How can I define Map of String or Int in Kotlin? - kotlin

Is there way to declare a Map that would accept both String and Int in Kotlin? Like:
var map: Map<String, String | Int>

There is no union type in Kotlin, so you can't directly express this.
A few options:
use TreeMap<String, Any>, which is the simplest of all, but it allows more types than just Int and String, and requires additional conversion boilerplate on the consumer side when accessing values.
use a custom sealed class to encapsulate your "Int or String" type, and use it in a regular TreeMap<String, IntOrString>. This will have some runtime overhead for wrapping/unwrapping the int/string objects for each insertion/access. Also, this puts the burden of (un)wrapping on the consumer side. That being said, maybe your domain can be better modeled with clearer names than Int or String, so it might actually improve the consumer's experience to define such types.
use a custom map type, with independent accessors for ints and strings, but backed by a single TreeMap<String, Any> behind the scenes. This has the advantage of encapsulating the logic and exposing a neat API for the consumers. If you extend TreeMap you will save some overhead as opposed to composition, but it shouldn't matter much.
I am wondering about the actual use case at hand, though. Usually the need for union types stems from using plain generic primitive types to represent meaningful domain data that could maybe better be expressed using more specific custom domain types.
Option 2 would therefore usually be my choice, but I would use a sealed class that actually represents my domain data instead of the generic "string or int".

You can use Any here, see this example:
import java.util.TreeMap
fun main() {
var map = TreeMap<String, Any>()
map.put("One", 1)
map.put("Two", "two")
which outputs
{One=1, Two=two}
Please note:
This will allow more types than just the desired String and Int, because the Kotlin Docs state (...). Every Kotlin class has Any as a superclass..


Key-value store with only explicitly allowed keys

I need a key-value store (e.g. a Mapor a custom class) which only allows keys out of a previously defined set, e.g. only the keys ["apple", "orange"]. Is there anything like this built-in in Kotlin? Otherwise, how could one do this? Maybe like the following code?
class KeyValueStore(val allowedKeys: List<String>){
private val map = mutableMapOf<String,Any>()
fun add(key: String, value: Any) {
throw Exception("key $key not allowed")
map.put(key, value)
// code for reading keys, like get(key: String) and getKeys()
The best solution for your problem would be to use an enum, which provides exactly the functionality that you're looking for. According to the docs, you can declare an enum like so:
enum class AllowedKeys {
then, you could declare the keys with your enum!
Since the keys are known at compile time, you could simply use an enum instead of String as the keys of a regular Map:
enum class Fruit {
val fruitMap = mutableMapOf<Fruit, String>()
Instead of Any, use whatever type you need for your values, otherwise it's not convenient to use.
If the types of the values depend on the key (a heterogeneous map), then I would first seriously consider using a regular class with your "keys" as properties. You can access the list of properties via reflection if necessary.
Another option is to define a generic key class, so the get function returns a type that depends on the type parameter of the key (see how CoroutineContext works in Kotlin coroutines).
For reference, it's possible to do this if you don't know the set of keys until runtime. But it involves writing quite a bit of code; I don't think there's an easy way.
(I wrote my own Map class for this. We needed a massive number of these maps in memory, each with the same 2 or 3 keys, so I ended up writing a Map implementation pretty much from scratch: it used a passed-in array of keys — so all maps could share the same key array — and a private array of values, the same size. The code was quite long, but pretty simple. Most operations meant scanning the list of keys to find the right index, so the theoretic performance was dire; but since the list was always extremely short, it performed really well in practice. And it saved GBs of memory compared to using HashMap. I don't think I have the code any more, and it'd be far too long to post here, but I hope the idea is interesting.)

