How to make a selection in django-autocomplete-light using jquery? - django-autocomplete-light

I want to make a selection of an option in django-autocomplete-light using Jquery. I tried $(selector).val(value).trigger('change'). But bot working. Any suggestions. I am using dev version dal 3.7.0.dev0


Is there a way to create a link that will execute a YouTrack command such as clone issue?

The "Generate Issue Template URL" functionality is clunky, and I'm try to work around it. I have a webpage outside of YouTrack with a list of links containing different templates for ticket writers. Any time a template changes we have to click the "generate issue template" then go update that link on our other web page. It would be nice to simply link to a template, by ID, that when saved will create a new issue or instead link directly to the clone command. The intent is that we won't have to update our template links going forward, and ticket writers will always get the latest version of the template they need.
Ideally it would be best if the entire call to YT could be in the href attribute of a link, but using AJAX is an option as well.
YT Version: 2021.3.22256
I've tried this, and a couple of variations, with no luck:
Template 1
In YouTrack there's no link you can pass a command into to get get it executed.
What you can do is to compose a workflow script to autofill issue fields as required. The only remaining bit is some kind of trigger to get script started. For that you can still use "Generate Issue Template URL" functionality with a single fields or any other marker to let the script recognize the right change to react to.

Revolution slider with php (laravel)

I want to use Revolution Slider within my html template.
Main issue is I have no any idea how to integrate it to my database and PHP codes.
Can anybody help me?
The core concept of visual editor is to use it as standalone slider builder tool which spits out a full html code with all links, markups etc without the needs to understand html/css/slider functions at all for your sliders. And have ability to export it in html or include it using php functions.
Full integration include user authorization, fixing possible code conflicts, other possible caveats.
The most easiest way to integrate is to add an option to specify slider alias and pass it to render functions. And keep editor as separate application.
If you add more details about how exactly you want to integrate it i would try to give you better answer.

Edit Form Type in kendo ui

I created a application in MVC4.
I am using kendo components for UI. My version of kendo is 2013.3.1324. I want create a feature this.
In simple words i want "editform" type in edit mode of grid.
I don't want to use template.Is there is any other way to implement feature like this?
Can anyone help me.

Make a Custom Rally Grid a Bulk-Edit capable grid

Is it possible to add Bulk-Edit capabilities to a grid in a custom Rally app?
Unfortunately there aren't any pre-built hooks that you can toggle to make an AppSDK2 grid bulk-editable. I can see where this would be useful though - I'd recommend posting this as a Feature Request to Rally Ideas.
With App SDK v2.0rc3 you can add "enableBulkEdit: true" to the list of grid configs and it will add that capability

What is dojo and how to use it in and when should we use it?

I am new in dojo, but i have to use it on my project but don't know more about it. I have read about it on google but its not clear...
what is the need of dojo?
how to use it, any link of simple example of it.
how it is different from ajax ?
It's a javascript library, you don't need it for any specific task, it's alot easier than writing it yourself (especially if you're not JS savvy).
Dojo have their own Demos Page
It handles AJAX requests but it's not AJAX AJAX Definition
It's a javascript library, just like jQuery or MooTools. You use it like any other javascript library.