How can i extract the encoded part of multi-modal autoencoder and convert the .h5 model to a numpy array? - numpy

I am making a deep multimodal autoencoder model which takes two inputs and produces a two outputs (which are the reconstructed inputs). The two inputs are with shape of (1000, 50) and (1000,60) respectively and the model has 3 hidden layers and aim to concatenate the two latent layer of input1 and input2.
I would like to extract the encoded part of my model and save the data as a numpy array.
here is the complete code of the model :
input_X = Input(shape=(X[0].shape))
dense_X = Dense(40,activation='relu')(input_X)
dense1_X = Dense(20,activation='relu')(dense_X)
latent_X= Dense(2,activation='relu')(dense1_X)
input_X1 = Input(shape=(X1[0].shape))
dense_X1 = Dense(40,activation='relu')(input_X1)
dense1_X1 = Dense(20,activation='relu')(dense_X1)
latent_X1= Dense(2,activation='relu')(dense1_X1)
Concat_X_X1 = concatenate([latent_X, latent_X1])
decoding_X = Dense(20,activation='relu')(Concat_X_X1)
decoding1_X = Dense(40,activation='relu')(decoding_X)
output_X = Dense(X[0].shape[0],activation='sigmoid')(decoding1_X)
decoding_X1 = Dense(20,activation='relu')(Concat_X_X1)
decoding1_X1 = Dense(40,activation='relu')(decoding_X1)
output_X1 = Dense(X1[0].shape[0],activation='sigmoid')(decoding1_X1)
multi_modal_autoencoder = Model([input_X, input_X1], [output_X, output_X1], name='multi_modal_autoencoder')
encoder = Model([input_X, input_X1], Concat_X_X1)'encoder.h5')
model =[X,X1], [X, X1], epochs=70, batch_size=150)

With h5py package you can get into your .h5 file and extract exactly what you want:
f = h5py.File('encoder.h5', 'r')
keys = list(f.keys())
values = f.get('some_key')
You can hierarchically use .get many times to go deeper into your .h5 file to extract what you need.


Masking Layer and Mask_Zero in Embedding in Keras

I have deployed a model where i have a sequence of pages visited by the customer and then the numerical features like time spent on that page etc. Now, to pass the model in keras, I encode the pages information in the form of embeddings and concatenate it with other numerical features and pass it to a LSTM Cell in Keras. Here, to ignore the padded value in embeddings, I am using a mask_zero = True argument in the keras layer and to ignore numerical features for that timestamp, using the masking layer in keras to skip if value = -99 (have used the -99 as the padded value for the numerical feature). Below is the model summary.
from keras.layers import Input, Embedding, Dot, Reshape, Dense, Dropout,Concatenate,Masking
##Input for the Sequential Data
input0 = Input(name=str(inputs[0]),shape=[max_len])
input1 = Input(name=str(inputs[1]),shape=[max_len])
input2 = Input(name=str(inputs[2]),shape=[max_len])
input3 = Input(name=str(inputs[3]),shape=[max_len])
##Input Profiles for the Timespent on each page
input_ts0 = Input(name=str(inputs_ts[0]),shape=[max_len,1])
input_ts1 = Input(name=str(inputs_ts[1]),shape=[max_len,1])
input_ts2 = Input(name=str(inputs_ts[2]),shape=[max_len,1])
input_ts3 = Input(name=str(inputs_ts[3]),shape=[max_len,1])
##Embedding Layer
embed0 = Embedding(def_val+1,50,input_length=max_len,mask_zero=True)(input0)
embed1 = Embedding(def_val+1,50,input_length=max_len,mask_zero=True)(input1)
embed2 = Embedding(def_val+1,50,input_length=max_len,mask_zero=True)(input2)
embed3 = Embedding(def_val+1,50,input_length=max_len,mask_zero=True)(input3)
##concatenate the embedding and time spent on each page
ts_eve_concat0 = Concatenate(name='Concatenated_eve_ts0')([embed0,input_ts0])
ts_eve_concat1 = Concatenate(name='Concatenated_eve_ts1')([embed1,input_ts1])
ts_eve_concat2 = Concatenate(name='Concatenated_eve_ts2')([embed2,input_ts2])
ts_eve_concat3 = Concatenate(name='Concatenated_eve_ts3')([embed3,input_ts3])
##Masking the TS input where there is no information
masking_0 = Masking(mask_value = -99)(ts_eve_concat0)
masking_1 = Masking(mask_value = -99)(ts_eve_concat1)
masking_2 = Masking(mask_value = -99)(ts_eve_concat2)
masking_3 = Masking(mask_value = -99)(ts_eve_concat3)
#LSTM on all the individual layers
lstm0 = LSTM(32)(masking_0)
lstm1 = LSTM(32)(masking_1)
lstm2 = LSTM(32)(masking_2)
lstm3 = LSTM(32)(masking_3)
##Concatenate all the LSTM Layers
concat_lstm = Concatenate(name='Concatenated_lstm')([lstm0,lstm1,lstm2,lstm3])
layer = Dense(64,name='FC1')(concat_lstm)
layer = Activation('relu')(layer)
layer = Dropout(0.3)(layer)
layer = Dense(32,name='FC2',activation='relu')(layer)
layer = Dropout(0.3)(layer)
layer = Dense(1,name='out_layer')(layer)
layer = Activation('sigmoid')(layer)
Is this approach correct or do I need to send the information in some other manner

