Problems testing spring webflux Webclient with high load - kotlin

I am trying to learn Spring Webflux comming from C# and NetCore, we have a very similar problem like this post, where a third party service provider has some response time problems.
But testing with spring-webclient is doubling the response time, I do not know if I am missing something
I tried to create a similar example with:
A computer running 3 servers
Demo server that just simulates some random delay time (port 8080)
Test Server in C# using async to call my "Wait" server (port 5000)
Test Server with spring and webclient to call my "Wait" server (port 8081)
Other computer running JMeter with 1000 clients and 10 rounds each one
Some code
Wait server
Just a simple route
class TestRouter(private val middlemanDemo: MiddlemanDemo) {
fun route() = router {
GET("/testWait", middlemanDemo::middleTestAndGetWait)
The handler has a Random generator with a seed, so each test can generate the same sequence of delays
class TestWaiter {
companion object RandomManager {
private lateinit var random: Random
init {
fun next(): Long {
val random = random.nextLong(0, 10)
return random * 2
fun resetTimer() {
random = Random(12345)
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)
fun testAndGetWait(request: ServerRequest): Mono<ServerResponse> {
val wait = next()
logger.debug("Wait is: {}", wait)
return ServerResponse
fun reset(request: ServerRequest): Mono<ServerResponse> {"Random reset")
return ServerResponse
Load testing the server with JMeter I can see a steady response time of around 9-10 seconds and a max throughput of 100/sec:
C# async Demo server
Trying a middle man with C#, this server just calls the main demo server:
The controller
public async Task<string> Get()
return await _waiterClient.GetWait();
And the service with the httpClient
private readonly HttpClient _client;
public WaiterClient(HttpClient client)
_client = client;
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
public async Task<string> GetWait()
var response = await _client.GetAsync("/testWait");
var waitTime = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return waitTime;
Testing this service gives the same response time, with a little less throughput for the overhead, but it is understandable
The spring-webclient implementation
This client is also really simple, just one route
class TestRouter(private val middlemanDemo: MiddlemanDemo) {
fun route() = router {
GET("/testWait", middlemanDemo::middleTestAndGetWait)
The handler just calls the service using the webclient
class MiddlemanDemo {
private val client = WebClient.create("")
fun middleTestAndGetWait(request: ServerRequest): Mono<ServerResponse> {
return client
fun processResponse(delay: Int): Mono<ServerResponse> {
return ServerResponse
However, running the tests, the throughput only get to 50/sec
And the response time doubles like if I had another wait, until the load goes down again

I think it may be caused by pool acquire time.
I assume your server gets over 1k TPS and each request looks to take about 9 seconds. But the default HTTP client connection pool is 500. Please refer to Projector Reactor - Connection Pool.
Please check the logs have PoolAcquireTimeoutException or whether your server takes some time to wait pool acquisition.

I am marking KL.Lee answer because it pointed me in the right way, but I will add the complete solution for anyone to find:
The key was to create a connection pool according to my needs. The default is 500 as JK.Lee mentioned.
class MiddlemanDemo(webClientBuilder: WebClient.Builder) {
private val client: WebClient
init {
val provider = ConnectionProvider.builder("fixed")
.maxConnections(2000) // This is the important part
val httpClient = HttpClient
client = webClientBuilder
fun middleTestAndGetWait(request: ServerRequest): Mono<ServerResponse> {
return client
fun processResponse(delay: Int): Mono<ServerResponse> {
return ServerResponse


What is the best pattern to deal with async callbacks using quarkus, mutiny, kotlin?