Map of generic interfaces in Kotlin

I stuck with some simple thing) Let's say I have following:
interface IMessagePayload // marker interface
data class IdPayload(
val id: Long
) : IMessagePayload
data class StringPayload(
val id: String,
) : IMessagePayload
Then I have a class:
data class Message<T : IMessagePayload>(
val id: String,
val payload: T,
Also I have some interface describing processor of this message:
interface IMessageProcessor<T : IMessagePayload> {
fun process(message: Message<T>)
And some implementation:
class ProcessorImpl : IMessageProcessor<IdPayload> {
override fun process(message: Message<IdPayload>) {
Now I wanna have a map of such processors. Lets use some enum type as a keys of this map:
enum class ActionType {
private var map = mutableMapOf<ActionType, IMessageProcessor<IMessagePayload>>()
map[ActionType.ADD] = ProcessorImpl() // <-- error here
And that's where the problem occurs. I cannot put my ProcessorImpl into this map. The compiler says that there is an error: Type mismatch. Required: IMessageProcessor. Found: ProcessorImpl().
I could declare the map in the following way (using star projection):
private var map = mutableMapOf<ActionType, IMessageProcessor<*>>()
But in this case I cannot call processors's process method fetching it from the map by key first:
map[ActionType.ADD]?.process(Message("message-id", IdPayload(1))) // <-- error here
Compiler complains: Type mismatch. Required nothing. Found Message<IdPayload>
What am I doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.
This is about variance.
IMessageProcessor is defined as interface IMessageProcessor<T : IMessagePayload>; it has one type parameter, which must be IMessagePayload or a subtype.
But it is invariant in that type parameter; an IMessageProcessor< IdPayload> is not related to an IMessageProcessor<IMessagePayload>.  In particular, it's not a subtype.
And your map is defined with a value type IMessageProcessor<IMessagePayload>.  So its value cannot be an IMessageProcessor< IdPayload>, because that's neither the value type, nor a subtype.  Hence the compile error.
In this case, the simplest way to get it to compile is to change your map:
private var map = mutableMapOf<ActionType, IMessageProcessor<out IMessagePayload>>()
The only difference there is the out; that tells the compiler that the value IMessageProcessor is covariant in its type parameter.  (It may help to think of out as meaning ‘…or any subtype’.  Similarly, you could make it contravariant by using in, which you might think of as ‘…or any supertype’.)
This lets you store in the map an IMessageProcessor for any subtype of IMessagePayload.
However, if you do that, you'll find that you can't use any value you pull out of your map — because it can't tell which messages the processor can handle, i.e. which subtype of IMessagePayload it works for!  (The compiler expresses this as expecting a type parameter of Nothing.)
In general, it's often better to specify variance on the interface or superclass itself (declaration-site variance) rather than the use-site variance shown above.  But I can't see a good way to do that here, because you have multiple generic classes, and they interact in a complicated way…)
Think for a moment what IMessageProcessor's type parameter means: it's the type of message that the processor can consume. So an IMessageProcessor<A> can handle messages of type Message<A>.
Now, a subtype must be able to do everything its supertype can do (and usually more) — otherwise you can't drop that subtype anywhere that's expecting to use the supertype.  (That has the grand name of the Liskov substitution principle — but it's really just common sense.)
So an IMessageProcessor<B> is a subtype of IMessageProcessor<A> only if it can handle at least all the messages that an IMessageProcessor<A> can.  This means it must accept all messages of type Message<A>.
But Message is invariant in its type parameter: a Message<B> is not directly related to a Message<A>.  So you can't write a processor that handles them both.
The most natural solution I can find is to specify variance on both Message and IMessageProcessor:
data class Message<out T : IMessagePayload>( /*…*/ )
interface IMessageProcessor<in T : IMessagePayload> { /*…*/ }
And then use a wildcard in your map to make it explicit that you don't know anything about the type parameters of its values:
private var map = mutableMapOf<ActionType, IMessageProcessor<*>>()
That lets you safely store a ProcessorImpl() in the map.
But you still have to use an (unchecked) cast on the values you pull out of the map before you can use them:
(map[ActionType.ADD] as IMessageProcessor<IdPayload>)
.process(Message("4", IdPayload(4L)))
I don't think there's any easy way around that, because the problem is inherent in having values which are processors that can handle only some (unknown) types of message.
I'm afraid the best thing would be to have a rethink about what these classes mean and how they should interact, and redesign accordingly.

toString() in Kotlin - wrong output

I have written some codes for printing out objects in array with toString()
but by using Option1 println(path.toString())
Output is [LRunningpath;#27973e9b
which is not what i want. Then i replace it with Option2 as follow
var i=0
for(i in 0 until path.size)
which is correct.
My questions are,
why Option 1 don't work?
what does the output in Option 1 mean?
any advice to avoid the same situation in the future?
Any hints is very appreciated. Thank you for the kindness.
my codes are as below:
fun main() {
println("Warming up")
val input1 = Runningpath("in Forest", 2000, "some houses")
val input2 = Runningpath("at lake", 1500, "a school")
val path = arrayOf(input1, input2 )
/* var i=0
for(i in 0 until path.size)
class Runningpath(val name: String, val length: Int, val spot: String){
override fun toString(): String= "The Path $name ($length m) is near $spot"
Short answer: in most cases, it's better to use lists instead of arrays.
Arrays are mostly for historical reasons, for compatibility, and for implementing low-level data structures.  In Kotlin, you sometimes need them for interoperability with Java, and for handling vararg arguments.  But other than those, lists have many advantages.
The problem is that on the JVM, an array is very different from all other objects.  It has only the methods inherited from Object, and doesn't override those.  (And you can't create your own subclasses to override or add to them.)
In particular, it has the toString() method from Object.  That gives a code indicating the type — here [ for an array, L indicating that each element is a reference, Runningpath giving the type of reference, ; and # separators, and a hex representation of the array's hash code, which may be its address in memory or some other unique number.
So if you want some other way of displaying an array, you'll have to do it ‘manually’.
Other problems with arrays on the JVM result from them having run-time typing — they were part of Java long before generics were added, and interoperate badly with generics (e.g. you can't create an array of a generic type) — and being both mutable and covariant (and hence not type-safe in some cases).
Lists, like other Collections and data structures, are proper objects: they have methods such as toString(), which you can override; they can have generic type parameters; they're type-safe; they can have many implementations, including subclasses; and they're much better supported by the standard library and by many third-party libraries too.
So unless you have a particular need (vararg processing, Java interoperability, or a dire need to save every possible byte of memory), life will go easier if you use lists instead of arrays!
You can use the joinToString for that:
The joinToString() is actually available for both the List and the Array, but I'd recommend using the List as you'd have immutability and many other extensions on that, that will help your on manipulating the datas.

