How to send my stream to RTMP Endpoint(Vimeo, Twitch) in Ant Media Server? - rtmp

I need to publish my RTMP stream to Vimeo and Twitch via RTMP. I don't see these options on AMS Dashboard settings tab / Social Streaming section. So, how can I push my stream to RTMP Endpoints with Ant Media Server?

You can add RTMP Endpoint with Edit RTMP Endpoint in Actions tab as a picture.
After the click Edit RTMP Endpoint, you can add Vimeo and Twitch RTMP Endpoint easily.
Note: You can add any RTMP Endpoints here.


How to get live stream sharable CDN link using agora-sdk ng

Created angular project using agora sdk ng
tried to push my live stream using agora it throw me berlow error
reason: "Publish error on rtmp-publish"
status: 32
type: "liveStreamingFailed"
url: "rtmp://"
Agular side code:
Please help on my above issue.
Thanks in advance
The startLiveStreaming method is meant to push the Agora stream to an extertnal RTMP server, such as pushing your stream to YouTube Live or Twitch.
To inject media from an RTMP url, you should use addInjectStreamUrl(API reference)
From the documentation:
Injects an online media stream to a live-broadcast channel.
After you call this method, the server pulls the online stream and
injects it into a live-broadcast channel. This is applicable to
scenarios where all audience members in the channel can watch a live
show and interact with each other. See Inject Online Media Stream for
If the online media stream is injected successfully, this stream is
added to the channel, and all users in the channel receive the
AgoraRTCClient.on("user-published") and
AgoraRTCClient.on("user-joined") callbacks with the uid 666.

How to integrate with Google home hub to get camera stream?

For now, the media target is just Chromecast service from document here:
but,You can stream video from these security cameras to your Google Home Hub from document here:
so,how to integrate with Google home hub to get camera stream?
Thank you!
If you follow the guide on CameraStream, it will show you how to integrate with any cast target. The Google Home Hub is a cast target, and a security camera will stream to it if the Hub is the target receiver.

how to access the web ip camera on the opentopia?

I am viewing an ip camera from, I have two questions
1. how it is streaming through the web page on the opentopia website,
is it possible to access and record the stream of that camera through ffmpeg or some other software ?
This site uses an mjpeg, stream. any program that can do http requests can download it.

Testing a HLS playlist

I have generated a HLS adaptive streaming playlist with 3 different quality of videos using AWS elastic transcoder, which is configured to stream over cloudfront.
How do I test if this playlist is properly adapting based on the internet speed and other parameters?
If you have access to Apple's HTTP Live Streaming tools, you can validate your HLS video streams by using the mediastreamvalidator tool.
Alternatively, you could try using a web proxy that allows bandwidth throttling, such as Charles or Fiddler. Try altering the bandwidth setting then check if the player fetches a different playlist that corresponds to the (simulated) bandwidth available.

Accessing YouTube live streams with Web Audio API

Is it possible to access YouTube live stream content (video/audio) in Javascript and Web Audio API e.g. for real-time mixing of the audio content?
Is the payload HTML5 compatible or is it Flash only?
... or is access to these streams limited via CORS or licensing clauses?
In my case, live streams would be created in Google Hangout
You can only access the content for HTML5 streams, and of course I'd expect this would not be available in the future for encrypted streams. Hangouts use a plugin right now, so you can't do this.