Am I overwriting computed property filter in Vue? - vue.js

I am trying to create a reactive filter for an array in Vue. My starting array comes from an API call which returns this.features (geojson features). I am filtering on a nested array. This works -- but when I enter a search term and then backspace back out to an empty string, and enter another string, I am not filtering the original array but appear to be filtering the already-filtered array. How could I filter again on the original array from the API call?
computed property:
filteredFeatures() {
if (this.searchTerm == '') {
return this.features
// filter on nested array
let filtered = this.features.filter(feature => { =
el => JSON.stringify(el).match(this.searchTerm, 'i')
return > 0
return filtered
I have looked at Vue filtering objects property but I cannot make that code work (it uses Object.assign()). Thanks for any ideas.

Your computed property is mutating, that's a nono. Computed properties should be read only.
filteredFeatures() {
if (this.searchTerm == '') {
return this.features
// filter on nested array
let filtered = this.features.filter(feature => {
const site_observations =
el => JSON.stringify(el).match(this.searchTerm, 'i')
return site_observations.length > 0
return filtered

It seems here is your problem: =
el => JSON.stringify(el).match(this.searchTerm, 'i')
Because this code filter feature and alter the proprieties of Then, in the next read the value is alter. We say that your function it is not pure, because it alter the state of feature.
So, what you should do is:
let anotherVariable =
el => JSON.stringify(el).match(this.searchTerm, 'i')
Therefore, on a function, avoid alter state of objects, this lead to bugs.

On further checking, the above answer returns all site_observations, not just the ones that match the search. A much better solution is the following, using map to avoid overwriting the data, and the object spread operator to perform an object assign, and drilling down through the nested objects as follows:
filteredFeatures() {
return this.features
.map(feature => ({
properties: {
element => {
return JSON.stringify(element).match(new RegExp(, 'i'))
.filter(feature =>


getProduct()->getTag() return null, when it should return tags associated to the Product

In my project, we have products that has tag called serviceItem. Those item with that tag when ordered should be separated by the quantity into individuals order.
It issue is that getTags() returns null, and getTagIds gets "Call to a member function getTagIds() on null" when it gets to the next loop.
Is there a reason for why getTags() returns null?
private function transformOrderLines(OrderEntity $order): array
* TODO: If we need to send advanced prices,
* the price value of the the lines array should be changed to caldulate the advanced price,
* with the built in quantity calculator
$lines = [];
foreach ($order->getLineItems() as $orderLine) {
$hasDsmServiceItemTag = $orderLine->getProduct()->getTags();
$lines[] = [
'name' => $orderLine->getLabel(),
'sku' => substr($orderLine->getProduct()->getProductNumber(), 0, 19),
'price' => (string) ($orderLine->getProduct()->getPrice()->first()->getNet()
* $order->getCurrencyFactor()), //gets original price, calculates factor
'quantity' => (string) $orderLine->getQuantity()
$shipping = $this->transformShipping($order);
if ($shipping) {
$lines = array_merge($lines, $shipping);
return $lines;
I also tried $orderLine->getProduct()->getTags()->getName() it also return "Call to a member function getTags() on null"
The problem is wherever the $order is fetched from the DB the orderLineItem.product.tag association is not included in the criteria.
For performance reasons shopware does not lazily load all association when you access them on entities, but you have to exactly define which associations should be included when you fetch the entities from the database.
For the full explanation take a look at the docs.

How to delete items from an array in Vue

I have a function called updateAnswer with multiple dynamic parameters.
updateAnswer(key, answer, array = false) {
if (array) {
if(this.answers.contains.find(element => element === answer)) {
//Delete item from array if already element already exists in this.answers.contains array.
} else {
Vue.set(this.answers, key, [...this.answers.contains, answer]);
} else {
Vue.set(this.answers, key, answer);
I'd like to know how delete an item in the array if the value already exists in the array.
You can use method called splice:
Just reference on your array and set values in the brackets the first is referenced on the position, the second is how many datas you want to splice/delete.
The function looks like this:
this.array.splice(value, value)
Lets see on an example - you have array food= [apple, banana, strawberry] than I'm using,1)..
my array looks now like this food = [apple, strawberry] - first value in my brackets are the position, the second one is the amount of "numbers" you want to delete.
Hopefully this helps you out!
I suppose each value in this.answers.contains is unique?
Anyways, if you just want to delete the item if already exists, I suggest filter(). It should look like below:
if(this.answers.contains.find(element => element === answer)) {
this.answers.contains = this.answers.contains.filter(c => c !== answer)
Also, the if condition if(this.answers.contains.find(element => element === answer)) could also be replaced by if(this.answers.contains.includes(answer))
Hope that could help you.

