TLDR: What does Hybris do with password hashes before storing them in the database? Because values in the database field are NOT standard password hashes.
I had to add the TLDR above, because two users posted answers that are indicative that they didn't read (or understand) the question.
I'm working with Hybris 1905. When I set a user's password in backoffice, I can choose the type of hashing algorithm, including MD5, SHA-256 and a few others. Yet the password value stored in the database is clearly not a simple hash with the algorithm. For example, here are hashes of password test1234, with various hashing algorithms:
Salted MD5: 1:Gtjd5QVM/t0HLT5PvZCU4g==s9B8Vw/BIkzixwzMzueRR1R6WY9y8Fq9BqFqwGIuY2fGK+KFYSXjNf5G0fbAlb9u
SHA-256: 1:etvHTnwzMfX/DnbNPhmQBA==8jq6sLLcb/PrIhVB9D+YA61L2mr0dlBYr/84G/K9Kzqe4gpvPF10ja8RaIE94b3A+joszlMutGrHezDs871A/8Yr4oVhJeM1/kbR9sCVv24=
SHA-512: 1:ZSaQW0C+r/NMVwRRVTCm9w==4qQJdmvU4PE02ipY0Mvkp2sb+bMuMHTiMIVE2m6NESzv2BEFG2O1MIjkzFUES6f7jzoVOEuVmd/E8mqOUoogbL9rpkOPmeMEj5EpB2iued3UAouLvv6PuUCyFJGJdoRsZJzwO2Lj30iokY4RsG0OKXYuGdUjNYU7X1AUggH+eWfGK+KFYSXjNf5G0fbAlb9u
PBKDF2 (HMAC−SHA1): 1:HIKWvUwTA/pVC9mXzl9qgw==NOsr8pkNUIbEGoiWFa5oArnlEfZNALK0cuczK7dxtxHbDTby+7w3ml1pf8HNmXjalq1A/tSvlb+gwZMRS4Q7ncMhU5w1b6HwV+BGEBG9ecqahzUOK7mNZrLbh9t50M0mRr2AVQJnn7bfvdJ5E3C4UPdoN44v1mAgIuC/9RKTnhj/1BhjHqKf1pozhFfoBz8FdSxBQMmKY91/c4VzkinqiSy5wkaWjOSQQuAN9ZoWmvw=
BCrypt: 1:GL1kPl93Nx4RjOymIhC1Kw==Xh9ZddGPIxUqpipcEvJ+bRHApEyWVPkXtxPlsYgzokUo4ktC/vh4weA6hrMEebtQC/OttaVzG3+9tUCHxFHCcw==
Clearly this is some sort of encoding that Hybris puts on top of the chosen hashing algorithm - but what is it? Is it encoding (i.e. can be decoded) or hashing?
I need to migrate a large database of users from another platform to this Hybris installation. I have existing usernames and corresponding hashed passwords, which I want to import. These are standard bcrypt hashes, so the same test1234 string would have hash $2y$16$mK9cm.pwOp8ve9oH0VqkT.123HGy/RHYLcd1GB.N5zEqBylV.22wm. Yet I am struggling to understand how to import this hash into Hybris users table.
What does Hybris do with password hashes before storing them in the
database? Because values in the database field are NOT standard
password hashes.
Its because encodedPassword attribute declared with encrypted="true" modifier. Due to that hybris encrypt value before storing to DB. Read more about Transparent Attribute Encryption (TAE) and how it works in hybris.
<attribute autocreate="true" qualifier="encodedPassword" type="java.lang.String">
<persistence type="property" qualifier="Passwd">
<modifiers read="true" write="true" search="true" optional="true" encrypted="true"/>
In your case, you probably need to create your own password encoder and set it to all migrated users, so that your system manages to authenticate migrated users with custom encoder, and then you can redirect the user to reset the password. In the reset password flow, you can update the password encoding with the new OOTB encoder so that new hash will be generated.
other references 1, 2
Hybris always stores passwords in an encoded format. The default strategy in SAP Commerce is PBKDF2. When necessary, you can change it through the default.password.encoding property.
You can also implement your own password encoding strategy by implementing the PasswordEncoder interface and adding the custom password encoding strategy bean to core.passwordEncoderFactory bean.
to correct my answer, Hybris always create a hash with the combination of username and password.
--->PasswordEncoderFactoryImpl class is responsible to give correct Encoder class based on the input of encoding.
--->factory.getEncoder(encoding).encode(user.getUID(), password)
Hybris supports
you can test with an already existing test user and knowing the password to generate a hash key based algo and match the encoded password, it should give results as same.
---> to validate it just write simple groovy and output of groovy you can compare with a test user used in groovy via back office and compare encoded password.
here encoding is pbkdf2
We are currently using ActiveMQ 5 with the SimpleAuthenticationPlugin and encrypted passwords in property files. In the future, we want to use password hashes instead of encrypted passwords in our property files. Is there an easy, out-of-the-box way to do this? Preferably one that does not involve writing custom plugins, using 3rd party components or switching to another broker, e.g. ActiveMQ Artemis?
In short, no. There is no easy, out-of-the-box way to use password hashes instead of encrypted passwords in your property files.
