Change properties in manifest.json file on build - vue.js

I have a website with 2 domains like and In my manifest.json file i have set the name to Page 1, but when the website is build and published to and to i want to change the name to be the same as the domain name. But how can i do this in my build step? Today i se Page 1 when i visit
I have tried to change the meta, application-name in my code to get the correct name, but this don't work.
My vue.config
const manifestJSON = require('./public/manifest.json')
module.exports = {
pluginOptions: {
i18n: {
locale: 'en',
fallbackLocale: 'en',
localeDir: 'locales',
enableInSFC: true
runtimeCompiler: true,
pwa: {
themeColor: manifestJSON.theme_color,
name: manifestJSON.short_name,
msTileColor: manifestJSON.background_color,
appleMobileWebAppCapable: 'yes',
appleMobileWebAppStatusBarStyle: 'black',
workboxPluginMode: 'InjectManifest',
workboxOptions: {
swSrc: 'service-worker.js',
exclude: [
This site is build with VueJs and use Netlify as host.

So the manifest file is generated by vue-cli every time you build your app. So you shouldn't be using it to seed the vue-config file.
The one file that you could use the way you have shown here would be your package.json file - but it won't hold the values you are looking for.
Your Vue.config file is where you would enter, manually, the pwa info like theme and background color, etc.
To get back to your initial question, you could create two separate build scripts in your package.json, one for page1 and one for page2, and use environment variables to specify the name you ant to use:
"scripts": {
"page1": "env SITE_NAME='Page 1' npm run prod",
"page2": "env SITE_NAME='Page 2' npm run prod",
Then in your vue.config file, you can use the variable to build your pwa object:
pwa: {
name: process.env.SITE_NAME,
Finally, you can build your apps by calling
npm run page1
Be careful though: every build will overwrite your public folder! Depending on your context, how/when you build each app, you may have to take additional steps to generate two separate output folders.

The easiest way is to use process.argv to get a command line argument.
For example if you command to run the file is:
node file.js
Then using:
node file.js env_variable_str
Will have process.argv[process.argv.length - 1] === "env_variable_str"
In my case the manifest had to change not just the value but also add/remove a key depending on the argument. So I made a template (manifest_template.json) and used a "build helper" to create the correct manifest based on my argument in the public/ folder. Then I chained this command with npm run build and had another chaining command which made the zip folder.
My workflow: create manifest.json in public -> npm run build -> make zip with correct name
Let me know if you want to see the code!


How to add a loader in a Vue/Webpack app to support non JS files used in a dependency of a node module

I have a Vue 2 app that uses Webpack, and I am trying to use in it the node module PSD.js, which in itself utilizes CoffeeScript as part of it's dependencies. When I try to compile i get the error:
Module parse failed: Unexpected character '#' (1:0) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type,
referring to the the file ./node_modules/coffee-script/lib/coffee-script/register.js that PSD.js installed as part of it's dependencies when I did npm install psd.
Any ideas on how to make this work?
I understand I need to tell the Vue app how to handle .coffee files with a loader, but I have tried installing coffee-loader, coffee, set the vue.config.js to:
module.exports = {
publicPath: "./",
configureWebpack: {
target: "node-webkit",
node: false,
module: {
rules: [
// ...
test: /\.coffee$/,
use: [
loader: 'coffee-loader'
lintOnSave: false
yet still nothing works, I get the same error. I feel it is because I am not using CoffeeScript directly but rather a node module that I AM using, psd.js, is the one using it. That is why I cannot set lang="coffee" in the script tag attribute of my Vue module (I am using vanilla JS to run everything).
thnx in advance
I use a boilerplate framework to setup my app, and it initialises the vue/webpack app for me indirectly.
To reproduce, and even though this system is for Adobe plugins, you do not need the Adobe host app to see the issue, do:
npm install -g bombino
Then in a folder of your choosing run:
and fill in these params when asked:
? Name of panel? Hello World
? Use your custom templates or bombino defaults? Bombino
What tooling preset should be used? Vue-CLI
? Which Vue-CLI template should be used? bombino-vue-bare (Absolute minimum)
? Host apps to include: After Effects
? Base CEF Port (between 1024 and 65534) 8666
? Run npm install for you? Yes
then cd into Hello-World and run npm run serve. You should see the app is compiled correctly and is running on some port (8080 or higher if taken).
Now go back to the root folder and install psd.js: npm install psd
then go back into Hello-World and run npm run serve again. This time it will fail to compile with the error I started this question with. Even if you go and install coffee-loader by doing npm install --save coffeescript coffee-loader and change the vue.config.js to be like so:
publicPath: "./",
// Thanks Eric Robinson
configureWebpack: {
target: "node-webkit", // Set the target to node-webkit (
node: false, // Don't set certain Node globals/modules to empty objects (,
module: {
rules: [
// ...
test: /\.coffee$/,
use: [
loader: 'coffee-loader'
lintOnSave: false
or if you do vue use coffee - all of these result in the same error: the compiler/packager doesn't know how to handle the .coffee file (used as a dependency by psd.js).
Thnx again to anyone who has info

