AWS CLI S3 list with a default endpoint - amazon-s3

I'm using the following command on some ec2 instances in order to get some configuration files from an s3 bucket. The ec2 has an instance role attached with s3 full permissions:
aws s3 cp s3://bucket-name/file ./ --region eu-west-1
This work as expected on some instances provided by me with a default ami, but one some existing instances in the same region and AZ with the same instance role i'm facing the following error:
Connect timeout on endpoint URL: ""
failed to run commands: exit status 255
My question is why the S3Uris is not prefixed with s3:// and returns the error with url string https:// ? it's clear that this aws cli version tries to reach s3 through https not by s3:// endpoint provided by me in the command. Is there anyway to overwrite this?

My question is why the S3Uris is not prefixed with s3:// and returns
the error with url string https:// ?
Behind the scenes aws cli call the AWS services using HTTPS so that why is why on timeout you see timeout instead of s3:// .
By default, the AWS CLI sends requests to AWS services by using HTTPS on TCP port 443. To use the AWS CLI successfully, you must be able to make outbound connections on TCP port 443.
The timeout on some instance might be because they are in private subnet without NAT gateway.
you can simply verify this by doing ping if it not responding then the instance in the private subnet without NAT or has no outbound allowed traffic.


Connectivity to AWS EKS control plane via Client VPN

I have created EKS cluster with API server endpoint access as "Private". Cluster is configured in private subnet. I'd like to allow kubectl access from local PC. I have created Client VPN, it has access to private network (verified that by SSH to an EC2 instance running in the same private subnet). But kubectl gets "unable to connect to the server: dial x.x.x.x:443 i/o timout". "aws eks update-kubeconfig" can see that cluster and updates local context properly. What could be the problem?
Found out what was was missing. 443 had to be enabled in authorization rules

In Cloud Foundry, how do I create a service to run my Apache web server?

I'm on Ubuntu 18, running the following version of Cloud Foundry ...
$ cf -v
cf version 7.4.0+e55633fed.2021-11-15
I would to set up several containers, running off Docker image. First is an Apache web server. I have the following Dockerfile
FROM httpd:2.4
COPY ./my-httpd.conf /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
COPY ./my-vhosts.conf /usr/local/apache2/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
COPY ./directory /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/directory
How do I set this up in Cloud foundry? I tried creating a service but got these errors
$ cf cups apache-service -p "localhost, 80"
No API endpoint set. Use 'cf login' or 'cf api' to target an endpoint.
When I tried to create this API endpoint I got
$ cf api "http://my_ip_address"
Setting API endpoint to http://my_ip_address...
Request error: Get "http://my_ip_address": dial tcp my_ip_address:80: connect: connection refused
TIP: If you are behind a firewall and require an HTTP proxy, verify the https_proxy environment variable is correctly set. Else, check your network connection.
I'm thinking I'm missing something rather substantial but don't know what the right questions to ask are.
The error message you are providing (dial tcp my_ip_address:80: connect: connection refused ) is related to the cf api $address not responding.
Ensure that your Cloud Foundry API Endpoint is still active and you don't have any firewall preventing you from accessing the API. (port is open, the process is running, and the firewall is allowing traffic from your IP if applicable)

MinIO operator on minikube is not working

I'm trying to use the MinIO operator on a minikube (1 node) deployed in an EC2 machine.
The operator is deployed correctly and the same is for the tenant creation and it seems all good until I try to make a connection to the created tenant.
In this case I receive a 500 internal server error then I'm unable to create buckets or to use the mc client that MinIO provides.
I tried both with the MinIO console (using a port-forward) and the command line minio command to create the tenant and both worked.
This is what I see with kubectl:
mc test
kubectl get all -n minio-tenant-aisync
kubectl get all --all-namespaces
I am new to Kubernetes and MinIO then I don't know if I am missing something, could you help me please?
The first mc command that you are running shows there is something listening on port 9000 of your localhost, however you are getting a TLS verification error because MinIO by default is using a certificate issued by the local kubernetes certificate authority, also the returned certificate is not valid for localhost domain, the solution for this is to add the --insecure flag to your mc command (and include it in all subsequent commands unless you use a valid certificate), ie:
./mc alias set minio https://localhost:9000 [accesskey] [secretkey] --insecure

How to generate a certificate for AWS EC2 instance part of AWS ECS ( Docker)

