I am using Config server with relational database running at http://localhost:8888/admin/dispatch-service/dev/0.1. The server is running under a context path '/admin.
A client application connected to the spring cloud config server is unable to fetch properties from /admin context path (as it looks for localhost:8888 path). However, if the config server is running at http://localhost:8888/dispatch-service/dev/0.1. (without context path), the client app works fine and properties are also available.
How client app can read the properties if config server contains context path ?
I will really appreciate if anyone can help here ?
config-server bootstrap.yml
client application.yml
client application console output
I deployed my Odoo App on our own server.
When I tested it on my Local Computer, it was just working fine.
But when it deployed, it can't download a Report
The console throw error like this
Error on Console
The App shows a notification of Connection Lost and Reconnect
Any advice?
Check your configuration file. When you are working in your local with one worker, the longpolling is not enabled and it doesn't use. If you are going to use with port numbers on the url as the error suggests there are few things you need to check.
Check the conf file for correct ports. If there is no configuration file generate one and to the service with correct ports.
Check that the server ports are accessible from outside of your server. I'd suggest using NGINX and not exposing ports.
reports normally shouldn't go to the longpolling port if that is the case. So setting the web.base.url and web.base.url.freeze parameters in the settings, to avoid changes in the url when accessing from ports.
I have registered on IBM Bluemix. I've created a Mobile Foundation Service.
Now I wanted to deploy a JavaAdapter on bluemix-MobileFoundation. But getting some "FWLSE0321: state change Failure...exception" during deployment.
The adapter deployed successfully in my machine with local MobileFirst Server 8.0.
For locally installed server - POM.xml
so my question is, If I want to deploy Adapter on Bluemix-Mobilefoundation then,
what would be the "mfpUrl" ? and
In mfp Operation Console, from where I'll get this URL?
Thanks in advance!
When you open your MFP service from your dashboard, the name of the server will appear on the opened service's main overview page. It would be of the format
This will be your mfpfURL along with https:// and the server url must be followed by the port number ( the default is 443). Viz :
And when the operations console is opened, the url of the opened page will consist your server url too.
You can get the URL from the MobileFirst Console. Make sure you use https and port 443
I have deployed my application running on my local server # http://localhost:8048/myservice?day=xx&month=yy&year=zzzz , it works succesfully on my local machine, in that it downloads a file from the http site. However when I deploy to Mule Management console . I understand that the default port is 8585. When I change the URL to MMC & give the default port with the same path, it does not download the file . Am I missingsomething
The MMC is a utility for managing and monitoring Mule Standalone Runtimes.
One of its functions is to deploy apps to a Runtime. You are not actually deploying to the MMC.
Does this help clarify the situation or do you want any further help on want The MMC is used for and how to do it?
Please check the logs inside MMC.It stores the logfiles date wise.See if your application has been deployed in MMC successfully and if yes then do the following things:
1)If you are using any path to download the file then cross check the path details.You can put a logger to crosscheck that.
2)Put a logger before the business logic and after the business logic and follow what it is logging in the log file.
3)In case your server is Linux then check the path separator pattern
MMC is a Mule Management Console which is used (provides provision) to deploy, undeploy, manage, monitor application and server both. From the statement you mentioned in your query it seems you are trying to deploy the app in the MMC - MMC is not a server its a console where you can register your ESB Runtimes -or- API Gateways (on-Prem) servers so that you can deploy the applications to the server/runtimes (which will go to the runtimes location $MULE_HOME/apps).
Please check if you have registered the server under MMC's Server tab - if not then you have to do this first and then it will allow you to perform application deployment using the MMC's APplication tab where you can upload your deployment archive/artifacts/build to the mmc repo and then you can deploy through the deployment options by selecting your server (which you have registered).
If I am missing something from your statement then please clarify more and will try to help you out here.
I installed worklight on eclipse kepler from marketplace. I am getting the following error when I tried to build the application.
" Failed to deploy the application to Worklight server: please verify that the Worklight server is started and reachable.Connection to - failed. (Permission denied: connect)."
We send SOAP requests from the adapter. The backend services are only accessible if connected to VPN. I have connected to VPN and deployed the application. few JS files like dojo.js are pointing to local IP. For building the project to VPN IP , I right clicked the project and Run As>Build Settings and deploy targets. In the window that is popped up, I gave the VPN IP and cliked Ok. Again I right clicked project Run As>build all and deploy all. But still its being pointing to local IP and getting the error mentioned above when I try to deploy the application.
Even if I open project on worklight project console, its redirecting to local IP.
I think some ideas are mixed here.
Your application will be running in a local Worklight test server, that as part of Worklight Studio is placed in your development environment (localhost). If your adapters must use the VPN to reach the backend services, then you must only make sure the your-adapter.xml referes to the correct HTTP host (i.e. an IP address available through the VPN).
You should not need to change your local server address, i.e. if you double-click the Worklight Development Server in Servers view, the Host name field should be "localhost" (without quotes, that's the default value), or preferrable a local IP, may be (or whatever local IP you have). If after trying all this, that still don't work, I'd change that to your VPN IP, but I believe that's not necessary.
One thing you may not be aware of is that when doing a build and deploy to Worklight Development Server, and you have the host name set to "localhost" the Worklight Studio will "guess" your IP, so that's probably the problem you are facing.
In a nutshell, what I'd do is:
1. Make sure your server host name is still localhost (or a fixed local IP address)
2. Make sure your adapter.xml file(s) refer to a correct IP or fully qualified host name in the VPN, so you can reach them.
3. Run As -> Build All and Deploy
4. Test
What I'm saying here is if you want your app built using the VPN IP, then you don't need to do it through Build Settings and Deploy Target, but just going to Servers View, double-click on Worklight Development Server and then set the Host name to the IP you want. The Build All and Deploy will do the rest for you.
I have seen some questions about dynamic adapter configuration at run-time
how to pass domain,port number,username and password from user input to worklight http adapter
With a Worklight Adapter can I change the domain and port for a procedure at runtime?
but my question is about adapter configuration after deploy on WL server 5.0.6 from external - not at runtime from code.
Our scenario is that in our enterprise development and testing process requires the QA and Testing team to change the destination host and port for the adapters from mockup-backend to testing-backend to production-backend regularly during testing.
of course, this should happen through configuration and not re-compile and re-deploy.
Is there a way to change the domain and port values for adapters that are deployed on the WL server 5.0.6?
Can this be changed in the WL database tables?
Can this be changed in the WL server filesystem somewhere?
since we did not find any solution to that yet, the developer team is already thinking about using the Adapter only as dumb facade and implement all connection to the backend-services in Adapter-side Java using the Java URL and Connection classes.
Then it would be easy to read a configuration file from the file system in Java to change the backend destination URL and ports in this file.
It would even be easy to read the URL and port from a property in the worklight.properties file in JavaScript and pass it to Java to connect.
I would like to avoid having developing all backend connection code in Java. I would rather see the project use the actual Adapter connectivity features, but I am also not sure how to convince the team since it is quite easy with just 4 lines of code in Java. The advantage of using the Adapter connectivity that can not be configured is hard to see over a own Java implementation in Adapter-Java code.
Thank you.
Is there a way to change the domain and port values for adapters that are deployed on the WL server 5.0.6? Can this be changed in the WL database tables? Can this be changed in the WL server filesystem somewhere?
In Worklight 5.0.6, as written in the questions you've linked to in the question, an adapter's connectivity settings cannot be altered. They are stored in the packaged adapter and cannot be read from anywhere else during runtime nor after deployment.