Vue, await for Watch - vue.js

i have similar architecture in my app.
someStoreValue = this.$store.someStoreValue;
watch() {
someStoreValue() = async function () {
//do some async action
methods: {
someAction() {
this.$store.someStoreValue = 'NEW VALUE'
//await for "watch"
//do stuff
I need to "someAction" await for "someStoreValue" watcher ends.
I need this kind of architecture someStoreValue can be changed in many places.

Sure, you can't make your watchers async, which is pretty senseless since the data you are after has already arrived.
someStoreValue(newValue, oldValue) {
// But you can still call other async functions.
// Async functions are just functions that returns a promise. Thus:
Still, why not just do your async stuff in someAction instead?
someStoreValue(newValue, oldValue) {
async someAction(){
await doSomeAsyncStuff() // What prevents you from doing this?
//do stuff

You can use a flag and wait for it.
data() {
return {
flag: false
watch() {
someStoreValue() = async function () {
//do some async action
flag = true;
methods: {
async someAction() {
this.$store.someStoreValue = 'NEW VALUE'
await new Promise((resolve) => {
if (this.flag) {
} else {
const unwatch = this.$watch('flag', (newVal) => {
if (newVal) {
//do stuff
Maybe in this case the #ippi solution is better, but you can use this approach in other cases.


Vuejs created and mounted doesn't work properly even if at the same level than methods

I'm experiencing a strange behaviour with created() and mounted() in Vue.js. I need to set 2 lists in created() - so it means those 2 lists will help me to create a third list which is a merge.
Here is the code :
// return data
created () {
mounted () {
methods: {
retrieveSellOffers() {
this.sellerId = localStorage.sellerId;
.then((response) => {
this.sellOffers =;
.catch((e) => {
getAllProducts() {
.then((response) => {
this.products =;
.catch((e) => {
mergeSellOffersProducts () {
console.log(this.products) // print empty array
console.log(this.sellOffers) // print empty array
for (var i = 0; i < this.sellOffers.length; i++) {
if (this.sellOffers[i].productId === this.products[i]._id) {
this.arr3.push({id: this.sellOffers[i]._id, price: this.sellOffers[i].price, description: this.products[i].description});
this.arr3 = this.sellOffers;
//end of code
So my problem is when I enter in mergeSellOffersProducts(), my 2 lists are empty arrays :/
This way worked for me :
async mounted() {
await this.retrieveSellOffers();
await this.getAllProducts();
methods: {
async retrieveSellOffers() {
this.sellerId = localStorage.sellerId;
this.sellOffers = (await axios.get('link/api/selloffer/seller/', { params: { sellerId: this.sellerId } })).data;
async getAllProducts() {
this.products = (await axios.get('link/api/product')).data;
I think the reason is: Vue does not wait for the promises to resolve before continuing with the component lifecycle.
Your functions retrieveSellOffers() and getAllProducts() contain Promise so maybe you have to await them in the created() hook:
async created: {
await this.retrieveSellOffers();
await this.getAllProducts();
So I tried to async my 2 methods :
async retrieveSellOffers() {
this.sellerId = localStorage.sellerId;
this.sellOffers = (await axios.get('linkhidden/api/selloffer/', { params: { sellerId: '615b1575fde0190ad80c3410' } })).data;
async getAllProducts() {
this.products = (await axios.get('linkhidden/api/product')).data;
mergeSellOffersProducts () {
this.arr3 = this.sellOffers;
My data are well retrieved, but yet when I enter in created, the two lists are empty...
You are calling a bunch of asynchronous methods and don't properly wait for them to finish, that's why your data is not set in mounted. Since Vue does not await its lifecycle hooks, you have to deal with the synchronization yourself.
One Vue-ish way to fix it be to replace your method mergeSellOffersProducts with a computed prop (eg mergedSellOffersProducts). Instead of generating arr3 it would simply return the merged array. It will be automatically updated when products or sellOffers is changed. You would simply use mergedSellOffersProducts in your template, instead of your current arr3.
If you only want to update the merged list when both API calls have completed, you can either manually sync them with Promise.all, or you could handle this case in the computed prop and return [] if either of the arrays is not set yet.
When you're trying to merge the 2 lists, they aren't filled up yet. You need to await the calls.
async created () {
await this.retrieveSellOffers();
await this.getAllProducts();
async mounted () {
await this.mergeSellOffersProducts();

Nuxt - Wait after async action (this.$store.dispatch)

