micro:bit & /dev/ttyACM*on GNU/Linux systems - bbc-microbit

I have micro:bit attached to my laptop on which running Xubuntu 18.04.4 LTS.
After I attached micro:bit an icon appeares on XFCE4 Desktop which can
to use to mount this device to
This way I can pair the device 'BBC micro:bit CMSIS-DAP' and my laptop
by using https://python.microbit.org/v/2.0 in my Google Chrome browser.
But in mu-editor I can't do this, can't use neither REPL, nor FILE
because I get this message box:
"Colud not find an attached device
Please make sure the device is plugged into this computer.
It must have a version of MicroPython (or CircuitPython) flashed onto it
before the REPL will work.
Finally, press the device's reset button and wait a few seconds before
trying again."
$ lsusb
ID 0d28:0204 NXP LPC1768
This line above is for the micro:bit attached.
$ ls /dev/ | grep tty
In the output of the command above there is not a /dev/ttyACM0
or other ACM* device out there.
Why is not there such a device /dev/ttyACM* out there?
I suspect mu-editor does not find the device because there is no such
device /dev/ttyACM* out there.
How can I solve the problem for mu-editor?

I use Debian Linux. There are two things you may need to do:
I had to update the firmware on the micro:bits recently to be able to continue using the mu-editor. The instructions on how to do this are here:
Mount the micro:bit. This can be done by double clicking on the 'MICROBIT' shown in e.g. Nautilus, or from the command line using udisksctl. Please find a bash script below called microbit_mount.sh which uses udisksctl to mount and dismount a microbit. To mount a microbit, use the command:
microbit_mount.sh mount
To unmount a microbit, use
microbit_mount.sh unmount
I have these commands aliased to mm amd md.The microbit will appear in /media/MICROBIT. You may need to remount the microbit after each flash.
# microbit_mount.sh
# mount and unmount microbit
# modified from https://askubuntu.com/questions/342188/how-to-auto-mount-from-command-line
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "no argument supplied, use 'mount' or 'unmount'"
exit 1
if [ $1 == "--help" ]
echo "mounts or unmounts a BBC micro:bit"
echo "args: mount - mount the microbit, unmout - unmount the microbit"
# how many MICRO found in udisksctl dump
RESULTS=$(udisksctl dump | grep IdLabel | grep -c -i $MICRO)
case "$RESULTS" in
0 ) echo "no $MICRO found in 'udkisksctl dump'"
exit 0
1 ) DEVICELABEL=$(udisksctl dump | grep IdLabel | grep -i $MICRO | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed 's/^[ \t]*//')
DEVICE=$(udisksctl dump | grep -i "IdLabel: \+$DEVICELABEL" -B 12 | grep " Device:" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed 's/^[ \t]*//')
echo "found one $MICRO, device: $DEVICE"
if [[ -z $(mount | grep "$DEVICE") ]]
echo "$DEVICELABEL was unmounted"
if [ $1 == "mount" ]
udisksctl mount -b "$DEVICE"
exit 0
echo "$DEVICELABEL was mounted"
if [ $1 == "unmount" ]
udisksctl unmount -b "$DEVICE"
exit 0
* ) echo "more than one $MICRO found"
echo "exiting without doing anything"

I installed Xubuntu 20.04 and on this system mu-editor works in the Files mode and REPL mode with the attached micro:bit.


Is it possible to use the "code" command in SSH'ed terminal to open VS Code on local machine with SSH extension?