Vue Cypress Component Test Runner - location of test files

I've added the Cypress Vue Component Test runner to an existing Vue app and I want all the test files to be in the same directory as the components. However, whatever I put in my cypress.json file seems to be ignored and cypress always wants to look in the default integration folder.
In my cypress.json file I have:
"component": {
"componentFolder": "src",
"testFiles": "**/*.spec.ts",
"testMatch": [
but when I run
npm run cy:run:chrome
I get:
> vue-myapp#0.1.0 cy:run:chrome
> cypress run --browser chrome
Can't run because no spec files were found.
We searched for any files inside of this folder:
You can change the default folder that Cypress looks in for tests using integrationFolder in your cypress.json. This value defaults to cypress/integration.
Even when adding a testFiles field, Cypress will restrict that search to the integrationFolder value.
"integrationFolder": "/path/to/tests/folder",

How to use environment variables with static JS in public folder

I have VueJS app (Vue CLI 3) and additional static JS script in public folder. And I don't understand how I can use .env in this .js.
Let's say I have some specific environment variable, for example MY_URL and my JS file:
const myUrl = process.env.VUE_APP_MY_URL;
And it's not working, because static files from public folder don't processed by webpack as I understand.
Maybe someone knows good solution? Or maybe other solutions\workarounds?
In my case, I put .js to src and add new entry by chainWebpack:
And now webpack build the script as separate file, but injects to index.html with app.js. This is not what I really want.
So, main purpose - build separate static JS file with specific name without hash (for example, myScript.js) which would contain variable from .env (.env.production, .env.development)
Main fact about static files in public folder from docs:
Static assets placed in the public directory will simply be copied and not go through webpack
So, I cannot use .env with static files in public.
I haven't found a perfect solution, but at least 3 acceptable options:
JS file as entry, as Jesse Reza Khorasanee said in comments and gave a link to almost same question
The main idea:
configure vue.config.js for an additional entry and force webpack to process my file.
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
entry: {
public: "./public/main.js"
output: {
filename: "[name]/[name].main.js"
This solution would work with certain features:
at least two entry points: main entry for my SPA (main.js) and additional entry just for my static JS.
It's not good, because processed JS would contain a link to vendors.js chunk as one of the entries. But I need JS file processed by webpack only.
same output.filename and hash in filename with clear config (it's not work, because I use this script as 3rd party JS and load by static name), or different output.filename for my JS file but with dirty config:
configureWebpack: config => {
config.output.filename = (pathData) => {
return === 'myScript'
? '[name].js' : '[name].[hash].js';
If I leave my JS in public folder I get two files after build: one in default js folder with other static assets and another in root folder near main.js
Multi-Page Application (configuration for Vue multi-page mode)
module.exports = {
pages: {
index: {
// entry for the page
entry: 'src/index/main.js',
chunks: ['chunk-vendors', 'chunk-common', 'index']
// when using the entry-only string format,
// template is inferred to be `public/myScript.html`
// and falls back to `public/index.html` if not found.
// Output filename is inferred to be `myScript.html`.
myScript: 'src/myScript.js'
This solution would work almost like the first solution and I get a clear config file. But still I have problem with vendors.js seems like pages option work directly with html-webpack-plugin and I can config chunks which would load with my page, and I tried different ways to setup this option but without success. Vendors is still part of myScript entry.
Build JS file as library
I chose this solution in my case. Because it's clear and short.
I put additional script to my package.json: vue-cli-service build --no-clean --target lib --name paysendPaymentLibrary src/payment.js and change main build script.
Final version of package.json:
"scripts": {
"build": "vue-cli-service build && npm run build-library",
"build-library": "vue-cli-service build --no-clean --target lib --name myScriptLibrary src/myScript.js"
After run npm run build I get static files for SPA and three files for my script:
For 3rd party site I use myScriptLibrary.umd.js file.
If you choose this solution be careful when you build your application, because:
in Windows vue-cli-service build & npm run build-library scripts would run sequentially, but in Unix it runs in parallel. It can cause deletion of your SPA files. So be sure to use && instead of & (see discussions about environments and parallel\sequential script running)
size of processed files would be bigger than raw static JS. For example, in my case raw file size: 4 KiB, after build: 15.44 KiB, gzipped: 5.78 KiB.