I want to expose a synchronous API that calls an async under the hood. The async API calls my server back when the data are available on its side (if data are not available in a reasonable amount of time my API returns a 404).
I've implemented a solution based on CompletableFuture, prototyped another one using an Emitter that I store in a context that can be retrieved when the incoming callback arrives but I'm not sure to do it the right way (most simple?).
What do you think about?
Thanks in advance
class DeviceStatusController(
private val deviceStatusService: DeviceStatusService
) {
fun getStatus(#Valid #NotNull requestStatus: RequestStatus): Uni<String> {
return deviceStatusService.getStatus(requestStatus)
class NotificationController(val service: DeviceStatusService) {
fun receive(#RequestBody #Valid notification: Notification) {
class DeviceStatusService {
private val logger: Logger = Logger.getLogger(this.javaClass.canonicalName)
data class UniContext(val emitter: CompletableFuture<String>)
//Todo: Change for redis registration with TTL
val notificationMap = mutableMapOf<String, UniContext>()
fun getStatus(requestStatus: RequestStatus): Uni<String> {
// Call async service here ... it will call us back on notifications endpoint
// It will just reply ... your request is accepted
val emitter = CompletableFuture<String>()
notificationMap[requestStatus.device] = UniContext(emitter)
return Uni.createFrom().completionStage(emitter.minimalCompletionStage())
.failWith {
TimeoutException("No reply for ${requestStatus.device}")
fun cleanContexts(id: String) {
fun receive(notification: Notification) {
logger.fine("Notification received for ${notification.device}")
notificationMap[notification.device]?.let {
The full sample is in my github repo

How to reuse cached value in ProjectReactor

I would like my server to call the login endpoint of another server and cache the auth token for later use. My issue is that when the server tries to reuse the existing token it hangs indefinitely or infinite loops.
class ApiWebClient {
private var authToken = Mono.just(AuthToken("", Instant.ofEpochSecond(0)))
fun login(): Mono<AuthToken> {
authToken = doesTokenNeedRefreshing().flatMap { needsRefreshing ->
if (needsRefreshing) {
).exchangeToMono { response ->
}.map { response ->"Successfully logged in")
} else {"Reuse token")
return authToken
private fun doesTokenNeedRefreshing(): Mono<Boolean> {
return {
class AuthToken(
var token: String,
var lastModified: Instant
companion object {
private const val ONE_MINUTE_IN_MILLIS = 60 * 1000L
private val LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass.enclosingClass)
If login gets called twice within the ONE_MINUTE_IN_MILLIS amount of time then it just hangs. I suspect this is because the doesTokenNeedRefreshing() calls a .map {} on authToken and then later down the chain authToken is reassigned to itself. As well, there's an attempt to recache that exact same value. I've played around with recreating AuthToken each time instead of returning the same instance but no luck. The server either hangs or infinite loops.
How can I achieve returning the same instance of the cached value so I don't have to make a web request each time?
The best way would be to use ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction from Spring Security that you could customize to satisfy your needs. In this case token will be updated automatically behind the scene.
If you are looking for "manual" approach, you just need to combine 2 requests.
public Mono<String> getResourceWithToken() {
return getToken()
.flatMap(token -> getResource(token));
private Mono<String> getResource(String authToken) {
return client.get()
.headers(h -> h.setBearerAuth(authToken))
private Mono<String> getToken() {
.header("Authorization", "Basic " + {CREDS})
.body(BodyInserters.fromFormData("grant_type", "client_credentials"))
.map(tokenResponse ->
In this case you will always execute 2 requests and get token for every resource request. Usually token has expiration and you could save some requests by caching getToken() Mono.
private Mono<String> tokenRequest = getToken().cache(Duration.ofMinutes(30));
public Mono<String> getResourceWithToken() {
return tokenRequest
.flatMap(token -> getResource(token));
What I was looking for was a switchIfEmpty statement to return the existing cached value if it doesn't need to be refreshed.
class ApiWebClient {
private var authToken = Mono.just(AuthToken("", Instant.ofEpochSecond(0)))
fun login(): Mono<AuthToken> {
authToken = doesTokenNeedRefreshing().flatMap { needsRefreshing ->
if (needsRefreshing) {
).exchangeToMono { response ->
}.map { response ->"Successfully logged in")
} else {"Reuse token")
return authToken
In this example, if the token doesn't need to be refreshed then the stream returns an empty Mono. Then the switchIfEmpty statement returns the original auth token. This, therefore, avoids "recursively" returning the same stream over and over again.