Two models of the same architecture with same weights giving different results

After copying weights from a pretrained model, I do not get the same output.
tf2cv repository provides pretrained models in TF2 for various backbones. Unfortunately the codebase is of limited use to me because they use subclassing via tf.keras.Model which makes it very hard to extract intermediate outputs and gradients at will. I therefore embarked upon rewriting the codes for the backbones using the functional API. After rewriting the resnet architecture codes, I copied their weights into my model and saved them in SavedModel format. In order to test if it is correctly done, I gave an input to my model instance and theirs and the results were different.
My approaches to debugging the problem
I checked the number of trainable and non-trainable parameters and they are the same between my model instance and theirs.
I checked if all trainable weights have been copied which they have.
My present line of thinking
I think it might be possible that weights have not been copied to the correct layers. For example :- Layer X and Layer Y might have weights of the same shape but during weight copying, weights of layer Y might have gone into Layer X and vice versa. This is only possible if I have not mapped the layer names between the two models properly.
However I have exhaustively checked and have not found any error so far.
The Code
My code is attached below. Their (tfcv) code for resnet can be found here
Please note that resnet_orig in the following snippet is the same as here
My converted code can be found here
from vision.image import resnet as myresnet
from glob import glob
from loguru import logger
import tensorflow as tf
import resnet_orig
import re
import os
import numpy as np
from time import time
from copy import deepcopy
models = [
def zipdir(path, ziph):
# ziph is zipfile handle
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for file in files:
ziph.write(os.path.join(root, file),
os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, file),
os.path.join(path, '..')))
def find_model_file(model_type):
model_files = glob('*.h5')
for m in model_files:
if '{}-'.format(model_type) in m:
return m
return None
def remap_our_model_variables(our_variables, model_name):
remapped = list()
reg = re.compile(r'(stage\d+)')
for var in our_variables:
newvar = var.replace(model_name, 'features/features')
stage_search =, newvar)
if stage_search is not None:
stage_search = stage_search[0]
newvar = newvar.replace(stage_search, '{}/{}'.format(stage_search,
newvar = newvar.replace('conv_preact', 'conv/conv')
newvar = newvar.replace('conv_bn','bn')
newvar = newvar.replace('logits','output1')
remap_dict = dict([(x,y) for x,y in zip(our_variables, remapped)])
return remap_dict
def get_correct_variable(variable_name, trainable_variable_names):
for i, var in enumerate(trainable_variable_names):
if variable_name == var:
return i'Uffff.....')
return None
layer_regexp_compiled = re.compile(r'(.*)\/.*')
model_files = glob('*.h5')
a = np.ones(shape=(1,224,224,3), dtype=np.float32)
inp = tf.constant(a, dtype=tf.float32)
for model_type in models:'Model is {}.'.format(model_type))
model = eval('myresnet.{}(input_height=224,input_width=224,'
model2 = eval('resnet_orig.{}(data_format="channels_last")'.format(
model_type)),224, 224,3))
model_name=find_model_file(model_type)'Model file is {}.'.format(model_name))
original_weights = deepcopy(model2.weights)
if model_name is not None:
e = model2.load_weights(model_name, by_name=True, skip_mismatch=False)
loaded_weights = deepcopy(model2.weights)
else:'Pretrained model is not available for {}.'.format(
diff = [np.mean(x.numpy()-y.numpy()) for x,y in zip(original_weights,
our_model_weights = model.weights
their_model_weights = model2.weights
assert (len(our_model_weights) == len(their_model_weights))
our_variable_names = [ for x in model.weights]
their_variable_names = [ for x in model2.weights]
remap_dict = remap_our_model_variables(our_variable_names, model_type)
new_weights = list()
for i in range(len(our_model_weights)):
our_name = model.weights[i].name
remapped_name = remap_dict[our_name]
source_index = get_correct_variable(remapped_name, their_variable_names)
logger.debug('Copying from {} ({}) to {} ({}).'.format(
model.weights[i].value().shape))'Setting new weights')
model.set_weights(new_weights)'Finished setting new weights.')
their_output = model2(inp)
our_output = model(inp) - our_output.numpy())) # This must be 0.0

How to apply class weights in linear classifier for binary classification?