The underlying use-cases for encrypting passwords vs. hashing are different. Encrypting passwords holds open the possibility that they may be decrypted. This is useful for situations where a middle-man (e.g. the broker) needs to use the password to access an external system (e.g. a database). Hashing passwords eliminates the possibility of decryption and is only useful for comparisons (e.g. comparing the hash of an incoming passwords against an existing hash).
The password security functionality in ActiveMQ 5.x makes no distinction between these use-cases. Everything is encrypted and decrypted the same way and passed through to the underlying components (e.g. the security plugin).
Furthermore, the SimpleAuthenticationBroker makes a simple comparison (as the name suggests) between the incoming password and the password recorded in the configuration without any consideration that the recorded password is hashed.
To get around this limitation you'd need to implement your own security plugin and hashing functions (since the built-in encrypt command won't suffice).
How do I encrypt this field before storing it in the database?
password = fields.Char(string="Password", required=True)
Do I use auth_crypt?
How do I store (encrypt) and retrieve (decrypt) this field? Do I need to use computed fields?
Essentially you should not store encrypted passwords because they can be decrypted when an attacker obtains access to the server.
Instead you should iterate over an HMAC with a random salt for about 100ms, (the salt needs to be saved with the hash). Better to use functiions designed to do this such as password_hash, PBKDF2, bcrypt, etc. The point is to make the attacker spend a lot of time finding passwords by brute force.
See OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Password Storage Cheat Sheet.
Yes, use odoo official encrypt module. after 8.0 onward odoo default encrypt password.
new field: password_crypt which store encoded protected password.
Use official way of pick password field in model file
and proper xml widget for form view.
How to reset user's password via direct SQL for Odoo
MAJOR EDIT: I have a Neo4j database record of user information like name, location, email & password. I want to store the password records in md5 for security reasons. How can I convert the password entered by the user to md5 in the Neo4j database?
It's a Django app, and I need to secure user information with storing the password as md5 in Neo4j.
Thanks in advance!
You need to encode it in the application level before storing it into neo4j. Like you would do with other databases.
In django it would be :
// Then store it into neo
Using MD5 for password storage is a bad idea. MD5 passwords are far too easy to crack and have been for several years. Use bcrypt in a programming language of your choice until someone implements strong crypto in Neo4J.
Don't worry about MD5 storage, let Neo4j handle it for you. You can use the API to let a user set a password on first use [1], and have the user authenticate secure on subsequent use [2]. See also the documentation here.
[1] URL:
[2] URL:
What's the simplest way to upgrade a VB.NET site to using encrypted passwords? Are there easy to use encryption algorithms built in to System.UI?
My site is using plain text password storage, and it will soon be going to a public server at godaddy from a private one on the local network. I'm going to have to start adding in encryption algorithms to all the password parsing functions, and it would be nice if I could just set a SALT key in the web.config file and Encrypt(password) or something like that.
Not in System.UI but definitely in System.Security.Cryptography:
There are definitely standard "good practices" you'll want to follow. No point in re-inventing the wheel, especially when it comes to password storage. There are a lot of resources for that, and they're better at it than I am :)
Generate a salt for each user and store it in the database. Then hash the users incoming plain text password, add the salt to it and hash it again. For extra security, hash the password at the client before posting back to your server. Once you have the posted hash, you can add the salt to it and hash it again then store that value as the users password. This basically ensures that no one, even if they have access to your database can easily get to the users passwords.
This is the simplest way and all that is required is a reference to the cryptography libraries. You can get as fancy as you want with your algorithm. I've just provided a loose example of something that could be easily done in just a few minutes.
I'm trying to secure a website that is being moved to a public server soon. I've just finished adding the password hashing functions to all of my login scripts. I'm using FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(pw, method) to do so. I have a question about the process I'm using and whether or not it's secure for a web server:
Password is sent in plain text over HTTPS to the server
The server looks in the Users table to find the user's Salt (several random characters) and their hashed and salted stored password
The plain text password is appended with the Salt
The new string is hashed using the above function
The newly hashed version is compared to the stored version
If equal, login is allowed
If not equal, the login attempt is logged in Session variables, up to 3 times before locking out the user's machine from accessing the login page until an admin verifies IP address and unlocks.
Does this look about right? I just don't see how the salt is effective in this method... Anyway, all I've done is add a salt and hash. Is this considered Encryption? Or am I missing a step? I remember reading that hashing algorithms like SHA1 and MD5 are not encyption algorithms, so what else needs to be done?
That is correct. The salt is used to prevent rainbow table attacks where a dictionary of common works hashed with MD5 is used to try to gain entry. Using the salt ensures that even if they had an MD5 hash of the word, it wouldn't work because they don't know the salt.
The MD5 algorithm is a 1 way hash algorithm, and not an encryption value. The difference is, once you've hashed the value, there is no way to get back to the original value. Encryption allows you to decrypt the data and get back the original value. So you are correct, they are not the same, and your passwords are not encrypted, they are hashed. This means that if someone forgets their password, you cannot send it to them. You have to provide a way for them to reset their password instead. This also means that anyone with access to the database would not have access to raw passwords. Which is good because a lot of people use the same password everywhere, and if you had access to a large list of usernames and passwords, someone could decide to start trying to log into bank / credit card websites.
What you are doing is a recommended practice.
You shouldn't be storing the retry count in the session - an attacker could simply discard their session cookie after each attempt, allowing them to retry as many times as they wish. Instead, store it against the user record.