How properly set line scaling in ms visio - line

I trying to create scallable shapes in Visio
I manage to set scaling for text, but when it comes to lines i cant make it work:
Here i have shape
I setup linewidth as described here
Now i set scale for a page to metric 1:5
I have a ethernet switch shape and need that scale so it fit on page.
So, when i did it, i get this:
So it did not scale lines at all.
How to fix it?

It's pretty simple actually, you need use advanced formula from -
You need add User Cells:
User.Width_LineWeight = 2 in
User.Height_LineWeight = 1 in
User.AntiScale = ThePage!PageScale/ThePage!DrawingScale
now just set formula
LineWeight = SETATREFEXPR(1 pt) * (Width / SETATREF(User.Width_LineWeight, SETATREFEVAL(Width)) + Height / SETATREF(User.Height_LineWeight, SETATREFEVAL(Height))) / 2 * User.AntiScale
For my example i have 1 rectangle shape and line shape
For rectangle you need this settings
User.Width_LineWeight = set rect real width
User.Height_LineWeight = set rect real height
In formula set first number as line width
LineWeight = SETATREFEXPR(2.5 pt)...
For line
User.Width_LineWeight = set line width in pt
User.Height_LineWeight = set to 1
That all. Well it seems not 100% accurate, but on scaling to smaller sizes it so far looks just fine.

For this I just use copy paste a simple script that affects all shapes on the current page
Private Declare Function GetUserDefaultLCID% Lib "kernel32" ()
Private Declare Function GetLocaleInfoA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Locale As Long, ByVal LCType As Long, ByVal lpLCData As String, ByVal cchData As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetLocaleInfoA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Locale As Long, ByVal LCType As Long, ByVal lpLCData As String) As Boolean
'Used for Localization compability
Public Function loopShapes(ByRef shapes) As Long
Debug.Print "loopShapes called:"
Dim shapeCount As Long
shapeCount = 0
For Each shape In shapes
Call WriteCell(shape)
shapeCount = shapeCount + loopShapes(shape.shapes)
Debug.Print shape
Debug.Print "count:"
Debug.Print shapeCount
countShapes = shapeCount + 1
End Function
Public Sub ResizeWeightWith()
'Declare object variables as Visio object types.
Dim vsoPage As Visio.Page
Dim vsoDocument As Visio.Document
Dim vsoDocuments As Visio.Documents
Dim vsoPages As Visio.Pages
Dim a As Visio.shapes
' record the settings in the variable LocalSettingsDecimal
Dim LocalSettingsDecimal As String
Dim Buffer As String
Buffer = String(256, 0)
Dim le As Integer
le = GetLocaleInfoA(GetUserDefaultLCID(), 14, Buffer, Len(Buffer))
LocalSettingsDecimal = Left(Buffer, le - 1)
' force decimal settings to '.'
Call SetLocaleInfoA(GetUserDefaultLCID(), 14, ".")
'Iterate through all open documents.
Set vsoDocuments = Application.Documents
Set a = Application.Documents.Item(1).Pages.Item(1).shapes
Debug.Print loopShapes(Application.Documents.Item(1).Pages.Item(1).shapes)
Call SetLocaleInfoA(GetUserDefaultLCID(), 14, LocalSettingsDecimal)
End Sub
Sub WriteCell(ByRef shape)
On Error Resume Next
Dim l As String
l = shape.CellsSRC(visSectionObject, visRowLine, visLineWeight) / (10 * shape.CellsSRC(visSectionObject, visRowXFormOut, visXFormHeight) * shape.CellsSRC(visSectionObject, visRowXFormOut, visXFormHeight)) & "*Width*Height"
Debug.Print l
shape.CellsSRC(visSectionObject, visRowLine, visLineWeight).FormulaU = l
End Sub

I wanted to add some thoughts - not meant as criticisms, just food for thought for those who land here in the future, or those who want to try some other things out.
We should probably question why you want to change the line scale in the first place.
A lot of "antiscaling" formulas for Visio compare the original height of a shape to the current height of the shape (often for resizing text), but I don't think that is your case. This would result in different lineweights for shapes of differing sizes, but you still want all shapes on the page to have consistent lineweights.
You just need to reduce the lineweights when drawing scales cross various threshholds, and the other answers seem to have figured this out. A few details that I worry about:
Shapes are often grouped, so you need to dig into sub shapes and set their lineweights.
If you are going to change the scale again in the future, will your code be able to properly change the lineweights again? Think about ways that you can adjust the lineweights up or down such that you can get back to where you started :)
You may be able to edit a single style attribute and save yourself a lot of trouble. If you have only one page in your drawing file, or if all of the pages in your drawing have the same scale, then you might try editing the Normal style. You can use the Drawing Explorer window to get at the Normal style. Right-click and Show ShapeSheet. Then edit the Lineweight for the style - divide it by, say, 3 or 4. All of the shapes will change (except where you have explicitly applied distinct lineweights already) Visio has some sort of inheritance hierarchy for formatting styles that you can take advantage of.
