Angular update parent data from child component - angular10

Yes, this old chestnut.
I'm making an editor for a large object tree, and it seemed sensible to make components for each of the property types at a vertex in the tree in order to remove clutter from the main component. However, this has created the problem that the main JSON object isn't being updated beause the editor is implemented in child components (#Input).
Using #Output and EventEmitter seems infeasible because:
how on earth do you get a component to call the emitter very time a change is made to the data it's editing, and
it seems really stupid to have to write an update function to handle the event because the UI should be just automatically bound to the JSON object it's editing -- that's the point of this observable malarkey.
The only solution I can think of is to not use components and just wirte a massive monolithic editor.
Is there a better way?

The way you describe is pretty standard. An alternative though would be to use a template # variable to access your child properties.
<hello #childcomponent name="{{ name }}"></hello>
{{ }} - Parent component
You can use this to access your child component through the typescript as well.
#ViewChild('childcomponent') childcomponent;


Vue - Is it better to keep all props in one large mixin

I have a component library where i would like to standardize the props, component etc.
Thoughts on combining them props/methods/other mixins/etx into one larger mixin
All property names would be the same
Remove duplicated code on refactoring to adjust components from local props/methods/computed/ to "global"
Not all components would have need for every piece of data contained within the mixin - point 4
Would tree shaking remove the unused code on Rollup?
Is this a good idea?
If your component library is not constrained to using Vue 2 you might want to take a look at Vue Composition API to share functionality (methods + reactive state) between different components.
Mixins might not be what you really want to be using because you kind of lose information as to what features/props/methods really will be put inside your component without re-checking the mixin code. You also might run into issues when component options get merged by Vue at runtime. Check out these posts for more information:
As for sharing props: What I've seen just yesterday (but not yet tried!) in a talk by John Leider - creator of Vuetify - is create a function that returns the props you want to reuse between components. Then you just call said function inside your props definition and use the spread operator.

Vue.js two way binding using a custom type

I thought that two way data flow was not just discouraged but impossible between parent and child components in Vue.js. However I've discovered it's actually possible using a custom class as a prop.
Custom class:
class MyClass {
constructor(val) {
this.val = val;
Parent template:
<child :obj="obj"></child>
Child props:
props: {
obj: MyClass
Child template:
<button #click='obj.val="changed"'>Change val</button>
Here is a working example:
So now I'm wondering why this is possible - is it deliberately allowed or is it a loophole that should not be exploited??
I found the answer in Vue.js documentation on the "one way data flow" ( They specify the following caveat:
Note that objects and arrays in JavaScript are passed by reference, so
if the prop is an array or object, mutating the object or array itself
inside the child component will affect parent state.
So one way data flow is not strictly enforced and there is no error or warning in this case. This is a loophole - (which is best avoided).
You're able to modify the object because object references are values in Javascript - which makes objects act like they are passed by reference.
In other words:
Javascript always passes by value, but for arrays and objects the value is a reference to the object.
It's allowed because the alternative is copying the whole object (which could include nested objects and is not really practical).
Also, this is an opinion, but you should not do this.
I do not see a downside of using it, more than loosing the track where the object is modified in a very nested child components. I will play around a bit more with your codepen, I also wanna know why it is possible, and Avoid mutating a prop directly error is not raised.
you can use Vue's $emit feature to communicate between child/parent, more examples here :

Default-expand-all doesn't work for q-tree? Vue.Js

I have to code a web application and the most important element is the q-tree. I'm already able to load and show data (passing an array called list), but I want that all nodes are expanded.
The vue.js examples of the official documentation show that you're be able to do this with the 'default-expand-all' attribute but this isn't working for me.
It only shows me the root node with an arrow, where I have to expand the children nodes manually.
Taking a cue from the accepted answer, I realised that the dom has already been created with the tree component on first render.
In my use case, I want to update the Tree when data comes back from the server.
So, I had to force it to re-render with the expanded functionality using:
this.$nextTick(function () {
The nextTick function will update the dom in the next window of execution, by which time the nodes will get expanded by calling the expandAll function.
And NB: For those confused by the astericks on the ref attribute or how to add it to the component, here goes:
<q-tree :nodes="list"
Solved my problem as following:
I have added a ref attribute to the QTree DOM Element which makes it possible to access predefined methods of QTree API.
The function I have been using is expandAll().
updated() {
The most important thing for me was, I had to find out which lifecycle hook was the right one for me. The update() hook was the one I was looking for.
The reason:
Called after a data change causes the virtual DOM to be re-rendered and
The component’s DOM will have been updated when this hook is called, so you
can perform DOM-dependent operations here.
The default-expand-all is only applied on the first rendering of that Component.
So if your Component renders when the nodes aren't assigned they wont expand if assigned afterwards.
You have to work with scoped slots and an expanded attribute if you dont have the nodes on first rendering.

