i have a problem to open action sheet in ionic 5 - ionic4

enter image description herei have a problem to open action sheet in ionic 5.
I have tried so many times but the result is 0. please suggest me some good suggestion
regards: najam khan[here is my code][1]

First I recommend generating the buttons, here is an example
let botonesSelecion = [];
itemSeleccion.ListaSeleccion.forEach(dato => {
text: dato.OpcionSeleccion,
//icon: 'radio-button-on-outline',
handler: () => {
itemSeleccion.OpcionSeleccion = dato.OpcionSeleccion;
const actionSheet = await this.actionSheetController.create({
header: itemSeleccion.Descripcion,
cssClass: 'fondo-lista-desplegable',
buttons: botonesSelecion
await actionSheet.present();


Data is not updated in Vue component when emit calls function

Note: when I upload small size image then the data refreshes and if the image is bigger like 1 mb then it doesn't refresh the data.
I have a add new product modal and when I open it as below:
<NewProduct v-if="showNewProduct" #close-modal="showNewProductModal" #success="showSuccessAlert"/>
and when I add the product and the modal is closed by emitting as below:
Then in the parent component the data is not refreshed and show the old data and if I refresh the page then it show the new data.
I get data as below in parent component:
data: function () {
return {
showNewProduct: false,
productList: [],
success: false,
mounted() {
showSuccessAlert() {
this.success = !this.success,
showNewProductModal() {
this.showNewProduct = !this.showNewProduct;
getProductList() {
.then((response) => {
this.productList = response.data;
My goal is that when the modal is closed then the productList should be updated as well with the newly added data without page refresh.
Add product API.
addProduct(form) {
return Api().post("/addProduct", form);
It is something related to asynchronous processing. Please, make sure you start fetching record only after the upload is completed.
Products.addProduct(form).then(() => { this.$emit("closeModal")} )
showNewProductModal() { this.getProductList()}
Products.addProduct(form).then(({data: product}) => {
//pass data to close model event
this.$emit("closeModal", product),
showNewProductModal(product) {
this.showNewProduct = !this.showNewProduct;

How to put edited record on first position in grid after saveing chnages?

I am using Extjs 4.2.1 and I ask myself a while how to put an edited and saved record on top of the grid after the save process has taken place. So the user can see the effect of the saved change.
I tried to put some code between the success callback method of the save method of the store. It looks like this:
success : function(rec, op, success) {
var selectionModel = Ext.getCmp('grid').getSelectionModel();
var selection = selectionModel.getSelection();
billRecordStore.insert(0, selection);
But i have no idea how to get the changed record on top of the table....
Any ideas and helpful posts are very welcome!
Thanks for your help in advance!
when I edit a record, I do not use the load() or reload() method.
I use only the sync () method.
This way the edited register remain highlighted in the grid.
Something like this:
var values = form.getValues();
var record = form.getRecord();
var store = grid.getStore();
success: function(){...},
failure: function(){...}
When I create a new record, I have the grid records sorted so that the last inserted record is displayed on the first line.
So when it does the load (), or loadPage(1), is always selected the first row of the grid that corresponds to the last inserted record.
Edited 26/06/2015
var form = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#formitemId')[0];
var grid = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#griditemId')[0];
var values = form.getValues();
var record = form.getRecord();
var store = grid.getStore();
callback: function(){
var record1 = grid.getSelectionModel().getLastSelected(record);
scope: this,
success: function(){
var windowInfoCNrecord = Ext.MessageBox.show({
msg: 'Success...',
closable: true,
modal: false,
iconCls: 'msg_success',
icon: Ext.MessageBox.INFO
failure: function(){
var windowInfoErrorEdit = Ext.Msg.alert({
title: 'Error',
icon: Ext.Msg.ERROR,
button: Ext.Msg.CANCEL,
cancel: 'Close'
}); //sync