Consider NOT changing the drawing scale at all! Just make the page bigger. Explore the Page Setup dialog's tabs. You can make the page bigger and bigger to fit your shapes. When you go to print, just make sure to "fit to 1 page across by 1 page down". Then the printing process will handle the scaling, and you can avoid this whole fight!


Flood fill algorithm for Visual Basic [duplicate]

I am an amateur in Visual Basic. I am attempting to recreate the game of Go, and I have created the board and am able to place stones on the intersections of the grid.
I now want to start capturing stones which are surrounded. I have looked online and found that flood fill is the best way to go about this. However, I have looked online for days, and I can't find anything that I can use, or manipulate to create this. I do not understand any other programming language, so I cannot use bits of code from Java, etc. And the bits of information for Visual Basic I have found do not make much sense to me as I am still a beginner.
I have attempted to start it by myself, starting off small with the situation of "If one stone were to be captured". I have two representations for the board, one is declared as "grid", and the other as "placed_stone".
"Grid" is the actual board where the users click to place their stones. placed_stone is a copy of this board, but I have used "0", "1" and "2" to represent empty, black and white respectively. I am using Windows Forms to recreate this game. This is the segment of code I have written for capturing the stones:
Private Sub Panel1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Panel1.Click
Dim board As Panel = DirectCast(sender, Panel)
' Figure out where the user clicked: min = 0, max = (gridsize - 1)
Dim pt As Point = board.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)
Dim colWidth As Integer = (1 / (GridSize + 1)) * board.Size.Width
Dim rowHeight As Integer = (1 / (GridSize + 1)) * board.Size.Height
Dim gridPosition As New Point(Math.Min(Math.Max((pt.X / colWidth) - 1, 0), GridSize - 1), Math.Min(Math.Max((pt.Y / rowHeight) - 1, 0), GridSize - 1))
Dim newcoordsx As Integer
Dim newcoordsy As Integer
' Now do something with gridPosition:
If Not Grid(gridPosition.X)(gridPosition.Y).HasValue Then 'If gird(x,y) is empty
illegalmovelbl.Hide() ' Hides the "Illegal Move" Label
If cp = True Then ' If current player is Black
This is the part where I got stuck and realised that the coding for every situation will take too long. I managed to write up the code for one situation:
newcoordsx = gridPosition.X + 1
If placed_stone(newcoordsx, gridPosition.Y) = 2 Then
newcoordsy = gridPosition.Y + 1
If placed_stone(newcoordsx, newcoordsy) = 1 Then
newcoordsy = gridPosition.Y - 1
If placed_stone(newcoordsx, newcoordsy) = 1 Then
newcoordsx = gridPosition.X + 2
If placed_stone(newcoordsx, gridPosition.Y) = 1 Then
newcoordsx = gridPosition.X + 1
Grid(gridPosition.X)(gridPosition.Y) = True 'Place a black stone at Grid(x,y)
Grid(newcoordsx)(gridPosition.Y) = Nothing
placed_stone(newcoordsx, gridPosition.Y) = 0
pass = False
cp = False
passbtn.BackColor = Color.White 'The passbutton changes colour to white
passbtn.ForeColor = Color.Black 'The passbutton font changes colour to black
End If
End If
End If
End If
'Grid(gridPosition.X)(gridPosition.Y) = True ' Place a black stone at Grid(x,y)
'placed_stone(gridPosition.X, gridPosition.Y) = 1
'pass = False
'cp = False
'passbtn.BackColor = Color.White ' The passbutton changes colour to white
'passbtn.ForeColor = Color.Black ' The passbutton font changes colour to black
ElseIf cp = False Then ' If current player is White
Grid(gridPosition.X)(gridPosition.Y) = False ' Place a white stone at Grid(x,y)
placed_stone(gridPosition.X, gridPosition.Y) = 2
pass = False
cp = True
passbtn.BackColor = Color.Black ' The passbutton changes colour to black
passbtn.ForeColor = Color.White ' The passbutton font changes colour to white
End If
ElseIf Grid(gridPosition.X)(gridPosition.Y).HasValue Then ' If gird(x,y) isn't empty
illegalmovelbl.Show() ' Shows the "Illegal Move" Label
MsgBox("Place your stone in a vacant point") ' Displays error message
End If
board.Invalidate() ' Force the board to redraw itself
End Sub
I have tried to use Wikipedia's algorithm on flood fill, and I understand the logic of how it works, but I just don't know how to program it in Visual Basic.
