Emit/Send Flow Values into BroadcastChannel - kotlin

been pretty stuck on an issue with Kotlin flows/channels today. Essentially I want to take the values emitted from a flow, and immediately send them in a channel. We then subscribe to that channel as a flow via an exposed method. The use case here is to have a channel subscription that is always live and a flow that can be turned on and off independently.
private val dataChannel = BroadcastChannel<Data>(1)
suspend fun poll() {
.collect {
suspend fun stopPoll() {
suspend fun subscribe(): Flow<Data> {
return dataChannel.asFlow()
The simple use case I have here is a poller which returns a channelFlow. Ideally I could then emit to the channel in the collect method. This doesn't seem to work though. My rookie coroutine thought is that because collect and send are suspending, the emissions gets suspended in collect and we get stuck.
Is there any built in functions for flow or channel that can handle this or any other way to achieve this behavior?

For your case you can try to use hot stream of data SharedFlow instead of a Channel:
private val dataFlow = MutableSharedFlow<String>(extraBufferCapacity = 1)
suspend fun poll() {
.collect {
suspend fun stopPoll() {
fun subscribe(): Flow<Data> {
return dataFlow
tryEmit() - Tries to emit a value to this shared flow without suspending, so calling it will not suspend the collect block.


Emit data to kotlin's flow from regular java function

I have an external interface which I cannot change:
interface ExternalApi {
fun onDataReceived(data: String)
I need to start consuming data and send it to flow. Data order is a necessity. I'd like to have a cold flow, but I couldn't find a version of cold flow with emit function, so I used hot flow + replay set to Max value as a workaround. Here was my first try:
class FlowProblem {
val flow: MutableSharedFlow<String> = MutableSharedFlow(replay = Int.MAX_VALUE)
fun startConsuming() {
object : ExternalApi {
override fun onDataReceived(data: String) {
Unfortunately it doesn't work as emit function is a suspended function. However this is an external interface and I cannot add suspend modifier. I tried to also do something like this:
override fun onDataReceived(data: String) {
val coroutineScope = CoroutineScope(Job())
coroutineScope.launch {
but for me it's kind a silly to create new coroutine only in order to move data to flow. I'm also wondering about data order.
What should I do? Maybe flow/channel is not suitable here and I should pick something another?
Thanks IR42, callbackFlow was exactly what I needed.

How to use callbackFlow within a flow?

I'm trying to wrap a callbackFlow within an outer flow - there are items I'd like to emit from the outer flow, but I've got an old callback interface, which I'd like to adapt to Kotlin flow. I've looked at several examples of usage of callbackFlow but I can't figure out how to properly trigger it within another flow.
Here's an example:
class Processor {
fun start(processProgress: ProcessProgressListener) {
processProgress.onFinished() //finishes as soon as it starts!
interface ProcessProgressListener {
fun onFinished()
//main method here:
fun startProcess(processor: Processor): Flow<String> {
val mainFlow = flow {
return merge(processProgressFlow(processor), mainFlow)
fun processProgressFlow(processor: Processor) = callbackFlow {
val listener = object : ProcessProgressListener {
override fun onFinished() {
The Processor takes a listener, which is triggered when the process has finished. When that happens, I would like to emit the final item FINISHED.
The way I invoke the whole flow is as follows:
runBlocking {
startProcess(Processor()).collect {
But, I get no output whatsoever. If I don't use the megre and only return the mainFlow, however, I do get the STARTED and IN_PROGRESS items though.
What am I doing wrong?
You forgot to call awaitClose in the end of callbackFlow block:
fun processProgressFlow(processor: Processor) = callbackFlow<String> {
val listener = object : ProcessProgressListener {
override fun onFinished() {
* Suspends until 'channel.close() or cancel()' is invoked
* or flow collector is cancelled (e.g. by 'take(1)' or because a collector's coroutine was cancelled).
* In both cases, callback will be properly unregistered.
awaitClose { /* unregister listener here */ }
awaitClose {} should be used in the end of callbackFlow block.
Otherwise, a callback/listener may leak in case of external cancellation.
According to the callbackFlow docs:
awaitClose should be used to keep the flow running, otherwise the channel will be closed immediately when block completes. awaitClose argument is called either when a flow consumer cancels the flow collection or when a callback-based API invokes SendChannel.close manually and is typically used to cleanup the resources after the completion, e.g. unregister a callback. Using awaitClose is mandatory in order to prevent memory leaks when the flow collection is cancelled, otherwise the callback may keep running even when the flow collector is already completed. To avoid such leaks, this method throws IllegalStateException if block returns, but the channel is not closed yet.

