Ionic program dont work in backgraund. How to fix that? - background

I need the app to run fully in the background and when I use other apps on my phone. The program transmits video from the camera. When I turn off the screen, I managed to get the program to transmit video, but when I turn on other programs on the phone, the program stops transmitting. Part of the code as I managed to omit in off mode.
i use library #ionic-native/background-mode
componentDidMount() {
document.addEventListener('deviceready', () => {
BatteryStatus.onChange().subscribe(status => {
this.batteryStatus = status;

Use plugin Background Mode
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-background-mode
npm install #ionic-native/background-mode
Then use it like this:
import { BackgroundMode } from '#ionic-native/background-mode/ngx';
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private backgroundMode: BackgroundMode) {
initializeApp() {
this.platform.ready().then(() => {


VUE2 + Electron + Flask -> Python not spawning on build

I've just finished my first vue+electron+flask project and I am having quite a hard time trying to package it. Everything is workig "perfectly" when using "npm run electron:serve" but when running "npm run electron:build" I do not get any error, but Flask is not launched at all. I do not really know how to fix the problem, my guess is that when building the dist folder the path to is not correct, but I tried to fix it without luck.
Here is the background.js code:
'use strict'
import { app, protocol, BrowserWindow } from 'electron'
import { createProtocol } from 'vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder/lib'
import installExtension, { VUEJS_DEVTOOLS } from 'electron-devtools-installer'
const isDevelopment = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
// Scheme must be registered before the app is ready
{ scheme: 'app', privileges: { secure: true, standard: true } }
async function createWindow() {
// spawn flask app (
var python = require('child_process').spawn('py', ['../server/']);
python.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
console.log("data: ", data.toString('utf8'));
python.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
console.log(`stderr: ${data}`); // when error
// Create the browser window.
const win = new BrowserWindow({
width: 1500,
height: 1200,
webPreferences: {
// Use pluginOptions.nodeIntegration, leave this alone
// See for more info
nodeIntegration: process.env.ELECTRON_NODE_INTEGRATION,
contextIsolation: !process.env.ELECTRON_NODE_INTEGRATION
if (process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_URL) {
// Load the url of the dev server if in development mode
await win.loadURL(process.env.WEBPACK_DEV_SERVER_URL)
if (!process.env.IS_TEST) win.webContents.openDevTools()
} else {
// Load the index.html when not in development
// Quit when all windows are closed.
app.on('window-all-closed', () => {
// On macOS it is common for applications and their menu bar
// to stay active until the user quits explicitly with Cmd + Q
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
app.on('activate', () => {
// On macOS it's common to re-create a window in the app when the
// dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open.
if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) createWindow()
// This method will be called when Electron has finished
// initialization and is ready to create browser windows.
// Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs.
app.on('ready', async () => {
if (isDevelopment && !process.env.IS_TEST) {
// Install Vue Devtools
try {
await installExtension(VUEJS_DEVTOOLS)
} catch (e) {
console.error('Vue Devtools failed to install:', e.toString())
// Exit cleanly on request from parent process in development mode.
if (isDevelopment) {
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
process.on('message', (data) => {
if (data === 'graceful-exit') {
} else {
process.on('SIGTERM', () => {
The relevant part of the code calling is the following:
async function createWindow() {
// spawn flask app (
var python = require('child_process').spawn('py', ['../server/']);
python.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
console.log("data: ", data.toString('utf8'));
python.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
console.log(`stderr: ${data}`); // when error
// Create the browser window.
const win = new BrowserWindow({
width: 1500,
height: 1200,
webPreferences: {
// Use pluginOptions.nodeIntegration, leave this alone
// See for more info
nodeIntegration: process.env.ELECTRON_NODE_INTEGRATION,
contextIsolation: !process.env.ELECTRON_NODE_INTEGRATION
I tried to put 3 dots insted of 2 in the path ['.../server/] just in case when creating the dist folder I need this extra dot to find the file, but this is not working either.
My folder structure is the follwing:
other config files
other python scripts imported to
As this program will only be used by me in my personal pc, I did not want to bother using pyInstaller (I thought it would be easier to not package the python side, but if I am wrong please let me know). I would like to have a electron .exe file that I can just doble click to open the electron build and then spawn the Flask server.
Also, my feeling is that I am not killing the Flask server correctly when closing the app. I think Flask is still running when closing electron. What should I do to ensure Flask server is properly closed.
There is not a lot of information of those topics that I can follow. Any help will be aprreaciated.
I´m having the same problem. I followed the link to this article (, and it has the answer about killing the python flask server. And if you follow everything the article says, it's supposed to run the backend when opening the electron.exe, but this is not happening here on my end.
EDIT: I found the error, you need to change the path on your spawn. I sugest you to run the electron.exe on the cmd so you can see the error on it, so you will see the path that spawn is trying to run.
it´s probably:
var python = require('child_process').spawn('py', ['../resources/app/server/']);
you will need to acess the through [resources/app] as spawn start at the base dir of the electron build.
PS: I used electron-packeger that´s why mine need to add resources/app, and I used pyinstaller on my backend
Hope it will help you.