Flood-fill (node, target-color, replacement-color):
1. If target-color is equal to replacement-color, return.
2. If the color of node is not equal to target-color, return.
3. Set the color of node to replacement-color.
4. Perform Flood-fill (one step to the south of node, target-color, replacement-color).
Perform Flood-fill (one step to the north of node, target-color, replacement-color).
Perform Flood-fill (one step to the west of node, target-color, replacement-color).
Perform Flood-fill (one step to the east of node, target-color, replacement-color).
5. Return.
Of course, in Go, instead of colouring in the area, you have to remove the stones when capturing, and you don't start the flood fill from the stone you just placed to capture, you start from the closest stone you wish to capture.
Can you please explain how to use flood fill in Visual Basic in an easy way and how to implement it to this game of Go?
If anyone would like to look at the whole code, please let me know. I would appreciate any suggestions!
I'm not familiar with the rules/game-play of the game Go, so I'm not sure exactly what you are attempting to accomplish, but if you believe that a flood-fill type of algorithm is what you need, then I can at least offer some advice in how you could do that. The primary thing that your code needs is to be broken down into more granular methods. What are the steps that you are attempting to perform when the panel is clicked? Surely it's not just one thing. There are many different things going on--each of which could be performed by a separate dedicated method. For instance, if you had a method like this:
Private Function GetGridPosition(board As Panel, cursorPosition As Point) As Point
Dim pt As Point = board.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)
Dim colWidth As Integer = (1 / (GridSize + 1)) * board.Size.Width
Dim rowHeight As Integer = (1 / (GridSize + 1)) * board.Size.Height
Return New Point(Math.Min(Math.Max((pt.X / colWidth) - 1, 0), GridSize - 1), Math.Min(Math.Max((pt.Y / rowHeight) - 1, 0), GridSize - 1))
End Function
Then, in the Panel1_Click event handler, you could simplify the beginning of the code considerably, like this:
Private Sub Panel1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Panel1.Click
Dim board As Panel = DirectCast(sender, Panel)
Dim gridPosition As Point = GetGridPosition(board, Cursor.Position)
' ...
Sure, that makes the code more organized and easier to read, but that doesn't get you any closer to a flood fill algorithm, right? Well, yes, that's mostly true, but organization and readability are worthy goals in their own right, so lets continue anyway... The next step we need to perform is to make the player's move, and then, if the move was successful, we need to switch to the other player. So, let's first create the method to switch players:
Private Sub SwitchPlayer()
pass = False
cp = Not cp
passbtn.BackColor = GetPlayerForeColor(cp)
passbtn.ForeColor = GetPlayerBackColor(cp)
End Sub
Private Function GetPlayerForeColor(player as Boolean) As Color
If player Then
Return Color.White
Return Color.Black
End If
End Function
Private Function GetPlayerBackColor(player as Boolean) As Color
If player Then
Return Color.Black
Return Color.White
End If
End Function
You'll notice that I snuck (Chrome auto-spell tells me that isn't a word, but my American upbringing begs to differ) a couple other methods in there while I was at it. I'm sure their purpose is obvious. But stop right there. It's obvious? You'll notice that the comments are gone, yet the meaning of the code is still obvious. That's what we mean by self-documenting code. Comments are great when they're necessary, but it's even better when they aren't necessary at all.
So, pretend for now we have a method like this:
Private Function MakeMove(gridPosition As Grid, player As Boolean) As Boolean
' return true if the move was successful
End Function
Then the whole Panel1_Click event handler could look like this:
Private Sub Panel1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Panel1.Click
Dim board As Panel = DirectCast(sender, Panel)
Dim gridPosition As Point = GetGridPosition(board, Cursor.Position)
If MakeMove(gridPosition, cp) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ShowIllegalMoveMessage()
illegalmovelbl.Show() 'Shows the "Illegal Move" Label
MsgBox("Place your stone in a vacant point") 'Displays error message
End Sub
Ok, so now we're getting to the meat of it. So, what are the steps that need to be taken when a move is being made? Well, I don't know, because I don't know the game. I leave that exercise up to you, but, if your inclinations are correct, and you need some kind of flood fill algorithm, then that probably means that you need some kind of PlaceStone action which can be repeated over and over again, so that should be its own method:
Private Sub PlaceStone(gridPosition As Point, player As Boolean)
' Do something
End Sub
Obviously the Do something is the key part of all this, and it's the one part that I can't help you with. But, if it's going to be a flood fill algorithm, I can give you a really big hint. Among all the other stuff it's going to do in there, it's going to be calling PlaceStone again, passing it a different grid position (one of the surrounding positions). So for instance, something like this:
Private Sub PlaceStone(gridPosition As Point, player As Boolean)
Dim north As Position = GetNorthPosition(gridPosition)
If Floodable(north, player) Then
PlaceStone(north, player)
End If
' ...
