Cloudconvert File not found (upload failed) - api

I plan on using cloudconverts API API for converting docx files to pdf but im stuck with a File not found (upload failed) error each time i have started a conversion process and request the status of the conversion.
To make sure the file can be reached, i ran a test using their API and executing my request which was a success.
Im testing the conversion using Googles Advanced Rest Client and my header og payload is as follows:
Requesting a process:
Im getting an URL for my convertion process and all is good. So time to start my process of converting my file. Im using the option to let cloudconvert download the docx from my domain.
Starting my process:
The request for starting my process is also a succes and i now want to check the status of my conversion by calling the previous url as a GET. But this gives me an error message in the response saying: File not found (Upload failed)
As written in the beginning of my post, i tried using their API console to test if the file can be downloaded from my site, which it could and PDF was created successfully .. So i guess im missing something somewhere, just cant see it...

So yeah,
First problem was that there was wrong content-type header set. For JSON payload it should be "application/json". With "application/x-www.form-urlencoded" content type header the server expected different payload so the call resulted with error.
Second one was about JSON parsing. JSON is not the same as JavaScript object. Keys in JSON must contain double quotes characters.
Finally I'm not sure what do you mean by success response. If you talking about status code - well it's just bad API configuration/design.


JSZip reports missing bytes when reading back previously uploaded zip file

I am working on a webapp where the user provides an image file-text sequence. I am compressing the sequence into a single ZIP file uisng JSZip.
On the server I simply use PHP move_uploaded_file to the desired location after having checked the file upload error status.
A test ZIP file created in this way can be found here. I have downloaded the file, expanded it in Windows Explorer and verified that its contents (two images and some HTML markup in this instance) are all present and correct.
So far so good. The trouble begins when I try to fetch that same ZIP file and expand it using JSZip.loadAsync which consistently reports Corrupted zip: missing 210 bytes. My PHP code for squirting back the ZIP file is actually pretty simple. Shorn of the various security checks I have in place the essential bits of that code are listed below
if (file_exists($file))
} else http_response_code(399);
where the 399 code is interpreted in my webapp as a need to create a new resource locally instead of trying to read existing resource data. The trouble happens when I use the result text (on an HTTP response of 200) and feed it to JSZip.loadAsync.
What am I doing wrong here? I assume there is something too naive about the way I am using readfile at the PHP end but I am unable to figure out what that might be.
What we set out to do
Attempt to grab a server-side ZIP file from JavaScript
If it does not exist send back a reply (I simply set a custom HTTP response code of 399 and interpret it) telling the client to go prepare its own new local copy of that resource
If it does exist send back that ZIP file
Good so far. However, reading the existent ZIP file into PHP and sending it back does not make sense + is fraught with problems. My approach now is to send back an http_response_code of 302 which the client interprets as being an instruction to "go get that ZIP for yourself directly".
At this point to get the ZIP "directly" simply follow the instructions in this tutorial on MDN.

Unable to POST Multipart Form in Robot Framework Using Request Library

I have the following request in postman:
I have been using request library since the beginning automation on API:
I tried to automate based on the postman request above with several trial and errors:
It always return 400 although the headers value set already correct:
What did I miss in the steps above?
Thank you in advance!
You should pass file descriptor not dictionary and "POST On Session" accepts file as "data" argument not "files". Try this
${file_stream} = Get File For Streaming Upload ${file_path}
${response} = POST On Session ${alias} ${URI} data=${file_stream}
On the second line you should add the rest arguments.
P.S. Next time please don't post code as screenshot, it makes hard for someone to copy and run it.
this is a false-negative due to the framework used by developers.
The developer has updated their framework and it works fine now.
No issues on the Robot Framework Request Library
Thank you.

