Automatically dismissing dialog in XCTestCase - objective-c

When my app first starts up, it displays a dialog asking the user to respond by clicking either "Don't Allow" or "OK" if they would allow the app to use the microphone.
Problem is, when the unit tests are first started this same dialog appears, which stops the execution of the tests. If the unit tests are being run by Xcode Server, there is no way to manually intervene and click a button.
Is there a way to automate the dismissal of this dialog? Doesn't matter which button is clicked for the unit tests.
I've tried putting the following code in the XCTestCase setUp() method:
[self addUIInterruptionMonitorWithDescription:#"Interruption Monitor" handler:^{BOOL(XCUIElement * element) {
XCUIElement *button = [[element buttons] elementAtIndex:0];
if (button) {
[button tap];
but the handler is never called.
I don't even need the app to care about the microphone for the unit tests, if there's a way to never display the dialog in the first place.

Use shell command xcrun simctl privacy before executing the tests (e.g. before xcodebuild ... or as a preparation step in target's settings)
Here its info
Grant, revoke, or reset privacy and permissions
Usage: simctl privacy <device> <action> <service> [<bundle identifier>]
The action to take:
grant - Grant access without prompting. Requires bundle identifier.
revoke - Revoke access, denying all use of the service. Requires bundle identifier.
reset - Reset access, prompting on next use. Bundle identifier optional.
Some permission changes will terminate the application if running.
The service:
all - Apply the action to all services.
calendar - Allow access to calendar.
contacts-limited - Allow access to basic contact info.
contacts - Allow access to full contact details.
location - Allow access to location services when app is in use.
location-always - Allow access to location services at all times.
photos-add - Allow adding photos to the photo library.
photos - Allow full access to the photo library.
media-library - Allow access to the media library.
microphone - Allow access to audio input.
motion - Allow access to motion and fitness data.
reminders - Allow access to reminders.
siri - Allow use of the app with Siri.
bundle identifier
The bundle identifier of the target application.
reset all permissions: privacy <device> reset all
grant test host photo permissions: privacy <device> grant photos
Normally applications must have valid Info.plist usage description keys and follow the API guidelines to request access to services. Using this command to bypass those requirements can mask bugs.

The interruption monitors need to return a boolean value - the idea is that the test runner will execute all the interruption handlers that have been added to the interruption handler stack when an interruption is detected, until one of those handlers returns true.


How can I get PLAIN authentication working with Google's IMAP server?

So for a while I've been relying on the PLAIN support for logging into Google's IMAP server in my email client. Recently they started blocking that and return an error (despite listing it as a supported authentication method).
For instance take this example:
Connected to '' using SSL
* OK Gimap ready for requests from ##.##.##.## cd6mb38777249ieb
A0001 OK Thats all she wrote! cd6mb38777249ieb
* NO [WEBALERT] Web login required.
A0002 NO [ALERT] Please log in via your web browser: (Failure)
SSL connection closed.
ScribeImap_Thread.cpp:647 - Connect to failed.
I've tried opening the "" URL in my browser:
And I get redirected to but the next login attempt fails as well. So it doesn't seem to change the authentication at all.
Is the PLAIN authentication just blocked completely or am I doing it wrong?
Alternatively is there a authentication method that works and DOESN'T need a browser component to log in? (XOAUTH2 seems to need a web login as well)
It's pretty official:
They have shut off PLAIN login completely and it's not coming back.
So there are two options:
Turn on "less secure apps".
Implement OAUTH2.
I've decided to implement OAUTH2 support (which isn't too far off working actually). Initially I thought I would need an embedded browser component in my app, but it turns out that I can launch the system browser and the user can copy the token across in a some what manual process.
Interestingly for those working on OAUTH2 support in their software, Google have setup a playground to see the whole process in practice:
I see that this is an old post, but after fighting with Outlook for over a year to get my mail, I FINALLY got it working again.
The first thing I had to do was log into my my Gmail account and turn off the button labeled "Less secure apps" as Outlook is in that category.
Go to the "Less secure apps" section in My Account.
Next to "Access for less secure apps," selectTurn on. (Note to Google Apps users: This setting is hidden if your administrator has locked less secure app account access.)
And if you have 2-step verification on (as I did), it will still make Outlook fail. So the next thing you have to do is create an app password which will generate a password for you, and you use that in Outlook for it to sync correctly.
Visit your App password page. You may be asked to sign in to your Google Account.
At the bottom, click Select app and choose the app you’re using.
Click Select device and choose the device you’re using.
Since Outlook will not be listed, select Other and type in Outlook for future reference.
Select Generate.
Follow the instructions to enter the App password (the 16 character code in the yellow bar) on your device.
Select Done.
Copy the password that was generated.
Open Outlook and paste the password in the Password section. DO NOT use your regular password.
Your mail will sync without anymore issues. (Hopefully)
Once you are finished, you won’t see that App password code again. However, you will see a list of apps and devices you’ve created App passwords for.
I hope this helps everyone who is having an issue. And I hope these directions are easy to follow! Good luck everyone! :-)