Use cordova plugins inside Ionic Vue.js Components

I see I can use any cordova plugin within ionic capacitor. But how I can use it inside vue component for example.
Just for example:
I installed plugin cordova-plugin-prevent-screenshot-coffice with npm
npm i --save cordova-plugin-prevent-screenshot-coffice
I trying to import foo from "cordova-plugin-prevent-screenshot-coffice", but it says cannot find that module.
Is there a special way to import plugins like the above example plugin (or any other plugin which is not in #ionic-native namespace)?
I need usage example for the ionic vue community bacause it's very hard to found any info how we can use it.
This not working for cordova-plugin-prevent-screenshot-coffice
import PLUGIN_X from "PLUGIN_X"
export default defineComponent({
// ...
mounted() {
// ...
You don't have to import the plugin, the plugin is available on window object.
You can do something like this:
// Enable
(<any>window).plugins.preventscreenshot.enable((a) => this.successCallback(a), (b) => this.errorCallback(b));
// Disable
(<any>window).plugins.preventscreenshot.disable((a) => this.successCallback(a), (b) => this.errorCallback(b));
successCallback(result) {
console.log(result); // true - enabled, false - disabled
errorCallback(error) {
or like this if using javascript instead of typescript
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
// Enable
function onDeviceReady() {
window.plugins.preventscreenshot.enable(successCallback, errorCallback);
// Disable
function onDeviceReady() {
window.plugins.preventscreenshot.disable(successCallback, errorCallback);
function successCallback(result) {
console.log(result); // true - enabled, false - disabled
function errorCallback(error) {
// Receive notification when screenshot is ready;
// Receive notification when control center or app going in background.

Angular 7 cannot receive firebase notification in the foreground

I am setting my website to receive firebase notifications. I can receive it when in the background. But could not when in the foreground. I have followed this tutorial link to set up.
I have initialize it in app.module.ts.
I have tried others similar stackoverflow solutions. But none of them is working so far.
I have tried to use AngularFireMessaging, and FirebaseApp. But both of them could not receive notification after sent.
import { FirebaseApp } from '#angular/fire';
import '#firebase/messaging';
import { AngularFireMessaging } from '#angular/fire/messaging';
setUpMessage() {
this.messaging = this.firebaseApp.messaging();
setUpFCM() {
this.afMessaging.messaging.subscribe(_messaging => {
_messaging.onMessage = _messaging.onMessage.bind(_messaging);
_messaging.onTokenRefresh = _messaging.onTokenRefresh.bind(_messaging);
requestPermission() {
this.afMessaging.requestToken.subscribe(token => {
}, error => {
listenToNotifications() {
return this.afMessaging.messages;
listenNotifications() {
return this.messaging;
In my component.ts file, I initialized them and got the token from firebase. but cannot receive notification in the foreground.
ngOnInit() {
this.validation_messages = this.printFormService.printValidationMessage();
private listenNotification() {
this.fcmTokenService.listenToNotifications().subscribe(msg => {
// msg.content = JSON.parse(;
private listenNotification2() {
this.fcmTokenService.listenNotifications().onMessage(msg => {
I expect to receive the notification and console log it, but no result after many hours or retrying with different approaches.
On your firebase-messaging-sw.js or your service worker file?
should have the same version with your firebase on package.json
"dependencies": {
"firebase": "^7.6.0",
More details here:
I found that importScripts version in service Worker & version of library in package.json has to be same.
The import scripts version and the library version in node_modules must be same for foreground messaging subscription to get the data!
This is a Version compatibility issue as far as I figured. just try to use
"firebase": "^5.0.0",
"#angular/fire": "^5.0.0",
override your package.json with these two, run npm install, you will be fine