RAML mocking service POST request showing 404 Error in Mule design center

I am using mocking service feature to build and test API design for one of the POC. I am getting HTTP error code 404, when posting message from design center through mocking service.
See the attached picture as well:
GET, PUT and POST request with without URI parameter are all working fine, but whenever I try to explicitly pass a specific gid or cid with the POST method it is showing the error from above.
I am attaching RAML file:
I have read the documentation and have understood that we can pass any parameter value, when testing API with the mock service.
Could you please help me to find out, why the POST request with a specific gid or cid is returning an error code?
Based on the attached sceenshot you are trying to POST something to the root path of your API Mock Service.
Instead of deleting the parameters and sending the HTTP POST request to an URL like:
Please try to keep the URI in the correct format:{gid}/channels/{cid}/chatthreads
In this URL you just have to replace the gid and cid parameters in the curly braces to the actual values.
Using your RAML file and a URI in the correct format, like the followine examples:
I am getting "204 No Content":
But when I remove the parameters and try to execute the HTTP POST on the wrong path, then I get "404 Not Found":
Based on the screenshot you have provided; the path to the resource was not complete in your HTTP request. This could have caused the HTTP error code "404 Not Found".
Please make sure that the full path to the resource is set in the API Console. This is needed to be able to identify what resource you want to POST (create).
For details about the usage of special characters (like '-' or '$') in the names of resources; please see the raml-js-parser. This parser is being used by the API Designer.
At the moment there are still open issues related to the handling of special charachters, like '-'. Please see the related bug report: Resource name is invalid: illegal character #129 in the github repository of raml-js-parser.
I would suggest to be using no special charachters in the resource names. (even though the current RFC standards eventually do allow the usage of '$')
According to this; the resource name "$ref" seems to be causing problems in your RAML. Please consider filing a bug report for the API designer in their github repository. However the issue could be caused by the parser as well...

Use AWS S3 success_action_redirect policy with XHR

I'm using signed POST to upload file directly to amazon S3. I had some trouble with the signature of the policy using PHP but finally fixed it and here is the sample of code.
This xhr request is send in javascript and I'm waiting for an answer from amazon. At first I was using success_action_status setting it to 201 to get the XML response.
What I'd like to do is using the success_action_redirect to call a script on my server to create a record in the database.
The reason why is that I could create the record in the database and if anything wrong happen at this stage I can return an error message directly at this point. Also it saves me another ajax request to my server.
So I've tried to set this up specifying the success_action_redirect to http:\\localhost\callback.php where I have a script that is waiting for some parameters.
But it looks like this script is never called and the response of the xhr.send() is empty.
I think it's a cross-browser issue and I'm wondering if it would be possible to use jsonp somehow to pass-by this?
Any ideas?
Apparently xhr is following redirect natively so it should work but when I specified the success_action_redirect it returns error Server responded with 0 code.
At first I thought it was because the redirect URL was on my local server so I've changed it to an accessible server but no chance.
Anyone knows why it's returning this error message?
I also run into this problem. It seems like nobody has a solution to this like this
maybe the best workaround i have found is something like this.
It seems thet the only workaround includes a second xhr-request to execute the callback manually. therefore the
should be used. Witht his you will get a 201 response if the upload was successful and you can start a second request for the actual callback. For me it looks like the only possible solution at the moment.
Any other solutions?

What does "Predicate Mismatch for View"

I am writing a iOS client for a an existing product that uses a legacy SOAP webservice. I got the proper URL to send my SOAP/XML messages too and even have some samples. However, none of them seem to work...
I always get a 404 error with the following error text "Predicate mismatch for View"
I am using an ASIFormDataRequest for the actual request and apending the data (SOAP XML in this case) via [someFormRequest appenData:myData].
I am flat out of ideas here and am wondering what, if anything I am doing wrong. Or should I ping one of the back end guys? Could this error be a result of something on the server side?
This is an error message spit out by the pyramid web framework when attempting to access a URL without supplying all of the required parameters. You definitely want to double check that the URL you are using has all of the required params (headers, query string options, request body, etc) and if you're convinced that what you are sending is correct then but your backend guys because it's definitely a miscommunication or a bug between the two of you.