SSO implementation in ASP.NET Core -

I wanted to know how can I implement the SSO authentication between multiple applications using the SAML in ASP.NET Core?
Is this a safe and secure way to do it?
If you know the information, better free method or how to implement it, write it down.
Thanks in advance.

I don't think free method exists. Unless you want to implement solution from scratch by yourself, which seems to be a lot of work to do.
So, if it's an option you could use some commercial solutions. I have experience working with ComponentSpace.Saml2. Configuration is pretty straightforward - you need to fill and store a bunch of configuration items such as identity providers' params, certificates data, login and logout endpoints. Then controller needs to be built, containing methods for initiating saml request and processing response from identity provider. That's just infratructure level - of course you'll need to implement authentication service to manage SAML response and to decide how it integrates into your app's architecture.
Well, as you can see, the answer is general, so is the question.
Hope this helps. At least to choose right path to go.


ASP.NET OData / Web API Authentication and documentation

I am implementing an OData endpoint on an ASP.NET application, and am working right now on the authentication part. I looked at the example at for implementing HTTP Basic authentication. However, the example looks very weird to me, even though it the article gives an impression that this is how you implement generic custom authentication on a RESTful API.
It implements authentication on the stage of a pipeline where you are supposed to implement authorization. My understanding is that when OnAuthorization is called, you are supposed to already have the principal set and the only thing left to do is checking if the principal has enough access to perform the requested action.
What is the deal with that call to IsAuthorized? Isn't that supposed to be a side-effect free method?
So I basically would like to check from somebody who is more familiar with ASP.NET Web API to confirm if this is a) the correct way to do things b) a hackish but safe way to do things or c) something dangerous that should never be present in production code.
You are right, authentication should be implemented in separate AuthenticationFilter or even in HttpModule. You can find example here: authentication filter, http module.

Is there a benefit of having IdentityServer standing behind an API?

I'm about to implement the authentication module of my ASP.NET Core application.
I think I already know the answer for the following question, but I just want to make sure I am right, because I have been wrong before about some conceptions of IdentityServer.
Question: Is there ANY benefit of having the clients go through a single-point API that will centralize the access to the IdentityServer?
Answer(?): From what I understand, the IdentityServer is an implementation of the STS in the OpenIDConnect protocol, and the IdentityModel different libraries are yet again an implementation of the protocol, in the client side.
Therefore, even if I replace my IdentityServer with antoher STS - my clients won't have to change, if I configure my new STS to behave the same.
Can anyone approve the above? I'd rather make the mistakes now and not after I start :)

Is there a self-hosted single sign-on solution with completely RESTful API?

Is there a single sign-on solution with completely RESTful API installable on my server? I have looked at OpenAM, which have some of the API available through HTTP/JSON, but not all (and seems too heavy, but if it had all the API, I'd not care).
Do you know of solution for authorization, authentication and identity management that can be used for single sign-on and has all (maybe without setting admin password and such critical issues) its API available though HTTP(S)/JSON?
I have no need for Java API etc., HTTP(S)+CLI for setup is only thing I look for. That is, I doin;t realkly care what the solution is implemented in (no need for Java EE etc.) as far as it does its job and it is secure.
Have you seen Mozilla's new Persona solution built on BrowserID? It does a lot, but it's hard to know if it's sufficient for you without more details about how integrated you need the authorization to be.
You might want to look at Stormpath. They're the largest identify management service (for developers) -- and they are all REST + JSON API backed.

Need to authenticate users through a WCF service that is connected to a database

I'm getting increasingly frustrated with doing the authentication right. Usually I'm using terms that I'm not familiar with so answerers misunderstand my questions. Its not helped bu the fact that this is a case with many implementations.
So now I'm going to try to explain the facts and requirements surrounding my project so that I might get a pointer towards a good solution.
I will have a Database that includes the information I need. Included in this info will be the usernames and salted hash of passwords. This database will be connected to a WCF web service that supplies the data to other front end projects.
One of the front end projects is a MVC 3 web site that users will use to log in and such. Now the default in such a project is some sort of SQlMembership that is not right in this case as this site is not connected to the database (it might not even be a MSQL database).
Here are implementations that I looked at but couldn't quite figure how to use correctly.
1) Write my own MembershipProvider in the MVC project that would query the WebService for validation. Here I mean that it would just call some methods for all its needs. Not liking it for security issues, client side solution.
2) Validata using a service side MembershipProvider but then I would have to send userName Password with each action and I can't store password for security reasons.
3) Then I discovered something called WCF authenticationService and it seemed to be what I need but I'm having problem understanding how it works. I wan't it to be part of my service but it seems to be a dedicated service. Also its not really explaining how it authenticates (I need to have a custom authentication based on my table, not some default table created for me). Here is a post Should authentication be in a separate service for wcf? with same problem that I'm not sure how got solved.
Can the WCF authentication service be the right tool for me?
Can you answer this for someone who doesn't know, web or service terminology?
Here is one solution that I was hoping for but not sure if exists.
The WCF Service exposes a MembershipProvider, RoleProvider, ProfileProvider that are defined in the service.
In the MVC web.config under membership\providers\add the MembershipProvider is added along with a endpoint towards the service. Same with RoleManager etc.
So when I call MembershipProvider in the MVC project to validate user it automatically calls the service and checks there and when it happens upon a Authorize attribute it as well checks the RoleProvider in the service automatically.
I would however also want to restrict the service calls themselves, even if they are inside a [Authorized] attribute method it might not be so in other clients that reference the web service. Would love if when a call comes from a website the service would automatically have access to the forms.authentication cookie.
I am not clear as to what you want to authenticate exactly, if the user login in, or the user accessing you service. Also, I am not sure how you mean for an answer about WCF Security not to use service terminology nor how you expect to solve this without knowing I'll do my best though.
If you are authenticating a user login in, you can implement your own MembershipProvider and have a service request credentials and return the authenticated user.
Once authenticated, you can assign each user a GUID. This GUID is the ID which will travel with each message (encoded in the message header) and validate the user to call the service method.
This doesn't involve transport security, which you should configure if you want your message to be secure over the wire, yet this is a different matter, not involving authentication.
Hope this can somehow help you. I tried to make it the least technical possible and left out anything too complicated. Hope this helps somehow...

WCF Authentication Strategies

I have been challenged with the task of coming up with an authentication/authorization strategy for a pretty big WCF API. My task is to implement security on this API from clients who might be a website, a mobile app, or an internal/network admin user (which is pretty much the goal of any solid API).
I have looked into Windows Identity Foundation and federated security, but it relies on WS-* and my clients might be using REST or a non-SOAP protocol. So, my question:
Is there a security strategy (per method call, preferably using attributes) for WCF that does not rely on SOAP or involve reams of configuration files?
I realize there's probably no catch-all solution. I'm really looking for ideas or suggestions. This turns out to be a really tricky challenge.
Basic Authentication and HTTPS is a straightforward and "secure enough" solution for most API authentication requirements.
When you say "per method call", I'm getting the impression that are talking about authorization. For that you are probably going to have to roll something yourself. The upcoming Microsoft Web Api framework has some good extension points that will make this type of functionality much easier to implement. It shouldn't be too long before someone implements a reusable module for this framework that you can just plug in.