Mockito #MockBean wont execute when on Kotlin

I'm super frustrated with a Kotlin/Mockito problem
What I want to accomplish is very simple, I've an AuthorizationFilter on my springboot application and for test purposes I want to mock its behavior to let the test requests pass by
My AuthorizationFilter indeed calls an API which will then provide the user auth status. so I thought that the simplest way to mock this is just have the AuthApi mocked into the filter and return whatever status I want... BUT IT WORKS RANDOMLY
class AuthorizationFilter(
val authApi: authApi
) : OncePerRequestFilter() {
override fun doFilterInternal(request: HttpServletRequest, response: HttpServletResponse, filterChain: FilterChain) {
if (request.method.equals("OPTIONS")) {
filterChain.doFilter(request, response)
val token = request.getHeader("authorization")
if (token == null) {
runCatching {
authApi.authorize(token.replace("Bearer ", ""))
}.onSuccess {
filterChain.doFilter(request, response)
}.onFailure {
the authApi authorize method is irrelevant to this question, but just let it be clear it will NEVER return null... it might throw an exception but wont return null
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class SocketIOServerTest {
lateinit var mockedApiComponent: AuthApi
lateinit var boardRepository: BoardRepository
private lateinit var servletRegistrationBean: ServletRegistrationBean<SocketIOServer>
private lateinit var socketIOServer: SocketIOServer
private val serverPort: String? = null
lateinit var clientSocket: Socket
private val userId = 1
private val groupId = 123
private val admin = false
private val auth = Authorization("token", userId, groupId, admin)
private val objectMapper = ObjectMapper()
fun connect() {
socketIOServer = servletRegistrationBean.servlet
clientSocket = IO.socket("http://localhost:${serverPort}", IO.Options.builder().setExtraHeaders(mutableMapOf(Pair("Authorization", listOf("Bearer token")))).build())
clientSocket.on(Socket.EVENT_CONNECT) {
println("client connected")
clientSocket.on(Socket.EVENT_DISCONNECT) {
println("client disconnected")
fun testPingPong() {
var finished = false
clientSocket.on("pong") {
println("event: ${it[0]}")
val pongTime = (it[0] as String).substring(18, 31).toLong()
assertTrue(System.currentTimeMillis() - pongTime < 1000)
finished = true
while (!finished) Thread.yield()
fun testBasicNotification(){
fun testBoardNotification() {
clientSocket.on("entity_create") {
val event = it[0] as String
println("event: $event")
val eventValue = objectMapper.readValue(event,
val entityValue = eventValue["entity"] as Map<*, *>
assertEquals("BOARD", eventValue["entity_type"])
assertEquals("board name", entityValue["name"])
assertEquals(groupId, entityValue["groupId"])
assertEquals(userId, entityValue["created_by"])
assertEquals(userId, entityValue["last_modified_by"])
val board =, "board name"))
Just to be clear, THE TEST WORKS, the assertions are correct and although it has some random behavior at the end it works.... BUT IT PRINTS A BIG STACK TRACE DUE SOME CRAZY BEHAVIOR
As you can see I'm using a SocketIO client which sends several requests out of my code... some of them get authenticated and some of them throw nullpointerexception on this line
.onSuccess {
AuthorizationContext.set(it) //this line
filterChain.doFilter(request, response)
because it is null, because somehow the mockedApiComponent.authorize() returned null... again which would be impossible on the real component and which shouldn't be happening because the mock clearly states which object to return
I've exhaustively debbuged this code, thinking that somehow junit got two beans of the AuthApi
but the whole execution shows the same object id which matches the mock... and even weirder that the token parameter used on authorize is always the same
can anyone help me?
I've exhaustively debbuged this code, thinking that somehow junit got two beans of the AuthApi but the whole execution shows the same object id which matches the mock... and even weirder that the token parameter used on authorize is always the same
This looks to me disturbing, like some problem with async code at runtime. I would try to do a couple of things:
Check for when the context is null in: AuthorizationContext.set(it) and put some more debug code to know what is happening. Or just debug from there
Use a recover{} block to deal with the NullPointerException and debug from there to see original problem in stack trace
What happens when instead runCatching{} you use mapCatching{}?

Ribbon load balancer with webclient differs from rest template one (not properly balanced)