End Sub
When a method calls itself, like that, we call it recursion. But, until you start splitting your code up into dedicated little methods, each with its own encapsulated task, then you can't really add recursion. So, first get organized, then add recursion.

Is there an alternative way to dynamically create this array of double values?

I am developing a VBA macro to use in AutoCAD. At the moment it converts a circle into a 3D polyline and in itself it is working perfectly. It is just the start and I will be able to put some flesh on the final routine.
This is the VBA macro:
Sub CircleToPolyline()
Dim objSel As AcadEntity
Dim myCircle As AcadCircle
Dim pickedPoint As Variant
' Get the user to select a circle
' Eventually we will use a Selection Set with Filtering to pick them all in the drawing
Call ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity(objSel, pickedPoint, "Select Circle:")
If objSel.ObjectName <> "AcDbCircle" Then GoTo SKIP
Set myCircle = objSel
Dim dAngle As Double, dAngleStep As Double, dMaxAngle As Double
dAngle = 0# ' We always start at 0 degrees / radians
dAngleStep = 0.17453293 ' This is 10 degrees in radians
dMaxAngle = 6.28318531 ' This is 360 degrees in radians
' So our polyline will always have 36 vertices
Dim ptCoord() As Double
Dim ptProject As Variant
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
While dAngle < dMaxAngle
ReDim Preserve ptCoord(0 To i + 2) ' Increase size of array to hold next vertex
' Calculate the next coordinate on the edge of the circle
ptProject = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(, dAngle, myCircle.Radius)
' Add to the coordinate list
ptCoord(i) = ptProject(0)
ptCoord(i + 1) = ptProject(1)
ptCoord(i + 2) = ptProject(2)
' Increment for next coordinate/angle on the circle edge
dAngle = dAngle + dAngleStep
i = i + 3
' Create the 3D polyline
Dim oPolyline As Acad3DPolyline
Set oPolyline = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Add3DPoly(ptCoord)
oPolyline.Closed = True
End Sub
I am just wondering if there are any alternative methods for managing my dynamic array (ptCoord)? For example, is there any way that I can just add the ptProject into a dynamic list and then just use this list in the Add3dPoly routine?
The thing is, PolarPoint returns a variant. And ptCoord is a array of doubles (which is what Add3dPoly expects). This is why I have done it like this. I have not used variants (except for handling return values).
My code is quite simple and sufficient, but if it can be further simplified I would be interested in knowing (given the context of VBA and AutoCAD environment).
I hope my question is clear. Thank you.
It is feasible to allocate a chunk of memory and write the sequential results of each of your PolarPoint calls to it. You could then copy that memory to your ptCoord array in one call. However, the APIs are very awkward, there'd be a lot of fiddling with pointers (never straightforward in VBA) and most memory coding errors result in a complete Excel crash. For 108 data points it doesn't seem worth the effort.
I'd say your notion of iterating each of the result arrays and writing them individually to ptCoord is as good a way as any.
Your comments
'We always start at 0 degrees / radians, and 'So our polyline will always have 36 vertices
suggest your ptCoord array will have a fixed dimension (ie 36 * 3). If that's the case couldn't you just dimension the array once? Even if you want to vary the number of degrees to draw through, you could still dimension your array at (n * 3) without having to ReDim Preserve on every iteration.
A snippet of your code could therefore become:
Dim alpha As Double
Dim index As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim ptCoord(0 To 107) As Double
Dim ptProject() As Double
Dim pt As Variant
For i = 0 To 35
ptProject = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(, dAngle, myCircle.Radius)
For Each pt In ptProject
ptCoord(index) = pt
index = index + 1
alpha = alpha + 0.174532925199433
Your code appears good to me, I was going to suggest a two dimensional array: -
Dim ptCoord(2,0)
ptCoord(0,0) = ptProject(0)
ptCoord(1,0) = ptProject(1)
ptCoord(2,0) = ptProject(2)
ReDim Preserve ptCoord(2,1)
ptCoord(0,1) = ptProject(0)
ptCoord(1,1) = ptProject(1)
ptCoord(2,1) = ptProject(2)
The second dimension in a two dimensional array can be dynamically re-dimensioned. But I'm not sure this will save you anything and it may not work with Add3DPoly.
You could use UBound to save on the i variable.
ReDim Preserve ptCoord(UBound(ptCoord,1)+3)
In the above I haven't declared the lower/base (0 To) as 0 is the default base, I have then used UBound (Upper bound) to get the size of the array and added 3 to that to make it 3 larger.
Array being the array you want to check
Dimension being the dimension you want to check the size on, it has a base of 1 not 0 (so the first dimension is 1 not 0, the second is 2 not 1, and so on...)
You can omit Dimension and the first will be assumed.
