Notepad++ UDL: Dot as operator and decimal separator at the same time - operators

I want to create a UDL that uses dot as decimal separator aswell as an operator.
In the UDL configuration i put . in the "Operators 1" section and i set "Decimal Separator" to "Dot", but it's not working correctly.
Now, is there a way to make the . adapt to numbers keeping it as an operator?


VBA (MS Access) Remove whitespace from string and start next word with upper case

I want to convert a "title" which can have whitespaces in it like " this is a Test title " to a string where all whitespaces are removed and the words which were previously separated by the whitspaces are all starting with capital letters.
The result of the above string should be "ThisIsATestTitle".
Goal is to create a string which then can be used as a folder name for the filesystem.
In MsAccess VBA:
replace(strconv(" this is a Test title ",vbProperCase)," ","")
returns ThisIsATestTitle
Thanks #June7 for giving this useful info:
If expression in query or textbox, use 3 in place of vbProperCase.
Goal is to create a string which then can be used as a folder name for the filesystem.
Then you have a few more things to do.
Non-trailing spaces are not a problem, but a lot of other characters are. In particular, you need to remove all occurences of <, >, :, ", /, \, |, ? and *.
There are a few special edge cases as well: For example, you can't use any of the "reserved names" (COM1 etc.) and your name must not end with a period. For a full list, see Microsoft's official documentation:
Windows App Development: Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces

Azure Data Factory: Reading doubles with a comma as decimal separator instead of a dot

I'm currently trying to read from a CSV files ( separated with semicolon ';') with decimal numbers formatted with a comma(,) as a decimal separator instead of a dot (.).
i.e: the number 12356.12 is stored as 12356,12.
In the source's projection, what would be the correct format to read the value correctly?
The format should in Java Decimal Format
If your CSV file's columnDelimiter is a comma (','), your first concern is how to avoid your number data won't be treated as different columns. Since your number data is stored as 12356,12, so my suggests as below :
Change the columnDelimiter as | or other special characters.
2.Set escape char. Please see this description:
In addition, 12356,12 can't be identified as Decimal format in ADF automatically. And no such mechanism o turn , into .. So I think you need to transfer data as string temporary. Then convert it into Decimal in your destination with java code.
True answer is in the comments: In the copy job the culture can be defined, which influences the decimal separator. Go to "mapping" > "Type conversion settings" > "culture" and chose en-us, de-de or whatever works for you. Be aware that this will also influence other types like dates.

Check if character field contains only digits

I read data from a excel file.
The cols of internal table all are char128, there are 2 cols contain only digital with decimal point. So I need to check the fields only contain digital or digital with decimal point.
The function module NUMERIC_CHECK, just can check only digital, if the digital with decimal point it will be useless.
You may use CO (contains only):
IF value CO '1234567890.'.
Maybe you need also a space in your IF _ CO-statement.
This check does not detect multiple decimals points (e.g.
Newer versions of ABAP support regular expressions.
If you have also spaces in your string, you may add them into the CO-value:: IF value CO '1234567890 .'.
You might try to use REGEX. The report DEMO_REGEX_TOY lets you input strings and test regular expressions against them.
Someone more experienced with REGEX in general might be able to make this a little more versatile but here's what I came up with:
-? Optionally match the '-' character (allows for negatives or non-negatives
[0-9]+ matches digits (the + makes it match 1 or more)
\.? optionally matches the '.' character (the \ is needed as '.' is an operator)
([0-9]+)? optionally matches any digits after the decimal
if you want to check if the string is a valid decimal, you could use the following module function : 'HRCM_STRING_TO_AMOUNT_CONVERT', which allow you to convert a string to its numeric counterpart, given the string, the decimal separator and the thousand separator.
Another way to check for number:
data: float_value type f.
float_value = <your string value here>.
catch cx_sy_conversion_no_number.
" not a valid number

Searching for backslash character in vim

How to search word start \word in vim. I can do it using the find menu. Is there any other short cut for this?
in command mode.
You can search for most anything in your document using regular expressions. From normal mode, type '/' and then start typing your regular expression, and then press enter. '\<' would match the beginning of a word, so
would match the string 'foo' but only where it is at the beginning of a word (preceded by whitespace in most cases).
You can search for the backslash character by escaping it with a backslash, so:
Would find the pattern '\foo' at the beginning of a word.
Not directly relevant (/\\word is the the correct solution, and nothing here changes that), but for your information:
:h magic
If you are for a pattern with many characters with special meaning to regexes, you may find "nomagic" and "very nomagic" mode useful.
will search for the literal string ^.$, instead of "lines of exactly one character" (\v "very magic" and the default \m "magic" modes) or "lines of exactly one period" (\M "nomagic" mode).
The reason searching for something including "\" is different is because "\" is a special character and needs to be escaped (prepended with a backslash)
Similarly, to search for "$100", which includes the special character "$":
Press /
Type \$100
Press return
To search for "abc", which doesn't include a special character:
Press /
Type abc
Press return

How can I write special character in VB code

I have a Sql statament using special character (ex: ('), (/), (&)) and I don't know how to write them in my VB.NET code. Please help me. Thanks.
Find out the Unicode code point for the character (from and then use ChrW to convert from the code point to the character. (To put this in another string, use concatenation. I'm somewhat surprised that VB doesn't have an escape sequence, but there we go.)
For example, for the Euro sign (U+20AC) you'd write:
Dim euro as Char = ChrW(&H20AC)
The advantage of this over putting the character directly into source code is that your source code stays "just pure ASCII" - which means you won't have any strange issues with any other program trying to read it, diff it, etc. The disadvantage is that it's harder to see the symbol in the code, of course.
The most common way seems to be to append a character of the form Chr(34)... 34 represents a double quote character. The character codes can be found from the windows program "charmap"... just windows/Run... and type charmap
If you are passing strings to be processed as SQL statement try doubling the characters for example.
"SELECT * FROM MyRecords WHERE MyRecords.MyKeyField = ""With a "" Quote"" "
The '' double works with the other special characters as well.
The ' character can be doubled up to allow it into a string e.g
lSQLSTatement = "Select * from temp where name = 'fred''s'"
Will search for all records where name = fred's
Three points:
1) The example characters you've given are not special characters. They're directly available on your keyboard. Just press the corresponding key.
2) To type characters that don't have a corresponding key on the keyboard, use this:
Alt + (the ASCII code number of the special character)
For example, to type ¿, press Alt and key in 168, which is the ASCII code for that special character.
You can use this method to type a special character in practically any program not just a VB.Net text editor.
3) What you probably looking for is what is called 'escaping' characters in a string. In your SQL query string, just place a \ before each of those characters. That should do.
Chr() is probably the most popular.
ChrW() can be used if you want to generate unicode characters
The ControlChars class contains some special and 'invisible' characters, plus the quote - for example, ControlChars.Quote