Over-ride Browser Authentication Dialog - authentication

Is there a way using Java to over-ride the browser authentication dialog box when a 401 message is received from the web server? I want to know when this dialog is being displayed, and instead of it being given to the user, I fill in the credentials for them.
Overview of application:
i wrote the web server, so essentially i want to stop someone from opening an external browser and putting in the localhost and port to gain access to the data being displayed. my app has an embedded web browser linked to my written server. the browser displays decrypted content, so if i force the auth (even for my embedded browser), an external browser would need credentials. if my embedded browser is trying to access the files, i supply the credentials for the user and display the content

If you don't care about the password showing you can construct the URL so it passes the credentials ex. http://username:password#www.example.com This will by pass the authentication box but will show the user the credentials so also might not be what you are looking for.

SWT 3.5M6 has a new listener within it call AuthenticationListener. It simply listens for authentication event passed from the server and is fired. The code below is what performs the behavior I wanted. It waits for the auth, and if the host is my application, it passes back the credentials. Of course fill in the USER_NAME, PASSWORD and HOST_NAME with appropriate variables. Otherwise it lets the browser auth dialog pop up and makes the user enter the credentials. This code can also be found in the Eclipse SWT snippets page:
webBrowser.addAuthenticationListener(new AuthenticationListener()
public void authenticate(AuthenticationEvent event) {
try {
URL url = new URL(event.location);
if (url.getHost().equals(HOST_NAME))
event.user = USER_NAME;
event.password = PASSWORD;
/* do nothing, let default prompter run */
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
/* should not happen, let default prompter run */

your question is a bit unclear. The whole basic authentication is based on HTTP Headers.
If the browser gets an authorization header than it displays the dialog. The content from the dialog is then send back to the server. There is nothing special about it. It iser username:password in base64 encoded. Have a look at
The problem is how you want to interfere. You would have to capture the authorization header and then for the next request you have to alter the HTTP header to include the credentials.
hope that helps

I think this is mostly browser-dependent behavior and what the server reports to the browser.
For example, Internet Explorer, being a Microsoft product, directly supports automatic sending of Windows credentials (you can modify this behavior in your Internet Settings) after an anonymous request fails in a 401.
Firefox, for example, does not and will always prompt the user even if it was set to remember the id and password via the password manager. IE will also prompt if auto-login fails (such as your Windows credentials still result in a 401 because you're id isn't allowed).
I don't think, as a web developer, you have much control over this besides setting up your server and app to work in the most expected and harmonious way... if you could, this might get into black hat territory.

If you want to control what is displayed to the user for authentication, you can change the auth-method in the login-config section of the web.xml from BASIC to FORM.
Then you can specify what page should be displayed when the user is authenticating, and, I suppose, pre-fill the credentials for them...but doesn't this defeat the whole purpose of security?
Setting up Authentication for Web Applications
Edit after further details:
My only suggestion would be to change the auth-method to CLIENT-CERT and require two-way SSL, where the client is also required to present a certificate to the server. If you install the certificate into your embedded browser (and make sure external browsers can't get the certificate) then you should be OK. And actually this should stop any authentication dialog from being displayed.


Pop-up window need to give password

When i open website there pop-up window asking password(admin) and without user name so how handle the pop-up authentication window by using selenium java and I was used Firefox driver.
My requirement is without user name and only enter the password as admin type need to handle the pop-up window
If your application is protected by basic access control you should be able to bypass it by simply providing your credentials as a part of the URL string:
More information:
How to send Basic Authentication headers in Selenium?
Authentication with Selenium
For more complex authentication schemes like NTLM or Kerberos you will need to construct proper Authorization header and add it to your request via i.e. BrowserMob Proxy. Check out Handling Authentication Requests with Selenium - Prologue article for more information on implementing this if needed.

Authentication to Google app script site should not be required

I made a site and set "Execute the app as" to "Me" and "Who has access to the app" to "Anyone, even anonymous" but it still requires authentication sometimes. I don't want it to ever require authentication. How can I fix that?
I'm testing this with Google Chrome in Incognito mode and Safari on an iPhone.
It is forwarded by Godaddy with a 302.
The problem occurs when I pass a parameter in the url. The only effect of that is to have the page scroll to a certain position and show the appropriate hidden content using this code which really has nothing to do with authentication to Google:
if(e.parameter.objection) {
var id = e.parameter.objection;
s += '<script type="text/javascript">'
+ 'goTo(' + id + ');'
+ '</script>';
Try the following links by right-clicking them and choosing "Open Link in Incognito Mode"
Requires authentication:
Does not require authentication:
UPDATE: I just discovered that the behavior has changed since I asked this question. Now when you redirect and pass in a parameter, rather than requiring you to authenticate, the page just doesn't work at all and gives you the error
Doesn't require authentication for me. You may have some problem with browser cookies, etc.
it works the way it is described, no gotcha with/without parameters.

