IOS Expo Push Notifications when app is in foreground - react-native

reading from the expo docs:
For iOS, you would be wise to handle push notifications that are
received while the app is foregrounded, because otherwise the user
will never see them. Notifications that arrive while the app are
foregrounded on iOS do not show up in the system notification list. A
common solution is to just show the notification manually. For
example, if you get a message on Messenger for iOS, have the app
foregrounded, but do not have that conversation open, you will see the
notification slide down from the top of the screen with a custom
notification UI.
What I don't understand is what is the best approach for that? is there an Expo API for showing such messages? or should I create an alert component of my own? It is not really clear from the docs.

This answer is outdated as of February 20, 2020. Please see for how to show iOS Notification when your application is in the Foreground
There isn't an Expo API for showing those messages. You can use any 'toast' library of your choosing and display the notification message, but that should be all your code.
For example, this is how we are doing right now:
export default class HomeScreen extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
this.notificationSubscription = Notifications.addListener(
(notification) => this.handlePushNotification(notification),
handlePushNotification(notification) {
const { navigation } = this.props;
PushNotificationsService.handleNotification(notification, navigation);
import Toast from 'react-native-root-toast';
export default class PushNotificationsService {
static handleNotification(notification, navigation) {
if ( && notification.origin === 'selected') {
Toast libraries include:

Now you can just add that in one of your app entry point. The shouldShowAlert is what you want here
import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications';
handleNotification: async () => ({
shouldShowAlert: true,
shouldPlaySound: false,
shouldSetBadge: false,

App.json :
"expo": {
"notification": {
"iosDisplayInForeground": true

I'm not sure exactly when this was added to Expo, but as of Expo version 36 is easily doable.
To show Expo Push Notifications on iOS when your app is in the foreground, please do the following:
import { Vibration } from "react-native";
import { Notifications } from "expo";
import * as Permissions from "expo-permissions";
import Constants from "expo-constants";
registerForPushNotificationsAsync = async () => {
if (Constants.isDevice) {
const { status: existingStatus } = await Permissions.getAsync(
let finalStatus = existingStatus;
if (existingStatus !== "granted") {
const { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(
finalStatus = status;
if (finalStatus !== "granted") {
alert("Failed to get push token for push notification!");
let token = await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync();
console.log("Go to and copy the token below to easily send yourself a notification.");
console.warn("Notifications on iOS (and I believe Android) ONLY WORK ON A PHYSICAL DEVICE, not a simulator or emulator!!!")
this.setState({ expoPushToken: token });
} else {
alert("Must use physical device for Push Notifications");
componentDidMount() {
this._notificationSubscription = Notifications.addListener(
_handleNotification = async notification => {
if (notification.remote) {
const notificationId = Notifications.presentLocalNotificationAsync({
title: "Follow #technoplato",
body: "To learn yourself goodly (also follow PewDiePie)",
ios: { _displayInForeground: true } // <-- HERE'S WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS
Quick and Easy Sanity Check
1) Go here:
2) Copy the token that is output to the terminal when your application is run.
3) Open your application on iOS.
4) Send a notification to yourself from and observe that it shows up even when your app is foregrounded.
Expo makes Notifications ridiculously easy. I honestly can't believe it.
No idea why displayInForeground is false by default and not more prominent in the documentation. I'll submit a PR for it if I can.
Code originally found at this Snack:
LocalNotification.ios._displayInForeground found here:


React Native Expo Location Permissions, requestForegroundPermissionsAsync, requestBackgroundPermissionsAsync how make them work

I am working on an app that records the location when the aplication is active or in the background.
After Permissions.getAsync got depricated, my app is not recording the coordonates when in background.
I understand I have to change to requestForegroundPermissionsAsync and requestBackgroundPermissionsAsync but I can not make it work.(I don't know how to use requestBackgroundPermissionsAsync)
Here is the code:
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import {
} from 'expo-location';
export default (shouldTrack, callback) => {
const [err, setErr] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
let subscriber;
const startWatching = async () => {
try {
const { granted } = await requestForegroundPermissionsAsync()
if (!granted) {
throw new Error('Location permission not granted');
subscriber = await watchPositionAsync(
accuracy: Accuracy.BestForNavigation,
timeInterval: 1000,
distanceInterval: 10
} catch (e) {
Question needs additional information to troubleshoot. For starters, are you on iOS\Android\both? Does it work on one platform but not the other? What permissions are listed in app.json (is this a managed\bare workflow)? Are the foreground updates working? Background updates require additional code and none of that is included here.
Have you gone through Expo's documentation?

