Power Apps - OAUTH 2 Authentication with Azure Active Directory - authentication

I have an API that implements OAUTH Azure Active Directory Authentication. To achieve this, I created 2 App Registrations: Client and Backend.
I successfully implemented a Logic App able to call the API, so I am sure the authentication flow works.
Now, I need to call the same API from Power Apps, but unfortunately I got an error.
First, I create a Custom Connector
Then, I configure the Security section in this way:
Client ID: it's the ID of the Client App Registration
Client Secret: it's the secret of the Client App Registration
Login Url: login Url from Microsoft
Tenant Id: it's the Tenant Id of App Registrations
Resource URL: I don't know what to put here, I tried by using the ID of the Backend App Registration
Scope: It's not mandatory, but I tried to set the Application ID URI of the Backend App Registration concatenated to /.default.
When I try to create a Connection at the end of the wizard
I get this error
AADSTS650052: The app needs access to a service ("http://rts.powerapps.com") that your organization "a467080d-9919-4241-a48f-8b0002685a59" has not subscribed to or enabled. Contact your IT Admin to review the configuration of your service subscriptions.
My Client App Registration has the following API Permissions
Following #ChauncyZhou's suggestion and adding the Redirect URL generated by the Custom Connector to Client App Registration, I completed Custom Connector and Connection creation process.
When I test the API I get a 401 error:
The audience '97e**********************9c9' is invalid
Where 97e**********************9c9 is the Backend App Registration id. Did I make some mistake when I configured the Custom Connector? API works fine with Postman and Logic App.

When you call the same API from Power Apps, you don't need to add
Powerapps Runtime Service permission.Because you are calling your own api,Not calling the Common Data service api.
Because you add this permission, but your organization has not subscribed to or enabled, so it causes an error.So for your question, you just need to remove PowerApps Runtime Service permissions.


Custom Authentication Service in Kong API Gateway

We are currently analyzing the API gateway for our microservices and Kong is one of the possible candidate. We discovered that Kong support several plugins for authentication but the all based on users stored in Kong database itself. We need to delegate this responsibility to our custom auth HTTP service and don't want to add these users in API gateway database.
It's possible to do this with some code around, instead of using the OpenID connect plugin; in effect you need to implement an Authorization Server which talks to Kong via the Admin (8001) port and authorizes the use of an API with externally given User Ids.
In short, it goes as follows (here for the Authorization Code grant):
Instead of asking Kong directly for tokens, hit the Authorization Server with a request to get a token for a specific API (either hard coded or parameterized, depending on what you need), and include the client ID of the application which needs access in the call (you implement the /authorize end point in fact)
The Authorization Server now needs to authenticate with whatever IdP you need, so that you have the authenticated user inside your Authorization Server
Now get the provision code for your API via the Kong Admin API, and hit the /oauth2/authorize end point of your Kong Gateway (port 8443), including the provision key; note that you may need to look up the client secret for the application client id also via the Admin API to make this work
Include client id, client secret, authenticated user id (from your custom IdP) and optinally scope in the POST to /oauth2/authorize; these values will be added to backend calls to your API using the access token the application can now claim using the authorization code
Kong will give you an Authorization Code back, which you pass back to the application via an 302 redirect (you will need to read the OAuth2 spec for this)
The application uses its client and secret, with the authorization code, to get the access token (and refresh token) from Kong's port 8443, URL /oauth2/token.
It sounds more involved than it is in the end. I did this for wicked.haufe.io, which is based on Kong and node.js, and adds an open source developer portal to Kong. There's a lot of code in the following two projects which show what can be done to integrate with any IdP:
We're currently investigating to see whether we can also add a default authorization server to wicked, but right now you'd have to roll/fork your own.
Maybe this helps, Martin
Check out Kong's OpenID Connect plugin getkong.org/plugins/openid-connect-rp - it connects to external identity and auth systems.

Getting logged in user from web api

I have a web app front end and web api back end both written in ASP .Net Core 1.1 MVC. I am using Auth0 as the authentication server, using the "authorization code grant flow".
So the user logs in - i.e. the user gets directed to Auth0's login screen, which, if the username and password were correct, sends the web app back an authorization code, which the web app then exchanges for an access token, which is then used for all web api calls.
Then, the user clicks on a link which makes the web app call upon a web api action. My question is, how can the web api know which user is making the request? Or maybe at the point the user successfully logs in, the web app should call upon a controller in the web api and tell it which user just logged in? Not sure what the best practice is...
Thank you
I will answer in terms of OAuth 2.0 specification.
Specification determines 4 roles:
Resource owner
Resource server
Authorization Server
In your context:
Resource owner is end-user.
Resource server is your Web API.
Client is your web application.
Authorization Server is Auth0.
Follow steps:
Your Web API should be registered on Authorization Server
Your Web API should be responsible to validate access tokens that
are used for requesting API. This access tokens contains info about
end-user/client (https://auth0.com/docs/api-auth/tutorials/verify-access-token).
You should include Web API scope in authorization request.
You should get access token in your web application and include it in HTTP request to Web API.

