Scripted truecrypt mount, without using /dev/ or UUID - truecrypt

I have 5 truecrypt encrypted drives. Running ubuntu 13.04. I'm trying to run the following command in a script to mount my drives.
truecrypt -t /dev/disk/by-uuid/25f8c629-d0c8-4c39-b4c2-aacba38b5882 /media/P --password="$password" -k "" --protect-hidden=no
Because of the way truecrypt works I cant use this, because the UUID is only accessible once the drives are mounted.
Is it possible to do the same thing but with hard-drive serial numbers, or model numbers? Something a bit more permanent?
I cant use the /dev/ as they change randomly nearly every time I reboot the PC. This is due to 2 of my drives being connected via a PCI card.

Use Disk ID instead:
# Run this script as root to avoid entering the root password twice
# Generate tempfile
sudo fdisk -l > $tempfile
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Locate secret drive and mount it
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
num=$[ $(grep -n "^Disk identifier: $secret" $tempfile | cut -f1 -d:) - 5 ]
if [ $num \> 0 ] # num will be greater than 0 if drive exists
# Get line containing /dev
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
dev=$(sed -n "${num}p" $tempfile | cut -f2 -d' ' | sed 's/://')
truecrypt $dev /media/secret
# Check (Create .truecrypt on the mounted volumen beforehand)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if [ ! -f /media/secret/.truecrypt ]
zenity --error --text="There was a problem mounting secret"
rm $tempfile
The source of the script is:
I recommend you to read it through if you have difficulty understanding what the script is doing. The explanation is thorough.


Use findstr to find input from file a within file b, and send the output to a different file

I'm trying to write a batch script in Windows to take a list of IP addresses and ping them. Once a site doesn't respond, I want Windows to take all of the unresponsive IP addresses, and parse them through a comparison file that has the IP and physical street addresses of these systems. Once the unresponsive sites are parsed through the comparison file, I want the end result to be the matching info from the compare file for only the sites that are unresponsive. I already have script written for Linux that does this same thing, but I wanted a Windows version for some of the customers I work with who aren't Linux savvy.
Here is my script:
#Echo Off
Set "ServerList=C:\Users\<mylogin>\ip.txt"
Set "LogFile=C:\Users\<mylogin>\PingResults.txt"
If Not Exist "%ServerList%" Exit /B
>"%LogFile%" (For /F UseBackQ %%A In ("%ServerList%"
) Do Ping -n 1 %%A|Find "TTL=">Nul&&(Echo Yes [%%A] > Nul)||Echo No [%%A])
findstr /f:%LogFile sites.txt > Down.txt
The script itself seems to execute just fine, but it doesn't put anything in the final output file of Down.txt, I'm positive I have something wrong in my findstr command.
Below is my Linux script that does this exact same thing. Yeah it's clunky but it gets the job done:
# Script to test ssh connectivity using expect script
rm -f results.txt
echo "Please be patient while the script runs..."
while read user ip port pass; do
${PWD}/ $user $ip $port $pass >> results.txt
done < rekor_edge_device_list.txt
#This will boil down the results of the ping script so only the IP address is left
cat results.txt | grep -B1 time > refined.txt
cat refined.txt | grep -Eo "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b" > refinedip.txt
#This will take the boiled down IP addresses and check them against the compare file, final output will be all system info for only downed systems
rm -f iplist.txt
exec 3<&0
exec 0<$list
while read line
cat compare.txt | grep $line >> iplist.txt
exec 0<&3
cat iplist.txt

micro:bit & /dev/ttyACM*on GNU/Linux systems

I have micro:bit attached to my laptop on which running Xubuntu 18.04.4 LTS.
After I attached micro:bit an icon appeares on XFCE4 Desktop which can
to use to mount this device to
This way I can pair the device 'BBC micro:bit CMSIS-DAP' and my laptop
by using in my Google Chrome browser.
But in mu-editor I can't do this, can't use neither REPL, nor FILE
because I get this message box:
"Colud not find an attached device
Please make sure the device is plugged into this computer.
It must have a version of MicroPython (or CircuitPython) flashed onto it
before the REPL will work.
Finally, press the device's reset button and wait a few seconds before
trying again."
$ lsusb
ID 0d28:0204 NXP LPC1768
This line above is for the micro:bit attached.
$ ls /dev/ | grep tty
In the output of the command above there is not a /dev/ttyACM0
or other ACM* device out there.
Why is not there such a device /dev/ttyACM* out there?
I suspect mu-editor does not find the device because there is no such
device /dev/ttyACM* out there.
How can I solve the problem for mu-editor?
I use Debian Linux. There are two things you may need to do:
I had to update the firmware on the micro:bits recently to be able to continue using the mu-editor. The instructions on how to do this are here:
Mount the micro:bit. This can be done by double clicking on the 'MICROBIT' shown in e.g. Nautilus, or from the command line using udisksctl. Please find a bash script below called which uses udisksctl to mount and dismount a microbit. To mount a microbit, use the command: mount
To unmount a microbit, use unmount
I have these commands aliased to mm amd md.The microbit will appear in /media/MICROBIT. You may need to remount the microbit after each flash.
# mount and unmount microbit
# modified from
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "no argument supplied, use 'mount' or 'unmount'"
exit 1
if [ $1 == "--help" ]
echo "mounts or unmounts a BBC micro:bit"
echo "args: mount - mount the microbit, unmout - unmount the microbit"
# how many MICRO found in udisksctl dump
RESULTS=$(udisksctl dump | grep IdLabel | grep -c -i $MICRO)
case "$RESULTS" in
0 ) echo "no $MICRO found in 'udkisksctl dump'"
exit 0
1 ) DEVICELABEL=$(udisksctl dump | grep IdLabel | grep -i $MICRO | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed 's/^[ \t]*//')
DEVICE=$(udisksctl dump | grep -i "IdLabel: \+$DEVICELABEL" -B 12 | grep " Device:" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed 's/^[ \t]*//')
echo "found one $MICRO, device: $DEVICE"
if [[ -z $(mount | grep "$DEVICE") ]]
echo "$DEVICELABEL was unmounted"
if [ $1 == "mount" ]
udisksctl mount -b "$DEVICE"
exit 0
echo "$DEVICELABEL was mounted"
if [ $1 == "unmount" ]
udisksctl unmount -b "$DEVICE"
exit 0
* ) echo "more than one $MICRO found"
echo "exiting without doing anything"
I installed Xubuntu 20.04 and on this system mu-editor works in the Files mode and REPL mode with the attached micro:bit.

