Advertising on PyQt5 - pyqt5

I have been searching and I cannot find any way to add advertisements on a PyQt5 application. Is this just not possible? If it is not, is there a way to embed HTML in the application to use Google Adwords or something along those lines?


How to generate custom template for sharing contents in instagram stories

I'm working on a React Native app, and I'd like to create a function for sharing contents in Instagram stories, like the tweet below.
How can I generate a custom template, like Twitter does, using Python? Because my backend is written in Django.
=== UPDATE ===
I have done some research and found out that you can use various languages, such as FabricJs or PIL in Python, to draw an image. However, these can be a nightmare for high-complexity stickers. Therefore, my solution is to simply take a screenshot in the app using react-native-view-shot.
If someone has any better solutions, they would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Websites previews based on website meta tags like open graph
You can use this library to generate it
However, it maybe a better solution is to build these previous on the backend like here
And then share image with

How can i add the Image Filter plugin in Xamarin.Form?

First of all I am new in Xamarin.Form. I am trying to get best from Google but some of functionality I am not able to get even searched a lot.
I am creating a Xamarin.Form app. In that app I want to provide a functionality of image filter. In that, the image captured by user or get from their internal memory should by filter.
I have tried to search on google to get some idea for it in Xamarin.Form but I still not get any link which can help me to get start.
First of all I don't know whether it is possible in Xamarin.Form or not. Can anybody suggest me a link or idea to achieve it?
I attached a Screenshot so you can easily understand the problem.
There are no out of the box APIs in Xamarin.Forms for Image filters.
Each platforms handles the images differently, you will need to implement these filters per platform bases.
You can find the instructions for iOS here and here for Android, then you can use the DependencyServices to access them in Forms app

dropbox ios api - get thumbnails of all photos

I'm trying to implement my own dropbox photo chooser for iPhone, using dropBox SDK. I can't use the normal chooser because I have a different design.
At the moment I'm succeeding only in receiving meta data for all images, but I can't get thumbnails at all.
Is it a possible thing to do? thanks.
THis is probaby way too late but the new sdk has thumbail batch downloads.
Search for "GetThumbnailBatch" in the code.

Is it possible to use "Styled Maps" with MKMapView?

for about a year now Google allows you to adjust the styling of their maps according to your needs. They offer a tool which allows for the easy creation of styles too:
Google Maps API Styled Maps Wizard
What I'd like to know is: can this feature of their API be used with MKMapView as provided in the Map Kit Framework? If so, how and at which point would I feed the JSON code which the wizard produces to the API?
If this doesn't work with MKMapView: What's the next best way to include Googles Styled Maps in an app?
Thanks alot!
As far as I'm aware, MKMapView doesn't provide this functionality "out of the box" as the Google Maps API does; the class reference, seems to support this hypothesis. You could re-implement some of the styles using annotations and overlays (see the class reference), but that assumes you have access to the point of interest data. Your success will likely depend on what styles you want to use.
As for the next best way, I opened your link, the styled maps wizard, on my iPad and it seems to work flawlessly. Perhaps you could host a pre-styled map somewhere online and simply show it in your app using a UIWebView? That would obviously limit you in some ways, but at least it would be styled!

Android Lockscreen API?

I've seen two apps that can customize lockscreens: Widget locker, slidescreen.
Do we really have an API that lets us customize the lockscreen?
If not, what is the trick?
See mylockforandroid:
Its GPL'ed but you will get the code tricks by viewing source.