To access it without i you could use: -
ptCoord(UBound(ptCoord,1)-2) = ptProject(0)
ptCoord(UBound(ptCoord,1)-1) = ptProject(1)
ptCoord(UBound(ptCoord,1)) = ptProject(2)
you can skip arrays dimming altogether by use of AppendVertex() method
Option Explicit
Sub CircleToPolyline()
Dim myCircle As AcadCircle
Dim circleCenter As Variant, circleRadius As Double
Dim dAngle As Double, dAngleStep As Double, dMaxAngle As Double
Dim oPolyline As Acad3DPolyline
'Get the user to select a circle
Set myCircle = GetCircle(circleCenter, circleRadius)
If myCircle Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
dAngle = 0# ' We always start at 0 degrees / radians
dAngleStep = 0.17453293 ' This is 10 degrees in radians
dMaxAngle = 6.28318531 ' This is 360 degrees in radians
Set oPolyline = GetStarting3dPoly(circleCenter, circleRadius, dAngle, dAngleStep) ' Create the 3D polyline with first two points
Do While dAngle + dAngleStep <= dMaxAngle
dAngle = dAngle + dAngleStep ' Increment for next coordinate/angle on the circle edge
oPolyline.AppendVertex ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(circleCenter, dAngle, circleRadius) 'append a new vertex
'finish the polyline
oPolyline.Closed = True
End Sub
Function GetStarting3dPoly(circleCenter As Variant, circleRadius As Double, dAngle As Double, dAngleStep As Double) As Acad3DPolyline
Dim ptCoord(0 To 5) As Double
Dim ptCoords As Variant
ptCoords = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(circleCenter, dAngle, circleRadius)
ptCoord(0) = ptCoords(0)
ptCoord(1) = ptCoords(1)
ptCoord(2) = ptCoords(2)
dAngle = dAngle + dAngleStep
ptCoords = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(circleCenter, dAngle, circleRadius)
ptCoord(3) = ptCoords(0)
ptCoord(4) = ptCoords(1)
ptCoord(5) = ptCoords(2)
Set GetStarting3dPoly = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.Add3DPoly(ptCoord)
End Function
Function GetCircle(circleCenter As Variant, circleRadius As Double) As AcadCircle
Dim objSel As AcadEntity
Dim pickedPoint As Variant
' Get the user to select a circle
' Eventually we will use a Selection Set with Filtering to pick them all in the drawing
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity objSel, pickedPoint, "Select Circle:"
If objSel.ObjectName = "AcDbCircle" Then
Set GetCircle = objSel
circleCenter = objSel.Center
circleRadius = objSel.Radius
End If
End Function
as you see I also extracted some actions from the main code and confined them into functions, so to improve further enhancing of your code and its functionalities

Photoshop crop from

I assumed that cropping an image would be an extremely easy thing to do from .net. But no matter what I try I just cannot seem to get the thing to work.
The documentation is somewhat vague -
'The first parameter is an array of four coordinates that mark the portion remaining after cropping'
That could mean an array of four numbers, or it could mean an array of four arrays of two numbers (a coordinate after all consists of two numbers). the 'portion remaining after cropping' I take to mean 'the portion of the image designated to remain after cropping'.
Since the select function takes an array of coordinate arrays -- {{x1,y1}, y2, y2}, {x3,y3}, {x4, y4}} -- I had hoped crop would work the same way. No dice.
Next, I tried the really simple approach, assume that 'left, top, right, bottom' really mean just that. So, I plugged in perfectly reasonable values and ... no dice.
In every case, PS throws a dialog box saying ' Could not complete the command because the affected area is empty or does not overlap the canvas'.
Here is a code snippet:
Dim PSDapp
PSDapp = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Dim psarray As Object = {20, 20, 120, 120}
Dim PSDcurrentDoc
PSDapp.preferences.rulerUnits = 1
PSDcurrentDoc ="c:\cat.bmp")
PSDapp.activeDocument = PSDapp.documents.item(1)
What is even more strange is that if I take the above code and port it to a script, it runs just fine. Can someone (anyone!) please please post a minimal working example of using the crop feature using COM (not scripting)?
I've never used Photoshop, but an array of coordinates could be written like this:
Dim psarray() As Point = {
New Point(20, 20),
New Point(120, 20),
New Point(120, 120),
New Point(20, 120)
So you tried something like this already?
Dim psarray() As Integer = {20, 20, 120, 120}
If that doesn't work, try "pinning" it:
Dim psarray() As Integer = {20, 20, 120, 120}
Dim gch As System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle
gch = System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Alloc(psarray, Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType.Pinned)
Solved, with a work-around.
I used a selection as a work-around. The code is longer than it really should have to be since I must first make a selection, but it does work.
Below is the full working subroutine connected to a button. I hope it is of use to somebody that might face this issue as well.
