What means a static response from an API and Sandbox? - api

I am working for the first time with API-s. My first task at my job is to call an API, I am working with the Sandbox version of the API
I am trying to call the Sandbox this way and I should get a static response, but I am getting
"Error at message validation"
what means this and what exactly is a Sandbox and what is a static response?
procedure consentrequest(out transactionid1:transactionIdType);
Httprio2 : THTTPRio;
initiateConsentRequest1 : initiateConsentRequest;
initiateconsentrequestresponse1 : initiateconsentrequestresponse;
type2 :consenttype;
consent_init : consent2;
//AccountInfo_PT2 : AccountInfo_PT;
//transactionId1 : transactionIdType;
initiateConsentRequest1 :=initiateConsentRequest.Create;
initiateconsentrequestresponse1 :=initiateconsentrequestresponse.Create;
consent_init :=consent2.Create;
HTTPRio2 :=THTTPRIO.Create(nil);
HTTPRio2.Url := 'https://sandbox.budapestbank.hu/OpenapiSandbox/v1.0.0';
consent_init.type_ :=type2;
consent_init.target := 'HU12345678901234567890123456';
consent_init.validityPeriod :=30;
initiateConsentRequest1.consent :=consent_init;
ShowMessage('Before PT');
initiateconsentrequestresponse1 :=(HTTPRio2 as AccountInfo_PT).initiateConsentRequest(initiateConsentRequest1);
ShowMessage('After PT');
transactionid1 := initiateconsentrequestresponse1.transactionId;

A Sandbox is usually a non-production copy of the API, you might use different creds and get sample data responses. It's a safe practice space for developers.
The error about "message validation" makes me think that the API request you sent was somehow invalid, perhaps it is missing a parameter. Check the docs of the API you are calling and make sure you have the correct verb/endpoint and parameters. Also see if there is more information in the response itself.


UPDATE and REVISE rest api is not working in vTiger CRM cloud service

So basically I need to use the update/revise Rest API to update the fields in the vTiger CRM.
But when I am using the rest API (link : https://help.vtiger.com/article/147111249-Rest-API-Manual) to update the fields, I am getting the error as "400 Unsupported operations: The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax."
My api : endpoint/reviseelement=convert_into_json_string({id:5x369, potentialname:'demo2'})
Also apart from this, I had used the SQL query Rest API, to update the record in the modules, but it is also giving me the same error as: "400 Unsupported operations: The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax."
My Api query : endpoint/query?query=UPDATE Potentials SET potentialname = 'demo2 where id = 5x369;
Also by using the webservice(https://community.vtiger.com/help/vtigercrm/developers/third-party-app-integration.html) rest api I am getting error like : "Permission to perform the operations is denied for id: ".
So how can I use the update api. Can anyone please help?
For web services API (https://community.vtiger.com/help/vtigercrm/developers/third-party-app-integration.html),
When you pass the payload data, make sure you're passing the x-www-form-urlencoded form of data.
Also, make sure you're passing 'element' argument with value like this:
{"id": "10x11471458", "leadsource": "Facebook"}.
if you're still facing this issue, you can share more details and I'll be happy to help you.
If you still need to do this the following should work.
Method: POST
End Point: /revise
Headers: "Authorization: Basic YOUR_TOKEN"
"element": {
"potentialname": "demo2"
reference: https://www.vtiger.com/docs/rest-api-for-vtiger#/Revise

Google Sheet API batchUpdateByDataFilter PHP Function

We have used above function in our code, while we are passing the more than 50 or 100 records within the array records then given 400 bad request array in response.
Can anyone describe the limit of the total values that we are going to pass within the above function?
Here is my code:
$batchupdate = array("valueInputOption" => "RAW", "data" => $dataarray);
try {
$requestBody = new Google_Service_Sheets_BatchUpdateValuesByDataFilterRequest($batchupdate);
$response = $service->spreadsheets_values->BatchUpdateByDataFilter($spreadsheetId, $requestBody);
catch(Exception $e) {
echo 'Message: ' . $e->getMessage();
Problems with the Request
Until you attach a sanitized version of your Request body we cannot be sure about the root-cause of the problem you are facing.
However, an error 400 means that the request you did is invalid. So, most likely, the problem is in that.
Check if your request object is formatted as detailed on the documentation.
Problems with the Client
If you are able to use the Try this API sidebar with the same Request Body then it could be related to the PHP client.
Note: This is language independent. Create a JSON Object that has the same structure as your request body.
If that's the case, we will need to see more of your code to verify that you are not using your valid Request body in an invalid way (eg. sending it encapsulated in another object).
By referencing the PHP Library documentation you can see the properties of the objects you can use.