Sign in as a different Box user

I am trying to integrate my iPad app with Box. I am having an issue with the Box API where files in the account of one user are returned for some other user. Here are the steps to reproduce this issue:
Make the authorization calls and get the access token as mentioned in this guide. For login, I am opening the Box login page in Safari. I have the specified a custom url scheme for the redirect url, which opens up my app after the user logs in.
Once you get the access token, make a call to list the contents of the root folder. This succeeds.
Delete the app from the iPad and rebuild it.
Again go to the login process (as in step 1), but this time use a different Box account to login. You get a new access code and OAuth token this time.
If you make the call to list the files using the new token, you will get the response from the earlier account. Ideally it should return the files for the currently authorized user.
Does Box use just OAuth to return response or does it use cookies as well? Because after authentication and receiving the access token, I also see a cookie from Box (verified using [[NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedStorage] cookies]).
I have tried repeating the above process by deleting all Box cookies before starting the authentication flow. Also, I am not saving the OAuth token on disk and retrieving it. I am not saving/caching the response in any way.
One more thing that I have noticed is that there can be two Box users logged in at once in Safari. Also, if I make the authentication request, get the access token and again make the authentication request, it shows the login page again (instead of showing the allow/deny access page). Is this intentional?
I am using the Box v2 API and iOS 5/6
Upon further inspection, the problem seems to be with Box servers caching response. I did a quick test with curl using two different access tokens created from the iPad app. I made a call to fetch the user files for the root folder using both tokens. The results were correct, i.e. I got the correct files for each account.
When I did the same test on the iPad app, the files for one user were returned for the other user. If I maintained a considerable gap between the two logins, I got the correct files.
To permanently fix this, I am setting the Cache-Control header to no-cache for the request to fetch the user's files.
But it is strange that I have to do this. Box needs to check their cache validation logic IMHO.

WebBrowser control: how to determine if access is denied to the URL?

I'm hosting an instance of a System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser control in an application and the ASP.NET page this control is navigating to requires Forms Authentication. I'd like to know within my application if the access to the web page had been denied either because the user entered an incorrect credential or because [s]he cancelled the credential input dialog. Is this possible? I've subscribed to both Navigated and DocumentCompleted events but see no indication of the 'access denied' condition.
Thanks much, eugen
Form authentication is implemented by the server. The user gets a web form to authenticate, and the response can be anything as the server programmer is free to code the response. The server programmer may return any HTTP status the programmer see fit, display an too-many-failed-attempt page, or show a database server down notice. There is no universal way to determine the login status.

Log in to my web from a chrome extension

I've got a web where logged in users can fill out a form to send information. I wanted my users to do this from a chrome extension too. I managed to get the form to sen information working but I only want to be logged in users to be able to do that. It's like a twitter or Springpad extension when the user first opens up the extension, it would have to log in or register. I saw the following answer at stack overflow: Login to website with chrome extension and get data from it
I gave it a try and put this code in background.html:
function login() {
url: "http://localhost/login", type: "GET", dataType: "html", success: function() {
url: "http://localhost/login", type: "POST", data: {
"email": "me#alberto-elias.com",
"password": "mypassword",
dataType: "html",
success: function(data) {
//now you can parse your report screen
In my popup.html I put the following code:
var bkg = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()
$(document).ready(function() {
And on my server, which is in node.js, I've got a console.log that shows user information when he logs in, so I saw that when I load my extension, it does log in. The problem is how can I get the user to log in by itself, instead of manually putting my details in the code, how to stay logged in in the extension and when submitting the form, sending the user's details to the web.
I hope I've managed to explain myself correctly.
Before answering this question I would like to bring to your notice that you can make cross origin xhr from your content scripts as of Chrome 13 if you have declared proper permissions. Here is the extract from the page
Version note: As of Chrome 13, content scripts can make cross-origin requests to the same servers as the rest of the extension. Before Chrome 13, a content script couldn't directly make requests; instead, it had to send a message to its parent extension asking the extension to make a cross-origin request.
Coming to the point. You simply have to make an XmlHttpRequest to your domain from your extension (content script or background page) and wait for the response.
At Server
Read the request and session cookie. If session is valid send proper response, else send an error code. 401 or anything else.
At client
If response is proper display it, else display a login link directing to login page of your website.
How it works:
It will work if cookies in user's browser is enabled. Whenever user logs in to your website your server sets a session cookie which resides in user's browser. Now with every request that the browser sends to your domain, this cookie is transmitted. This cookie will be transmitted even if the request is from a Google Chrome Extension.
Make sure you display proper cues to user indicating that they are logged in to your application. Since your UI will be mostly inside the extension, it is possible that user might not be aware of their valid session with your website and they might leave an active session unattended which might be abused if user is accessing it from a public internet kiosk.
You can take a look at a similar implementation that I have done with my extension here.
So the user logs into your server and you know that. I am a bit confused if you then want the user to be able to browse your website with those credentials or a third party website with those credentials.
If it is your website then you should be able to set a cookie that indicates whether they are logged in. Then detect this server side when they navigate your site.
If it is a third party site then the best you can do is create a content script that either fills out the login form and autosubmits for them or analyze the login post data and send it along yourself, then force a refresh.