Correct way to implement drill-down tags in vue with vuetify

I am using a v-chip-group with v-chips to represent a tag cloud for records in my database. I have an object array with records that look something like { key:'device', count:100}. A record could have multiple tags, so as you click on a tag, a new query is made that filters on that tag, the result will then have a new tag cloud with a subset of the previous.
It looks something like this:
tag1 (1000), tag2 (100), tag3 (100)
When you click on tag1 you end up with:
tag1 (1000), tag3 (15) (no tag2 because there is no overlap between tag1 and tag2).
Here is the relevant template code:
<v-chip-group v-model="selectedTag" multiple #change="refresh">
<v-chip v-for="tag in tags" :key="tag.key" active-class="primary">
<v-avatar left class="grey">{{ tag.count }}</v-avatar>
{{ tag.key }}
The problem I have is that in the typescript I do something like this:
refresh() {
// get simple array of tag strings
const selectedTags = any) => {
if (this.tags && this.tags[value]) {
return this.tags[value].key
} else {
return null
}).filter((value: any) => {
return value != null
ApiCall('GET', 'tags', {limit: 1000, tags: selectedTags}),
).then((values) => {
// decode response from server into new tags
this.tags = values[2].series['0'] any) => {
return {key: item.bucket, count: item.doc_count}
const newTags: number[] = []
this.tags.forEach((tag, index) => {
// find the new index of the previously selected tags and save them
if (selectedTags.find(st => {
return st === tag.key
})) {
// update selectedTag with the new value
this.$set(this, 'selectedTag', newTags)
// did not work this.selectedTag = newTags
What I'm seeing is that when I click a chip, it correctly fires the #change event and calls refresh, but then when the refresh finishes, I see an additional refresh get called with an empty selectedTag, which clears my filters and recalls the above functionality.
Is there a way to get #change to fire when a chip is changed, but not fire (or filter it out) when the event is generated by changing the data referenced by v-model?

How can I show days by group like Whatsapp chat screen?

How can I excatly do a similar Date system like the one in the Whatsapp chat screen?
As you can see the messages are in a group by date, I mean they are separated by date.
Here is a ScreenShot that i found for better explanation:
I do this in a FlatList, while rendering the messages one by one.
Here is what i did
let previousDate = "";
if (index > 0) {
previousDate = moment(this.state.messages[index - 1].created_at).format(
} else {
previousDate = moment(this.state.messages.created_at).format("L");
let currentDate = moment(item.created_at).format("L");
So, i created a functional component for renderItem prop of the FlatList, so item and index comes from the actual data from the FlatList.
What i'm trying to do here is, basically grabbing the current rendering item's created_at and compare it with the previous item's created_at, and to do that, i'm using the original data which is stored in the state. But unfortunately when the FlatList rendering the very first item which has index number 0 there is no previous element to compare in the original data in state, that's why i checking if is greater than 0 go and grab date from previous indexed item. And in the Else case, which means when rendering the first item, do not look for previous item and just get the created_at.
And below i check if the currentDate and previousDates are NOT the same, render a custom component else do not render anything.
{previousDate && !moment(currentDate).isSame(previousDate, "day") ? ( // custom component) : null}
It's should work like that, but the major problem is, i used inverted FlatList for to able to messages go from bottom of the screen to the top. But now, becouse of it's a inverted flatlist the items being rendering from bottom to the top and it gives me result like this:
NOTE: At the beginning the messages were coming also reversed but i fixed this with sending them also reversed from the DB.
So, i don't know how do i able to achieve my goal, and do it like on the first picture.
Thank you!
I use a helper function (generateItems) to address the problem that you are describing. Here is the code that I use to group my messages by day and then render either a <Message /> or a <Day /> in the renderItem prop. This is using an inverted FlatList as you described.
import moment from 'moment';
function groupedDays(messages) {
return messages.reduce((acc, el, i) => {
const messageDay = moment(el.created_at).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
if (acc[messageDay]) {
return { ...acc, [messageDay]: acc[messageDay].concat([el]) };
return { ...acc, [messageDay]: [el] };
}, {});
function generateItems(messages) {
const days = groupedDays(messages);
const sortedDays = Object.keys(days).sort(
(x, y) => moment(y, 'YYYY-MM-DD').unix() - moment(x, 'YYYY-MM-DD').unix()
const items = sortedDays.reduce((acc, date) => {
const sortedMessages = days[date].sort(
(x, y) => new Date(y.created_at) - new Date(x.created_at)
return acc.concat([...sortedMessages, { type: 'day', date, id: date }]);
}, []);
return items;
export default generateItems;
For reference here is my list as well as the renderItem function:
keyExtractor={item =>}
function renderItem({ item }) {
if (item.type && item.type === 'day') {
return <Day {...item} />;
return <Message {...item} />;
This is how i did it in react,
Create a new Set() to store dates uniquely
const dates = new Set();
When looping through chats array, check if date already exists in unique Set before rendering date => {
// For easier uniqueness check,
// Formated date string example '16082021'
const dateNum = format(chat.timestamp, 'ddMMyyyy');
return (
<React.Fragment key={chat.chat_key}>
// Do not render date if it already exists in set
{dates.has(dateNum) ? null : renderDate(chat, dateNum)}
<ChatroomChatBubble chat={chat} />
Finally, when date has been rendered, add date num into array so it doesn't render again
const renderDate = (chat, dateNum) => {
const timestampDate = format(chat.timestamp, 'EEEE, dd/MM/yyyy');
// Add to Set so it does not render again
return <Text>{timestampDate}</Text>;

Angular Translate default translate value while using filter

Is there any way to provide the translate-default value while using the filter instead of directive?
How to achieve the same results as this
<h3 translate="TEST" translate-default="Not present"></h3>
with filter format
{{ 'TEST' | translate }}
How do i put the "translate-default" attribute when using the translate filter?
What i need to do is show the original text if the key is not present.
I have created a wrapping filter for that purpose:
.filter('txf', ['$translate', ($translate: angular.translate.ITranslateService) => {
return (input: string, stringIfNotAvailable: string = '') => {
const translation = $translate.instant(input);
return translation === input ? stringIfNotAvailable : translation;