vee validate 2.2 - Custom rule with two cross-field validation parameters - vue.js

I am trying to validate a field with vee validate that depends on 2 other input parameters.
The field which needs to be validated is an average value field that must not be greater than a given maximum and not less than a given minimum.
<v-text-field v-model="kind.bhd_min"
v-currency="{locale:'de', currency:null}"
<v-text-field v-model="kind.bhd_max"
v-currency="{locale:'de', currency:null}"
<v-text-field v-model="kind.average_bhd"
v-currency="{locale:'de', currency:null}"
My custom rule looks like this:
const averageBHD = {
validate: (value, [min,max] = {}) => {
return value > min && value < max;
Validator.extend('averageBHD', averageBHD, {hasTarget: true});
The custom rule is called properly as the console.log() outputs some values when dirtying the related fields. However, the second parameter (max) is never the actual value of the the referenced field but the string literal "maxBHD" which appears to be the value of the ref attribute. The first parameter min is logged correctly, thus indicating that the ref is working.
What am I doing wrong? It should be possible to reference multiple fields in a custom rule, right?


Vuelidate - Accept 'null' or empty string as valid

I am currently using Vuelidate for a form. There is an input field where the user is allowed to leave it in blank, which is an optional field.
Minimum value, if entered, should be 0 or higher, but If I leave it empty, it will still throw the error. Validation works well for numbers, it executes the error class when entered value is below 0.
Summary: I need to have minValue(0) but also nullable possibility.
I currently have this:
validations: {
company_name: {
minValue: minValue(0)
Template looks like this:
:class="{ 'error': v$.company_name.minValue.$invalid"

Vee validate: isBetween custom rule with parameters not working

validate, and Im trying to create multiple rules for my textfield for example: required, minlength, maxLength and chain them together, and based on whic h parameter is passed to preform validation
So I tried using example from the docs:
const isBetween = (value, { min, max } = {}) => {
return Number(min) <= value && Number(max) >= value;
// The first param is called 'min', and the second is called 'max'.
const paramNames = ['min', 'max'];
Validator.extend('between', isBetween, {
paramNames // pass it in the extend options.
And my Vue model looks like this:
v-if="item && item.type === 'TEXT_AREA'"
:rules="`isBetween:true, 10`"
v-slot="{ errors, valid, validate }"
#input="addAttributeValue($event, uid, validate)"
<span>{{ displayError(errors) }}</span>
Here I try to pass in IsBeterrn params like: required, length and based on that to preform validation but I always get min & max value as null, and arguments is array instead of object
Also my second question is how would I use required from vee-validate in my custom rule
You have two ways of specifying parameters, with strings or with objects. I suggest you use the object method like this:
:rules="{between:[0, 10]}"
You had a couple mistakes - the rule is called between because that's what you called it when you did this:
Validator.extend('between', isBetween, {
paramNames // pass it in the extend options.
Also, you can't use a boolean and a number as the parameter as you did here:
:rules="`isBetween:true, 10`"
The way I specified it, with :rules="{between:[0, 10]}" also lets you make the min and max variable if you wanted, i.e. if you had a component data item called minValue you could use that in the rule like this :rules="{between:[minValue, 10]}" and your rules would react to changes to minValue.

vuetify rule function - how to access component label during validation?

I would like to access the label property of a component in it's "Rules" function so I can return an (already) localized field name in the error message.
Is there any way to access the properties of the component in the rule function that's called by Vuetify for validation?
As can be seen in the code I have a function to localize the field label already, I don't want to re-do it twice or have to specify it twice. In "MyRuleFuctionInMyRuleLibrary" I want to validate the rule and report on it localized properly.
I know I can just pass the localized text Key in my rule function but that would create a redundancy as I would have to type it twice in the template and I also need some other properties of the control / component so I would rather pass or have access to the component itself. I already tried passing "this" to the component, e.g.:
:rules="MyRuleFunctionInMyRuleLibrary(this, obj.count)"
However this in this case appears to be everything on the page / form, not the single component itself.
Using typescript:
<v-text-field v-model="volume.sizePerInstance" :rules="sizePerInstanceRules" :label="$t('volumes.sizePerInstance') + ' (GB)'" type="number" step="0.01" required min="0" color="#0cc2aa"></v-text-field>
You have to define a getter in order to get acces to component properties:
get sizePerInstanceRules() {
return [
(v: number) => v && v > 0 || 'Max size must be greater than 0',
(v: any) => v && !isNaN(v) || 'Max size must be a number',
(v: number) => {
return this.maxValue >= v || 'Exceeded limit';
In Vuetify source code, rules function has only 1 parameter (value). You can work around by define label as data or computed property:
Add label to data
data: () => ({
label: {
count: this.$locale.get('WidgetCount')
then you can access localize label in validation function by this.label.count
You might want to watch locale change to change label manually:
watch: {
locale: function () {
this.label = {
count: this.$locale.get('WidgetCount')

