Nested Fragments doesn't back to the previous one - kotlin

In main Activity I show new DialogFragment which is ParentFragment with only 1 frameLayout in it. From this fragment i add new Fragment into frame layout. (Fragment A)
val fragment = GetCheckQrChildFragment.newInstance()
.add(, fragment)
From the GetCheckQrChildFragment i can replace a fragment too (Fragment B)
val fragment = GetCheckChildFragment.newInstance()
But if i press the back button from the last Fragment B it doesn't return me to Fragment A. It returns me to activity from i show Dialog Fragment. How can i return from Fragment B to Fragment A?


Navigating from fragment A to fragment B and back to fragment A when i click back button in Kotlin

Hey guys i'll just get straight to the point. Here's my problem :
adapterProduk.onItemClick = {
val fragment = FragmentKeteranganProduk()
val transaction = fragmentManager?.beginTransaction()
This code is already working perfectly and no error can be found, but what i want to know that if there's any solution to go back into starting point after the fragment is already changed when i click the back button? It's like intent finish() method but i don't want to "finish()" it yet. Any solution will be appreciated, thanks!

Navigation from Activity to previous location (previous tab(fragment) and other Activity)

I am using Kotlin. I faced the problem of the navigation from Activity to previous location. The ArtikelContent Activity can be open by 3 different location which are: 1.Home menu 2.Artikel home - at the "Semua" tab (Fragment Semua) 3. Artikel home - at the "KAT 1" tab (Fragment KAT 1). Im using imageview as a back button on Artikel Content. Im faced the problem to navigate to the previous location before i open the ArtikelContent Activity by using imageview as a button.
This is the code i use on the ArtikelContent.kt Activity for back navigation:
val btnback : ImageView = findViewById(
btnback.setOnClickListener {
val intent = Intent (this,
You are creating a new instance of ArtikelHome activity in this btnBack click listener because of the new Intent. If you want to navigate back to the ArtikelHome activity then use finish() like this:
btnback.setOnClickListener {
It will destroy the ArtikelContent activity and you will be navigated to the previous activity in stack which is ArtikelHome activity.

How to reference a button from different view in Fragment. Kotlin

I want to achieve a simple task. I have an invisible button in one layout and a have a Fragment. When this function is executed I want the button in the other layout to become visible. However this layout with the button is not in the Fragment layout, which means I have to reference that button in the Fragment, but I don't know how to go about that.
This is what Fragment will look like to first time users. The images you see are in a recyclerview which inflates a layout. That layout has the invisible button.
Fragment class
//item subscribed
if (subscribeValueFromPref) {
subscribeAbstract.visibility = View.GONE
// abstractDownload.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
subscribeAbstract.visibility = View.VISIBLE
// abstractDownload.visibility = View.VISIBLE
When this line of code executed the button in the fragment is gone and the button from the other layout becomes visible. As you can see I put two strokes in front of that code. Once the code has been executed the layout should look like this.
I want to reference a button in another layout from a fragment class.
Do you even need to communicate between fragments? Your example looks like a single fragment with a subscribe button, and a RecyclerView that contains items which have a button that can be displayed or hidden. You can just make that part of your Adapter's state, like this:
class MyAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter<ViewHolder>() {
var showDownloadButtons = false
set(value) {
field = value
// call this to update the display (calls onBindViewHolder for items)
override fun onBindViewHolder(viewHolder: ViewHolder, position.Int) {
// when displaying an item, show or hide the download button as appropriate
viewHolder.downloadButton.visibility = if (showDownloadButtons) VISIBLE else INVISIBLE
Then in your fragment, when you work out your UI state based on that subscription value, you can just handle your main button and tell the adapter what to display:
if (subscribeValueFromPref) {
subscribeAbstract.visibility = View.GONE
adapter.showDownloadButtons = true
} else {
subscribeAbstract.visibility = View.VISIBLE
adapter.showDownloadButtons = false

How to replace the fragment from an activity

I created a project in AS with bottom navigation, then added a recycler view to display some movies from TMDB API, now I want to change the fragment when I click on item.
I've implemented the method onClickItem, tried to change the fragment but the new fragment is added on top of the current fragment
before I click an item :
and after I click on one of the items:
Notice that on top of the Spider-Movie appears the text from the new fragment
This is how I "replace" the fragment (this function is inside HomeFragment:
popularMoviesAdapter.onItemClick = { movie ->
Log.d("onItemClick", movie.title)
?.replace(, MovieFragment())?.commit()
This is my fragments component tree:
and I've changed the above .onClickItem with this:
var navController = view?.findNavController()
popularMoviesAdapter.onItemClick = { movie ->
var opt = HomeFragmentDirections.actionNavigationHomeToNavigationMovie()

How to refresh fragment by clicking on button

I want to refresh my fragment by clicking on its button. How to do it?
I try to do it like this but old version of fragment appears on the top of the screen (picture is attached):
binding.checkAnswersButton.setOnClickListener {
requireFragmentManager().beginTransaction().apply {
replace(, QuizFragment())
This will refresh the fragment :
val ft = parentFragmentManager.beginTransaction()