How to access UserInfo object in client app after authenticating with OpenId Connect provider

I'm very new to OAuth and OpenId Connect, I've been reading all I can about it but still not understanding it completely. I'm working with a client web app that has the ability to authenticate with OpenId Connect with just some simple configuration settings such as the identity provider url, client id, client secret, config endpoint etc. I set that up and I'm using an identity server that has been made available to use for this purpose. The problem I'm running into is that the client web app is mostly locked down, I don't have access to the source. I can only make some HTML and Javascript customizations via an admin interface, but I will need to get at some custom data that should be part of the profile JSON coming back from the UserInfo endpoint so I can take some action with it. Should I expect that the UserInfo profile JSON and/or the token needed to call the UserInfo endpoint be available in a browser cookie or somewhere that I can access it using Javascript? I've poked around using the F12 debugger and Fiddler but don't see what I need. Is this even possible without having access to the server-side code in the client web app?

Connect to Azure to create an Application registration

I'm trying to write a C# console app that will register an application in Azure Active Directory. It should work just as the web application project creation wizard in VS 2013 when you Change Authentication and select Organizational Accounts in Azure.
Following the fiddler trace, I can see that it authenticates the user using wsfederation and an oauth2 token and then uses the graph.windows.net graph api to configuration the AAD directoryObjects service principal and application.
I have tried to use the sample Graph API app, but it requires the app be registered first so that I have the clientId (application id) and password (key) to send in the Acquire Token request using the Windows Azure AD Authentication Library for .NET.
I've tried using a bunch of the different Azure APIs but they all have my chicken and egg problem, I want to use an unregistered client application to register an application in AAD. I need to avoid Configuring Application Authentication and Authorization for the Graph API so that the user has no manual steps.
Does anyone know how Visual Studio does it, using just the user login with browser prompt or if there is a standard application id and password that can be used to access the graph API, like there is the standard login URL, https://login.windows.net/common? Some C# samples would be greatly appreciated.
This post does the Application creation, but requires a clientId and password, which I don't think I have.
You can't register a new application using the Graph API from an unregistered client. The only reason the VS2013 flow works is because VS2013 is already registered in a special way within Azure AD -- it's a first party application and has unique permissions. In my Fiddler trace, VS2013 uses a client ID of 872cd9fa-d31f-45e0-9eab-6e460a02d1f1. Technically you can use this client ID and the redirect URI of VS2013 to initiate sign-on with Azure AD. This still involves user interaction (the user has to authenticate via browser pop-up) so it doesn't meet your requirement for "no manual steps," but it's somewhat helpful for understanding the protocol flows and how registration works.
The bottom line is that if you want to call the Graph API without user interaction (client credential flow), the client needs to be registered with the proper application permissions.

Pass Azure ACS issued token to PhoneGap client

I have a combination Web API and MVC application that is secured using Azure ACS, Windows Identity and passive redirects. This works well. Now I am adding a mobile application using PhoneGap that makes calls to the existing application's API. I having trouble figuring out how to implement authentication on the mobile client. I've got it mostly working, but I can't get the token to client due to the Return URL setting in ACS. The scenario is:
Mobile client sends get request to API
API responds with 401 if user is unauthorized
Client redirects to ACS login page and user authenticates
Token is sent to the Return URL which is the application running on a web server
For example, if I'm running the client app on localhost:63327, the token is sent to localhost:58392 because that's what is set as the return URL in the ACS configuration.
How do I get the token to my mobile client?
I see that people did not really understood your question.
This solution might work.
In a nutshell, is to add a new protocol to get the authentication token from the server to the app client.
PG App calls a web method registering a request to Auth:
POST BeginGethAuthToken
id = pickup Guid
pswd = pickup Password
BeginGetAuthToken can be a web method in your login page.
Server associates the pickup guid with the pickup password
PG Apps start the authentication flow by opening the log-in page using the InAppBroser
mywebapp.com/AppLogin.aspx?id={pickup guid}
The pickup guid is set as a cookie for your webapp domain.
User completes the authentication using the InAppBrowser.
AppLogin.aspx on successful authentication associates the pickup guid with the authentication tokens and ask the user to close the browser to go back to the app
the PG App picks up the authentication token by providing the pickup password.
note that for security the server needs to add expiration policies of pickup guids such that only one app can use a guid at a time and restart the process in case of collisions.
You effectively need to pre-authenticate your client. See http://blog.siliconvalve.com/2013/06/25/protect-your-asp-net-web-api-using-azure-acs-service-identities/