Something I love about VS Code is that when I am using a terminal in WSL, I can run code file.txt, and it will open that file with VS Code on my local using the WSL remote extension.
Is it possible to do a similar thing with SSH? I.e., if I am SSH'ed into a remote host, is it possible to set things up so that running code file.txt will open VS Code on my local machine, connected via the remote SSH extension to open that file?
I found much better & simple answer thanks to this post.
Simply create new script file named code with below contents & put file under any folder from $PATH. (echo $PATH to see what folders you can use)
#! /usr/bin/env zsh
local max_retry=10
for i in {1..$max_retry}
local script=$(echo ~/.vscode-server/bin/*/bin/remote-cli/code(*oc[$i]N))
if [[ -z ${script} ]]
echo "VSCode remote script not found"
exit 1
local socket=$(echo /run/user/$UID/vscode-ipc-*.sock(=oc[$i]N))
if [[ -z ${socket} ]]
echo "VSCode IPC socket not found"
exit 1
export VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI=${socket}
${script} $# > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
exit 0
echo "Failed to find valid VS Code window"
Bash version
#! /bin/bash
for i in $(seq 1 $max_retry)
recent_folder=$(ls ~/.vscode-server/bin/ -t | head -n$i)
script=$(echo ~/.vscode-server/bin/$recent_folder/bin/remote-cli/code)
if [[ -z ${script} ]]
echo "VSCode remote script not found"
exit 1
socket=$(ls /run/user/$UID/vscode-ipc-* -t | head -n$i)
if [[ -z ${socket} ]]
echo "VSCode IPC socket not found"
exit 1
export VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI=${socket}
${script} $#
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
exit 0
echo "Failed to find valid VS Code window"
Above script doesn't work with recent updates. I had to change first line to
local script=$(echo ~/.vscode-server/bin/*/bin/remote-cli/code(*oc[1]N))
Original script may fail if recently opened ssh window is closed, yet there is another SSHed window open. I have enhanced the script to enable retrying the command with recent N(default 10) windows.
You shouldn't have to do anything. VSCode automatically sets the path/PATH to the code in the path/PATH environment variable depending on your shell. See this response. You might be overwriting your path/PATH like I was. I was accidentally overwriting path in ~/.cshrc and PATH in ~/.bashrc and was running into the same issue. After fixing it, I can run code on the command line. which code returns the location of the command.
Until I spent time to figure it out, I was using the two methods mentioned below. Both of which worked for me in bash; you can modify it for your shell as you see fit. But really fix your path/PATH rather than using these methods.
Adding location of code to the PATH in ~/.bashrc
Setting alias to code in ~/.bashrc
alias code="${VSCODE_GIT_ASKPASS_NODE%/*}/bin/code"
More on path vs. PATH here and here
Yes, sort of.
From a VSCode terminal run the command
then copy-and-paste that line that line with export into your ssh terminal.
After that, you should be able to run code from your ~/.vscode-server/bin/XXX/bin directory.
VSCode terminal
SSH terminal
You can to automate this with a .bashrc and .profile to place the IPC code into a temp file, and source that when you do your ssh login.
For example, this works for me...
Append this to ~/.bashrc
if [ "$VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI" != "" ]; then
cat >$HOME/.vscode_env.sh <<EOF
if [ "\$VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI" = "" ]; then
alias code="${VSCODE_GIT_ASKPASS_NODE%/*}/bin/code"
And append this to your ~/.profile
[ -f $HOME/.vscode_env.sh ] && . $HOME/.vscode_env.sh
(There may be more elegant ways. And you still have to start at least 1 terminal in your remote VSCode session.)
this works to me
if [[ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" || -n "$SSH_TTY" ]]; then
local script=$(echo ~/.vscode-server/bin/*/bin/remote-cli/code(*oc[1]N))
if [[ -z ${script} ]]
echo "VSCode remote script not found"
exit 1
local socket=$(echo /run/user/$UID/vscode-ipc-*.sock(=oc[1]N))
if [[ -z ${socket} ]]
echo "VSCode IPC socket not found"
exit 1
export VSCODE_IPC_HOOK_CLI=${socket}
alias code=${script}
Use the below commands to open a folder or a file on the remote terminal.
Note: vscode-server must be already installed on the remote host (It would be, if you have already connected to it). Also the absolute path has to be specified for the file or folder. Use -n to launch in new window,-r to reuse same window.
code --folder-uri <absolute-path>
code --file-uri <absolute-path-file-name>
code -r --folder-uri /home/myscripts/src
code -n --file-uri /home/myscripts/src/math/sample.py

Apache Ace as a Service

I am trying to setup/configure Apache ACE for the first time. It seems like I got everything running correctly but I would like to have ACE startup automatically when the Linux box starts. I created the init.d script below which does starts up ACE however it drops me in an OSGI console and when I leave the console ACE shuts down.
Is there a way to start ACE without having the OSGI console so I do not have to keep my session open to keep ACE running?
#! /bin/bash
if [ `id -u` -ne 0 ]; then
echo "You need root privileges to run this script"
exit 1
. /lib/lsb/init-functions
if [ -r /etc/default/rcS ]; then
. /etc/default/rcS
case $1 in
java -Dorg.apache.ace.server=localhost:11868 -Dorg.osgi.service.http.port=11868 -Dorg.apache.ace.obr=localhost:11868 -jar server-allinone.jar
pid=`ps aux | grep server-allinone | awk '{print $2}'`
kill -9 $pid
$0 stop
$0 start
exit 0
java -Dgosh.args=--nointeractive -jar server-allinone.jar
Will disable the local shell.

