Send Query Parameters to Actor through path -

I would like to use the path of an Actor as a dynamic webhook, something like:
Is it possible to pass parameters to an actor reference based on the path?
Somehow querying for actor foo://, would return foo:// with some ?name=ferret#nose context.
If this is not possible, is there a way to achieve the same result?

Unfortunately, it's not possible. Akka uses URI formatting to describe actors hierarchy and to locate them, but it's not customizable by programmers in any way beside choosing names for actor system and its actors.


REST API Design: Can I use parameters to change the response structure?

I am trying to design a REST API that will return detailed information about an identifier that I pass in. For the sake of an example, I am passing in an identifier and returning information about a specific vehicle. The problem that I am facing is that there are many different kinds of vehicles, each with different unique properties. I am wondering if there is a way so that I can only return the relevant details with the REST API.
Currently I plan on having one endpoint /vehicles and passing in the identifier as a parameter.
My current request will consist of something like this GET /vehicles?id=123456
My current response structure will be something like this:
"vehicleDetails" : {
"color": "someColor",
"make: "someMake",
"model: "someModel",
"year: "someYear",
"carDetails": {
// some unique car fields
"motorcycleDetails" : {
// some unique motorcycle fields
"boatDetails" : {
// some unique boat fields
As you can see, there are some fields that are common to all vehicle types, but there are also fields that are unique to a certain type of vehicle, for example boatDetails. As far as I understand, I will have to return the entire resource which will have many empty fields. For example, when I request information about a car, I will still have boat and motorcycle details returned as part of the JSON response, even though they will all be empty. My concern with this is that the response payloads will be rather large when only a small subset of the fields will actually be used by the consumer. Would it make sense to add another parameter to filter the fields that come back? Something like /vehicles?id=123456&type=Car? Then in my code I could manipulate the response structure based on the type parameter? I feel that this violates REST best practices. Any advice into how I could change the design of my API would be appreciated.
Note: I cannot use GraphQL for this and would appreciate input about how I can improve this REST API design
Sure,query parameters (as well as matrix and path parameters) are fine from a REST standpoint. You'll end up with a unique URI that identifies a resource. Responses will be cacheable regardles what type of parameters you use. It is though questionable whether exposing the parameter as query parameter has any advantages over exposing it directly as path paramter, i.e. /vehicles/12345 in that case.
What IMO is more important than the actual form of the URI is the representation format you return. The proposed response format bears the potential of being treated as typed resource instead of utilizing a general, multi-purpose format and propper content-type negotiation. Think of HTML i.e. it defines the syntax and semantics of certain hyper-media controls you can use and any arbitrary Web client will be able to present it and operate on the response format. With custom formats, however, you will miss out on that feature.
If you only have one client, that moreover is under your control, the additional overhead you need to put in is probably not worth aiming for a REST environment in general, as it is easier to change the client once the server stuff changed. Though if you aim for a long-living environment that may be utilized by clients not under your control, this is for sure a thing to consider.
Can I use parameters to change the response structure?
Notice that -- even though the URI says JPEG, the server is actually returning a text/html document, and the browser knows that from the Content-Type header in the HTTP response.
Identifiers are semantically opaque, in the same way that variable names are. We tend to choose spellings that make things easy for humans, but the machines don't care what spelling conventions we use.
So there's no constraint that says that /vehicles?id=1 and /vehicles?id=2 have to have the same "structure".
So you could have application/prs.rbanders-car, application/prs.rbanders-boat and application/prs.rbanders-rocketship, each with its own specific processing rules.
More likely, though, you'll want to piggyback on some other more common representation; so it's common to see a structured syntax suffix: application/prs.rbanders-car+json`, etc. Effectively, you are promising a json document, but with a more specific schema.
Of course, there's nothing stopping you from creating a application/prs.rbanders-vehicle+json schema, and then describing some fields as optional that will only appear if some condition is met.
Different options, different trade offs.
I feel that this violates REST best practices.
Not really - the important ideas are to handle metadata in a standard way (so that general purpose components can understand what is going on) and to use common formats where it makes sense to do so (to leverage the libraries that are already available).