Does $destroy function removes the Vue Custom component from cache

I construct deep nested tree of parent and children Vue custom components using my top level component dynamically and then I am updating the data from which all tree is constructed. Which has an effect of rendering the entire tree (its a form with various custom components). I refresh/rebuild the whole form after fetching the data (which is what vue do for reactive data) that itself tell me how to regenerate the view (its like a JSON Schema from which I render the entire view).
This is related to my other issue here.
I am observing a very weird behavior in my Vue Application. When I destroy all my children components and rebuild the data to force rendering the form, it appears that even after I have called $destroy on every child component...Vue is not entirely removing them from cache?
Does vue remove the component from cache if a $destroy is called ?
Because I do not see multiple components of the same type in the Vue component list in the Chrome Vue DevTool extension panel. But I see that the same custom event is handled twice by the same component. Same function that handle the events is getting called twice even though there is only one component visible in Vue DevTools of this type.
This only happens after I render the form. When the page is loaded for the first time every thing works. Then after I reset the form by destroying the child component and resetting the data to re-render the form, magically this child component start handling the event twice.. and in 3rd render it handle the events thrice. But I see only one component in google chrome VueJS DevTool extension panel. So my guess is that vue is still keeping the previously destroyed component in cache. I am trying to figure out how should I destroy those components in the cache.
If anyone has observed something similar and found a solution please let me know.
At the moment I am going to dig little bit more on my component keys (this particular component does not have explicit key set by me).
First and foremost, the vue documentation states:
In normal use cases you shouldn’t have to call this method yourself.
Prefer controlling the lifecycle of child components in a data-driven
fashion using v-if and v-for.
So instead of destroying and rebuilding the components manually yourself, you should really letting vue handle that via v-if and v-for. If the components aren't updating to your changes, you might be dealing with a reactivity issue.
As you mentioned that this is a deeply nested structure, the reactivity is key to keeping the components up to data with the data.
Vue does not allow dynamically adding new root-level reactive properties to an already created instance. However, it’s possible to add reactive properties to a nested object using the Vue.set(object, key, value) method:
Vue.set(vm.someObject, 'b', 2)
Inside of a component:
this.$set(this.someObject, 'b', 2)
Also, keep in mind that Vue should be doing the heavy lifting in regards to component management, while you should define the parameters by which a component is rendered.

Vue.js 2.0 - creating reusable components

I am trying to create fully reusable component using Vue.js 2 and single file components, and right now my approach seems to be impossible to realize.
The goal is to create component for creating forms for a complex, nested JSON structure. This structure is supposed to be edited and then sent to the server. The component itself displays a header and submit button but the fields along with their placing is entirely the responsibility of the user of my component. (front-end engineer)
The MyForm component (implementation is not relevant here) is passed the JSON data and url to post them to.
The form is supposed to be reusable by many other users and the contents of the form itself is supposed to be not relevant. It may have a mix of html/inputs/custom components as children.
Let's imagine a simple scenario without data nesting with the following data:
var mymodel={ name : "My name", surname : "My surname" }
And a form i would like to create using my component:
<MyForm :model="mymodel" :url="http://localhost/post">
<MyTextInput v-model="" label="Name"/>
<MyTextInput v-model="model.surname" label="Surname"/>
MyForm gets passed a model to submit, stores it in data
MyTextInput is a custom component for displaying input with label
Second MyTextInput is the same component but created in another component contained called 'MyPanel' since this field needs to be placed differently.
As we can see there are many problems with passing variables and composition itself:
If i put a <slot></slot> in the tempplate of MyForm for displaying the fields it would be compiled in parent scope, therefore all children (including MyTextField) would not have access to the "model"
If i try to use <MyForm inline-template> i cannot automatically display the form header and footer since all content is being replaced. Additionally when using single file components the compiler will look for all components inside the inline-template which means that i would have to import MyTextInput and MyPanel into MyForm which is not practical. I do not know in advance all components that will never end up in my form!
Passing variables:
If i use the variables directly from "model" (in first TextInput) i receive warning that i am modifying a variable from parent and it will be overwritten on next render (but in this case it will not be overwritten since i am INTENTIONALLY modifying the parent)
I cannot pass the model into second MyTextInput without passing it to MyPanel first. Actually i would have to pass it into EVERY custom component in between. And i do not know in advance how many custom components will there be. Which means that i would have to modify the code of every component that would ever be put into MyForm and require users to pass the data for each custom component they include.
If i would try to properly inform the parent about changes i would need to add v-on: event to every textinput and every custom component in between in order for the event to reach MyForm.
As i have said the component was supposed to be simple and easilly reusable. Requiring users of this component to modify code of every child they put into it and requiring them to add v-on: to every component inside does not seem practical.
Is my idea solvable using Vue.js 2.0 ? I have designed the same component before for AngularJS (1.5) and it was working fine and did not require to add modifications to each child of the form.
I've been using a ui framework based on vue 2.0 and you may get some ideas from its implementation. Based on its implementaion and my little experience with it, I think it's the person who uses your framework's responsibility to assemble the form-model. Also, for a form, we can always easily get all the data to be sent by using fields' value props without v-model's help.
The framework's doc on form element may also be helpful but it's currently only available in Chinese except for the code samples.
I suggest you to use Form Input Components using Custom Events to pass variables in your form.
Mutating a prop locally is now considered an anti-pattern, e.g.
declaring a prop a and then set this.a = someOtherValue in the
component. Due to the new rendering mechanism, whenever the parent
component re-renders, the child component's local changes will be
overwritten. In general, in 2.0 you should treat props as immutable.
Most use cases of mutating a prop can be replaced by either a data
property or a computed property.