Does Geany provide autocomplete without having to Ctrl-Space everytime? - ide

Is there a plugin or something to make Geany autocomplete show up as you type (like how Sublime Text does)?. I find it tiring having to press Ctrl+Space everytime I want auto-completion.

The Autocompletion section of the Geany manual is a little vague on the matter, and a cursory glance suggests that a keypress is required for complete word autocompletion.
Digging a bit deeper in the Editor Completions preferences section reveals the Autocomplete all words in document option. Testing this option, it seems to get close to what you're looking for. The only drawback is that a word that's not a symbol won't show up in the autocompletion list if there is a symbol that matches. For example, if there's a symbol "engine" and the non-symbol word "engineering" in a document, "engineering" won't be listed for autocompletion until at least "enginee" is typed.


Is there any way to make IntelliJ IDEA file context menu searchable?

I love IntelliJ IDEA, because it's conveniences of keyboard input and quick search, you can search almost everywhere, just input directly in the view and popups, like it's quick outline, search files, project struct and so on. It's fuzzy search is quick and powerful.
Context menu so powerful and frequently used, but there's no quick search. And I get used to keyboard input and ideavim plugin now, it's a good plugin. but the context menu makes me feeling so bad.
So, is there any way to do that? Making it searchable like quick fix, quick outline.
There is a related feature request, feel free to vote.
Right now you can create your own quick lists with the actions you need. Quick lists have the shortcuts by default.

PhpStorm: Disabling autofill on Find

A few versions ago, PhpStorm (and I assume WebStorm) added a new feature: Pressing CTRL+F (Find) while having text highlighted, automatically puts that text in the search bar:
Unfortunately, after decades of habit, I automatically press CTRL+C, CTRL+F, CTRL+V and invariably end up with this:
Before anyone suggests I simply adapt and change, I'd like to point out that no other application I use behaves this way, and I don't want to develop a habit that will only cause me pain in other applications.
How can I disable this "helpful" feature in PhpStorm?

What is the principle by which keyboard shortcuts selected in IntelliJ IDEA?

There are lots of useful functions of Intellij IDEA and for many of them there are keyboard shortcuts.
But remembering shortcuts may be difficult, at least for me.
Are there some consistent guiding principles by which these shortcuts were selected by designers? I believe learning such principles would be helpful to memorize shortcuts itself.
I think that the closest answer you're going to get is "it depends". Some shortcuts are obviously chosen, because the keybinding describes what the shortcut does, for example ⌘+O means open, not only in IntelliJ but in many places throughout OS X.
Some shortcuts probably don't have any kind of such semantic meaning, such as Alt+Enter and are chosen because they are very frequently used and the placement of the keys relative to each other is comfortable.
Other keyboard shortcuts with similar purpose have the same starting sequence of keys. For instance the extract refactoring shortcuts, which are as follows:
⌘+Alt+M - extract method
⌘+Alt+C - extract constant
⌘+Alt+V - extract variable
⌘+Alt+F - extract field
⌘+Alt+P - extract parameter
So in such case you only need to remember that if you want to extract something, you press ⌘+Alt and the first letter of what you want to extract.
That being said, I don't believe that the way to learning the keybindings is memorizing them, but using them. If you use one keybinding multiple times, over the time you will memorize it. You can help this process for instance by locating the action you want to perform in the menu, but instead of clicking it look at the keyboard shortcut next to it and press it. Or find the action using ⌘+Shift+A, look at the shortcut and use it.
There are even plugins, which can help you with this, for instance Key Promoter which you can install via Settings/Plugins/Browse Repositories. This plugin shows you shortcut you can use when you invoke some actions by clicking it in menu, etc. It also shows you how many times you've used this action in such a way instead of using the corresponding shortcut.

Disable auto-search in intellij's console when typing the search keyword

When searching for a String in Intellij's console, you have to type the word you are looking for in a special input. But as soon as you begin typing, intellij is beginning to parse the whole console log which can be huge (it can freeze the whole IDE), and it starts to look for the first letter typed.
So if you want to search for "WARN", it begins to look for "W" for no reason. Is there a way to have a manual "start search" in intellij console and to disable the "auto-search" on typing in search box? That way I would just type the whole word and then search for it in the log, as the word is more restrictive the search would not freeze intellij.
I found how to bypass auto-search, use a text editor (notepad++, scite...) then type in it what you want to look for. Copy it to the clipboard. Paste then in the search box instead of all characters in it (use ctrl+a to select all, then paste).
Intellij will take the paste event as an unique event (not a succession of many keyboard events).

Is there a Textmate equivalent of "Format indenting of selected code" in Sublime Text 2?

In Textmate, the keyboard shortcut ⌘⌥[ properly indents all the nesting on selected code.
Is there a similar option in Sublime Text 2? It's the only thing holding me back from switching and I've checked all documentation to try and find something similar.
I'm not sure if Sublime Text 2 has a generic code formatter, but there are a lot of really good packages out there that will provide various formatting for different languages.
Take a look at Package Control (used to manage plugins for Sublime).
For formatting Ruby there's a pretty good package called BeautifyRuby.
What you are actually looking for is "reindent". It's under the Edit -> Line -> Reindent option. Strangely enough it's not bound to a keystroke. Simply installing code syntax packages will not cause them to apply the formatting to existing code.