CQRS - options around "get or create"

I'm putting something together using a CQRS pattern (no event sourcing, nor DDD, but a clear difference between command and query).
The operation I'm trying to model is a "get-or-create", given a set of parameters. The item being created (or gotten) is effectively a unique communications link ID. Either of two parties can say "get-or-create comms link between me and the other" and a new temporary random ID is returned (which would be valid between them both). They can then send/receive messages using that ID (a PostMessage command or GetRecentMessages query). This temporary ID can be passed around, but can also be centrally invalidated, controlled, etc. Different sessions between the two parties should be recorded separately.
I know that the more typical "insert-then-get-me-the-ID-back" is handled by the command having a GUID parameter. But this doesn't seem to apply here because of course the item might already exist..
My options, I believe:
Execute a GetOrCreateCommsLink command followed by a GetActiveCommsLinkId query, i.e. command, then query. Feels wrong because commands are supposedly typically asynchronous (though not in my simple prototype so far), and is it right to wait for a command then run a query in my service layer?
Run a GetExistingOrNewActiveCommsLinkId query, which will either return an existing session ID, or create and return one. Feels wrong because it's a dirty cheat, both reading and mutating state in a query..
Don't use CQRS for this part of the app
Have each client use their own ID for the session - NotifyCommsLinkIdentifier command from each side specifies the parameters and their own ID, which is linked internally to the actual ID by the command. Then run a GetUnderlyingCommsLinkId query, given the identifier previously specified, to uncover the ID if needed. Feels wrong to because inventing this extra concept seems to be only because of the CQRS pattern, rather than any actual domain/business need
I suppose my question in general is how to deal with potential get-then-act, or act-then-get scenarios. Should I simply chain them together in my service layer, as per option 1.
Is there a standard approach, or standard approaches, to this?
So you are talking about CQS, not CQRS. Basically you are trying to find workarounds in order to strictly implement CQS pattern for something that naturally may not really be an asynchronous command.
My advice is: don't try to apply a pattern because of the pattern, but because it makes sense. Does it make sense in your case? What would be the benefit? Remember that you are not Amazon. Do you really need it?
That said, what I typically do is not the purist way, but allowing a command to return a simple ID if it's needed. This will make your architecture a lot more simple; and you still separate commands from queries which to me is the most important advantage.

Where to put a method dealing with a relation between two classes?

In my application I have products traveling between stations in a production line. Every pass of the product at a station a result is recorded: success of failure.
The relationship between products and stations is many to many.
If I were programming in a procedural language I would have the following function:
get_last_pass_result($station_id, $product_id) {...}
That returns the result of the last time this particular product passed on this particular station.
Now how would you model this logic in OOP terms?
I would definitely have class station, and class product.
But should I do (php syntax):
The situation seems symmetric and I wonder what considerations exist do decide between the two (or maybe even some third solution?)
I can't provide here all the existing information about the domain, but feel free to include considerations like: if [an assumption about the domain] then [your design solution], if it feels appropriate
My take, but based on DDD principles, so I don't know it this suits your needs, but anyway...
So you have a Station, and a Product. I would say that they are both entities that can have references to each other, but the logic you are talking about encompasses these entities and could probably be put in a domain service like ProductPassingService with an operation like GetLastPassFor(product, station).
This domain service would have the responsibility to use the underlying domain entities Station and Product (and repositories to query them) and execute the logic that does not belong either to Station and Product. It keeps the entities Station and Product clean of too much responsibility.
Also, domain entities should not use repositories (DDD - the rule that Entities can't access Repositories directly) so this logic belongs in a domain service.
It is not completely clear to me whether the Product represents a type of a product (e.g. a chair) or an individual instance of produce (e.g. chair-001, chair-002). From your example it seem like latter is the case, so I will use that, otherwise get_last_pass_result doesn't make much sense.
I believe that I would introduce a Path type (without knowing lot about the domain, though). Now, depending on other use cases, this might be an aggregate root (in DDD lingo) or not.
This means that it would be accessible via Product instance or directly from DB/repository/whatever. With path instance, I can do simply:
var path = product.GetPath(); // if it is accessible only via product
var path = Path.GetPathForProduct(product); // or pathRepository.GetPathFor(), or ...
var result = path.LastResult;
This approach decouples the factory process from the product itself, and enables some other scenarios (e.g. find average duration, etc...)
As always - it depends on how you'd use it.
But there is a nice "how it works" sample on Discovery channel - an automobile factory. During the journey trough conveyor, an automobile receives more and more additional parts. Each automobile has a kind of job schedule attached - a list of jobs to be done in order to complete the task. While it moves through the line, persons responsible for a job make marks about job completion. So when a defect is found - you know the source for sure.
So, going back to a procedural approach. First, it's more natural to use structure+procedure approach instead of pure oop. But it's up to you, of course.
Second - I'd suggest to separate 'product' from a 'production line log' object, which is in one-to-one relationships with a product, but is not probably necessary for it after the product is released. 'Production line log' stores events related to an object processing by stations. Moreover, you can use it as a schedule, i.e. include instructions how a particular product should be processed (as automobiles to include or not certain features like conditioner or fog lights). And 'planned' action should be marked as 'complete' by a worker.
In nowadays terms it can be also expressed in 'event sourcing' terms: during the movement, product modifications are written into a log; so a product can be re-constructed by replaying modification events one-by-one.
I would suggest to put it in the product. My concern is that the number of product is big, but the stations should be fixed, and it would be natural to record specific product's state in the object of that product. For the station, it may only need to record some statistics.

