SQL: Selecting record where values in one field are unique based off of most recent date - sql

I'm attempting to write an SQL statement to select records such that each record has a unique PartNo, and I want that record to be based off of the most recent ReceiveDate. I got an answer when I asked this question:
FROM Table as t
WHERE t.ReceiveDate = (SELECT MAX(t2.ReceiveDate)
FROM Table as t2
WHERE t2.PartNo = t.PartNo
However, this answer assumes that for each ReceiveDate, you would not have the same PartNo twice. In situations where there are multiple records with the same PartNo and ReceiveDate, it does not matter which is selected, but I only want one to be selected (PartNo must be unique)
PartNo | Vendor | Qty | ReceiveDate
100 | Bob | 2 | 2020/07/30
100 | Bob | 3 | 2020/07/30
Should only return one of these records.
I'm using Microsoft Access which uses Jet SQL which is very similar to T-SQL.

select distinct t.*
from tablename as t
where not exists (
select 1 from tablename
where partno = t.partno
and (
receivedate > t.receivedate
or (receivedate = t.receivedate and qty > t.qty)
or (receivedate = t.receivedate and qty = t.qty and vendor > t.vendor)

manually set up a standard Aggregate query (sigma icon in ribbon) where grouped on Part No and Date field is set to MAX...
run the query to check to see it returns the values you seek... then while in design view - - select SQL view and this will give you the sql statement...


How to filter out conditions based on a group by in JPA?

I have a table like
| customer | profile | status | date |
| 1 | 1 | DONE | mmddyy |
| 1 | 1 | DONE | mmddyy |
In this case, I want to group by on the profile ID having max date. Profiles can be repeated. I've ruled out Java 8 streams as I have many conditions here.
I want to convert the following SQL into JPQL:
select customer, profile, status, max(date)
from tbl
group by profile, customer,status, date, column-k
having count(profile)>0 and status='DONE';
Can someone tell how can I write this query in JPQL if it is correct in SQL? If I declare columns in select it is needed in group by as well and the query results are different.
I am guessing that you want the most recent customer/profile combination that is done.
If so, the correct SQL is:
select t.*
from t
where t.date = (select max(t2.date)
from t t2
where t2.customer = t.customer and t2.profile = t.profile
) and
t.status = 'DONE';
I don't know how to convert this to JPQL, but you might as well start with working SQL code.
In your query date column not needed in group by and status='DONE' should be added with where clause
select customer, profile, status, max(date)
from tbl
where status='DONE'
group by profile, customer,status,
having count(profile)>0

Delete rows where date was least updated

How can I delete rows where dateupdated was least updated ?
My table is
Name Dateupdated ID status
john 1/02/17 JHN1 A
john 1/03/17 JHN2 A
sally 1/02/17 SLLY1 A
sally 1/03/17 SLLY2 A
Mike 1/03/17 MK1 A
Mike 1/04/17 MK2 A
I want to be left with the following after the data removal:
Name Date ID status
john 1/03/17 JHN2 A
sally 1/03/17 SLLY2 A
Mike 1/04/17 MK2 A
If you really want to "delete rows where dateupdated was least updated" then a simple single-row subquery should do the trick.
WHERE Date = (SELECT MIN(Date) From MyTable)
If on the other hand you just want to delete the row with the earliest Date per person (as identified by their ID) you could use:
FROM MyTable a
ON a.ID = b.ID AND a.Date = b.MinDate
The idea here is you create an aggregate query that returns rows containing the columns that would match the rows you want deleted, then join to it. Because it's an inner join, rows that do not match the criteria will be excluded.
If people are uniquely identified by something else (e.g. Name then you can just substitute that for the ID in my example above.
I am thinking though that you don't want either of these. I think you want to delete everything except for each person's latest row. If that is the case, try this:
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM MyTable b WHERE b.ID = MyTable.ID AND b.Date > MyTable.Date)
The idea here is you check for existence of another data row with the same ID and a later date. If there is a later record, delete this one.
The nice thing about the last example is you can run it over and over and every person will still be left with exactly one row. The other two queries, if run over and over, will nibble away at the table until it is empty.
P.S. As these are significantly different solutions, I suggest you spend some effort learning how to articulate unambiguous requirements. This is an extremely important skill for any developer.
This deletes rows where the name is a duplicate, and deletes all but the latest row for each name. This is different from your stated question.
Using a common table expression (cte) and row_number():
;with cte as (
select *
, rn = row_number() over (
partition by Name
order by Dateupdated desc
from t
/* ------------------------------------------------
-- Remove duplicates by deleting rows
-- where the row number (rn) is greater than 1
-- leaving the first row for each partition
------------------------------------------------ */
from cte
where cte.rn > 1
select * from t
rextester: http://rextester.com/HZBQ50469
| Name | Dateupdated | ID | status |
| john | 2017-01-03 | JHN2 | A |
| sally | 2017-01-03 | SLLY2 | A |
| Mike | 2017-01-04 | MK2 | A |
Without using the cte it can be written as:
delete d
from (
select *
, rn = row_number() over (
partition by Name
order by Dateupdated desc
from t
) as d
where d.rn > 1
This should do the trick:
from MyTable a
where not exists (
select top 1 1
from MyTable b
where b.name = a.name
and b.DateUpdated < a.DateUpdated
i.e. remove any entries from the table for which there is no record on the same name with a date earlier than the record to be deleted's.
Your Name column has Mike and Mik2 which is different for each other.
So, if you did not make a mistake, standard column to group by must be ID column without last digit.
I think following is more accurate if you did not mistaken.
delete a
from MyTable a
inner join
(select substring(ID, 1, len(ID) - 1) as ID, min(Dateupdated) as MinDate
from MyTable
group by substring(ID, 1, len(ID) - 1)
) b
on substring(a.ID, 1, len(a.ID) - 1) = b.ID and a.Dateupdated = b.MinDate
You can test it at SQLFiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/9c440/1