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim x As Integer = 100 ' The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner (pixel units).
Dim y As Integer = 100 ' The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner (pixel units).
Dim w As Integer = 200 ' The width of the selection/crop (pixel units).
Dim h As Integer = 200 ' The height of the selection/crop (pixel units).
Dim psArray1() As Object = {x, y}
Dim psArray2() As Object = {x, y + h}
Dim psArray3() As Object = {x + w, y + h}
Dim psArray4() As Object = {x + w, y}
Dim psArray() As Object = {psArray1, psArray2, psArray3, psArray4} ' A concatenated object consisting of an array of coordinates.
Dim PSDapp As Object = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
Dim PSDcurrentDoc As Object ="c:\cat.bmp") ' Could be any document of course.
PSDapp.preferences.rulerUnits = 1
Dim selectArray As Object = PSDcurrentDoc.selection.bounds
PSDcurrentDoc = PSDcurrentDoc.crop(selectArray) ' This is key. PSDcurrentDoc.crop is read-only, so it must be assigned.
End Sub

Access a Shape object via its ID

I have a PowerPoint slide with 5 shapes on it. I would like to do different things with theses shapes in a macro. How can I change one of these shapes by using the shape ID? For example, I have two shapes with a name of "Title 1" but I want to use the one with an ID of 15.
Here is my code:
Sub size_n_spread_v()
Dim j As Integer
Dim sld As Slide
Dim SldId As Long
gap = std_gap
SldId = ActiveWindow.View.Slide.SlideIndex
Set sld = ActivePresentation.Slides(SldId)
Call SortMultArray
new_dim = (total_dim - gap * (lngRow - 1)) / lngRow
'This works but is not specific:
'sld.Shapes.("Title 1").Height = new_dim
'This would hopefully be specific but the syntax does not work Please HELP!
'sld.Shapes.("Title 1").Id(15).Height = new_dim
End Sub
Does someone know the right syntax to change the shape via ID?
I don't know of a way, but you could write a simple helper function that you could then use throughout your project to make things easier on yourself. Something like this would work:
Public Function GetShapeById(s As Slide, n As String, id As Long) As Shape
Dim objShape As Shape
For Each objShape In s.Shapes
If StrComp(objShape.Name, n, vbTextCompare) = 0 And objShape.Id = id Then
Set GetShapeById = objShape
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Then you could use it like so:
Sub size_n_spread_v()
' Instead of:
sld.Shapes.("Title 1").Id(15).Height = new_dim
' Use:
GetShapeById(sld, "Title 1", 15).Height = new_dim
End Sub
The function mentioned above is the only way to get a shape by Id. You have to search through the Shapes collection as there is no equivalent ShapeIndex as there is for SlideIndex. The other solution to find a specific shape is to uniquely identify shapes by adding your own Tag but this is a more complex solution.

Insert line break in wrapped cell via code

Is it possible to insert line break in a wrapped cell through VBA code? (similar to doing Alt-Enter when entering data manually)
I have set the cell's wrap text property to True via VBA code, and I am inserting data into it also through VBA code.
Yes. The VBA equivalent of AltEnter is to use a linebreak character:
ActiveCell.Value = "I am a " & Chr(10) & "test"
Note that this automatically sets WrapText to True.
Sub test()
Dim c As Range
Set c = ActiveCell
c.WrapText = False
MsgBox "Activcell WrapText is " & c.WrapText
c.Value = "I am a " & Chr(10) & "test"
MsgBox "Activcell WrapText is " & c.WrapText
End Sub
You could also use vbCrLf which corresponds to Chr(13) & Chr(10). As Andy mentions in the comment below, you might be better off using ControlChars.Lf instead though.
Yes there are two ways to add a line feed:
Use the existing constant from VBA (click here for a list of existing vba constants) vbLf in the string you want to add a line feed, as such:
Dim text As String
text = "Hello" & vbLf & "World!"
Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1) = text
Use the Chr() function and pass the ASCII character 10 in order to add a line feed, as shown bellow:
Dim text As String
text = "Hello" & Chr(10) & "World!"
Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1) = text
In both cases, you will have the same output in cell (1,1) or A1.
Have a look at these two threads for more information:
What is the difference between a "line feed" and a "carriage return"?
Differences Between vbLf, vbCrLf & vbCr Constants
I know this question is really old, but as I had the same needs, after searching SO and google, I found pieces of answers but nothing usable. So with those pieces and bites I made my solution that I share here.
What I needed
Knowing the column width in pixels
Be able to measure the length of a string in pixels in order to cut it at the dimension of the column
What I found
About the width in pixels of a column, I found this in Excel 2010 DocumentFormat :
To translate the value of width in the file into the column width value at runtime (expressed in terms of pixels), use this calculation:
=Truncate(((256 * {width} + Truncate(128/{Maximum Digit Width}))/256)*{Maximum Digit Width})
Even if it's Excel 2010 format, it's still working in Excel 2016. I'll be able to test it soon against Excel 365.