IOS Expo Push Notifications when app is in foreground

reading from the expo docs:
For iOS, you would be wise to handle push notifications that are
received while the app is foregrounded, because otherwise the user
will never see them. Notifications that arrive while the app are
foregrounded on iOS do not show up in the system notification list. A
common solution is to just show the notification manually. For
example, if you get a message on Messenger for iOS, have the app
foregrounded, but do not have that conversation open, you will see the
notification slide down from the top of the screen with a custom
notification UI.
What I don't understand is what is the best approach for that? is there an Expo API for showing such messages? or should I create an alert component of my own? It is not really clear from the docs.
This answer is outdated as of February 20, 2020. Please see for how to show iOS Notification when your application is in the Foreground
There isn't an Expo API for showing those messages. You can use any 'toast' library of your choosing and display the notification message, but that should be all your code.
For example, this is how we are doing right now:
export default class HomeScreen extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
this.notificationSubscription = Notifications.addListener(
(notification) => this.handlePushNotification(notification),
handlePushNotification(notification) {
const { navigation } = this.props;
PushNotificationsService.handleNotification(notification, navigation);
import Toast from 'react-native-root-toast';
export default class PushNotificationsService {
static handleNotification(notification, navigation) {
if ( && notification.origin === 'selected') {
Toast libraries include:
Now you can just add that in one of your app entry point. The shouldShowAlert is what you want here
import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications';
handleNotification: async () => ({
shouldShowAlert: true,
shouldPlaySound: false,
shouldSetBadge: false,
App.json :
"expo": {
"notification": {
"iosDisplayInForeground": true
I'm not sure exactly when this was added to Expo, but as of Expo version 36 is easily doable.
To show Expo Push Notifications on iOS when your app is in the foreground, please do the following:
import { Vibration } from "react-native";
import { Notifications } from "expo";
import * as Permissions from "expo-permissions";
import Constants from "expo-constants";
registerForPushNotificationsAsync = async () => {
if (Constants.isDevice) {
const { status: existingStatus } = await Permissions.getAsync(
let finalStatus = existingStatus;
if (existingStatus !== "granted") {
const { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(
finalStatus = status;
if (finalStatus !== "granted") {
alert("Failed to get push token for push notification!");
let token = await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync();
console.log("Go to and copy the token below to easily send yourself a notification.");
console.warn("Notifications on iOS (and I believe Android) ONLY WORK ON A PHYSICAL DEVICE, not a simulator or emulator!!!")
this.setState({ expoPushToken: token });
} else {
alert("Must use physical device for Push Notifications");
componentDidMount() {
this._notificationSubscription = Notifications.addListener(
_handleNotification = async notification => {
if (notification.remote) {
const notificationId = Notifications.presentLocalNotificationAsync({
title: "Follow #technoplato",
body: "To learn yourself goodly (also follow PewDiePie)",
ios: { _displayInForeground: true } // <-- HERE'S WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS
Quick and Easy Sanity Check
1) Go here:
2) Copy the token that is output to the terminal when your application is run.
3) Open your application on iOS.
4) Send a notification to yourself from and observe that it shows up even when your app is foregrounded.
Expo makes Notifications ridiculously easy. I honestly can't believe it.
No idea why displayInForeground is false by default and not more prominent in the documentation. I'll submit a PR for it if I can.
Code originally found at this Snack:
LocalNotification.ios._displayInForeground found here:

Simple example for accessing the camera via WebRTC in react-native (Android)

I'm trying to adapt an augmented reality app I wrote in JS that only works in Firefox on Android to a react native app that can work in either Android or iOS. Since I need the camera input, I'm using react-native-webrtc (rather than importing the html and js I have been using, since I'm also trying to reduce framerate lag). I've been trying to parse out the demo here:
But the demo app is quite complex since it is a video chatroom (from what I can surmise). I just need to access the camera and keep it as the background of the app. This is what I have so far:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import {
} from 'react-native-webrtc';
let localStream;
function getLocalStream(isFront, callback) {
MediaStreamTrack.getSources(sourceInfos => {
let videoSourceId;
for (const i = 0; i < sourceInfos.length; i++) {
const sourceInfo = sourceInfos[i];
if(sourceInfo.kind == "video" && sourceInfo.facing == (isFront ? "front" : "back")) {
videoSourceId =;
audio: false,
video: {
mandatory: {
minWidth: 500,
minHeight: 300,
minFrameRate: 30
facingMode: (isFront ? "user" : "environment"),
optional: [{ sourceId:}]
}, function(stream) {
console.log("dddd", stream);
}, logError);
function logError(error) {
console.log("logError: ", error);
let container;
var CanvasTest = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
isFront: true,
selfViewSrc: null};
componentDidMount: function() {
container = this;
render() {
return (
<RTCView streamURL={this.state.selfViewSrc} />
{console.log("this.state: ", this.state)}
{getLocalStream(true, function(stream) {
//localStream = stream;
//container.setState({selfViewSrc: stream.toURL()});
AppRegistry.registerComponent('CanvasTest', () => CanvasTest);
Everything is okay until I try to call the getLocalStream function. I get an "undefined is not an object" error for that line. (I've commented out the lines inside the callback to see if they are causing the problem, they are not).
This is what I get from the console in Android Studio:
E/ReactNativeJS: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'WebRTCModule.mediaStreamTrackGetSources')
E/EGL_emulation: tid 3106: eglSurfaceAttrib(1165): error 0x3009 (EGL_BAD_MATCH)
W/OpenGLRenderer: Failed to set EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR on surface 0xa0899300, error=EGL_BAD_MATCH
I think I'm calling the function in the wrong place. I want the view to load up the camera stream when the app starts. What am I doing wrong?
Is there a simpler example somewhere of using WebRTC in react native?
About undefined is not an object
It may because of not install it properly.
I'd suggest restart a fresh build again:
remove npm module: rm -rf $YourProject/node_modules/react-native-webrtc
clean npm cache: npm cache clean
clear gradle build intermediate files or
clear xocde project by Product -> clean
( it depends on your env )
npm install react-native-webrtc
follow the documents steps by steps carefully (Android / iOS)
be sure grant all permissions mentions on documents then try again.
Where to execute getLocalStream()
in your case, you can execute it in ComponentDidMount
otherwise, in some case, app may warn that you can't setState() in render()
(setState() will trigger render() normally, the warning is to prevent infinite loop.)
I would suggest you to NOT test it on simulators as possible for libraries which needs to access lots of hardware's functionalities.