SQL Remove Duplicates, save lowest of certain column

I've been looking for an answer to this but couldn't find anything the same as this particular situation.
So I have a one table that I want to remove duplicates from.
| JobNumber-String |
| JobOp - Number |
So there are multiples of these two values, together they make the key for the row. I want keep all distinct job numbers with the lowest job op. How can I do this? I've tried a bunch of things, mainly trying the min function, but that only seems to work on the entire table not just the JobNumber sets. Thanks!
Original Table Values:
JobNumber Jobop
123 100
123 101
456 200
456 201
780 300
Code Ran:
FROM table
GROUP BY JobNumber
Ending Table Values:
JobNumber Jobop
123 100
456 200
780 300
With SQL Server 2008 or higher you can enhance the MIN function with an OVER clause specifying a PARTITION BY section.
Please have a look at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189461.aspx
You can simply select the values you want to keep:
select jobOp, min(number) from table group by jobOp
Then you can delete the records you don't want:
DELETE t FROM table t
left JOIN (select jobOp, min(number) as minnumber from table group by jobOp ) e
ON t.jobob = e.jobob and t.number = e.minnumber
Where e.jobob is null
I like to do this with window functions:
with todelete as (
select t.*, min(jobop) over (partition by numbers) as minjop
from table t
delete from todelete
where jobop > minjop;
It sounds like you are not using the correct GROUP BY clause when using the MIN function. This sql should give you the minimum JobOp value for each JobNumber:
SELECT JobNumber, MIN(JobOp) FROM test.so_test GROUP BY JobNumber;
Using this in a subquery, along with CONCAT (this is from MySQL, SQL Server might use different function) because both fields form your key, gives you this sql:
SELECT * FROM so_test WHERE CONCAT(JobNumber,JobOp)
NOT IN (SELECT CONCAT(JobNumber,MIN(JobOp)) FROM test.so_test GROUP BY JobNumber);

Sql query to calculate first occurrence of a sales order not fulfilled by stock

I have two tables:
Sales Orders (SO ) with fields:Part, Due_Date, Qty
Part with fields Part and Stock.
I an trying to write a query that will produce the first occurrence ( by date - SO.Due_Date) that a sales order (SO.Qty) cannot be fulfilled by the stock.
This is easy if there is no stock i.e. Part.Stock=0 or if there is only one sales order for the part (SO.Qty > Part.Stock)
If there are multiple sales orders I only want the first one shown e.g.
Part.Part = Box , Part.Stock = 250
SO.Part | SO.Due_Date | SO.Qty
Box | 26/10/2014 | 100
Box | 27/10/2014 | 100
Box | 28/10/2014 | 100 * Return this row
Box | 29/10/2014 | 100
I think I need a sub query or need to use CTE but I can't work it out unless I use a loop. The tables have thousands of parts and sales orders and I am trying to run this query as quickly as possible.
Many thanks for your help
I assume this is a learning exercise, as no real business would work this way.
Anyway, here is a query to do what you want:
select *
from sales_order as so1
where due_date =
(select min(due_date)
from sales_order as so2
inner join part as p on p.part = so2.part
where so1.part = so2.part
and stock < (
select sum(quantity)
from sales_order as so3
where so3.due_date <= so2.due_date
and so3.part = so2.part
Which I have put into a working fiddle here: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/bd8ab5/1
There are some assumptions such as one order per date, but I believe it answers the question.
A query that uses a self join to calculate the running quantity total for each row and selects the row with the smallest due date having a running total greater than p.stock
select so.part, so.due_date, so.quantity
from sales_order so
join part p on p.part = so.part
join sales_order so2 on so2.part = so.part
and so2.due_date <= so.due_date
where p.part = 'Box'
group by so.part, so.due_date, so.quantity
having sum(so2.quantity) > max(p.stock)
order by so.due_date limit 1

How to select a row with a missing entry in historization?

from the following data basis i need to select all IDQ's which do not have an entry for the 11.11.2011.
1 | 08.11.2011
1 | 09.11.2011
1 | 10.11.2011
1 | 12.11.2011
1 | 13.11.2011
i can't figure out how to express the sql
where not exists ( DATE = '11.11.2011' ) // sql does not the job
Database is a Oracle 11g.
maybe someone can help me?
select idq
group by idq
having max(decode("DATE", '11-Nov-2011',1, 0)) = 0 -- double-quoted keyword column name
(Single pass solution) - if your original table is TBL_WITH_IDQ
On the other hand, if your original table is TBL_WITH_DATES and you want to include IDQs with no entries at all, I'd suggest this variant of Parkyprg's solution:
select IDQ
where not exists
(SELECT null
where d."DATE" = '11-Nov-2011' and t.idq = d.idq)
where IDQ NOT IN ( SELECT IDQ FROM TBL_WITH_DATES where DATE = TO_DATE('11.11.2011','dd.mm.YYYY') )
TBL_WITH_DATES - is the table you used in your question and TBL_WITH_IDQ is the original table where IDQ's are defined.
Do you have a table where IDQ is a unique identifier? Is so, your query can be reformed like this...