how to override vue cli-service entry settings

I'm trying to integrate a vue project that I built with the vue cli into an existing .net app. I'm very new to vue, so I'm trying to follow guides and such, but am left with lots of questions.
While trying to compile this, I found that the vue cli-service node module has the following for setting the main.js file located in it's base.js file.
.filename(isLegacyBundle ? '[name]-legacy.js' : '[name].js')
I need to override this since my .net app doesn't have a src directory and the usage of this vue app won't follow that path structure. I'm not seeing a way to do it in my vue.config.js file. I would expect that if I can override it, that would be the spot.
I could overwrite the base.js file where this exists, but when a co-worker runs npm install, they would get the default value rather than what I have. The only option I see there is checking in all the node modules to git which we really don't want to do.
For anyone in a similar situation, I found what worked for me. It's not the ideal solution due to the fact that it forces you to build into a js folder. That resulted in the file being put in Scripts\build\vue\js. Would be nice to be able to just dump it in the vue folder, but at least this works. Code below.
module.exports = {
publicPath : "/",
outputDir: "Scripts/build/vue", //where to put the files
// Modify Webpack config
chainWebpack: config => {
// Not naming bundle 'app'
config.entryPoints.delete('app'); //removes what base.js added
// Overriding webpack config
configureWebpack: {
// Naming bundle 'bundleName'
entry: {
quote: './Scripts/Quote/index.js' //where to get the main vue app js file
optimization: {
splitChunks: false
filenameHashing: false,
pages: {
quoteApp: { //by using pages, it allowed me to name the output file quoteApp.js
entry: './Scripts/Quote/index.js',
filename: 'index.html'

vue-cli-service build: validationError for new workbox-webpack-plugin options

With the following vue.config.js:
module.exports = {
pwa: {
name: 'My App',
workboxPluginMode: 'InjectManifest',
workboxOptions: {
swSrc: 'src/sw.js', //and I use "sw.js" in my registerServiceWorker.js file
skipWaiting: true,
clientsClaim: true,
The validation errors during build are that 'skipWaiting' and 'clientsClaim' are not supported parameters. Why? swSrc is from the same list of options listed here and the build doesn't complain about that option. When I remove these two options, the build works.
So I guess my question is:
skipWaiting, clientsClaim are "not a supported parameter" of what? Of webpack? of the PWA plugin? Of the workbox-webpack plugin? Where can I find the correct set of options? Thanks.
UPDATE: I do not have a .env file setting the NODE-ENV. However npm run build which I guess builds production assets works only if I remove the 2 options. The removed options in dev (npm run serve) yields NO service worker file.
You are using workbox plugin in InjectManifest mode, but pass parameters for GenerateSW.
InjectManifest mode expects an existing service-worker file to be injected and it's path defined in swSrc, while GenerateSW will create service-worker file, thus accepts different set of options (e.g. swDest, etc)
All options for each of modes can be found on the same documentation page of workbox-webpack-plugin you've posted in corresponding sections.