does ceph RBD have the ability to load balance? - load-balancing

I don't know much about ceph. As far as I know, RBD is a distributed block storage device of ceph, and the same data should be stored on several computers that make up the ceph cluster. So, does this distributed block device(ceph RBD) have the ability to load balance? In other words, if multiple clients(In my situation,it would be QEMU)use this RBD block storage and they read the same data at the same time, will ceph RBD balance the traffic and send it to the client simultaneously from different computers in the cluster or just one computer will send its data to multiple clients? If I have a ceph cluster composed of 6 computers and a ceph cluster composed of 3 computers. Is there any difference in the performance of these RBD?

It's not a load balance but the distributed nature of ceph allows many clients to be served in parallel. If we focus on replicated pools with a size of 3 there are 3 different disks (on different hosts) storing the exact same object. But there's always a primary OSD which forwards write requests to the other copies. This make write requests a little slower but read requests are only served by the primary OSD so it's much faster than writing. And since clients "talk" directly to the OSDs (they get the address from the MON) many clients can be served in parallel. Especially because the OSDs don't store the RBDs as a single object but split into many objects grouped by "Placement Groups".
However, if you really talk about the exact same object being read by multiple clients you have to know that there are watchers on RBDs which lock them so only one client can change data. If you could describe your scenario with more detail we could provide more information.
If I have a ceph cluster composed of 6 computers and a ceph cluster
composed of 3 computers. Is there any difference in the performance of
these RBD?
It depends on the actual configuration (reasonable amount of PGs, crush rules, network etc.) but in general the answer is yes, the more ceph nodes you have the more clients you can serve in parallel. Ceph may not have the best performance compared to other storage systems (of course, depending on the actual setup) but it scales so well that the performance stays the same with an increasing amount of clients.

does ceph RBD have the ability to load balance?
Yes, it does. For RBD there's rbd_read_from_replica_policy option:
"… Policy for determining which OSD will receive read operations. If set to default, each PG’s primary OSD will always be used for read operations. If set to balance, read operations will be sent to a randomly selected OSD within the replica set. If set to localize, read operations will be sent to the closest OSD as determined by the CRUSH map
Note: this feature requires the cluster to be configured with a minimum compatible OSD release of Octopus. …"


What problem does the redis distributed lock solve?

So I just read about redlock. What I understood is that it needs 3 independent machines to work. By independent they mean that all the machines are masters and there is no replication amongst them, which means they are serving different types of data. So why would I need to lock a key present in three independent redis instances acting as masters ? What are the use cases where I would need to use redlock ?
So why would I need to lock a key present in three independent redis instances acting as masters?
It's not that you're locking a key within Redis. Rather, the key is the lock, and used to control access to some other resource. That other resource could be anything, and generally is something outside of Redis since Redis has its own mechanisms for allowing atomic access to its data structures.
What are the use cases where I would need to use redlock?
You would use a distributed lock when you want only one member at a time of a distributed system to do something.
To take a random example from the internet, here's Coinbase talking about their use of a distributed lock to "ensure that multiple processes do not concurrently generate and broadcast separate transactions to the network".

