eBay Bulk Data Exchange API - Get Results/Item Numbers After Adding FixedPrice Item - ebay-api

Using the eBay Bulk Data Exchange API we have successfully created a job, uploaded the XML, started the job, and see JobStatus of Completed with no errors when looking up the job.
The call was to AddFixedPriceItem (Just one for testing). I need to know the eBay Item Number for this listing, or any error messages for failures.
How do I download a report for this Job that contains this information for all items in the job.


Recieve Steammarketprices of all CSGO Items

is there an API/elegant way to receive a full list of CSGO items that are listed on the Steam Market and their up to date prices?
I know there is this Method:
Steam Market API?
But this only gives you one Item at a time and blocks you if you send too many requests.
I've also seen the CSGOBackpack and BitSkins API but their data is deprecated by a few weeks.

Get historical stock level from Quickbooks TradeGecko API

I am using TradeGecko API (docs: https://developer.tradegecko.com/docs.html) to get my shop's data. The API comes with a StockLevel resource, but it only return the stock level at the moment, not in the past. I want to see how the stock level changes over time. Any way I can do that?
Tradegecko API is sunsetting at the time of writing this comment. But if anyone needs this, I went to Intelligence > Reporting > Inventory > Stock history. Pick a timeframe and stock location to download the historical data.
I also used Python Selenium for automatic download the data into my email, then used the Gmail API to get the csv link and process the data.

How to Get All Tasks from a Story Using DevOps API

I'm trying to get all Tasks from a Story with the DevOps API but I only found a relation expand command which is not that what I want.
So how can I "expand" a Story to see all Tasks?
API REQ: https://----/----/----/_apis/wit/workitems/ID?api-version=5.1
With that I only get like the name, desc, state, reason, assignedto and so on.
Check with the related REST API and Azure CLI, it seems that currently we have no easy way to get the list of Tasks that have been linked to a User Story.
You can execute the API "Work Items - Get Work Item" and get the list of work items that have linked to the specified User Story from the Response body of this API.
GET https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/wit/workitems/{id}?$expand={$expand}&api-version=6.1-preview.3
In the list you can get the URL of each linked work item. You can get the detailed information of each work item via sending request to the URL. From the detailed information, you can get the work item type of each item.

Field seems to be missing in some responses in Active Collab 4 API

I am looking for fields in task called is_completed and completed_on.
When I do the /projects/#PROJECT-ID#/tasks API call I see is_completed but I do not see completed_on.
We are using the Cloud based version of Active Collab 4.
Any reason why I am not seeing completed_on?
In Active Collab 4, there is a difference between "brief" API responses (used when returning large lists of objects), and detailed responses (used when a single object is returned via API).
When you are listing a list of tasks, you will get all individual tasks in brief format, but when you fetch details of each task, you'll get a detailed response.
In brief task responses, completed_on timestamp is not included, only whether tasks is completed or not (is_completed). To get the timestamp of completed tasks, make an additional call to task API for each task that is completed:
PS: In Active Collab 5, we removed brief and detailed concept, so each object always returns a single set of properties.

Google Consumer Survey Example Survey Response Data

Is there any way to generate test Google Consumer Survey responses without running a real (paid) GCS Survey?
I'm building out an application for pulling, processing, and reporting GCS results. It's going to use this procedure for pulling the responses in Excel format, but I don't want to run a real survey just to test the module. Is there a procedure for doing this?
Note: Trying to pull responses from one of the example surveys found here results in an authorization failure because the "User is not an owner of this survey".
I work on the Consumer Surveys team. You can access example survey results using the example surveys found under "Your Surveys": https://www.google.com/insights/consumersurveys/your-surveys?category=example.