We have a domain and our web-app uses AWS ECS docker containers and we have 3 of such EC2 instances which host the docker containers. Since the web-app is https - the socket request we make to the docker containers also have to be https to avoid mixed content error.
We already have a certificate from Let's Encrypt for our web-app - how do I go about certificates for individual EC2 instances which are a part of AWS ECS cluster ?
Edit 1 : our web-app is hosted on AWS and the docker containers launch a node https server

Can not link a HTTP Load Balancer to a backend (502 Bad Gateway)

I have on the backend a Kubernetes node running on port 32656 (Kubernetes Service of type NodePort). If I create a firewall rule for the <node_ip>:32656 to allow traffic, I can open the backend in the browser on this address: http://<node_ip>:32656.
What I try to achieve now is creating an HTTP Load Balancer and link it to the above backend. I use the following script to create the infrastructure required:
# instance group named ports
gcloud compute instance-groups set-named-ports "$GROUP_NAME" --named-ports "$PORT_NAME:$NODE_PORT"
# health check
gcloud compute http-health-checks create --format none "$HEALTH_CHECK_NAME" --check-interval "5m" --healthy-threshold "1" --timeout "5m" --unhealthy-threshold "10"
# backend service
gcloud compute backend-services create "$BACKEND_SERVICE_NAME" --http-health-check "$HEALTH_CHECK_NAME" --port-name "$PORT_NAME" --timeout "30"
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend "$BACKEND_SERVICE_NAME" --instance-group "$GROUP_NAME" --balancing-mode "UTILIZATION" --capacity-scaler "1" --max-utilization "1"
# URL map
gcloud compute url-maps create "$URL_MAP_NAME" --default-service "$BACKEND_SERVICE_NAME"
# target proxy
gcloud compute target-http-proxies create "$TARGET_PROXY_NAME" --url-map "$URL_MAP_NAME"
# global forwarding rule
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create "$GLOBAL_FORWARDING_RULE_NAME" --global --ip-protocol "TCP" --ports "80" --target-http-proxy "$TARGET_PROXY_NAME"
But I get the following response from the Load Balancer accessed through the public IP in the Frontend configuration:
Error: Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your
request. Please try again in 30 seconds.
The health check is left with default values: (/ and 80) and the backend service responds quickly with a status 200.
I have also created the firewall rule to accept any source and all ports (tcp) and no target specified (i.e. all targets).
Considering that regardless of the port I choose (in the instance group), and that I get the same result (Server Error), the problem should be somewhere in the configuration of the HTTP Load Balancer. (something with the health checks maybe?)
What am I missing from completing the linking between the frontend and the backend?
I assume you actually have instances in the instance group, and the firewall rule is not specific to a source range. Can you check your logs for a google health check? (UA will have google in it).
What version of kubernetes are you running? Fyi there's a resource in 1.2 that hooks this up for you automatically:, just make sure you do these:
More specifically: in 1.2 you need to create a firewall rule, service of type=nodeport (both of which you already seem to have), and a health check on that service at "/" (which you don't have, this requirement is alleviated in 1.3 but 1.3 is not out yet).
Also note that you can't put the same instance into 2 loadbalanced IGs, so to use the Ingress mentioned above you will have to cleanup your existing loadbalancer (or at least, remove the instances from the IG, and free up enough quota so the Ingress controller can do its thing).
There can be a few things wrong that are mentioned:
firewall rules need to be set to all hosts, are they need to have the same network label as the machines in the instance group have
by default, the node should return 200 at / - readiness and liveness probes to configure otherwise did not work for me
It seems you try to do things that are all automated, so I can really recommend:
This shows the steps that do the firewall and portforwarding for you, which also may show you what you are missing.
I noticed myself when using an app on 8080, exposed on 80 (like one of the deployments in the example) that the load balancer staid unhealthy untill I had / returning 200 (and /healthz I added to). So basically that container now exposes a webserver on port 8080, returning that and the other config wires that up to port 80.
When it comes to firewall rules, make sure they are set to all machines or make the network label match, or they won't work.
The 502 error is usually from the loadbalancer that will not pass your request if the health check does not pass.
Could you make your service type LoadBalancer ( which would setup this all up automatically? This assumes you have the flag set for google cloud.
After you deploy, then describe the service name and should give you the endpoint which is assigned.