Zookeeper vs In-memory-data-grid vs Redis

I've found different zookeeper definitions across multiple resources. Maybe some of them are taken out of context, but look at them pls:
A canonical example of Zookeeper usage is distributed-memory computation...
ZooKeeper is an open source Apache™ project that provides a centralized infrastructure and services that enable synchronization across a cluster.
Apache ZooKeeper is an open source file application program interface (API) that allows distributed processes in large systems to synchronize with each other so that all clients making requests receive consistent data.
I've worked with Redis and Hazelcast, that would be easier for me to understand Zookeeper by comparing it with them.
Could you please compare Zookeeper with in-memory-data-grids and Redis?
If distributed-memory computation, how does zookeeper differ from in-memory-data-grids?
If synchronization across cluster, than how does it differs from all other in-memory storages? The same in-memory-data-grids also provide cluster-wide locks. Redis also has some kind of transactions.
If it's only about in-memory consistent data, than there are other alternatives. Imdg allow you to achieve the same, don't they?
By default, Zookeeper replicates all your data to every node and lets clients watch the data for changes. Changes are sent very quickly (within a bounded amount of time) to clients. You can also create "ephemeral nodes", which are deleted within a specified time if a client disconnects. ZooKeeper is highly optimized for reads, while writes are very slow (since they generally are sent to every client as soon as the write takes place). Finally, the maximum size of a "file" (znode) in Zookeeper is 1MB, but typically they'll be single strings.
Taken together, this means that zookeeper is not meant to store for much data, and definitely not a cache. Instead, it's for managing heartbeats/knowing what servers are online, storing/updating configuration, and possibly message passing (though if you have large #s of messages or high throughput demands, something like RabbitMQ will be much better for this task).
Basically, ZooKeeper (and Curator, which is built on it) helps in handling the mechanics of clustering -- heartbeats, distributing updates/configuration, distributed locks, etc.
It's not really comparable to Redis, but for the specific questions...
It doesn't support any computation and for most data sets, won't be able to store the data with any performance.
It's replicated to all nodes in the cluster (there's nothing like Redis clustering where the data can be distributed). All messages are processed atomically in full and are sequenced, so there's no real transactions. It can be USED to implement cluster-wide locks for your services (it's very good at that in fact), and tehre are a lot of locking primitives on the znodes themselves to control which nodes access them.
Sure, but ZooKeeper fills a niche. It's a tool for making a distributed applications play nice with multiple instances, not for storing/sharing large amounts of data. Compared to using an IMDG for this purpose, Zookeeper will be faster, manages heartbeats and synchronization in a predictable way (with a lot of APIs for making this part easy), and has a "push" paradigm instead of "pull" so nodes are notified very quickly of changes.
The quotation from the linked question...
A canonical example of Zookeeper usage is distributed-memory computation
... is, IMO, a bit misleading. You would use it to orchestrate the computation, not provide the data. For example, let's say you had to process rows 1-100 of a table. You might put 10 ZK nodes up, with names like "1-10", "11-20", "21-30", etc. Client applications would be notified of this change automatically by ZK, and the first one would grab "1-10" and set an ephemeral node clients/
The next application would see this and go for the next group to process. The actual data to compute would be stored elsewhere (ie Redis, SQL database, etc). If the node failed partway through the computation, another node could see this (after 30-60 seconds) and pick up the job again.
I'd say the canonical example of ZooKeeper is leader election, though. Let's say you have 3 nodes -- one is master and the other 2 are slaves. If the master goes down, a slave node must become the new leader. This type of thing is perfect for ZK.
Consistency Guarantees
ZooKeeper is a high performance, scalable service. Both reads and write operations are designed to be fast, though reads are faster than writes. The reason for this is that in the case of reads, ZooKeeper can serve older data, which in turn is due to ZooKeeper's consistency guarantees:
Sequential Consistency
Updates from a client will be applied in the order that they were sent.
Updates either succeed or fail -- there are no partial results.
Single System Image
A client will see the same view of the service regardless of the server that it connects to.
Once an update has been applied, it will persist from that time forward until a client overwrites the update. This guarantee has two corollaries:
If a client gets a successful return code, the update will have been applied. On some failures (communication errors, timeouts, etc) the client will not know if the update has applied or not. We take steps to minimize the failures, but the only guarantee is only present with successful return codes. (This is called the monotonicity condition in Paxos.)
Any updates that are seen by the client, through a read request or successful update, will never be rolled back when recovering from server failures.
The clients view of the system is guaranteed to be up-to-date within a certain time bound. (On the order of tens of seconds.) Either system changes will be seen by a client within this bound, or the client will detect a service outage.