Expo react-native bare workflow using Push notifications

Firstly i will be really appreciated for your helps.
I'am trying to implement expo push notification using expo-bare workflow. When i run app, it gives me error like this so i could not get token.
error [TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '_ExponentNotifications.default.getExponentPushTokenAsync')]
Here is my code:
import { Notifications } from "expo";
import * as Permissions from "expo-permissions";
import Constants from "expo-constants";
export const getToken = async () => {
if (Constants.isDevice) {
const { status: existingStatus } = await Permissions.getAsync(Permissions.NOTIFICATIONS);
let finalStatus = existingStatus;
if (existingStatus !== "granted") {
const { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.NOTIFICATIONS);
finalStatus = status;
if (finalStatus !== "granted") {
console.log("Failed to get push token for push notification!");
token = await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync();
else {
console.log("Must use physical device for Push Notifications");
return token;
You need to install the expo notifications package:
expo install expo-notifications also don't forget to cd into the ios folder and run pod install to properly link the package.
Next, you need to change the way you import and use Notifications like:
import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications';
Then to get expo token you do something like:
which would resolve to a promise containing your expo token in an object format like:
{"data": "ExponentPushToken[ID]", "type": "expo"}
NB: Most method support in the Notifications from expo is different from the one in expo-notifications. You should check here for more details.
To expand on my comment some, I had a similar setup as yours when I was on Expo managed, but I ejected. According to their docs, the bare workflow is a little different, and so mine is set up like this:
// at the top:
import * as Notifications from 'expo-notifications';
// --------
// inside the code:
let settings = false
settings = Notifications.getPermissionsAsync()
if (!settings.granted) {
settings = Notifications.requestPermissionsAsync()
if (settings.status === 1 || settings.status === 'granted') {
const experienceId = '#proj/example' // (see docs on using expo credentials:manager)
const token = Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync({ experienceId })
const resp = api.sendNotificationToken({ token: })

Send push notification using Expo

I am trying to send push notification using Expo, and I receive it. But there is no vibrate or sound and no pop up as well on my device. I am using Galaxy S9 with Android 9. I have not tried on Iphone yet.
Push notification is sent by nodejs and the user who installed the app will receive the push notification. User expo token is saved in firebase database. I succeed to save and fetch the token.
Below is from expo app
class App extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
async registerForPushNotificationsAsync(){
const { status: existingStatus } = await Permissions.getAsync(
let finalStatus = existingStatus;
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
Notifications.createChannelAndroidAsync('chat-messages', {
name: 'Chat messages',
sound: true,
priority: 'high', // was max
vibrate: [0, 250, 250, 250],
if (existingStatus !== 'granted') {
const { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.NOTIFICATIONS);
finalStatus = status;
Below is from nodejs server-side
function sendMessage(to, title, body) {
const expo = new Expo();
let messages = [];
to, // Expo user token
data: { withSome: 'data' },
ios: {
sound: true
android: {
"channelId": "chat-messages" //and this
let chunks = expo.chunkPushNotifications(messages);
let tickets = [];
(async () => {
for (let chunk of chunks) {
try {
let ticketChunk = await expo.sendPushNotificationsAsync(chunk);
} catch (error) {
Also could we redirect to web page when user click the push notification?
I see three problems on your backend code ( expo push notification docs for reference
According to the docs, there should be no ios or android properties on the request body;
sound should be either 'default' or null, instead of true;
You created the notification channel on the device, but when you send the notification, you forgot to tell which channel you are sending to.
All that said, your code that calls the expo push notifications api should look something like this:
to, // Expo user token
title: 'some title', //it is good practice to send title, and it will look better
data: { withSome: 'data' },
priority: 'high', //to make sure notification is delivered as fast as possible. see documentation for more details
sound: true, //for iOS devices and android below 8.0
channelId: 'chat-messages', //for devices on android 8.0 and above
I hope this helps.