This is the linear classifier that I am using to perform binary classification, here is code snippet:
my_optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate)
my_optimizer = tf.contrib.estimator.clip_gradients_by_norm(my_optimizer,5.0)
# Create a linear classifier object
linear_classifier = tf.estimator.LinearClassifier(
feature_columns = feature_columns,
optimizer = my_optimizer
linear_classifier.train(input_fn = training_input_fn, steps = steps)
The dataset is imbalanced, there are only two classes yes/no. The number of NO class examples are 36548 while number of YES class examples are 4640.
How can I apply balancing to this data? I have been searching around and I could find stuff related to class weights etc but I couldn't find how can I create class weights and how to apply to the train method of tensor flow.
Here is how I am calculating losses:
training_probabilities = linear_classifier.predict(input_fn = training_predict_input_fn)
training_probabilities = np.array([item['probabilities'] for item in training_probabilities])
validation_probabilities = linear_classifier.predict(input_fn=validation_predict_input_fn)
validation_probabilities = np.array([item['probabilities'] for item in validation_probabilities])
training_log_loss = metrics.log_loss(training_targets, training_probabilities)
validation_log_loss = metrics.log_loss(validation_targets, validation_probabilities)
I assume that you are using the log_loss function from sklearn for computing your loss. If that is the case you can add class weights by using the argument sample_weight and pass on an array containing the weight to be given for each data point. sample_weight is an rolled out version of class_weights. You can compute sample_weight array by passing on the sample weights as given here.
Add the following lines to your code:
sample_wts = compute_sample_weight("balanced", training_targets)
training_log_loss = metrics.log_loss(training_targets, training_probabilities, sample_weight= sample_wts)

Error in prediction in svm classifier after one hot encoding

I have used one hot encoding to my dataset before training my SVM classifier.
which increased number of features in training set to 982. But during
prediction of test dataset which has 7 features i am getting error " X has 7
features per sample; expecting 982". I don't understand how to increase
number of features in test dataset.
My code is:
df = pd.read_csv('train.csv',header=None);
features = df.iloc[:,:-1].values
labels = df.iloc[:,-1].values
encode = LabelEncoder()
features[:,2] = encode.fit_transform(features[:,2])
features[:,3] = encode.fit_transform(features[:,3])
features[:,4] = encode.fit_transform(features[:,4])
features[:,5] = encode.fit_transform(features[:,5])
df1 = pd.DataFrame(features)
#--------------------------- ONE HOT ENCODING --------------------------------#
hotencode = OneHotEncoder(categorical_features=[2])
features = hotencode.fit_transform(features).toarray()
hotencode = OneHotEncoder(categorical_features=[14])
features = hotencode.fit_transform(features).toarray()
hotencode = OneHotEncoder(categorical_features=[37])
features = hotencode.fit_transform(features).toarray()
hotencode = OneHotEncoder(categorical_features=[466])
features = hotencode.fit_transform(features).toarray()
X = np.array(features)
y = np.array(labels)
clf = svm.LinearSVC(),y)
d_test = pd.read_csv('query.csv')
Z_test =np.array(d_test)
confidence = clf.predict(Z_test)
print("The query image belongs to Class ")
######################### test dataset
1 0.076 1 3232236298 2886732679 3128 60604
The short answer: you need to apply the same OHE transform (or LE+OHE in your case) on the test set.
For a good advice, see Scikit Learn OneHotEncoder fit and transform Error: ValueError: X has different shape than during fitting or How to deal with imputation and hot one encoding in pandas?

Keras .predict with word embeddings back to string

I'm following the tutorial here:, using a different data set. I'm trying to predict the label for a new random string.
I'm doing labelling a bit different:
encoder = LabelEncoder()
encoded_Y = encoder.transform(labels)
dummy_y = np_utils.to_categorical(encoded_Y)
And then trying to predict like:
string = "I am a cat"
query = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(string)
query = pad_sequences(query, maxlen=50)
prediction = model.predict(query)
I get back an array of arrays like below (perhaps the word embeddings?). What are those and how can I translate them back to a string?
[[ 0.03039312 0.02099193 0.02320454 0.02183384 0.01965107 0.01830118
0.0170384 0.01979697 0.01764384 0.02244077 0.0162186 0.02672437
0.02190582 0.01630476 0.01388928 0.01655456 0.011678 0.02256939
0.02161663 0.01649982 0.02086013 0.0161493 0.01821378 0.01440909
0.01879989 0.01217389 0.02032642 0.01405699 0.01393504 0.01957162
0.01818203 0.01698637 0.02639499 0.02102267 0.01956343 0.01588933
0.01635705 0.01391534 0.01587612 0.01677094 0.01908684 0.02032183
0.01798265 0.02017053 0.01600159 0.01576616 0.01373934 0.01596323
0.01386674 0.01532488 0.01638312 0.0172212 0.01432543 0.01893282
Save the fitted labels in the encoder:
encoder = LabelEncoder()
encoder =
encoded_Y = encoder.transform(labels)
dummy_y = np_utils.to_categorical(encoded_Y)
Prediction will give you a class vector. And by using the inverse_transform you will get the label type as from your original input:
prediction = model.predict_classes(query)
label = encoder.inverse_transform(prediction)