SourceProperty as Nested Directory in CopyFile - wix

I want to copy two file from existing location to new location using WIX Installer.
INSTALLDIR and Destination Directory are already defined. And In SourceProperty for first I want to use INSTALLDIR\P\X\Y and In second I want to use INSTALLDIR\Q\X\Y
<ComponentGroup Id="aYML" Directory="INSTALLDIR">
<Component Id="CopyaYML" Guid="" Transitive="yes">
<CopyFile Id ="aYMLcopy" SourceProperty="INSTALLDIR\P\X\Y" SourceName="A.yml" DestinationProperty="Destination"/>
<ComponentGroup Id="bYML" Directory="INSTALLDIR">
<Component Id="CopybYML" Guid="" Transitive="yes">
<CopyFile Id ="bYMLcopy" SourceProperty="INSTALLDIR\Q\X\Y" SourceName="B.yml" DestinationProperty="Destination"/>
As \ is not allowed in WIX how to achieve this?

It has to be a property name, which has a limited character set of letters, numbers, and underscores. You could use a SetProperty custom action (type 19) to format a value using the directory ID and the file name, or even the [#fileId] property format, though that's not reliable in older versions of Windows Installer.
Before InstallFiles but after CostFinalize, you could do something like this:
<SetProperty Id="AYMLPATH" Before="InstallFiles" Sequence="execute" value="[ParentDirectoryId]A.yml" />
Though, it may be easier to just use the SourceDirectory attribute and specify the directory ID.
Copying files, though, can cause issues for some servicing scenarios. For example, if you copy files in a patch, the changes can't be rolled back. If the files are small, just duplicate the files. There are even tricks to duplicating the file records, but keeping a single file blob in a CAB, but is outside the scope of this answer.


Hot ti Install File just in the first time with WIX

I have a component
<Component Id="ProductComponent" Guid="7935315f-4242-4c7a-a02c-6fd256805356">
KeyPath="yes" ></File>
I want to copy the file just on install , not upgrade.
But I can't find how to do it.
Any idea?
Have you tried using Condition element. I think you can provide a Condition inside Component element to check whether product is already installed or not. If not installed, then create file.
<Component Id="ProductComponent" Guid="7935315f-4242-4c7a-a02c-6fd256805356">
<Condition> NOT Installed </Condition>
KeyPath="yes" ></File>
This is a weak spot of MSI (which WiX uses).
MSI installs a file
User modifies the file
MSI goes to install the file. Should it:
a) overwrite and lose user data
b) not overwrite and lose new applciation data
c) merge --- MSI doesn't support this.
If the user data is only one or few attributes there are tricks with custom actions to harvest the user data and reapply it but this is very tricky stuff.
IMO, the best way to approach this is never keep user data in a file installed by the installer. Take app.config appSettings element as an example. It was an atttribute that allows you to extend the file with another file that overrides the settings in the first file. Using this pattern the installer can lay down the app config and the application can create the override file and everything just works because MSI doesn't have to deal with the problem at all.

WIX — Add files to both GAC and INSTALLFOLDER without changing the name

Despite the different Ids and GUIDs the following code refused to compile because the following components have the same name. Setting the Name attribute does the trick, but I don't want libraries to have different names in GAC and install folder.
So far I have circumvented the issue by creating a CustomAction that renames one of the components on install, but this clearly isn't optimal. Is there an out of the box solution?
<ComponentGroup Id="HistoryGroup" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
<Component Id="History" Guid="*">
<File Source="$(var.ProjectName.TargetPath)" KeyPath="yes"/>
<Component Id="HistoryGAC" Guid="*">
<File Source="$(var.ProjectName.TargetPath)" KeyPath="yes" Assembly=".net"/>
Give both file elements explicit unique Id attributes. For the one going to the GAC install it to another dummy folder that already exists. (Don't worry it won't get installed there, it'll go to the GAC.)

Add file to Wix installer if it exists

I am trying to add a file to the installer like this in my main wxs file.
<ComponentGroup Id="Files" Directory="Bin">
<?if $(var.FILE_EXISTS) = "true"?>
<Condition>$(var.FILE_EXISTS) = "true"</Condition>
<File Source="$(var.SourceDir)/file.txt"/>
I'm passing FILE_EXISTS through candle.exe with the -d option
But its not taking effect. Its not getting added. It works when I don't have the conditions (just the File element). Any ideas?
As far as I understand, the condition you are talking about is a build-time condition. Basically, you would like to control whether the file in question gets into the MSI package.
If that's correct, then one mistake is the <Condition> element under <Component>. That's install-time condition, and only influences then the file is installed.
The other one is a pure syntax issue. The <?if?> directive must have the closing element.
Taking the above into account, your snippet might look like this:
<ComponentGroup Id="Files" Directory="Bin">
<?if $(var.FILE_EXISTS) = "true"?>
<File Source="$(var.SourceDir)/file.txt"/>