React-Native: Can't receive expo push notification on stand alone app

This is ss from standalone app, its gettings expo token but for some reason it wont show notifications
I can't receive push notification on my standalone apps and if someone else used the app from expo (not my phone) then he won't receive it either,
For some reason only i receive it ..that too on expo client and if i install the apk on my phone, then i get the error....
In these all situations the error is same,
"data": {
"status": "error",
"message": "SNS failed to send the notification (reason: EndpointDisabled, status code: 400).",
"details": {
"error": "DeviceNotRegistered",
"sns": {
"statusCode": 400,
"reason": "EndpointDisabled",
"__message": "Endpoint is disabled"
my notification js
import { Permissions, Notifications } from 'expo';
import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native';
import axios from 'axios';
import {
} from '../actions/types';
const server = IUSTCONNECT_URL;
export default async function registerForPushNotificationsAsync() {
const { status: existingStatus } = await Permissions.getAsync(
let finalStatus = existingStatus;
// only ask if permissions have not already been determined, because
// iOS won't necessarily prompt the user a second time.
if (existingStatus !== 'granted') {
// Android remote notification permissions are granted during the app
// install, so this will only ask on iOS
const { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.NOTIFICATIONS);
finalStatus = status;
// Stop here if the user did not grant permissions
if (finalStatus !== 'granted') {
// Get the token that uniquely identifies this device
let token = await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync();
await AsyncStorage.setItem('notificationToken', token);
const adminFlag = await AsyncStorage.getItem('admin');
try {
const { data } = await`${server}/admin/app_bridge/user.php`, {
job: 'updateExpoToken',
admin: adminFlag,
token: token
if(data.trim() === 'success') {
console.log('expo push notification token sent:');
} else {
console.log('error sending notification token:');
} catch (e) {
and i am calling registerForPushNotificationsAsync() on my child tab,
Everything works well for my expo it doesn't...
Any help?
The issue is with the device. you can see in error DeviceNotRegistered.
see expo docs here.
DeviceNotRegistered: the device cannot receive push notifications
anymore and you should stop sending messages to the given Expo push
The problem is that in docs no information why this error is happening. Try with some other device's.
if you develop with firebase you need update your token, the steps are:
1 in your page of project firebase, select option setting.
2 navigate to option project settings.
3 select option cloud messasging.
4 on credetial of project copy the token.
5. in your terminal in root directory of project type:
expo push:android:upload --api-key <your token>
for more information visit
enter link description here
try send push notification Manually
enter link description here
i'm working with sdk 37.0.0

How to navigate screen on notification open in React Native with One Signal?

Here is my code, how can I navigate user to the desired screen when clicked on a notification or button in a notification.
componentWillMount() {
OneSignal.addEventListener('received', this.onReceived);
OneSignal.addEventListener('opened', this.onOpened);
OneSignal.addEventListener('registered', this.onRegistered);
OneSignal.addEventListener('ids', this.onIds);
alert: true,
badge: true,
sound: true
componentWillUnmount() {
this.isUnmounted = true;
OneSignal.removeEventListener('received', this.onReceived);
OneSignal.removeEventListener('opened', this.onOpened);
OneSignal.removeEventListener('registered', this.onRegistered);
OneSignal.removeEventListener('ids', this.onIds);
onReceived(notification) {
console.log("Notification received: ", notification);
this.isNotification = true;
let data = openResult.notification.payload.additionalData;
let inFocus = openResult.notification.isAppInFocus;
console.log('Message: ', openResult.notification.payload.body);
console.log('Data: ', openResult.notification.payload.additionalData);
console.log('isActive: ', openResult.notification.isAppInFocus);
console.log('openResult: ', openResult);
onRegistered(notifData) {
console.log("Device had been registered for push notifications!", notifData);
onIds(device) {
try {
AsyncStorage.setItem("#SC:deviceInfo", JSON.stringify(device));
} catch (error) {
Do anyone have knowledge about all this, React Native + OneSignal + React Navigation + Redux. Please help!
To achieve the desired behavior you can do couple of things. You can manually check the notification and state of the router and if its necessary redirect the user to the screen or you can use the Deep Linking functionality.
To use Deep Linking you attach url parameter to your notification while sending it. To direct user to the correct screen in your app you can use react-navigation deep linking functionality.
From One Signal Documentation
url string The URL to open in the browser when a user clicks on the
notification. Example:
Note: iOS needs https or updated NSAppTransportSecurity in plist
From React Navigation Documentation
Deep Linking
In this guide we will set up our app to handle external URIs. Let's start with the SimpleApp that we created in the
getting started guide. In this example, we want a URI like
mychat://chat/Taylor to open our app and link straight into Taylor's
chat page.
You can dispatch a NavigationAction or perform a navigate action when onOpened is fired. Following snippet should work:
componentWillMount() {
OneSignal.removeEventListener('opened', this.onOpened.bind(this));
OneSignal.addEventListener('opened', this.onOpened.bind(this));
onOpened(openResult) {
let data = openResult.notification.payload.additionalData;
// ScreenName is the name of the screen you defined in StackNavigator
this.props.navigation.navigate('ScreenName', data)
In search for the solution I landed on this question and I think most of the answers are now old. So, in case anyone looking for the solution can try this.
OneSignal.setNotificationOpenedHandler((notificationResponse) => {
const { notification } = notificationResponse;
if (notification) {
const { additionalData = null } = notification;
if (additionalData) {
const { type } = additionalData;
const navigateToScreen = (type) => {
switch (type) {
case "post":
case "track":
In case someone else comes with a similar problem to mine I want to add onto what #Mostafiz Rahman said. The app I was working on had a bunch of nested stacks and tabs (react-navigation v1) inside of a drawer, and if Stack1 was backgrounded and the notification was for Stack2 I couldn't get them to jump around.
I ended up putting the logic as described by Mr. Rahman in every one of the stacks' first screens -- 1st screen of Stack1, 1st screen of Stack2, etc -- and that did it!