Aurelia validation: applying some rule on change and some on blur on same property

I have an input field for a value that should have exactly 5 digits. I would like to show errors when typing characters other than digits immediatly (onChange) but showing the error for unsufficient string length only on blur.
My rule looks like so at the moment:
.matches(new RegExp(/[0-9]/))
MaxLength is restricted by setting maxlength in html.
If I set the validation trigger to "onChange" to get an immediate response to wrong characters I also get an error shown for not satisfying the minLength rule while typing correct digits until having typed 5 of them.
The behavior I would like to have is to apply the matches-rule onChange and the minLength-rule onBlur.
Is there any possibility to apply two rules on the same property on different events? I know how to validate manually but I don't know how to differenciate between rules.
You can use the when fluent API to satisfy your needs. Something like this -
.when((order) => {
if (order.length > 4) {
order._ruleHasBeenMet = true;
return order.length > 4 && order._ruleHasBeenMet;
.withMessage('Email is required when shipment notifications have been requested.');
Encouraged by #PWKad's answer I played a little with .when() and came up with this:
I changed the validate trigger to "validateOnChangeAndBlur" and added a reference to my field:
<input type="text" value.bind="myInput & validateOnChangeAndBlur" maxlength="5" ref="myInputRef">
I extended the validation rule with a conditional validation checking if my input has focus as I only want to validate length when the input loses focus:
.matches(new RegExp(/[0-9]/))
.when(() => this.dwKapitel !== document.activeElement)
This works like I expect it to work.

Dynamically changing jQuery unobtrusive validation attributes

I have a page built in ASP.NET MVC 4 that uses the jquery.validate.unobtrusive library for client side validation. There is an input that needs to be within a range of numbers. However, this range can change dynamically based on user interactions with other parts of the form.
The defaults validate just fine, however after updating the data-rule-range attribute, the validation and message are still triggered on the original values.
Here is the input on initial page load:
<input id="amount" data-rule-range="[1,350]" data-msg-range="Please enter an amount between ${0} and ${1}">
This validates correctly with the message Please enter an amount between $1 and $350 if a number greater than 350 is entered.
After an event fires elsewhere, the data-rule-range is updated and the element looks as such:
<input id="amount" data-rule-range="[1,600]" data-msg-range="Please enter an amount between ${0} and ${1}">
At this point if 500 is entered into the input it will fail validation with the same previous message stating it must be between $1 and $350. I have also tried removing the validator and unobtrusiveValidation from the form and parsing it again with no luck.
Is there a clean way to change the validation behavior based on the input attributes dynamically?
As Sparky pointed out changing default attributes dynamically will not be picked up after the validation plugin has been initialized. To best work around this without rewiring how we register validated fields and rules, I found it easiest to register a custom adapter in the unobtrusive library:
jQuery.validator.unobtrusive.adapters.add("amount", {}, function (options) {
options.rules["amount"] = true;
options.messages["amount"] = function () { return $(options.element).attr('data-val-amount'); };
jQuery.validator.addMethod("amount", function (val, el, params) {
try {
var max = $(el).attr('data-amount-max');
var min = $(el).attr('data-amount-min');
return val <= max && val >= min;
} catch (e) {
console.log("Attribute data-amount-max or data-amount-min missing from input");
return false;
Because the message is a function, it will be evaluated every time and always pick up the latest attribute value for data-val-amount. The downside to this solution is that everytime there is a change we need to change all three attributes on the input: data-amount-min, data-amount-max, and data-val-amount.
Finally here is the input markup on initial load. The only attribute that needs to be present on load is data-val-amount.
<input id="amount" data-val-amount="Please enter an amount between ${0} and ${1}" data-val="true">
You cannot change rules dynamically by changing the data attributes. That's because the jQuery Validate plugin is initialized with the existing attributes on page load... there is no way for the plugin to auto re-initialize after dynamic changes are made to the attributes.
You must use the .rules('add') and .rules('remove') methods provided by the developer.
you can try this one:
// reset the form's validator
// change the range
$("#amount").attr("data-rule-range", "[1,600]");
// reapply the form's validator
charle's solution works! you cannot have model attributes to use it though, I build my inputs like:
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => Model.EnterValue, new
#class = "form-control",
data_val = "true",
data_val_range = String.Format(Messages.ValueTooBig, Model.ParamName),
data_val_range_max = 6,
data_val_range_min = 2,
data_val_regex_pattern = "^\\d+(,\\d{1,2})?$"
and then in javascript:
$("#xxxx").attr('data-val-range-max', 3)
$("#xxxx").attr('data-val-range-min', 0)