How to internationalization errors returned by API?

I'm wondering how to manage error in an API with multiple language.
I know there are multiple way to do that. I found 3.
Send a statusCode to front (with optionnal some data to manage dynamics values like : "you can manage only X users")
Send errors for all language ex :
en:"error is....",
fr:"l'erreur est...",
send just one error in the correct language
en:"error is...."
All of this have pro and cons...
the first :
+ API just manage statusCode and front(s) can manage error how it want
- API must manage dynamics error and send extra data
- Front must reformat the error (error + extra data)
others ?
the second :
+ error message can just be displayed on front without update it (but need to get the good one for the language client)
- back must manage error message for all language (if there are 10-50 or more language it's a little bit annoying)
- back end must take care of displaying message interstanding for a user (I think it's not is role)
others ?
the third :
+ error message can just be displayed on front without update it
- back end must take care of displaying message interstanding for a user (I think it's not is role)
- front must send the user's language at the session's begining and update this information if user change it
others ?
I think the third is the better but I don't know.
someone could say me what is the best solution and why ?
Thanks in advance :)

Flurry Event API not returning event parameter values

I have been trying to use the EventMerics API to return detailed event parameter data.
I have setup a test application and have uploaded event data with parameters, I can see the data in the web interface.
However the API doesn't seem to return the parameter data as stated by the documentation.
The following call
<eventMetrics type="Event" startDate="2012-08-27" eventName="heatmap - iPhone-Title-all" endDate="2012-08-27" version="1.0" generatedDate="8/27/12 10:45 PM">
<day uniqueUsers="2" totalSessions="12" totalCount="14" date="2012-08-27"/>
The parameters section is empty, I am expecting the following parameter values:
{touchXY : 299,465,2012-08-27 16:40:15 +0100}
{touchXY : 301,461,2012-08-27 16:29:03 +0100}
{touchXY : 192,312,2012-08-27 16:22:54 +0100}
{touchXY : 254,461,2012-08-27 16:23:04 +0100}
Has anyone got parameter values to return via the Flurry REST API?
the API call used by you is correct. I would recommend you to write to support#flurry.com to investigate why this is not happening.
(Disclaimer: I work in the Support team at Flurry)
The event name in the request is case sensitive so you should check the way it's written on the site. I changed mine from "editor" to "Editor" and the problem resolved.

Negative Testing for PayPal using Sandbox with VB.NET - how to simulate different scenarios?

I have a website written in VB.NET that implements PayPal for payments. This is all working fine for successful payments, but I need to be able to simulate scenarios of a failed transaction, pending transaction, etc.
I have read the documentation, which starts on page 47. I enabled Negative Testing in a business account that I created in a Sandbox, but I am not getting desired results.
To simulate an error, as specified in the documentation, I'm passing an error code to Token, which is then used in a request to DoExpressCheckoutPayment - code below - but instead of this raising the error 10417, the response says Invalid Token:
Dim oldToken As String
With RequestDetails
oldToken = .Token
.Token = "10417"
End With
Dim request As New DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestType
request.DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestDetails = RequestDetails
Dim response As DoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType
response = DirectCast(caller.Call("DoExpressCheckoutPayment", request),
What am I doing wrong in the code above so that I can't trigger a correct error?
How do I simulate a response where the status is Pending, Processed, Failed, etc.?
I was testing this about a week ago and was receiving the same problem, now, I no longer receive an error:
API Request:
API Response:
L_SHORTMESSAGE0=Unsupported Currency.
L_LONGMESSAGE0=Currency is not supported
I did find an article on x.com that deals with this issue as well.