Mirror API always request auth - java example code

I'm very new with Glass and I follow this link to deploy project to Google app engine.
Now everything works, but every time when I close browser then open browser and access my site(, it's require user permission again and again.
Please help me to solve it, thank you very much.
This is because the Java Quickstart demo utilizes sessions to identify users. One of the reasons a session's lifetime ends is due to a user quitting the browser. Therefore when you close and then reopen a browser, the web app has no way to identify you since the session has ended.
The code that checks for a user's identity in sessions is in of the Quickstart demo project:
if (AuthUtil.getUserId(httpRequest) == null
|| AuthUtil.getCredential(AuthUtil.getUserId(httpRequest)) == null
|| AuthUtil.getCredential(AuthUtil.getUserId(httpRequest)).getAccessToken() == null) {
// redirect to auth flow
httpResponse.sendRedirect(WebUtil.buildUrl(httpRequest, "/oauth2callback"));
If the servlet cannot find the user ID (as is the case when the user ID is no longer saved in a session), it runs the user through the authentication process again that starts with the httpResponse.sendRedirect call in the code above.

Start process as <interactive> to use NTLM token

I want to build a small application similar to Run As (Windows native) and DropMyRights.
A simple form with a text box which will hold the path to the program that i want to run, and a dropdown to select the account to impersonate (<system>, <interactive>, or "user NameLastname") when starting the child process.
Just in case this is not enough reason to point me to the right direction, here goes the answer to "why would you want to do that?"
I noticed that some of my applications, like Google Calendar Sync, Google Drive Sync and Chrome autoupdater (not chrome.exe), when run as <system> can't pass through the proxy (ISA/TMG).
I do not have access to the server config settings, so i have to do this client-side.
The goal is to have the child process running as <interactive>, and use the NTLM token.
How can i pass CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials or CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials to the process?
I can't pass username/password/domain because we authenticate on the domain using smartcard logon.
That means i don't even know my Active Directory password.
Answering questions:
It isn't clear what you mean by <system> and <interactive>. Please be
more specific. Do you mean you want to launch processes in your logon
session but have them run as SYSTEM? – Harry Johnston
By interactive i mean the logged on user credentials. Could be local, but in my case i need the domain credentials.
To be even more specific, i want to use the token already generated by the proxy.
I do not want to launch processes as system.
I want system processes to connect to the internet using my (already provided and approved by ISA/TMG) credentials.
More info about this here: What is Interactive Logon?
Hmmm. The Chrome updater isn't a normal application, it's a system
service. Are you trying to run system services in the logged on user's
context? – Harry Johnston
That's right. Exactly what i want to do.
But, Google Updater does not appear on the services list.
It's a scheduled task.
And changing the task to be executed with my credentials doesn't work. Still can not bypass the proxy.

