
I was using this code to try to emulate the desired functionality, and I'm getting results that I don't understand:
fun main() {
val subscriber = CustomSubscriber()
Flux.create<Int> { sink ->
sink.onRequest {
.doOnNext {
println("hit first next with $it")
.delayElements(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) // Mock WebClient call
.doOnNext {
println("before request")
println("after request")
class CustomSubscriber : BaseSubscriber<Int>() {
override fun hookOnSubscribe(subscription: Subscription) {
The output of this code is
hit first next with 1
before request
after request
What I was hoping for is this:
hit first next with 1 // one second passes
before request
after request
hit first next with 1 // one second passes
before request
after request
hit first next with 1 // one second passes
before request
after request
hit first next with 1 // one second passes
before request
after request
(Infinite loop)
So the request method is called, but the number is never emitted.
Oddly, when I call request in a separate Flux, I'm getting the desired behavior:
fun main() {
val subscriber = CustomSubscriber()
Flux.create<Int> { sink ->
sink.onRequest {
.doOnNext {
println("hit first next with $it")
Flux.range(0, 5)
.doOnNext { subscriber.request(1) }
class CustomSubscriber : BaseSubscriber<Int>() {
override fun hookOnSubscribe(subscription: Subscription) {
So it seems like there is an issue with calling the request method in the doOnNext method of the original Flux?
I'm not married to the idea of using a FluxSink, that just seemed like a way to have more explicit control of the data emission.
I think what you are looking for is custom subscriber, which consumes data at its own pace based on some logic. Something like this.
Flux.range(0, 14)
.subscribeWith(object : Subscriber<Int> {
private var count = 0
lateinit var subscription: Subscription
override fun onSubscribe(s: Subscription) {
subscription = s
override fun onNext(parameter: Int) {
println("Before request")
// ----- some processing
println("After request")
if (count >= 2) {
println("Requesting more......")
count = 0
override fun onError(t: Throwable) {}
override fun onComplete() {
been pretty stuck on an issue with Kotlin flows/channels today. Essentially I want to take the values emitted from a flow, and immediately send them in a channel. We then subscribe to that channel as a flow via an exposed method. The use case here is to have a channel subscription that is always live and a flow that can be turned on and off independently.
private val dataChannel = BroadcastChannel<Data>(1)
suspend fun poll() {
.collect {
suspend fun stopPoll() {
suspend fun subscribe(): Flow<Data> {
return dataChannel.asFlow()
The simple use case I have here is a poller which returns a channelFlow. Ideally I could then emit to the channel in the collect method. This doesn't seem to work though. My rookie coroutine thought is that because collect and send are suspending, the emissions gets suspended in collect and we get stuck.
Is there any built in functions for flow or channel that can handle this or any other way to achieve this behavior?
For your case you can try to use hot stream of data SharedFlow instead of a Channel:
private val dataFlow = MutableSharedFlow<String>(extraBufferCapacity = 1)
suspend fun poll() {
.collect {
suspend fun stopPoll() {
fun subscribe(): Flow<Data> {
return dataFlow
tryEmit() - Tries to emit a value to this shared flow without suspending, so calling it will not suspend the collect block.
I want to use Channel as a Queue, but I need to clear it periodically. I didn't found clear method for the Channel and I make workaround with Channel.cancel and create new Channel, but it looks bad.
The question is:
How can I implement using Kotlin's channel as a queue with cleaning? Recreating a channel looks not so good...
Simplified context.
I have methods called by an external system: enqueue(id: Int) and cancel() and I don't have access to system that invokes these methods (React native methods in my case).
enqueue(id: Int) - enqueue id into the queue for processing (only one item at time can be processed) and starts processing the queue if is not started before.
cancel() - cancel pending processing but allow finishing current processing for current processing item.
My Processor is a singleton and enqueue(id: Int) can be called multiple times before canceling (to add items into queue) and after (for new processing).
My solution is to use channel as a queue and consume its items as a flow. cancel() will cancel the channel that allow current item processint to finish.
The problem is that after channel.cancel() channel is closed and I need to create new channel that is not so beautiful.
fun main() = runBlocking<Unit> {
val processor = Processor()
repeat(3) { processor.enqueue(it) }
println("Run processing one more time.")
repeat(3) { processor.enqueue(it) }
class Processor : CoroutineScope by CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default) {
private var channel = Channel<Int>(50)
private var processJob: Job? = null
fun enqueue(id: Int) {
if (processJob?.isActive == true) return
processJob = launch {
channel.consumeAsFlow().collect { process(it) }
private suspend fun process(id: Int) {
println("[$id] processed.")
fun cancelPending() {
channel = Channel(50)