WIX does not remove shortcuts in the INSTALLDIR if not default

Why WIX does not remove a shortcut in the INSTALLDIR if it is not the default install directory is used? My WIX code look like?
<DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLDIR">
<Component Guid="..." Id="shortcuts_INSTALLDIR">
<RegistryKey ForceDeleteOnUninstall="yes" Id="shortcuts_reg_INSTALLDIR" Key="Software\MyCompany\MyProduct" Root="HKCU">
<RegistryValue KeyPath="yes" Name="shortcut_INSTALLDIR" Type="string" Value=""/>
<Shortcut Arguments="my args " Description="my description" Id="InstallDir_my_name" Name="my name" Target="[INSTALLDIR]mydir\my.exe" WorkingDirectory="INSTALLDIR"/>
It look like that the uninstaller does not know the new value of INSTALLDIR. Any idea?
Windows Installer is a bit of an odd beast here. It doesn't record the operations it performs; instead it tries to record the information necessary to reverse them. In this case it appears you're falling into a gap in that implementation.
Windows Installer notes that it has installed component shortcuts_INSTALLDIR. When a file is installed to a specific directory, it records the directory's location. Then during maintenance it restores all the directories it recorded. But it does not record (and thus does not restore) the directory for just a shortcut. Typically shortcuts are installed to predefined paths under the ProgramMenuFolder. Since such locations are not affected by changes to INSTALLDIR, this is usually not a problem.
To solve this you have to ensure the alternate INSTALLDIR is restored during maintenance. You can convince Windows Installer to do so automatically by installing any file directly to INSTALLDIR (if the extra file is not a problem, this is my preferred option). Alternately you can do so manually through the remember property pattern, possibly leveraging ARPINSTALLLOCATION and its saved value in the Uninstall key.

Using Wix how can I deploy one of several web.config files while installing an web application

I'm using Wix 3.6 beta from the command line, not as VS projects. I have a web application that is harvested with heat as a directory. This works. I'm using web.config transforms to manage each of the target environment web.config files. These are output with msbuild, this works and keeps things visible in Visual Studio and source control.
I've hit a problem deploying one of the several web.config files which I am manually including in product.wxs as components with conditions. I was expecting to include all components as deployable features and let the conditions select just one as active. For example:
<DirectoryRef Id="wwwroot">
<Component Id="setup_a" Guid="some_guid" >
<File Source="$(var.ConfigSourceDir)\setup_a\web.config" />
<Condition>ENVIRON = setup_a</Condition>
<Component Id="setup_b" Guid="some_guid" >
<File Source="$(var.ConfigSourceDir)\setup_b\web.config" />
<Condition>ENVIRON = setup_b</Condition>
This didn't create any file renaming, moving or deleting issues, but has the very fundamental problem that multiple web.config files are mapped to the same destination and this gives me a light error of "Product.wxs(xxx) : error LGHT0091 : Duplicate symbol 'File:web.config' found. This typically means that an Id is duplicated. Check to make sure all your identifiers of a given type (File, Component, Feature) are unique."
An alternative approach was to use different named .config files and rename/move one to be the web.config, so something like:
<DirectoryRef Id="wwwroot">
<Component Id="setup_a" Guid="some_guid" >
<File Id="setup_a.config" Source="$(var.ConfigSourceDir)\setup_a.config" />
<CopyFile Id="moveit" SourceDirectory="wwwroot" SourceName="setup_a.config" DestinationDirectory="wwwroot" DestinationName="web.config" />
This doesn't throw an error, bot the CopyFile command does nothing at all. I just get setup_a.config in the wwwroot folder.
If I nest the CopyFile inside the File, the copy action then works:
<DirectoryRef Id="wwwroot">
<Component Id="setup_a" Guid="some_guid" >
<File Id="setup_a.config" Source="$(var.ConfigSourceDir)\setup_a.config" >
<CopyFile Id="moveit" DestinationName="web.config"/>
...but nested CopyFile means I can't add (it's disallowed) the Delete="yes" attribute to create a 'move' action. Instead I'm left with both setup_a.config and web.config in the wwwroot folder. Alternatively, if I add a seperate removefile within the same component element it also does nothing:
<RemoveFile Id="removefile" On="install" Directory="wwwroot" Name="setup_a.config"/>
So, I'm hoping for a working example of how handle multiple web.config files in a conditional deployment, that doesn't leave files behind. the destination filename of web.config is fixed by the framework and can't be changed. The different configs are also pre-generated outside of wix using config transforms, this also can't be changed but the generated filenames could be anything.
You complicate it too much. This should work:
<Component Id="setup_a" Guid="some_guid" >
<File Name="web.config" Id="config_a" Source="$(var.ConfigSourceDir)\setup_a\web.config" />
<Condition>ENVIRON = setup_a</Condition>
<Component Id="setup_b" Guid="some_guid" >
<File Name="web.config" Id="config_b" Source="$(var.ConfigSourceDir)\setup_b\web.config" />
<Condition>ENVIRON = setup_b</Condition>
Pay attention to a couple of things here:
the File/#Name is the same - that's the target file name you'd like to have (web.config)
the File/#Id is different for each File in order to avoid the light error you mentioned first
the File/#Source can be anything - it just describes what file to take as a source
In this sample light will still complain with warning LGHT1076, but that's just a warning - it pays your attention that conditions MUST be mutually exclusive to avoid problems.
I usually take a different approach. Rather then placing multiple mutually exclusive files into an installer that are tightly coupled to specific instances I put a generic file in the installer and use XML changes to transform the XML with the variation point data such as connection string and what not.
This allows me to make installers that can be deployed anywhere silently just by passing a few properties and the command line.