I've tried to use WebClient with LoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction:
WebClient config:
public WebClient myWebClient(final LoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction lbFunction) {
return WebClient.builder()
Then I've noticed that calls to underlying service are not properly load balanced - there is constant difference of RPS on each instance.
Then I've tried to move back to RestTemplate. And it's working fine.
Config for RestTemplate:
private static final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 18 * DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
private static final int READ_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 18 * DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
public RestTemplate restTemplateSearch(final RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder) {
return restTemplateBuilder
private ClientHttpRequestFactory bufferedClientHttpRequestFactory() {
final SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory = new SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory();
return new BufferingClientHttpRequestFactory(requestFactory);
private ResponseErrorHandler errorHandlerSearch() {
return new DefaultResponseErrorHandler() {
public boolean hasError(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
return response.getStatusCode().is5xxServerError();
Load balancing using WebClient config up to 11:25, then switching back to RestTemplate:
Is there a reason why there is such difference and how I can use WebClient to have same amount of RPS on each instance? Clue might be that older instances are getting more requests than new ones.
I've tried bit of debugging and same (defaults like ZoneAwareLoadBalancer) logic is being called.
I did simple POC and everything works exactly the same with web client and rest template for default configuration.
Rest server code:
internal class RestServerApplication
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
class BeansInitializer : ApplicationContextInitializer<GenericApplicationContext> {
override fun initialize(context: GenericApplicationContext) {
fun serverBeans() = beans {
bean("serverRoutes") {
internal class PingRoutes(private val pingHandler: PingHandler) {
fun router() = router {
GET("/api/ping", pingHandler::ping)
class PingHandler(private val env: Environment) {
fun ping(serverRequest: ServerRequest): Mono<ServerResponse> {
return Mono
.fromCallable {
// sleap added to simulate some work
.flatMap {
In application.yaml add:
context.initializer.classes: com.lbpoc.server.BeansInitializer
Dependencies in gradle:
Rest client code:
internal class RestClientApplication {
fun webClientBuilder(): WebClient.Builder {
return WebClient.builder()
fun restTemplate() = RestTemplateBuilder().build()
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
class BeansInitializer : ApplicationContextInitializer<GenericApplicationContext> {
override fun initialize(context: GenericApplicationContext) {
fun clientBeans() = beans {
bean("clientRoutes") {
internal class PingRoutes(private val pingHandlerWithWebClient: PingHandlerWithWebClient) {
fun router() = org.springframework.web.reactive.function.server.router {
GET("/api/ping", pingHandlerWithWebClient::ping)
class PingHandlerWithWebClient(private val webClientBuilder: WebClient.Builder) {
fun ping(serverRequest: ServerRequest) =
.onErrorReturn(, "Read/write timeout")
.flatMap {
class PingHandlerWithRestTemplate(private val restTemplate: RestTemplate) {
fun ping(serverRequest: ServerRequest) = Mono.fromCallable {
}.flatMap {
In application.yaml add:
context.initializer.classes: com.lbpoc.client.BeansInitializer
name: rest-client-poc-for-load-balancing
logging: DEBUG DEBUG
listOfServers: localhost:8081,localhost:8082
Dependencies in gradle:
You can try it with two or more instances for server and it works exactly the same with web client and rest template.
Ribbon use by default zoneAwareLoadBalancer and if you have only one zone all instances for server will be registered in "unknown" zone.
You might have a problem with keeping connections by web client. Web client reuse the same connection in multiple requests, rest template do not do that. If you have some kind of proxy between your client and server then you might have a problem with reusing connections by web client. To verify it you can modify web client bean like this and run tests:
fun webClientBuilder(): WebClient.Builder {
return WebClient.builder()
.clientConnector(ReactorClientHttpConnector { options ->
.afterNettyContextInit { ctx ->
Of course it's not a good solution for production but doing that you can check if you have a problem with configuration inside your client application or maybe problem is outside, something between your client and server. E.g. if you are using kubernetes and register your services in service discovery using server node IP address then every call to such service will go though kube-proxy load balancer and will be (by default round robin will be used) routed to some pod for that service.
You have to configure Ribbon config to modify the load balancing behavior (please read below).
By default (which you have found yourself) the ZoneAwareLoadBalancer is being used. In the source code for ZoneAwareLoadBalancer we read:
(highlighted by me are some mechanics which could result in the RPS pattern you see):
The key metric used to measure the zone condition is Average Active Requests, which is aggregated per rest client per zone. It is the
total outstanding requests in a zone divided by number of available targeted instances (excluding circuit breaker tripped instances).
This metric is very effective when timeout occurs slowly on a bad zone.
The LoadBalancer will calculate and examine zone stats of all available zones. If the Average Active Requests for any zone has reached a configured threshold, this zone will be dropped from the active server list. In case more than one zone has reached the threshold, the zone with the most active requests per server will be dropped.
Once the the worst zone is dropped, a zone will be chosen among the rest with the probability proportional to its number of instances.
If your traffic is being served by one zone (perhaps the same box?) then you might get into some additionally confusing situations.
Please also note that without using LoadBallancedFilterFunction the average RPS is the same as when you use it (on the graph all lines converge to the median line) after the change, so globally looking both load balancing strategies consume the same amount of available bandwidth but in a different manner.
To modify your Ribbon client settings, try following:
public class RibbonConfig {
IClientConfig ribbonClientConfig;
public IPing ribbonPing (IClientConfig config) {
return new PingUrl();//default is a NoOpPing
public IRule ribbonRule(IClientConfig config) {
return new AvailabilityFilteringRule(); // here override the default ZoneAvoidanceRule
Then don't forget to globally define your Ribbon client config:
#RibbonClient(name = "app", configuration = RibbonConfig.class)
public class App {
Hope this helps!