Usage of Kotlin typealias for Map.Entry in Map

In Kotlin, it's possible to define typealias for classes, hence, also for Map<K,V>. Let's say, that I have the following:
typealias MyMap = Map<String, String>
But, what if I'd like to name the map entry as well, like this:
typealias MyEntry = Map.Entry<String, String>
typealias MyMap = Map<MyEntry> // error
However, Kotlin does not accept this, since Map<K,V> requires a type for the key and the value. Is such a thing as shown above possible?
No. This has nothing to do with typealias, rather how to declare generic types.
Map interface requires two type parameters and you must provide both otherwise you get the error, If you want to use a Map which is parameterized over its entry rather than Key, Value then you can define your own Map Type.
In the above case when you do Map<MyEntry>, you want the language to take the single type parameter (MyEntry) that you provide and extract its two components(String and String) and then use those two components as two different type parameters for the Map. Sorry you are asking too much.
MyEntry is a single type and it can only be used as such. Following is an example of that
typealias MyMap = Map<MyEntry, String>
The real answer is mightyWOZ's, but maybe this tip helps as well:
You can still use generics in typealiases to forward one of the arguments:
typealias StringMap<T> = Map<String, T>

Why does the expert change MutableList to List?

I asked a question at How to design a complex class which incude some classes to make expansion easily in future in Kotlin? about how to design a complex class which incude some classes to make expansion easily in future in Kotlin.
A expert named s1m0nw1 give me a great answer as the following code.
But I don't know why he want to change MutableList to List at , I can get the correct result when I use MutableList. Could you tell me?
The code
interface DeviceDef
data class BluetoothDef(val Status: Boolean = false) : DeviceDef
data class WiFiDef(val Name: String, val Status: Boolean = false) : DeviceDef
data class ScreenDef(val Name: String, val size: Long) : DeviceDef
class MDetail(val _id: Long, val devices: List<DeviceDef>) {
inline fun <reified T> getDevice(): T {
return devices.filterIsInstance(
I think that mutableListOf<DeviceDef> is better than ListOf<DeviceDef> in order to extend in future.
I can use aMutableList.add() function to extend when I append new element of mutableListOf<DeviceDef>.
If I use ListOf<DeviceDef>, I have to construct it with listOf(mBluetoothDef1, mWiFiDef1, //mOther), it's not good. Right?
var aMutableList= mutableListOf<DeviceDef>()
var mBluetoothDef1= BluetoothDef(true)
var mWiFiDef1= WiFiHelper(this).getWiFiDefFromSystem()
// aMutableList.add(mOther) //This is extension
var aMDetail1= MDetail(myID, aMutableList)
Sorry for not giving an explanation in the first place. The differences are explained in the docs.:
Unlike many languages, Kotlin distinguishes between mutable and immutable collections (lists, sets, maps, etc). Precise control over exactly when collections can be edited is useful for eliminating bugs, and for designing good APIs.
It is important to understand up front the difference between a read-only view of a mutable collection, and an actually immutable collection. Both are easy to create, but the type system doesn't express the difference, so keeping track of that (if it's relevant) is up to you.
The Kotlin List<out T> type is an interface that provides read-only operations like size, get and so on. Like in Java, it inherits from Collection<T> and that in turn inherits from Iterable<T>. Methods that change the list are added by the MutableList<T> interface. [...]
The List interface provides a read-only view so that you cannot e.g add new elements to the list which has many advantages for instance in multithreaded environments. There may be situations in which you will use MutableList instead.
I also recommend the following discussion:
Kotlin and Immutable Collections?
EDIT (added content):
You can do this is a one-liner without any add invocation:
val list = listOf(mBluetoothDef1, mWiFiDef1)