About the width of a string in pixels, I used the solution proposed by #TravelinGuy in this question, with small corrections for typo and an overflow. By the time I'm writing this the typo is already corrected in his answer, but there is still the overflow problem. Nevertheless I commented his answer so there is everything over there for you to make it works flawlessly.
What I've done
Code three recursive functions working this way :
Function 1 : Guess the approximate place where to cut the sentence so if fits in the column and then call Function 2 and 3 in order to determine the right place. Returns the original string with CR (Chr(10)) characters in appropriate places so each line fits in the column size,
Function 2 : From a guessed place, try to add some more words in the line while this fit in the column size,
Function 3 : The exact opposite of function 2, so it retrieves words to the sentence until it fits in the column size.
Here is the code
Sub SplitLineTest()
Dim TextRange As Range
Set TextRange = FeuilTest.Cells(2, 2)
'Take the text we want to wrap then past it in multi cells
Dim NewText As String
NewText = SetCRtoEOL(TextRange.Value2, TextRange.Font.Name, TextRange.Font.Size, xlWidthToPixs(TextRange.ColumnWidth) - 5) '-5 to take into account 2 white pixels left and right of the text + 1 pixel for the grid
'Copy each of the text lines in an individual cell
Dim ResultArr() As String
ResultArr() = Split(NewText, Chr(10))
TextRange.Offset(2, 0).Resize(UBound(ResultArr) + 1, 1).Value2 = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(ResultArr())
End Sub
Function xlWidthToPixs(ByVal xlWidth As Double) As Long
'Fonction to convert the size of an Excel column width expressed in Excel unit(Range.ColumnWidth) in pixels
'Parameters : - xlWidth : that is the width of the column Excel unit
'Return : - The size of the column in pixels
Dim pxFontWidthMax As Long
'Xl Col sizing is related to workbook default string configuration and depends of the size in pixel from char "0". We need to gather it
With ThisWorkbook.Styles("Normal").Font
pxFontWidthMax = pxGetStringW("0", .Name, .Size) 'Get the size in pixels of the '0' character
End With
'Now, we can make the calculation
xlWidthToPixs = WorksheetFunction.Floor_Precise(((256 * xlWidth + WorksheetFunction.Floor_Precise(128 / pxFontWidthMax)) / 256) * pxFontWidthMax) + 5
End Function
Function SetCRtoEOL(ByVal Original As String, ByVal FontName As String, ByVal FontSize As Variant, ByVal pxAvailW) As String
'Function aiming to make a text fit into a given number of pixels, by putting some CR char between words when needed.
'If some words are too longs to fit in the given width, they won't be cut and will get out of the limits given.
'The function works recursively. Each time it find an End Of Line, it call itself with the remaining text until.
'The recursive process ends whent the text fit in the given space without needing to be truncated anymore
'Parameters : - Original : The text to fit
' - FontName : Name of the font
' - FontSize : Size of the font
' - pxAvailW : Available width in pixels in wich we need to make the text fit
'Return : - The orignal text with CR in place of spaces where the text needs to be cut to fit the width
'If we got a null string, there is nothing to do so we return a null string
If Original = vbNullString Then Exit Function
Dim pxTextW As Long
'If the text fit in, may be it's the original or this is end of recursion. Nothing to do more than returne the text back
pxTextW = pxGetStringW(Original, FontName, FontSize)
If pxTextW < pxAvailW Then
SetCRtoEOL = Original
Exit Function
End If
'The text doesn't fit, we need to find where to cut it
Dim WrapPosition As Long
Dim EstWrapPosition As Long
EstWrapPosition = Len(Original) * pxAvailW / pxTextW 'Estimate the cut position in the string given to a proportion of characters
If pxGetStringW(Left(Original, EstWrapPosition), FontName, FontSize) < pxAvailW Then
'Text to estimated wrap position fits in, we try to see if we can fits some more words
WrapPosition = FindMaxPosition(Original, FontName, FontSize, pxAvailW, EstWrapPosition)
End If
'If WrapPosition = 0, we didn't get a proper place yet, we try to find the previous white space
If WrapPosition = 0 Then
WrapPosition = FindMaxPositionRev(Original, FontName, FontSize, pxAvailW, EstWrapPosition)
End If
'If WrapPosition is still 0, we are facing a too long word for the pxAvailable. We'll cut after this word what ever. (Means we must search for the first white space of the text)
If WrapPosition = 0 Then
WrapPosition = InStr(Original, " ")
End If
If WrapPosition = 0 Then
'Words too long to cut, but nothing more to cut, we return it as is
SetCRtoEOL = Original
'We found a wrap position. We recurse to find the next EOL and construct our response by adding CR in place of the white space