How to log requests in ktor http client?

I got something like this:
private val client = HttpClient {
install(JsonFeature) {
serializer = GsonSerializer()
and make request like
private fun HttpRequestBuilder.apiUrl(path: String, userId: String? = null) {
header(HttpHeaders.CacheControl, "no-cache")
url {
encodedPath = path
but I need to check request and response body, is there any way to do it? in console/in file?
You can achieve this with the Logging feature.
First add the dependency:
implementation "io.ktor:ktor-client-logging-native:$ktor_version"
Then install the feature:
private val client = HttpClient {
install(Logging) {
logger = Logger.DEFAULT
level = LogLevel.ALL
If you need to have multiple HttpClient instances throughout your application and you want to reuse some of the configuration, then you can create an extension function and add the common logic in there. For example:
fun HttpClientConfig<*>.default() {
install(Logging) {
logger = Logger.DEFAULT
level = LogLevel.ALL
// Add all the common configuration here.
And then initialize your HttpClient like this:
private val client = HttpClient {
I ran into this as well. I switched to using the Ktor OkHttp client as I'm familiar with the logging mechanism there.
Update your pom.xml or to include that client (copy/paste from the Ktor site) and also add the OkHttp Logging Interceptor (again, copy/paste from that site). Current version is 3.12.0.
Now configure the client with
val client = HttpClient(OkHttp) {
engine {
val loggingInterceptor = HttpLoggingInterceptor()
loggingInterceptor.level = Level.BODY
Regardless of which client you use or framework you are on, you can implement your own logger like so:
private val client = HttpClient {
// Other configurations...
install(Logging) {
logger = CustomHttpLogger()
level = LogLevel.BODY
Where CustomHttpLogger is any class that implements the ktor Logger interface, like so:
import io.ktor.client.features.logging.Logger
class CustomHttpLogger(): Logger {
override fun log(message: String) {
Log.d("loggerTag", message) // Or whatever logging system you want here
You can read more about the Logger interface in the documentation here or in the source code here
It looks like we should handle the response in HttpReceivePipeline. We could clone the origin response and use it for logging purpose:
scope.receivePipeline.intercept(HttpReceivePipeline.Before) { response ->
val (loggingContent, responseContent) = response.content.split(scope)
launch {
val callForLog = DelegatedCall(loggingContent, context, scope, shouldClose = false)
The example implementation could be found here:
and would be available in next minor release as a client feature.
btw: we could implement the same scheme for the request.
A custom structured log can be created with the HttpSend plugin
Ktor 2.x:
client.plugin(HttpSend).intercept { request ->
val call = execute(request)
val response = call.response
val durationMillis = response.responseTime.timestamp - response.requestTime.timestamp
Log.i("NETWORK", "[${response.status.value}] ${} ($durationMillis ms)")
Ktor 1.x:
client.config {
install(HttpSend) {
intercept { call, _ ->
val request = call.request
val response = call.response
val durationMillis = response.responseTime.timestamp - response.requestTime.timestamp
Log.i("NETWORK", "[${response.status.value}] ${request.url} ($durationMillis ms)")
Check out Kotlin Logging, it isused by a lot of open source frameworks and takes care of all the prety printing.
You can use it simply like this:
private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger { } { "MYLOGGER INFO" }
logger.warn { "MYLOGGER WARNING" }
logger.error { "MYLOGGER ERROR" }
This will print the messages on the console.