Get last successfull build on Hudson - automation

I was wondering if anyone know of a way or a plug in to get the last build version with result of success from a particular Hudson job using the CLI somehow.
I can see this result is held in the [DateTime]\build.xml file so I could write something to grab the result but was wondering if anyone has done this already or a know of a way to use the CLI to grab this information?
I have tried to find the information on the documentation but was unable to find the answer. If you need anymore detail then let me know.

I'm a bit late to the party here, but you can also just use the URL http://localhost:8081/job/jobname/lastSuccessfulBuild to get the last successful build. If you want to extract specific data from that page you can use http://localhost:8081/job/jobname/lastSuccessfulBuild//api

You can do it with XPATH:
In the above example I'm getting the last successful build number of the build named JReport2. You can query your Hudson server via WGET or CURL sending it an HTTP GET that is equivalent to that URI.
The XPath expression can be shortened, but in the long form it is easier to understand what's going on.
In general, it is instructive to enter http://<hudson-server>/api/xml in your browser and examine the output.

Correct xpath is as:
...&xpath=/hudson/job/name[text()=" of project..."]/../build/result[text()='SUCCESS']/../number/text()
but it is not work.
Working xpath is as:
As described above:
it is not correct xpath because /../../build[1]/number/text() always gives the first build.


How can I trigger a click from the console with Cypress?

I'm trying to run commands on cypress from the command line. For instance, selecting an element and clicking on it.
I'm trying to do this to try some tests without having to need to run all the previous steps at this point. I'm not sure if this is possible due to the sequential nature of cypress, but it would be really helpful if there was some way to do it. I assumed something like this would be possible from the developer tools console:
cy.get('[data-test="save button"]').click()
I'm aware this doesn't work, so I tried with now and then and some other weird strategies. Reading the documentation didn't help. At least the part I read. Any details are appreciated.
--- edit ---
The console is on the same chrome instance that contains the selector playground like shown in in the image below.

Is it possible to use the Canonical Landscape API to get script output?

The documentation I can find for the Canonical Landscape API lets you do lots of things with scripts, but I can't find anything suggesting that you can get output. However, if you use the Canonical web interface, script output is available, so it's presumably exposed somehow...?
I just had this issue as well and since you're the first hit right now on google, I wanted to share the answer for everyone - if you run ExecuteScript on a landscape client and get back an ID of 123, and let's assume the job finished already - you want to then use that ID to ask the GetActivities API, with an input argument of "query" with value "parent-id:123". If there is a result there, you will find the script output you are looking for under the result_text field of the response. Good luck!!! It worked over here very well.

Endpoint with Google Flex env

There is bit of a confusion, wondering if somebody can help me with this.
Here is an example which is a year old and uses goapp with polymer and endpoint
Here is a recent example using gcloud
Both are different as google changed its approach.
As per second example, I am able to create endpoint functions which uses json for input and output. However there are 2 problems
1st. It is throwing error if I put functions in different file under same package. It works when I run go run .go. but then I dont understand how app.yaml come into picture. I think this url /_ah/spi/. should work
2nd. I am using postman app to check the request and response from endpoint. Is there a better way? I thought google does provide a platform to test endpoint.
Is there any example which implements examples similar to 1st one with new libraries?
looking forward for your help. Thanks.

How does one list the changes via the API from a TeamCity build?

I'm trying to find a way to get all the comments from a particular build in TeamCity via the Rest API. How can one do that?
Via this URL, one can list out in custom fashion exactly the fields they wish to return. I don't think this is documented, i got this from their support folks. Enjoy!
PS - There are other examples out there which iterate over each change, this lists out all the changes for a particular build id in one place, for parsing.

Web Scraping through Excel VBA

I need to fetch company addresses(cim) from site
Example Company Name: AB-KONTÍR Szolgáltató Bt.
I know how to do it using WinHttp.WinHttpRequest object and FireBug.
But I am not able to decide to which URL I should send this request.
When I analyse the request/responses using FireBug, I get the following URL:
4221638 is CompanyID here I think. But in my case I will have company name only and that's what my problem is.
So can anybody please tell me where can I get URL using firebug or any other tool using which I can track the URL with Company Name as parameter which I can use in my VBA code.
Thanks in advance!
So can anybody please tell me where can I get URL using firebug or any
other tool using which I can track the URL with Company Name as
parameter which I can use in my VBA code.
No. Unless there is a publicly available database (I would suggest calling them, if you can) or an API that allows for programmatic access, the only way to arrive at this link slug is by executing the search.
Further, the post slog is not as relevant as you think. If you search for simply "Kontir", this is the resulting page -- with many results:
You're going to have to automate the "search" -- passing the criteria to the Web Page and executing the button-click and/or HTTPPost, and then parse the result(s). In the example company name, there is only one result. But it is possible as in my example above, that there may be multiple matches for some queries, and then you will need to have a method of dealing with these, or ignoring them.