How can I trigger a click from the console with Cypress? - testing

I'm trying to run commands on cypress from the command line. For instance, selecting an element and clicking on it.
I'm trying to do this to try some tests without having to need to run all the previous steps at this point. I'm not sure if this is possible due to the sequential nature of cypress, but it would be really helpful if there was some way to do it. I assumed something like this would be possible from the developer tools console:
cy.get('[data-test="save button"]').click()
I'm aware this doesn't work, so I tried with now and then and some other weird strategies. Reading the documentation didn't help. At least the part I read. Any details are appreciated.
--- edit ---
The console is on the same chrome instance that contains the selector playground like shown in in the image below.


Require is not defined with selenium webdriver and broswersify does not appear to be not an option. How can I proceed?

My question relates to implementing the solution proposed in this post. The error I first get is that the webdriver is not defined. For that, I tried the following solution. But at that point, I get an error that "require()" is not defined, which brought me to this final solution. I tried the recommended Browserify option, but I don't think it's going to work for me because I can't just throw a "script src="bundle.js"" into the html as I want to use the webdriver to open the YouTube "stats for nerds" menu every time an ad is detected to get the video ID of that ad via a Chrome extension. Not sure if this is possible. Any help would be highly appreciated. I'm new to JS.

Command for logging into an account using Selenium IDE

I'm trying to test whether logging into an account is successful using Selenium IDE.
Is there a particular command that I can use in Selenium IDE to test whether I can successfully log into my account on facebook for instance? Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
There isn't a single command to fill out an entire form. However, the type command can be used for each field:
Replace username with whatever the actual ID of each field is (which can be seen by right-clicking the page and viewing the page source). You can use many other HTML attributes in this manner, such as name and class; have a look at the documentation for more examples.
Then, simply repeat this procedure for each field you wish to fill in. To actually log in, you'll need the click command targeting the Login button. This is used the same way as the type command above, but doesn't need anything in the Value field.
Once you're actually in, you can check if it was successful by using the assertText command, targeting something you know the value of (your profile name, for example). If Selenium-IDE can't find the element (or the name doesn't match), it'll let you know that the test has failed.

Get last successfull build on Hudson

I was wondering if anyone know of a way or a plug in to get the last build version with result of success from a particular Hudson job using the CLI somehow.
I can see this result is held in the [DateTime]\build.xml file so I could write something to grab the result but was wondering if anyone has done this already or a know of a way to use the CLI to grab this information?
I have tried to find the information on the documentation but was unable to find the answer. If you need anymore detail then let me know.
I'm a bit late to the party here, but you can also just use the URL http://localhost:8081/job/jobname/lastSuccessfulBuild to get the last successful build. If you want to extract specific data from that page you can use http://localhost:8081/job/jobname/lastSuccessfulBuild//api
You can do it with XPATH:
In the above example I'm getting the last successful build number of the build named JReport2. You can query your Hudson server via WGET or CURL sending it an HTTP GET that is equivalent to that URI.
The XPath expression can be shortened, but in the long form it is easier to understand what's going on.
In general, it is instructive to enter http://<hudson-server>/api/xml in your browser and examine the output.
Correct xpath is as:
...&xpath=/hudson/job/name[text()=" of project..."]/../build/result[text()='SUCCESS']/../number/text()
but it is not work.
Working xpath is as:
As described above:
it is not correct xpath because /../../build[1]/number/text() always gives the first build.

Need your ideas to automate

In my project we have a web based tool where it collects all the exceptions that occur in log. The list of exceptions will be displayed in table and a icon will be displayed in a column to get the stack trace. Some one needs to check all those exceptions and we need to assign to different teams based on the keywords.
Eg : If the stacktrace contains "DB Connection error" it has to be assigned to DB team, if it contains code error like "classcast exception" in particular file then it has to be assigned to individual owning the module. Currently some one has to open each n every row in the table displayed and open the stack trace and do Ctrl + F and if any of those keywords are found assign it to respective team.
We don't have any access to the tool's database and it's web based. I need some good ideas to automate it. Please suggest me with which technology and idea to automate it.
Sounds like selenium + programming language of your choice is a good fit (even without a selenium).
You need to:
download source code of the page containing exceptions table.
Use any of these: wget, curl, selenium, urllib for python, etc.
put it into variable and extract exceptions list in convenient to you format.
Use any xpath-powered tool, like selenium, lxml for python, etc.
do your thing with the extracted exceptions list: search for keywords, assign tickets, etc.
Use programming language of your choice.
Definitely you can achieve this using selenium.
Following are the steps to follow.
Supply date criteria with type command to the boxes text boxes element.
click search button.
store the required text in variable using storeValue(locator, variableName).
click on image link if you are able to keep track of popup window else you have to use
$second=$sel->getAttribute("//html/body/.../a#href"); and now your $second has link address $sel->openWindow($second,"MyWindow2"); now select that new window $sel->selectWindow("MyWindow2"); and do operation of storing required data from the popup.
Now agian for selection of previous window use `$sel->selectWindow("null"); // hear $sel is object of selenium (i.e. $this).
Select your required option using select(selectLocator, optionLocator).
Use selenium RC for above steps so that you have more manipulation with the data stored and as per requirement operations.
In above steps syntax are of PHPUnit.
Please try the steps may help you.

Excluding Selenium-server URL in JMeter Proxy Server

I'm currently trying to get JMeter to record the steps my selenium tests so I can perform load testing with the same tests. The steps are recorded fine but my problem is that its also recording the steps performed in the "selenium-server" window (i.e. the extra windows that pop up when selenium runs).
I believe if I add something like *selenium-server* to the "URL Patterns to Exclude" List then it will ignore all these steps but they keep recording for every pattern I've tried.
Can someone please tell me the pattern which will lead to these steps getting ignore?
An example url is: /selenium-server/driver/?retry=true.
Try adding the following to 'URL Patterns to Exclude'
If you're trying to use your Selenium tests to generate load, you might also want to look at BrowserMob. It's a company I started that runs actual Selenium browsers en masse in the cloud.
You could try to add the following to 'URL Patterns to Exclude'