Apache Kafka: Mirroring vs. Replication

Mirroring is replicating data between Kafka cluster, while Replication is for replicating nodes within a Kafka cluster.
Is there any specific use of Replication, if Mirroring has already been setup?
They are used for different use cases. Let's try to clarify.
As described in the documentation,
The purpose of adding replication in Kafka is for stronger durability and higher availability. We want to guarantee that any successfully published message will not be lost and can be consumed, even when there are server failures. Such failures can be caused by machine error, program error, or more commonly, software upgrades. We have the following high-level goals:
Inside a cluster there might be network partitions (a single server fails, and so forth), therefore we want to provide replication between the nodes. Given a setup of three nodes and one cluster, if server1 fails, there are two replicas Kafka can choose from. Same cluster implies same response times (ok, it also depends on how these servers are configured, sure, but in a normal scenario they should not differ so much).
Mirroring, on the other hand, seems to be very valuable, for example, when you are migrating a data center, or when you have multiple data centers (e.g., AWS in the US and AWS in Ireland). Of course, these are just a couple of use cases. So what you do here is to give applications belonging to the same data center a faster and better way to access data - data locality in some contexts is everything.
If you have one node in each cluster, in case of failure, you might have way higher response times to go, let's say, from AWS located in Ireland to AWS in the US.
You might claim that in order to achieve data locality (services in cluster one read from kafka in cluster one) one still needs to copy the data from one cluster to the other. That's definitely true, but the advantages you might get with mirroring could be higher than those you would get by reading directly (via an SSH tunnel?) from Kafka located in another data center, for example single connections down, clients connection/session times longer (depending on the location of the data center), legislation (some data can be collected in a country while some other data shouldn't).
Replication is the basis of higher availability. You shouldn't use Mirroring to handle high availability in a context where data locality matters. At the same time, you should not use just Replication where you need to duplicate data across data centers (I don't even know if you can without Mirroring/an ssh tunnel).

Uneven cache hits

I have integrated twemproxy into web layer and I have 6 Elasticache(1 master , 5 read replicas) I am getting issue that the all replicas have same keys everything is same but cache hits on one replica is way more than others and I performed several load testing still on every test I am getting same result. I have separate data engine that writes on the master of this cluster and remaining 5 replicas get sync with it. So I am using twemproxy only for reading data from Elasticache not for sharding purpose. So my simple question is why i am getting 90% of hits on single read replicas of Elasticache it should distribute the hits evenly among all read replicas? right?
Thank you in advance
Twemproxy hashes everything as I recall. This means it will try to split keys among the masters you give it. If you have one master this means it hashes everything to one server. Thus, as far as it is concerned you have one server for acceptable queries. As such, it isn't helping you in this case.
If you want to have a single endpoint to distribute reads across a bank of identical slaves, you will need to put a TCP load balancer in front of the slaves and have your application talk to the IP:port of the load balancer. Common options are Nginx and HAProxy for software based ones, on AWS you could use their load balancer but you could run into various resource limits out of your control there, and pretty much any hardware load balancer would work as well (though this is difficult if not impossible on AWS).
Which load balancer to use is dependent on your (or your personnel's) comfort and knowledge level with each option.

Google Compute Engine Load Balancer limits

I'm thinking of using Google Compute Engine to run a LOT of instances in a target pool behind a network load balancer. Each of those instances will end up real-time processing many large data streams, so at full scale and peak times there might be multiple Terabytes per second go through.
Is there a quota or limit to the data you can push through those load balancers? Is there a limit of instances you can have in a target pool? (the documentation does not seem to specify this)
It seems like load balancers have a dedicated IP (means it's a single machine?)
There's no limit on the amount of data that you can push through a LB. As for instances, there are default limits on CPUs, persistent or SSD disks, and you can see those quotas in the Developers Console at 'Compute' > 'Compute Engine'> 'Quotas', however you can always request increase quota at this link. You can have as many instances that you need in a target pool. Take a look to the Compute Engine Autoscaler that will help you to spin up machines as your service needs. The single IP provided for your LB is in charge of distributing incoming traffic across your multiple instances.