Stopping an infinite flow

I have a server that relays between two (different) clients. When the User (first client, through websockets) sends a message, the server needs to repeat this message every X milliseconds to the Device (second client) until a new message is received, or the websocket is closed.
I consume the websocket as a flow, and I've created the following operator:
fun <T> flowEvery(value: T, everMilliSeconds: Long): Flow<T> =
flow {
while (true) {
fun <T> Flow<T>.repeatEvery(mSec: Long): Flow<T> =
this.flatMapLatest {
flowEvery(it, mSec)
Problem is, once the socket is closed the last message is kept on being sent for ever.
My call site is:
try {
incoming.consumeAsFlow().repeatEvery(50).mapNotNull { frame ->
when (frame) {
is Frame.Text -> listOf(frame.readText().toFloat())
else -> null
} finally {
close(CloseReason(CloseReason.Codes.NORMAL, "Ended"))
the incoming channel is closed (onCompletion is called) but the stream sent to sendTo is not. sendTo it self consumes the input stream and send a UDP message for every element it consumes.
How can I force the flow to stop?
By using flatMapLatest or transformLatest you replace the last value of the upstream Flow with a never-ending Flow.
You must stop that Flow somehow and CancellationExceptions are used everywhere in coroutines to signal the cancellation of coroutines. You can wrap your never-ending Flow logic in a coroutineScope to precisely cancel only that scope once the upstream flow has completed.
fun <T> Flow<T>.repeatEvery(delay: Long): Flow<T> =
flow<T> {
try {
coroutineScope {
onCompletion { this#coroutineScope.cancel() }
.transformLatest { value ->
while (true) {
catch (e: CancellationException) {
// done
PS: .cancellable() doesn't do much in your example. As per documentation Flows built using flow builders like flow { … } are automatically cancellable.

Kotlin Flow: Testing hangs

I am trying to test Kotlin implementation using Flows. I use Kotest for testing. This code works:
val detectedFlow = flow<String> {
class ScanViewModelTest : StringSpec({
"when the flow contains values they are emitted" {
val detectedString = "123"
val vm = ScanViewModel()
launch {
vm.detectedFlow.collect {
it shouldBe detectedString
However, in the real ViewModel I need to add values to the flow, so I use ConflatedBroadcastChannel as follows:
private val _detectedValues = ConflatedBroadcastChannel<String>()
val detectedFlow = _detectedValues.asFlow()
suspend fun sendDetectedValue(detectedString: String) {
Then in the test I try:
"when the flow contains values they are emitted" {
val detectedString = "123"
val vm = ScanViewModel()
runBlocking {
runBlocking {
vm.detectedFlow.collect { it shouldBe detectedString }
The test just hangs and never completes. I tried all kind of things: launch or runBlockingTest instead of runBlocking, putting sending and collecting in the same or separate coroutines, offer instead of send... Nothing seems to fix it. What am I doing wrong?
Update: If I create flow manually it works:
private val _detectedValues = ConflatedBroadcastChannel<String>()
val detectedFlow = flow {
So, is it a bug in asFlow() method?
The problem is that the collect function you used in your test is a suspend function that will suspend the execution until the Flow is finished.
In the first example, your detectedFlow is finite. It will just emit two values and finish. In your question update, you are also creating a finite flow, that will emit a single value and finish. That is why your test works.
However, in the second (real-life) example the flow is created from a ConflatedBroadcastChannel that is never closed. Therefore the collect function suspends the execution forever. To make the test work without blocking the thread forever, you need to make the flow finite too. I usually use the first() operator for this. Another option is to close the ConflatedBroadcastChannel but this usually means modifications to your code just because of the test which is not a good practice.
This is how your test would work with the first() operator
"when the flow contains values they are emitted" {
val detectedString = "123"
val vm = ScanViewModel()
runBlocking {
runBlocking {
vm.detectedFlow.first() shouldBe detectedString

Trigger event listeners async with Kotlin Coroutines

I have created an abstract Event class which is used to create events in Kotlin. Now I would like to use Coroutines to call each subscriber asynchronously.
abstract class Event<T> {
private var handlers = listOf<(T) -> Unit>()
infix fun on(handler: (T) -> Unit) {
handlers += handler
fun emit(event: T) =
runBlocking {
handlers.forEach { subscriber ->
GlobalScope.launch {
And a concrete class that can be used to create event listeners and event publishers
class AsyncEventTest {
companion object : Event<AsyncEventTest>()
fun emit() = emit(this)
The issue is that when I run the following code I can see it creates all the listeners, but not even half of them are executed.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val random = Random(1000)
runBlocking {
// Create a 1000 event listeners with a random delay of 0 - 1000 ms
for (i in 1..1000)
AsyncEventTest on {
GlobalScope.launch {
runBlocking {
// Trigger the event
What am I missing here?
When I remove delay(random.nextLong(), all handlers are executed. This is weird, since I'm trying to simulate different response times from the handlers that way and I think a handler should always execute or throw an exception.
You are running the event listeners with GlobalScope.launch() that does not interact with the surrounding runBlocking() scope. Means runBlocking() returns before all launched coroutines are finished. That is the reason you don't see the output.
BTW: your usage of coroutines and runBlocking is not recommended
You should add suspend to the emit() function. The same is true for the handler parameter - make it suspendable.