why to remount filesystem to read-only before unmounting in umountfs script?

On embedded Linux distribution with ext4, I have the following umountfs script:
# Provides: umountfs
# Required-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start:
# Default-Stop: 0 6
# Short-Description: Turn off swap and unmount all local file systems.
# Description:
echo "Deactivating swap..."
[ -x /sbin/swapoff ] && swapoff -a
# We leave /proc mounted.
echo "Unmounting local filesystems..."
grep -q /mnt/ram /proc/mounts && mount -o remount,ro /mnt/ram
mount -o remount,ro /
umount -f -a -r > /dev/null 2>&1
: exit 0
I have a question about the following lines:
mount -o remount,ro /
umount -f -a -r > /dev/null 2>&1
The question is: why we need to remount rootfs to read-only before umount?
I saw some explanation, as though we need to remount the rootfs to ro in order to force all pending write requests to be flashed on the disk. But this does not satisfy me, because the flashing of the pending write requests is the part of umount command.
So the question: does somebody understand, why we need to remount rootfs to ro before unmounting it?
Typically you can't unmount the root filesystem, because at least one currently-running process that is using the filesystem - init or systemd. Remounting the root filesystem read-only flushes all dirty data and prevents it from being modified again, so that the filesystem is consistent. Typically at that point the kernel reboots without having actually unmounted the root filesystem.

Move file, change permissions and rename it keeping the same extesion

Using zsh 5.2 on Fedora 24 workstation.
I want to be programatically able to:
move an image file (can have jpg/ jpeg/ png/ JPG/ PNG extensions)
from /tmp/folder1 to ~/Pictures
This file will have the same few initial characters --- prefix111.jpg OR prefix222.png, etc.
rename the file such that samefilename.JPG becomes 20161013.jpg
20161013 is today's date in yyyymmdd format
Note that the extension becomes small letters
And JPEG or jpeg becomes jpg
change the permissions of the moved file to 644
All at one go.
If there are multiple prefix* files, the command should just fail silently.
I will initially like to do it at the command prompt with an option to add a cron job later. I mean, will the same zsh command/ script work in cron?
I am sure, this is doable. However, with my limited shell knowledge, could only achieve:
mv /tmp/folder1/prefix-*.JPG ~/Pictures/$(date +'%Y%m%d').jpg
Problems with my approach are many. It does not handle capitalization, does not take care of different extensions and does not address the permission issue.
How about this:
FILES="/tmp/folder1/prefix*.jpg /tmp/folder1/prefix*.jpeg /tmp/folder1/prefix*.png h/tmp/folder1/prefix*.JPG /tmp/folder1/prefix*.PNG"
if [ $(ls $FILES | wc -l ) -gt 1 ]; then
exit 1
if [ $(ls $FILES | grep -i '\.png$') ]; then
DEST=$HOME/Pictures/$(date +'%Y%m%d').$SUFF
chmod 644 $DEST

how do I write SSH command output with only values I need

I am creating a VPS with the API provided for command line. The output of the command comes with several text inside which I don't need. This is my command.
The variables are predefined and work fine.
echo y | /usr/local/bin/CLICMD vm create --hostname=$VMNAME --domain=$srvdomain --cpu 1 --memory 1024 --image $image --datacenter=$dc --billing=hourly -n 100 > /dev/null 1>> /home/logs/createvps.log
When I run it, it gives me the following output in createvps.log file,
This action will incur charges on your account. Continue? [y/N]: id 11232312
created 2015-06-13T14:43:27-05:00
guid xxxxxx-r345-4323-8e3f-c8c04e18fad7
From the above output, I just need to have id (11232312) value stored in a mysql table. I know how to grab the value from log file and save in mysql.
My question is, how do I save just that id in the log file instead of all the other values/strings.
Thank you in advance.
Not sure what is exactly your question, but I guess this should help you:
echo y | /usr/local/bin/CLICMD vm create --hostname=$VMNAME \
--domain=$srvdomain --cpu 1 --memory 1024 --image $image \
--datacenter=$dc --billing=hourly -n 100 | \
grep -oE "id [0-9]+$" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+" >> /home/logs/createvps.log
Few notes to difference in your code and mine:
You do two redirection of stdout, one to /dev/null and one to your log, which is equivalent of doing just one redirection (writing in /dev/null is practically NOP).