jquery datatables scroll to top when pages clicked from bottom

I am using a jQuery datatable with bottom pagination. When the pages are clicked from bottom , I want it to scroll it to top, so users do not have to manually do that for longer pages. I tried using dataTables_scrollBody, but it doesn't work properly
Here is my code:
oTable = $('#tTable').dataTable({
"fnDrawCallback": function(o) {
The page scrolls to top only when you click first/last (which I think is default behaviour), but not with every page click.
Update. The original answer was targeting 1.9.x. In dataTables 1.10.x it is much easier :
table.on('page.dt', function() {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $(".dataTables_wrapper").offset().top
}, 'slow');
demo -> http://jsfiddle.net/wq853akd/
Also, if you're using the bootstrap version of datatables, you may notice that when using the fix, the page actually scrolls back down after scrolling to the top. This is because it is focusing on the clicked button as per this datatables.net thread. You can fix this by simply focusing on the table header after the animate call, like so:
table.on('page.dt', function() {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $(".dataTables_wrapper").offset().top
}, 'slow');
$('thead tr th:first-child').focus().blur();
Original Answer
You should target .dataTables_wrapper and attach the event to .paginate_button instead. Here with a nice little animation :
function paginateScroll() {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $(".dataTables_wrapper").offset().top
}, 100);
console.log('pagination button clicked'); //remove after test
$(".paginate_button").unbind('click', paginateScroll);
$(".paginate_button").bind('click', paginateScroll);
see fiddle -> http://jsfiddle.net/EjbEJ/
Since Datatables 1.10 there is this page event
So one can use
$('#example_table').on( 'page.dt', function () {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: 0
}, 300);
} );
Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/mcyhqrdx/
This worked out for me.
$(document).ready(function() {
var oldStart = 0;
"bJQueryUI": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"fnDrawCallback": function (o) {
if ( o._iDisplayStart != oldStart ) {
var targetOffset = $('#example').offset().top;
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, 500);
oldStart = o._iDisplayStart;
} );
I'm also using datatables and Allan's solution (found here) worked perfectly for me.
$(document).ready(function() {
var oldStart = 0;
"bJQueryUI": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"fnDrawCallback": function (o) {
if ( o._iDisplayStart != oldStart ) {
var targetOffset = $('#example').offset().top;
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, 500);
oldStart = o._iDisplayStart;
} );
Thank's from davidkonrad. But when I used his code, after I clicked on paginate button, scroll of page went to top and then after load data, scroll backed to bottom.
I combined multiple posts in StackOverFlow and Datatables forum.
I defined a global variable :
var isScroll = false
When it's clicked on paginate button isScroll set to true:
$(document).on('click', '.paginate_button:not(.disabled)', function () {
isScroll = true;
And finally:
$(document).ready(function () {
"fnDrawCallback": function () {
if (isScroll) {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $(".dataTables_wrapper").offset().top
}, 500);
isScroll = false;
Thanks from #0110
None of the above answers worked for me. Here's my solution.
if ($(event.target).hasClass("paginate_button")) {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $("#divContainingTheDataTable").offset().top
}, 200);
I tried targetting .paginate_button but it never seemed to fire. My approach checks the div containing the datatable, if you click on the pagination buttons, the page scrolls up to the top of the container.
For those using the bootstrap version of Datatables:
You may notice that when using the fix from the accepted answer above, the page actually scrolls back down to the paging controls after scrolling to the top. This is because it is focusing on the clicked paging button as per this datatables.net thread. You can fix this by simply focusing on the table header after the animate call like so:
table.on('page.dt', function() {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $(".dataTables_wrapper").offset().top
}, 'slow');
$('thead tr th:first-child').focus().blur();
Note: the chained blur()'ing is done so that you the user doesn't see any focused styles on th:first-child.

Google Places Autocomplete issue on iOS7 (webview)

I currently have an issue implementing a simple Google Places Autocomplete input in a webview.
My issue seems to be related to a bug in ios7 where the blur event is triggered before the place_changed has been fired, thus the input field doesn't take the chosen value.
Here is the code (part of an AngularJS directive):
var newAutocomplete = function () {
scope.gPlace = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(element[0], opts);
google.maps.event.addListener(scope.gPlace, 'place_changed', function () {
scope.$apply(function () {
var place = scope.gPlace.getPlace();
if (!place || !place.geometry) {
scope.location = {
coords: {
lat: place.geometry.location.lat(),
lng: place.geometry.location.lng()
address: element.val()
Any idea how to handle this? Delaying the onBlur event?
Thanks in advance.
I just found out the problem was related to the use of the FastClick library.
This is what needs to be added in the page to make it work:
'DOMNodeInserted': function() {
$('.pac-item, .pac-item span', this).addClass('needsclick');
}, '.pac-container');
Thanks to can't tap on item in google autocomplete list on mobile for the solution!

Header and Footer keep showing up with modal pop up window

I just want to show basic HTML without the header and footer of my main page when using a modal window.
How can one do that in MVC3/4?
Here is an example of what is happening...
Not sure why it is doing that.
This is a basic jquery modal window call
$(function () {
//$('a.tempDlg').live("click", function (event) { loadDialog(this, event, '#edit-set'); });
//$('a.AddPatDlg').live("click", function(event) {loadDialog(this, event, '#addPat');});
$('a.addEncounter').live("click", function (event) { loadDialog(this, event, '#DisplayUniqueEncounters'); });
$('a.SearchEncounter').live("click", function (event) { loadDialog(this, event, '#searchEncounter'); });
//$("#sID").click(function (event) { loadDialogByClick(this, event, '#searchEncounter'); });
function loadDialog(tag, event, target) {
var $loading = $('<img src="<%=Url.Content("~/Images/ajax-loader.gif")%>" alt="loading" class="ui-loading-icon">');
var $url = $(tag).attr('href');
var $title = $(tag).attr('title');
var $dialog = $('<div></div>');
autoOpen: false
, title: $title
, width: 1200
, modal: true
, minHeight: 550
, show: 'fade'
, hide: 'fade'
I have done this before without including the header and footer, and I forget how it was done? I must be missing a step.
You can also set the Layout = null at the top of the page
That is correct... I want to give nemesv credit for this answer, but he didn't answer the question. So I will just say that he was right. You need to return a partialView(), not just a regular view... Returning a regular view always gets all of the other MVC markup. Thanks...