Scripted truecrypt mount, without using /dev/ or UUID

I have 5 truecrypt encrypted drives. Running ubuntu 13.04. I'm trying to run the following command in a script to mount my drives.
truecrypt -t /dev/disk/by-uuid/25f8c629-d0c8-4c39-b4c2-aacba38b5882 /media/P --password="$password" -k "" --protect-hidden=no
Because of the way truecrypt works I cant use this, because the UUID is only accessible once the drives are mounted.
Is it possible to do the same thing but with hard-drive serial numbers, or model numbers? Something a bit more permanent?
I cant use the /dev/ as they change randomly nearly every time I reboot the PC. This is due to 2 of my drives being connected via a PCI card.
Use Disk ID instead:
# Run this script as root to avoid entering the root password twice
# Generate tempfile
sudo fdisk -l > $tempfile
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Locate secret drive and mount it
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
num=$[ $(grep -n "^Disk identifier: $secret" $tempfile | cut -f1 -d:) - 5 ]
if [ $num \> 0 ] # num will be greater than 0 if drive exists
# Get line containing /dev
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dev=$(sed -n "${num}p" $tempfile | cut -f2 -d' ' | sed 's/://')
truecrypt $dev /media/secret
# Check (Create .truecrypt on the mounted volumen beforehand)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if [ ! -f /media/secret/.truecrypt ]
zenity --error --text="There was a problem mounting secret"
rm $tempfile
The source of the script is: http://delightlylinux.wordpress.com/2012/05/21/mounting-truecrypt-volumes-by-disk-id/
I recommend you to read it through if you have difficulty understanding what the script is doing. The explanation is thorough.

Displaying files that are group or world writeable in a home directory

I'm trying to create a script that will display all the files that are group and world writeable in a home directory.
Warning: The script will run an endless loop of file not found if you run it locally.
lsuser -a home ALL |cut -f2 -d= | while read HOMEDIR; do
if [ -d $HOMEDIR ]; then
ls -a $HOMEDIR | grep -Ev "^.$|^..$" | while read FILE; do
[[ "$(ls -ld ${FILE})" = #(????????w? *) ]] && print " WARNING ${FILE} is world wr
[[ "$(ls -ld ${FILE})" = #(?????w???? *) ]] && print " WARNING ${FILE} is group wr
echo "No home dir for $HOMEDIR"
Any pointers?
Apologies for not commenting on your question instead, but I don't have enough reputation yet. Please read Why you shouldn't parse the output of ls(1) carefully and use find as advised by Alex. Is there a specific reason you are not using find?

tput: unknown terminal

I'm on AIX-6.1 and I'm trying to make use of tput inside my $PS1.
I've confirmed I can't even run tput from the commandline. Following is my session:
# tput
unknown terminal "xterm"
# echo $TERM
# tput -T ansi
unknown terminal "ansi"
In fact, ...
# ls /usr/lib/terminfo/x
x1700 xl83 xterm+pcc3 xterm+pcfkeys xterm-88color xterm-hp xterm-old xterm-vi
x1720 xtalk xterm+pcf0 xterm+pcfn xterm-8bit xterm-ic xterm-r5 xterm-vt220
x1750 xterm xterm+pcf1 xterm-16color xterm-basic xterm-mono xterm-r6 xterm-vt52
x820 xterm+pcc0 xterm+pcf2 xterm-24 xterm-bold xterm-new xterm-rep xterm-xfree86
xdku xterm+pcc1 xterm+pcf3 xterm-256color xterm-boldso xterm-noapp xterm-sco xterm-xmc
xitex xterm+pcc2 xterm+pcfN xterm-65 xterm-color xterm-nrc xterm-sun xterms
# ls /usr/lib/terminfo/x | wc -l
# for term in $(ls /usr/lib/terminfo/x) ; do tput -T $term ; done 2>&1 | grep 'unknown terminal' | wc -l
# for term in $(ls /usr/lib/terminfo/x) ; do TERM=$term tput ; done 2>&1 | grep 'unknown terminal' | wc -l
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Is your TERMINFO variable set? Without it, I believe the system won't find your terminfo files. Or perhaps it is set incorrectly?
If you're running sh, ksh, bash or similar, try:
export TERMINFO=/usr/lib/terminfo
If you're not sure what shell you're using (I'm pretty sure you do, but others might read this too), type:
echo $SHELL
If you're using csh, tcsh or similar, then you should instead type:
setenv TERMINFO /usr/lib/terminfo
After that, try running tput again.
I fixed this in Mac OS Catalina with,
export TERMINFO=/usr/share/terminfo