Using Documentum DQL to get contents of all users' worklows

I know almost nothing about Documentum, so there are probably omissions in the information you need to answer my questions. But I'm going to try, anyway...
We use Documentum (obviously). Within Documentum, users can create workflows. These workflows contain ordered lists of services that are used to process data. So, we may have ServiceA, ServiceB, ServiceC, ServiceD, and ServiceE, and a user can create a workflow that says to process the data using, in order: ServiceC, ServiceA, and ServiceB. Another user's list might be: ServiceA, ServiceD, ServiceE.
I've been asked to find a way to get a list containing the id/name of each user, the user's workflow id (name?), and items within the workflow. From what I've read here on StackOverflow and elsewhere, it looks like this is possible via DQL.
And, if I have the DQL, it turns out that this will be simple to do using interfaces we've already built. If it's too complex, I'll need to write Java and use the API. I'd prefer the DQL.. :-)
So, can someone here provide me with a pointer to a reference on DQL, and perhaps some pointers on what to look at/for?
Maybe you need more than one DQL-Query. However, I would strongly recommend writing some DFC code and iterating over the results.
I would suggest to have a look in the Documentum Content Server Object Reference to find out more about the attributes of type dm_workflow (and, of course, related types like dmi_workitem, dmc_workqueue, etc.).
These types should provide the information you are looking for and where you might start best.

In Symfony2, should I use an Entity or a custom Repository

I am creating a new web app and would like some help on design plans.
I have "store" objects, and each one has a number of "message" objects. I want to show a store page that shows this store's messages. Using Doctrine, I have mapped OneToMany using
However, I want to show messages in reverse chronological order. So I added a:
* #ORM\OrderBy({"whenCreated" = "DESC"})
Still I am calling the "store" object, then calling
Now I want to show messages that have been "verified". At this point, I am unsure how to do this using #ORM so I was thinking I need a custom Repository layer.
My question is twofold:
First, can I do this using the Entity #ORM framework?
And second, which is the correct way to wrap this database query?
I know I eventually want the SQL SELECT * FROM message WHERE verified=1 AND store_id=? ORDER BY myTime DESC but how to make this the "Symfony2 way"?
For part 1 of your question... technically I think you could do this, but I don't think you'd be able to do it in an efficient way, or a way that doesn't go against good practices (i.e. injecting the entity manager into your entity).
Your question is an interesting one, because at first glance, I would also think of using $store->getMessages(). But because of your custom criteria, I think you're better off using a custom repository class for Messages. You might then have methods like
$messageRepo->getForStoreOrderedBy($storeId, $orderBy)
Now, you could do this from the Store entity with methods like $store->getMessagesWhereVerified() but I think that you would be polluting the store entity, especially if you need more and more of these custom methods. I think by keeping them in a Message repository, you're separating your concerns in a cleaner fashion. Also, with the Message repository, you might save yourself a query by not needing to first fetch your Store object, since you would only need to query to Message table and use its store_id in your WHERE clause.
Hope this helps.