How does kotlin-gradle-plugin use '' property? - kotlin

The official Kotlin documentation states:
Add property to the file at the project root.
I'm trying to understand how kotlin-gradle-plugin handles this property.
Which gradle task uses it?
When running gradle build, I don't see my code being reformatted, even if I format my code badly on purpose.
I went through the Github source code of the plugin but couldn't properly get to understand it.
Thanks for your help.

Kotlin Gradle plugin doesn't use this property, as it's not responsible for reformatting the code. Instead, this property is used by Gradle importer of Kotlin plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.
This facade provides access to Gradle properties defined for the project:
It checks first in case user wants to override this value in the local configuration (this file is usually added to .gitignore for VCS to skip it during it's operations), then in usual
Then the property gets consumed to configure the project here:
Same thing goes for Maven-based projects. These are the only two places the property is used throughout Kotlin repository apart from tests right now.


build.gradle.kts:10:28: Unresolved reference: settings

I have seen examples for using "by settings" delegation in build.gradle.kts scripts, but no matter what I have tried to do, Gradle complains that settings is an unresolved reference. If I change 'settings' to 'project', Gradle is happy. Has the use of 'by settings' been deprecated? I looked in the Gradle 6.4.1 manual and it shows this delegation. I've attached an image showing a simple Spring Boot app generated by Initializr with the only changes being the addition of the file and the delegation in the build.gradle.kts file. I'd really appreciate any hints about this issue... I know that I can use 'extra' properties or finding the property against the project object, but, frankly, this issue has annoyed me to the point that I need to know what is wrong! :P. Thank you for any help...
The project delegate is defined in the class ProjectDelegate. Your build script is evaluated against an instance of KotlinBuildScript which extends Project, so the delegate is available.
However, when settings.gradle is evaluated, projects aren't configured yet, so there's no instance of KotlinBuildScript. Instead, the script is evaluated against an instance of KotlinSettingsScript which extends Settings, which has the settings delegate. I don't think this delegate was ever available to project build scripts.
In both cases the delegate is provided by an extension function, because both Project and Settings are Java files part of the Gradle core API.
I hope that answers your question.

How to include an Intellij gradle project inside another Intellij gradle project?

I have two java projects as Bukkit/Spigot plugins. Both projects are using gradle, private repositories, and one project should inherit from another.
SpigotCore - Contains database management and utility classes. This is the "main" project.
Minigame Framework - Runs minigames. Needs database access and utility class access.
What is the best way to make the Minigame Framework inherit from the SpigotCore project using gradle? I have been unsuccessful in getting Intellij module dependency working. Any and all help is appreciated!
I solved this issue by just compiling the SpigotCore and then including the jar file in my build.gradle file.
Answer used:
Now following the answer above, it shaded the SpigotCore classes into the MinigameFramework. This is not what we want since both projects are Bukkit plugins and will be provided at runtime. So I changed "compile" to "provided" and it works great!
The change:
dependencies {
provided files("somePath/spigotcore.jar")

Gradle project with no project classes but with some buildscript-accessible custom classes?

I am thinking to use Gradle to manipulate with mysql database. It will read some files from filesystem, analyse them and populate database accordingly.
Such project will not produce any project code, because all output will go to database tables. On the other hand, gradle script should access some custom java or groovy classes to facilitate working with source data.
Is this a possible Gradle usage? Where to put gradle-accessible classes then? I don't want to have separate project, producing JAR for this project. I wan't single project, so that Gradle first compiles classes and the utilizes them in the script.
Is this possible?
Gradle is extensible, so you can utilize buildSrc for such scenarios. It works in the following way:
along build.gradle in the project there is buildSrc dir with custom build.gradle
in buildSrc/build.gradle you can define the script dependencies itself, implement plugins and tasks
finally you can apply a plugin from buildSrc to build.gradle.
It's quite handy, since e.g. IntelliJ can import such project and provide code completion for instance.
Another way is to put all the necessary stuff in build.gradle itself.
Such buildSrc project can be compiled to a jar, published and provided as a plugin, or it can be a separate project on github to be downloaded and used to manipulate data. Also, there no need to implement Plugin, you can use static methods e.g. Have a look at the demo.

How to work with gradle wrapper, init script, multi project and best with idea

to sum up the components and environment:
multi-project, typically each gradle project is soley in a seperate git
you don't want to use submodules
gradle init scripts in a seperate config / super repository
using gradle wrapper
for the GUI guy: IntelliJ IDEa with Gradle integratiom -> help
allowed to use gradle idea -> guide
Q: How to elegant marriage these components. How can I define an init script to be used in the wrapper of a single repository without affecting other repositories.
I know:
init scripts are typical in a "GRADLE_HOME" directory
init scripts can be defined per console via -I
(yes, I read the documentation 😅 )
Problems found:
intelliJ doesn't allow to define the -I option in UI
anyone needs to checkout and update a seperate repository if you want to share between projects
the settings.gradle || file seems not to support any option either
(while these are possible answers, they are neither elegant nor fault proof)
the desired solution should be applicable for SINGLE projects, and should not be globally applied to all projects on the same computer
Hidden Questions:
can I include global gradle settings from an URL so noone needs a clone of the meta-repo??
does an URL include do the same as an init script? Or what you can do with initScript what you can't in include?
You can do the following:
Create a custom gradle distribution with the common settings defined in the init script
Configure your projects to use that distribution through the distributionUrl key in the gradle/wrapper/
Use regular gradle build from command line/usual import into intellij - it just works
By the way, there is a gradle plugin for simplifying custom gradle distribution construction
You can use the buildSrc customization - depending on what you need -
where buildSrc/build.gradle takes effect prior configuration phase of your project.
What you should know, that there is a different scope, i.e. buildSrc/build.gradle's allprojects is scoped to any project beneath buildSrc and not your normal projects.
More generally speaking: buildSrc/build.gradle is like what you do normally in buildscript or task declarations in script plugins and you can write clean plugin code without publish it as plugins.
⚠️ Limitations:
you can't take care about plugin resolution - therefor you have to get into your projects settings.gradle
you can't change dependency management for your projects - you still have to do this in your project's buildSrc
for both you can see How can the gradle plugin repository be changed?
you still have to apply (even self buildSrc homed) plugins in your project (what is a good thing if you ask me, because it's more visible / clear what happens)
you can't share this with a second repository - without using git submodules, etc.

Why doesn't my Maven plugin pick up parent properties?

When I make one plugin extend another it normally inherits the properties from the parent. Sometimes it doesn't work though.
When the plugin is loaded up, the properties from the parent are all null
What might I be doing wrong? I package my project as a maven-plugin and it builds ok.
I've seen this myself and it drove me mad until I debugged the Plexus internals. I'm guessing the properties are not inherited when the parent is in another plugin?
If that is the case, the explanation below will help. If it is not, it might be a typo in the Javadoc annotations. Maven will skip any tags it doesn't recognise without warning.
If it's neither of these, can you post a little more detail? perhaps an example of the failing Mojo?
If the parent is in another project, here's the reason why you're having problems.
Maven plugins use Javadoc annotations to define the dependencies, goal declarations, and other configurations (Maven 2.1 introduced proper Java annotations but hardly any plugins use them yet). Once the plugin has been installed/deployed the Javadoc is lost, so any plugin that extends a plugin in another jar won't have access to the plexus-defined properties in the parent.
There is a workaround though. The plugin metadata is output to META-INF/maven/plugin.xml. There is a third-party plugin that reads the information from the parent Mojo's plugin.xml and merges the local plugin metadata with it. Your plugin should then work as normal.