Swagger UI endpoint doesn't return UTF-8 encoded response using ABP.IO - asp.net-core

I am using abp framework as in http://www.abp.io
Now, executing this endpoint /api/abp/application-configuration using Swagger UI returns a json results see snippet below
Not sure why the results isn't UTF-8 encoded, I am expecting Mâle but got M�le
your help is appreciated

Open the json file ie fr.json
Change the encoding to UTF-8 , you can use VS or Notepad++
Save the file
reopen the file to ensure change is done


There is any difference in uploading IFormFile vs Base64 string in .netcore web api?

I'm using .net core web api to accept, upload and download the file content.
I've already tried IFormFile and simple base64 encoded file content
UploadFile(IFormFile file)
UploadFile([FromBody] string base64Filecontentstring)
I'm just wondering if there is any difference in using any of those? If there is, which one should you use and when?
For small files Base64 will work fine, it's easy to handle and avoids dependency on Http.IFormFile in Domain.
But sending large files as Base64 using JSON is not a good idea. It will take a lot of memory & time for converting back to the actual image for copying on the Server.
I suggest the excellent article: https://medium.com/#ma1f/file-streaming-performance-in-dotnet-4dee608dd953 which shows that base64 performance is 5x-20x worse.
It's up to you.

Karate support for validating pipe separated response and avro format

We have webservice where we send the request body as binary (avro format) through postman and have a pipe separated response. We were able send this request using karate and get a valid response but made observation that by default karate sets the content type as ‘application/octect-stream’ where as we expect content type to be application/json. Is there a reason why karate uses application/octect-stream for avro format?
Also for pipe separated response does karate support any default validations similar to json/xml validations?
For e.g : if the sample response is like
|PDT|! PRODUCT!|Item1|!SKUID!|sku123a|!DETAILS!|Itemname|itemnumber|price|!FINISH!|
Karate tries to guess the content-type but clearly needs help here, please refer to the documentation for the header keyword, and you can set (over-ride) it easily: https://github.com/intuit/karate#header
For the second question, I suggest you write a simple utility to convert that response to JSON and then you will be able to do all kinds of awesome validations in Karate. This example should be self-explanatory: dogs.feature

Cloudconvert File not found (upload failed)

I plan on using cloudconverts API API for converting docx files to pdf but im stuck with a File not found (upload failed) error each time i have started a conversion process and request the status of the conversion.
To make sure the file can be reached, i ran a test using their API and executing my request which was a success.
Im testing the conversion using Googles Advanced Rest Client and my header og payload is as follows:
Requesting a process:
Im getting an URL for my convertion process and all is good. So time to start my process of converting my file. Im using the option to let cloudconvert download the docx from my domain.
Starting my process:
The request for starting my process is also a succes and i now want to check the status of my conversion by calling the previous url as a GET. But this gives me an error message in the response saying: File not found (Upload failed)
As written in the beginning of my post, i tried using their API console to test if the file can be downloaded from my site, which it could and PDF was created successfully .. So i guess im missing something somewhere, just cant see it...
So yeah,
First problem was that there was wrong content-type header set. For JSON payload it should be "application/json". With "application/x-www.form-urlencoded" content type header the server expected different payload so the call resulted with error.
Second one was about JSON parsing. JSON is not the same as JavaScript object. Keys in JSON must contain double quotes characters.
Finally I'm not sure what do you mean by success response. If you talking about status code - well it's just bad API configuration/design.

Base64 encode very large files in objective C to upload file in sharepoint

I have a requirement where user can upload files present in app to SharePoint via same app.
I tried using http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/CopyIntoItems method of sharepoint. But it needs file in base64 encoded format to be embedded into body of SOAP request . My code crashed on device when I tried to convert even a 30 MB file in base64 encoded string? Same code executed just fine on simulator
Is there any other alternative to upload files (like file streaming etc) onto sharepoint?? I may have to upload files upto 500 MB? Is there more efficient library to convert NSData into base64 encoded string for large file???
Should I read file in chunks and then convert that into base64 encoded string and upload file once complete file is converted? Any other appraoches???
First off, your code probably crashed because it ran out of memory. I would do a loop where I read chunks that I converted and then pushed to a open socket. This probably means that you need to go to a lower level than NSURLConnection, I have tried to search for NSURLConnection and chunked upload without much success.
Some seem to suggest using ASIHttp, but looking at the homepage it seems abandoned by the developer, so I can't recommend that.
AFNetworking looks really good, it has blocks support and I can see in the example on the first page how it could be used for you. Look at the streaming request example. Basically create a NSInputStream that you push chunked data to and use it in a AFHTTPURLConnectionOperation.

How to set http headers in dotCMS

I'm trying to create a XML data feed with dotCMS. I can easily output the correct XML document structure in a .dot "page", but the http headers sent to the client are still saying that my page contains "text/html". How can I change them to "text/xml" or "application/xml"?
Apparently there's no way to do it using the administration console. The only way I found is to add this line of (velocity) code
$response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml")
to the top of the page template.
Your solution is the easiest. However there are other options that are a bit more work, but that would prevent you from having to use velocity to do the XML generation, which is more robust most of the time.
DotCMS uses xstream to generate XML files (and vise versa). You could write a generic plugin to use this as well.
An JSONContentServlet exists in dotCMS that takes a query and generates json or xml (depending on your parameters). It is not mapped on a servlet by default, but that is easy to add.