Show debug_message from VcPkg - cmake

In <VCPKG_ROOT>\scripts\cmake\vcpkg_fixup_pkgconfig.cmake, we have a lot of debug_message(...), but I cannot seem to find where the messages are actually logged, or how do I get the messages to log?

set(PORT_DEBUG ON) shows the messages in the console. Just set in the portfile.cmake you want to debug or set it globally in the triplet file you are using.


ZAP: Execute Script

I try to execute the community script "Extender/HTTP Message Logger.js". I first double click on the script to make it open in the scripting console. However, in the scripting console, the "Execute" button is disabled and I see no other way how to make it run.
What am I missing?
I think you're missing the message beneath the script which says:
Extender scripts add new functionality, including graphical elements
and new API end points.
Enabling a script installs it and disabling a script uninstalls it.
So you just need to enable the script (by right clicking it and selecting 'Enable') and then it will start working.
The actual issue was that I didn't read the script's code carefully: be default the script only logs JSON messages as defined on lines 17 and 43 and following. In order to log all the sent and received HTTP messages, I simply changed the isMessageToLog(log) function to always return true. After redeploying the script (disabling and enabling) it would log all HTTP messages.

How to find my own functions in a ClojureScript error message?

I am a new ClojureScript user and I'm writing an application using Re-frame. When I get an error message (from ClojureScript), in most cases, I get a call stack ending in JavaScript code from a library. That is expected, but I don't get a function from my own code in the stack! Sometimes, I don't get any ClojureScript function calls at all, just JavaScript's. Is there a way to see the top of the stack in these error messages? Or to see the last function from my code/namespace in the stack?
That could be a huge help to me. Even small mistakes (such as, swapping operator's positions in a map call) are very hard to track. I should be doing something wrong.
It is said that ClojureScript error messages are an acquired taste. Because of the way the compiler works error messages can be cryptic.
What can help make ClojureScript error messages more readable is installing cljs-devtools or the fork Dirac. This has among other things:
The :hints feature.
The :hints feature is an attempt to augment uncaught exceptions and error object to include a bit of additional knowledge related to such errors. It tries to fetch the original source file, extract relevant part to show you more context and mark the javascript error there. This is expected to work only with :optimizations none compiler mode and it is disabled by default because it relies on monkey patching.
Better display of ClojureScript function names.
Example of nicer stack trace (from Dirac, but cljs-webtools already improves it a lot)
Enable custom formatters
Open DevTools with CMD-ALT-J
Go to Settings with F1 or by pressing the three dots
Check "Enable custom formatters" under Console
(See Installation):
Add configuration to the compiler in project.clj
[{:id "dev"
:source-paths ["src/cljs"]
:figwheel {:on-jsload "blabla.core/reload"}
:compiler {(...)
:preloads [devtools.preload]
:external-config {:devtools/config {:features-to-install :all}}}}
Install the Dirac Chrome extension.
Run Chrome with remote debugging enabled.
/Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome\ Canary \
--remote-debugging-port=9222 \
--no-first-run \
Add binaryage/dirac to dependencies in your project.clj
:dependencies [[binaryage/dirac "RELEASE"]]
(or use another one of the installation instructions).
If you use the re-frame Leiningen template the cljs-devtools are included by default

Errors printed to stdout with validation layers, but no callback

I've followed this tutorial and when setting up validation layers the author says we have to setup debug callbacks so logs can be printed in stdout.
I didn't set them up and yet the application is printing various error messages in my terminal : Swapchain(ERROR): object 0x1cdd2d0 type: 1 location: 292 msgCode: 3: VkDestroyInstance() called before all of its associated VkSurfaceKHRs were destroyed for instance, when omitting the call to vkDestroySurfaceKHR.
I'm using VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation, and no particular extension (only VK_KHR_surface and VK_KHR_xcb_surface).
Is this expected behaviour?
The default logging behavior for the validation layers was changed back around June 1 because people wanted the messages to go to stdout without having to provide a callback or putting a vk_layer_settings.txt in the application's directory. The tutorial website might be out of date in this area.
If this is unwanted behavior, the easiest way to change it is to get a copy of vk_layer_settings.txt (shipped in SDK) and edit it to change the behavior to what you want, and then place it in what is the current directory when the application starts.
As an alternative, you can also code a debug callback.
For more info, please see the layer docs on the LunarXchange website.

Proper way to check system requirements for a WordPress plugin

I am curious about the proper way to stop a user from activating my plugin if their system does not meet certain requirements. Doing the checks is easy and I don't need any help with that, I am more curious how to tell WordPress to exit and display an error message.
Currently I have tried both exit($error_message) and die($error_message) in the activation hook method. While my message is displayed and the plugin is not activated, a message saying Fatal Error is also displayed (see image below).
Does anyone know of a better way, that would display my message in a proper error box without displaying Fatal error, it just looks really bad for new users to see that.
Thanks for any help in advance.
This is a little undocumented, as you might have noticed. Instead of die(), do it like this:
$plugin = dirname(__FILE__) . '/functions.php';
wp_die('<p>The <strong>X</strong> plugin requires version WordPress 2.8 or greater.</p>','Plugin Activation Error',array('response'=>200,'back_link'=>TRUE));
The lines above wp_die() are to deactivate this plugin. Note that we use functions.php in this case because that's where I have my Plugin Name meta data comment declaration -- and if you use a different file, then change the code above. Note that the path is very specific for a match. So, if you want to see what your path would normally be, use print_r(get_option('active_plugins'));die(); to dump that out so that you know what path you need. Since I had a plugin_code.php where the rest of my plugin code was, and since it was in the same directory as functions.php, I merely had to do dirname(__FILE__) for the proper path.
Note that the end of the wp_die() statement is important because it provides a backlink and prevents an error 500 (which is the default Apache code for wp_die()).
It is only a idea though. Try checking the wordpress version and compare then use php to through custom exception/error. PHP 5.0 try catch can be a good way to do it. Here is some resources.
You can try the first link. It is pretty basic. Thanks! hope the information will be helpful.

Setting USB configuration fails

I'm trying to talk to a USB device using libusb, but I feel like I'm tripping up on the first leg of the race. I know precisely what endpoints I need to talk to, etc., but I can't even get that far. I have, in essence:
usb_device *dev = ...; // opened from get_busses()
usb_set_configuration(dev, dev->config[0].bConfigurationValue); // bConfigVal = 1
Now, I can look at the device information in debug mode and I know that the current configuration is 0 (uninitialized / just after restart), and there's exactly 1 valid configuration, which has a configuration number of 1. But when I set the config to 1, I get a return value of -22, which (passed through the stringifier) translates to "windows api error: bad parameter.
I haven't been able to find other people having a similar problem, and it seems like such a simple thing to do -- I can't even claim the interface, or set the alt-interface, or anything like that, because I have to set the configuration first. What am I missing? (if it matters: this is on WinXP)
Looking at libusb-win32\src\driver\set_configuration.c, there seem to be a bunch of different reasons for returning STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.
Use libusb_set_debug (from your user mode application) to set verbose debug level, then run Sysinternals DebugView to see the driver's error messages. Hopefully you'd see a clue as to why your set_configuration call fails.