VMWare resize disk size using vcenter api - virtual-machine

I have been trying to solve this for the past week.
I'm using the vcenter API to add a new disk to an existing VM
and as able to do it successfully.
But I cannot figure out how to resize an existing VM disk.
This disk update operation does not allow to update the "capacity" attribute. So I'm not sure how to resolve this, unless I use an SDK.
Can someone please point me in the right direction?

I'm not 100% up to speed on the latest version, but there are several things that the REST API cannot do compared to the "old" SDK which is based on SOAP / WSDL.
The documentation on the page also states that the call only: "Updates the configuration of a virtual disk. An update operation can be used to detach the existing VMDK file and attach another VMDK file to the virtual machine." So there's no mention of changing the size (which is pretty lame I have to say...).
So I think unfortunately it seems like you either
Wait for a new version and hope this will be included
You use the good old SDK


How to configure TwinCAT EtherCAT PDOs?

I am having a problem to access to the rest of the memory of a etherCAT device, since it already comes with a default PDO configuration, but when i try to edit this configuration, it won't change and the device stops working correctly unless i use the default configuration again.
Is this the correct way of doing it, or is there any other mwthod to achieve this?. Or maybe, should I edit the ESI field to upload this properties to the device?
I already tried what beckhoff documentation says about adding new PDO directories, but i still get the same result. I also tried using the same directories and properties to the previous configuration adding the directories of the device that I also want to read and write.

How do you import a custom python library onto an apache spark pool with Azure Synapse Analytics?

According to Microsoft's documentation it is possible to upload a python wheel file so that you can use custom libraries in Synapse Analytics.
Here is that documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/synapse-analytics/spark/apache-spark-azure-portal-add-libraries
I have created a simple library with just a hello world function that I was able to install with pip on my own computer. So I know my wheel file works.
I uploaded my wheel file to the location Microsoft's documentation say to upload the file.
I also found a youtube video of a person doing exactly what I am trying to do.
Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4-2i1sPD4U
Microsoft's documentation mentions this, "Custom packages can be added or modified between sessions. However, you will need to wait for the pool and session to restart to see the updated package."
As far as I can tell there is no way to restart a pool, and I also do not know how to tell if the pool is down or has restarted.
When I try to use the library in a notebook I get a module not found error.
Scaling up or down will force the cluster to restart .
Making changes to the spark pool's scale settings does restart the spark pool as HimanshuSinha-msft suggested. That was not my problem though.
The actual problem was that I needed the Storage Blob Data Contributor role in the data lake storage the files were stored in. I assumed because I already had owner permissions and because I could create a folder and upload there I had all the permissions I needed. Once I got the Storage Blob Data Contributor role though everything worked.

Using Apache VFS Library Get File Size (Symbolic Link)

I utilize the Apache VFS library to access files on a remote server. Some files are symbolic links and when we get the file size of these files, it comes back as 80 bytes. I need to get the actual file size. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
Using commons-vfs2 version 2.1.
OS is Linux/Unix.
You did not say which protocol/provider you are using. However it most likely also does not matter: none of them implement symlink chasing as far as I know (besides local). You only get the size reported by the server for the actual directory entry.
VFS is a rather high level abstraction, if you want to commandeer a protocol client more specially, using commons-net or httpclient or whatever protocol you want to use gives you much more options.

Using salt-cloud with oVirt

I have a small cloud, configured and set up with SaltStack. The instances are running on Xen right now.
I would like to use oVirt instead, with automatic provisioning of virtual machines (via salt-cloud, I guess).
Apparently, there is no formula for this yet. Also, one cannot just use virsh on the command line or something (oVirt uses its own XML files for configuration and has virsh disabled). There is a REST API for oVirt, but I would prefer something already made before I dive into this and try to make it work with salt.
I have searched for oVirt and salt, but have found almost nothing.
Can I use oVirt with salt-cloud to do automatic provisioning? If so, how?
There doesn't appear to be an oVirt salt cloud driver yet. Here's the list of currently supported clouds:

Cannot connect to Compute Engine CentOS Virtual Machine

I am new to Virtual Machines and CLI so please bear with me.
I have a CentOS 6.5 running on Compute Engine.
I ran yum update (without creating a snapshot of the previous disk - Yes I am an idiot) and not I cannot connect to the machine using the ip address.
I tried the following steps.
Tried to connect through Filezilla - didn't work.
Tried through Putty - didn't work
Tried through the browser option given by the CE console - didn't work.
I even tried creating a snapshot and starting up another VM with the snapshot - didn't work.
If anyone knows how I can get the files and folders out from the previous disk, I can start up a new VM and transfer everything again.
I do not have the latest database and this is important.
Please help!
The way to recover is to delete your VM without deleting the disk, then create another VM with its own boot disk, attach and mount the original disk, and recover any data that you need from it.
First things first: on the VM instances page, click on the instance name that is currently running with that disk, and uncheck the box "Delete boot disk when instance is deleted". Then delete the instance.
Now, create a new instance with its own boot disk. To differentiate this new disk from the original boot disk:
using a different OS (or version of the OS) for the new disk, e.g., if using Ubuntu, try a different version or use Debian; if using RHEL, try CentOS, or vice versa
see which one is mounted at / — this should be the new disk
Mount the original disk as read-only and recover any information you need. Once you have a backup of your data, you can remount it with read-write access and try to fix it (but back up the data first!).
I finally solved this problem thanks to Misha for sending me in the right direction.
The steps are below for anyone who has the same issue.
While updating the Centos server using yum update, I was unable to connect back to the server.
I tried all possible combinations but no luck. This seems to be a known issue as there was some material on the Compute Engine site regarding this.
I followed the steps as Misha suggested. I started up another VM with its own boot disk and then attached the original disk with read write access.
Note: I was unable to mount the disk as just read only.
The commands were
mkdir /mnt/sdb1
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1
Once I mounted the VM, I copied the files from the html folder in the sdb1 disk to the html folder in the sda1(the new boot disk).
The database was a bit more challenging.
I tried quite a few times but copying the files from /dev/sdb1/var/lib/mysql into the new disk mysql folder was not working.
I found some tutorials but nothing helped.
Finally I downloaded the files from within the /dev/sdb1/var/lib/mysql and put them in my local windows mysql installation within the data folder.
Remember you have to download everything which includes the ib_logfile0 , ib_logfile1 and ibdata1 including the folder which has the *.frm files.
Then I opened localhost/phpmyadmin and voila... the files were there.
The rest was pretty simple... Exporting and uploading the SQL scripts back to the server.
This took me about 12 hours to figure out.
Thanks again Misha.