Issues with Worklight authentication

I'm trying to develop a custom login form using Worklight customSecurityTest, based on SingleStepAuthAdapter application sample.
Basically, I've noticed that the login function used in the SingleStepAuthAdapater is always called after that user try to access to a secured function (after that, on login action, secured data are sent to the user), but if i try to call the submitAuthentication function directly, before any attempt to access to a secured function (i have inverted the "login page" with the "get secured data" page), i got the following error/lo on firebug:
The two POST calls are the same function raised two times by Worklight on login action (submitAuthentication function inside the SingleStepAuthAdapter called by singleStepAuthRealmChallengeHandler.submitAdapterAuthentication(invocationData, {})) and the error is related to the fact that authentication is requested twice: probably when the authentication request is performed, this function is issued twice after that the submitSuccess() function is called inside the handleChallenge (in fact, the issue doesn't occurs when i delete the submitSuccess invokation, but WL framework is not notified and, for example the isUserAuthenticated function return false, until the access to a secured resource is performed).
How can fix this behavior? What are the best practices to develop a simple login-form using worklight that allow authentication before any access to a proteced resource? I have found some workarounds (such as perform a fake data request before perform the submitAuthentication, but i hope that you can suggest me a better solution).
I've consulted the infocenter and the getting started modules, but probably due to my fault I'm not able to found any useful information
A common practice is to have an initial blank page or view for your app.
In WLCommonInit, either access a protected resource (that is what getsecretdata is all about), or call WL.Client.login(). Another option (suggested by #tk27) is to secure the app in the application descriptor and set connect on login to true. This will trigger authentication when the app starts.
Your challenge handler should display a login prompt dialog, and when the authentication successfully completes, transition to the first real page of your app.
This way, authentication is still done in response to a challenge from the WL Server (as it must be) but you don't see anything but a blank page to a login prompt until the login is successful.

Over-ride Browser Authentication Dialog

Is there a way using Java to over-ride the browser authentication dialog box when a 401 message is received from the web server? I want to know when this dialog is being displayed, and instead of it being given to the user, I fill in the credentials for them.
Overview of application:
i wrote the web server, so essentially i want to stop someone from opening an external browser and putting in the localhost and port to gain access to the data being displayed. my app has an embedded web browser linked to my written server. the browser displays decrypted content, so if i force the auth (even for my embedded browser), an external browser would need credentials. if my embedded browser is trying to access the files, i supply the credentials for the user and display the content
If you don't care about the password showing you can construct the URL so it passes the credentials ex. This will by pass the authentication box but will show the user the credentials so also might not be what you are looking for.
SWT 3.5M6 has a new listener within it call AuthenticationListener. It simply listens for authentication event passed from the server and is fired. The code below is what performs the behavior I wanted. It waits for the auth, and if the host is my application, it passes back the credentials. Of course fill in the USER_NAME, PASSWORD and HOST_NAME with appropriate variables. Otherwise it lets the browser auth dialog pop up and makes the user enter the credentials. This code can also be found in the Eclipse SWT snippets page:
webBrowser.addAuthenticationListener(new AuthenticationListener()
public void authenticate(AuthenticationEvent event) {
try {
URL url = new URL(event.location);
if (url.getHost().equals(HOST_NAME))
event.user = USER_NAME;
event.password = PASSWORD;
/* do nothing, let default prompter run */
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
/* should not happen, let default prompter run */
your question is a bit unclear. The whole basic authentication is based on HTTP Headers.
If the browser gets an authorization header than it displays the dialog. The content from the dialog is then send back to the server. There is nothing special about it. It iser username:password in base64 encoded. Have a look at
The problem is how you want to interfere. You would have to capture the authorization header and then for the next request you have to alter the HTTP header to include the credentials.
hope that helps
I think this is mostly browser-dependent behavior and what the server reports to the browser.
For example, Internet Explorer, being a Microsoft product, directly supports automatic sending of Windows credentials (you can modify this behavior in your Internet Settings) after an anonymous request fails in a 401.
Firefox, for example, does not and will always prompt the user even if it was set to remember the id and password via the password manager. IE will also prompt if auto-login fails (such as your Windows credentials still result in a 401 because you're id isn't allowed).
I don't think, as a web developer, you have much control over this besides setting up your server and app to work in the most expected and harmonious way... if you could, this might get into black hat territory.
If you want to control what is displayed to the user for authentication, you can change the auth-method in the login-config section of the web.xml from BASIC to FORM.
Then you can specify what page should be displayed when the user is authenticating, and, I suppose, pre-fill the credentials for them...but doesn't this defeat the whole purpose of security?
Setting up Authentication for Web Applications
Edit after further details:
My only suggestion would be to change the auth-method to CLIENT-CERT and require two-way SSL, where the client is also required to present a certificate to the server. If you install the certificate into your embedded browser (and make sure external browsers can't get the certificate) then you should be OK. And actually this should stop any authentication dialog from being displayed.