Docusaurus V2 remove version label from doc pages - docusaurus

In each page of docs the label Version: Next is visible:
Is there a way to disable and remove the label?
Since I don't want to add multiple versions to my documents, I don't need the label.

In version 2.0.0-alpha.64 after deleting node_modules and installing again the problem solved


Horizontal Slider is Missing in Latest Build of Jupyter Extension of VS Code

the Horizontal slider is missing after the recent update
whenever i am calling a show function in a Panda dataframe .I am not able to scroll right to see all columns after the recent update
Any idea how we can install old version of this extention
I'm a developer on the Jupyter extension team. Sadly this is just a bug that we hit moving over to our new UI implementation. You can see the issue tracking this here to follow along with a fix.

Bootstrap carousel doesn't start automatically

It may appear a repeated question but it is a serious one and I found no solution for it in any related question.
I have downloaded a bootstrap theme from ShapeBootstrap website
Demo theme
I use Firefox 30. As you may see in the demo page too, the slider doesn't start automatically! however if one click on the next slide it starts running!
I did anything I read in the similar questions but nothing happened!
The order of scripts is OK
It is in the end of file
No error reported in console ...
You can view and follow the source code of the demo page. Everything is in its place. But I wonder why it has this problem even in the official website of the theme.
Please guide me what can I do.
To understand what was going wrong was difficult!
I replaced the carousal section(html) with this one from
I added full-slider.css to the list of my css files and used the latest version of bootstrap script and now it works!

Adding a table in impresspages cms 4

I was using an older version for one client but when I installed a new setup on 4.x I noticed when editing the page content, there is no option for a table? Is this no longer supported? Thanks
Default text widget has table functionality. It's the last icon on the first row.

Wrong image path updating from prestashop 1.4 to 1.6

After two intense days of messing with Prestashop, I'm facing a problem, and my numerous searches gave nothing.
I have to update a prestashop ver. 1.4 to 1.6. Once I updated, product images won't show :
the website is looking for a path like this src="
But on our server, files are using another structure : etc...
I tried with and without "legacy mode" (I can't modify php safe mode). There's no sign of any "move" option in prestashop 1.6 admin, and tricks to made this button appear (on 1.5) won't work.
Is there any way to edit how images are found? After trying to update from scratch again and again, is this safer to "just" update to 1.5.x, and then 1.6?
I'm sorry if there is only few elements here, but any help is much appreciated and I'll do my best to explain missing points if needed.
I had got the same problem but updating from 1.4 to 1.5. My problem was that the new template of 1.5 uses images in this way *_default (home_default, small_default, etc). When I updated the images weren't shown because the path referenced was wrong. The solution for me was add "_default" in Preferences -> Images to every image type and then click in Regenerate images.
Somehow urls were broken, maybe from too much legacy mode switching... Neither friendly URL desactivation or image regeneration worked.
Managed to "workaround" this by copying an old backup on wamp, in order to have safe_mode off... Then, this "move images" button was here, and totally functionnal, with image regeneration and all I needed (I don't know why I haven't thought about it earlier...).
Thanks for your support !

Sencha Touch: How to update from 2.1 to 2.2?

I think I'm missing something very, very obvious and easy, but - how do I migrate my 2.1-app to 2.2? What do I have to copy or which script do I have to run?
Just be aware that the theming has changed between version 2.1 and 2.2. In particular the Picto icons, used for buttons, have now been replaced by fonts. Unfortunately it appears that the new Picto font doesn't contain entries for all the icons that were in the previous set and I haven't yet found a way to continue to use the old icons. As a result, your new version 2.2 app may therefore look different to your version 2.1 app.