I'm new to Nuxt and I'm facing an issue that I don't understand.
If i code something like:
const resp1 = await this.$axios.$post('urlCall1', {...dataCall1});
this.$axios.$post('urlCall2', {...dataCall2,});
The is properly set in the 2nd axios call => we wait for the first call to be completed before doing the 2nd one.
However, when I define asyn actions in my vuex store ex:
async action1({ commit, dispatch }, data) {
try {
const respData1 = await this.$axios.$post('urlCall1', { });
commit('MY_MUTATION1', respData1);
return respData1;
} catch (e) {
async action2({ commit, dispatch }, data, id) {
try {
const respData2 = await this.$axios.$post('urlCall2', { });
commit('MY_MUTATION2', respData2);
} catch (e) {
and then in my vue component I fire those actions like:
const resp1 = await this.$store.dispatch('store1/action1', data1);
this.$store.dispatch('store2/action2', data2,; is undefined in action2.
I also tried managing promise the "old way":
this.$store.dispatch('store1/action1', data1).then(resp1 => this.$store.dispatch('store2/action2', data2,
The result is still the same => id = undefined in action2
Can you guys please tell me where I'm wrong ?
Thanks in advance.
Last note: the 2 actions are in different stores
Vuex doesn't allow multiple arguments, so you have to pass it through as an object, so it could look like:
this.$store.dispatch('store2/action2', { ...data2, id: });
And then in the store:
async action2({ commit, dispatch }, { id, }) {
try {
const respData2 = await this.$axios.$post('urlCall2', { });
commit('MY_MUTATION2', respData2);
} catch (e) {

mocking setInterval in created hook (vue.js)

I am trying to mock a setInterval inside my created hook but no matter what I try
the function is never called. What I have done so far is using jest.useFakeTimers and inside
each test I would use jest.advanceTimersByTime(8000) to check if my api is being called.
I would appreciate any opinions/help. thanks
my vue file
created() {
setInterval(() => this.checkStatus(), 8000)
methods: {
async checkStatus() {
let activated = false
if (!this.isLoading) {
this.isLoading = true
let res = await this.$UserApi.getUserActivateStatus(this.accountId)
this.isLoading = false
if (res.success) {
activated = res.activated
if (activated) {
} else {
my test file
import { shallowMount, config } from "#vue/test-utils"
import Step4 from "../../../login/smart_station/step4"
describe("Step4", () => {
let wrapper
const $route = {
query: {
account_id: "99"
const mockGetUserActivateStatus = jest.fn(() =>
Promise.resolve({ success: true, activated: true })
beforeEach(() => {
wrapper = shallowMount(Step4, {
mocks: {
$UserApi: {
getUserActivateStatus: mockGetUserActivateStatus
it("activates status every 8secs", async () => {
Jest's Timer Mocks replace the native timer functions like setInterval with their own versions that can be controlled.
Your problem is that you are telling Jest to replace these functions after your component is created and mounted. Since you're using setInterval within your component's created hook, this will still be using the real version.
Move the jest.useFakeTimers() to the top of the beforeEach setup function
beforeEach(() => {
wrapper = shallowMount(Step4, {
mocks: {
$UserApi: {
getUserActivateStatus: mockGetUserActivateStatus

this.backPressed is not a function

I implemented it in sample , it works but in my main project it's displaying error message that backPressed is not a function.
backPressed = () => {
setTimeout(function() {
//Put All Your Code Here, Which You Want To Execute After Some Delay Time.
}, 3000);
componentWillUnmount() {
BackHandler.removeEventListener("hardwareBackPress", this.backPressed);
componentDidMount() {
BackHandler.addEventListener("hardwareBackPress", this.backPressed);
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {
const { userdata } = nextProps.UserDetailReducer;
const { UpdatingFailure } = nextProps.UpdateUserImageReducer;
if (UpdatingFailure) {
return {
avatarSource: ""
if (userdata.kenkoScore != "" && userdata.kenkoScore > 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
AsyncStorage.setItem("SCORE_FETCHED", "Yes");
}, 100);
return null;
} else {
if (userdata) {
return { userDetail: userdata };
return null;
In componentDidMount it is working but in getDerivedStateFromProps not working
getDerivedStateFromProps is static so this refers to the class itself, not an instance of the class.
Make backPressed static to call it from getDerivedStateFromProps. You'll also need to update componentWillUnmount and componentDidMount to ComponentName.backPressed or this.constructor.backPressed. Note that making backPressed static means you won't be able to access this for props or state in the future.

Why my vue js data member is not getting updated?

Data part
data () {
return {
containsAd: true
Method that manipulates the data member containsAd
updated () {
let _this = this
window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function (event) {
if (event.slot.getSlotElementId() === 'div-gpt-ad-nativead1') {
_this.containsAd = !event.isEmpty // this is false
console.log('Ad Exists? ', _this.containsAd)
Just to check if the value has changed or not.
check () {
let _this = this
setTimeout(function () {
console.log('Current Value', _this.containsAd)
}, 5000)
Resulting Output
I think doing the event listener in the mounted hook will sort your issue.
data() {
return {
containsAd: true
mounted() {
window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', event => {
if (event.slot.getSlotElementId() === 'div-gpt-ad-nativead1') {
this.containsAd = ! event.isEmpty // this is false
console.log('Ad Exists?', this.containsAd);
Also using es6 shorthand function will avoid you having to set _this.