SetCRtoEOL = Left(Original, WrapPosition - 1) & Chr(10) & SetCRtoEOL(Right(Original, Len(Original) - WrapPosition), FontName, FontSize, pxAvailW)
End If
End Function
Function FindMaxPosition(ByVal Text As String, ByVal FontName As String, ByVal FontSize As Variant, ByVal pxAvailW, ByVal WrapPosition As Long) As Long
'Function that finds the maximum number of words fitting in a given space by adding words until it get out of the maximum space
'The function is inteded to work on text with a "guessed" wrap position that fit in the space allowed
'The function is recursive. Each time it guesses a new position and the word still fits in the space, it calls itself with a further WrapPosition
'Parameters : - Text : The text to fit
' - FontName : Name of the font
' - FontSize : Size of the font
' - pxAvailW : Available width in pixels in wich we need to make the text fit
' - WrapPosition : The initial wrap position, positionned someware in the text (WrapPosition < len(Text)) but inside pxAvailW
'Return : - The position were the text must be wraped to put as much words as possible in pxAvailW, but without getting outside of it. If no position can be found, returns 0
Dim NewWrapPosition As Long
Static isNthCall As Boolean
'Find next Whitespace position
NewWrapPosition = InStr(WrapPosition, Text, " ")
If NewWrapPosition = 0 Then Exit Function 'We can't find a wrap position, we return 0
If pxGetStringW(Left(Text, NewWrapPosition - 1), FontName, FontSize) < pxAvailW Then '-1 not to take into account the last white space
'It still fits, we can try on more word
isNthCall = True
FindMaxPosition = FindMaxPosition(Text, FontName, FontSize, pxAvailW, NewWrapPosition + 1)
'It doesnt fit. If it was the first call, we terminate with 0, else we terminate with previous WrapPosition
If isNthCall Then
'Not the first call, we have a position to return
isNthCall = False 'We reset the static to be ready for next call of the function
FindMaxPosition = WrapPosition - 1 'Wrap is at the first letter of the word due to the function call FindMax...(...., NewWrapPosition + 1). The real WrapPosition needs to be minored by 1
'It's the first call, we return 0 | Strictly speaking we can remove this part as FindMaxPosition is already 0, but it make the algo easier to read
FindMaxPosition = 0
End If
End If
End Function
Function FindMaxPositionRev(ByVal Text As String, ByVal FontName As String, ByVal FontSize As Variant, ByVal pxAvailW, ByVal WrapPosition As Long) As Long
'Function working backward of FindMaxPosition. It finds the maximum number of words fitting in a given space by removing words until it fits the given space
'The function is inteded to work on text with a "guessed" wrap position that fit in the space allowed
'The function is recursive. Each time it guesses a new position and the word still doesn't fit in the space, it calls itself with a closer WrapPosition
'Parameters : - Text : The text to fit
' - FontName : Name of the font
' - FontSize : Size of the font
' - pxAvailW : Available width in pixels in wich we need to make the text fit
' - WrapPosition : The initial wrap position, positionned someware in the text (WrapPosition < len(Text)), but outside of pxAvailW
'Return : - The position were the text must be wraped to put as much words as possible in pxAvailW, but without getting outside of it. If no position can be found, returns 0
Dim NewWrapPosition As Long
NewWrapPosition = InStrRev(Text, " ", WrapPosition)
'If we didn't found white space, we are facing a "word" too long to fit pxAvailW, we leave and return 0
If NewWrapPosition = 0 Then Exit Function
If pxGetStringW(Left(Text, NewWrapPosition - 1), FontName, FontSize) >= pxAvailW Then '-1 not to take into account the last white space
'It still doesnt fits, we must try one less word
FindMaxPositionRev = FindMaxPositionRev(Text, FontName, FontSize, pxAvailW, NewWrapPosition - 1)
'It fits, we return the position we found
FindMaxPositionRev = NewWrapPosition
End If
End Function
Known limitations
This code will work as long as the text in the cell has only one font and one font size. Here I assume that the font is not Bold nor Italic, but this can be easily handled by adding few parameters as the function measuring the string length in pixels is already able to do it.
I've made many test and I always got the same result than the autowrap function of Excel worksheet, but it may vary from one Excel version to an other. I assume it works on Excel 2010, and I tested it with success in 2013 and 2016. Fo others I don't know.
If you need to handle cases where fonts type and/or attributs vary inside a given cell, I assume it's possible to achieve it by testing the text in the cell character by character by using the range.caracters property. It should be really slower, but for now, even with texts to split in almost 200 lines, it takes less than one instant so maybe it's viable.
Just do Ctrl + Enter inside the text box