Shopify App Billing API: How to offer multiple billing plans? - shopify

Shopify's recent July 2020 API update allows billing annually for apps, so I've been trying to add the option to choose between monthly and annual billing to my app.
I've been trying to do this by modifying the GraphQL call that creates the billing plan.
I've been trying several different options, but the most logical one seems to be to add an additional line item. This works in rendering both plans to the billing approval screen, but it is still not possible to actually choose between plans (details for both plans are displayed, but only the latter option is actually effective.
Here's the code I've been working with:
const query = JSON.stringify({
query: `mutation {
name: "Basic Plan"
trialDays: 7
returnUrl: "${process.env.HOST}"
lineItems: [
plan: {
appRecurringPricingDetails: {
price: { amount: 4.99, currencyCode: USD }
plan: {
appRecurringPricingDetails: {
price: { amount: 49.99, currencyCode: USD }
interval: ANNUAL
) {
userErrors {
appSubscription {
I'd be happy about any suggestions.
Thanks a lot!


Netsuite Rest API Create Non-inventory Item for Sale

I try to create a Non-Inventory Sale item with the NetSuite API.
Here is my request :
Method : POST
Endpoint: /services/rest/record/v1/nonInventorySaleItem
"itemId": "Test Item",
"IncomeAccount": {
"id": "1315"
"deterredRevenueAccount": {
"id": "1343"
"itemType": {
"refName": "NonInvtPart"
"location": {
"id": "46"
"taxSchedule": {"id": "1"}
It keeps returning 400 HTTP Error and the message :
Error while accessing a resource. Please enter value(s) for: Tax Schedule.
I tried to work around with a custom entity field and a UserEventScript SuiteScript to update taxSchedule before submit without success.
I spoke with NetSuite support staff and they basically said that the feature isn't supported. If you want you can create a RESTlet and recreate the functionality by accepting the parameters that you want and creating the item that way. Something roughly like this:
define(['N/record'], function(record) {
function post(context) {
if (context.request.method !== 'POST') {
throw {
status: 405,
message: 'Invalid HTTP method',
// Parse the request body
var requestBody = JSON.parse(context.request.body);
// Create the inventory item record
var itemRecord = record.create({
type: record.Type.INVENTORY_ITEM,
isDynamic: true,
// Set the item name, tax schedule, asset account, and cogs account
fieldId: 'itemid',
fieldId: 'taxschedule',
value: requestBody.taxSchedule,
fieldId: 'assetaccount',
value: requestBody.assetAccount,
fieldId: 'cogsaccount',
value: requestBody.cogsAccount,
// Save the inventory item record
var itemId ={
enableSourcing: true,
ignoreMandatoryFields: true,
// Return the new inventory item ID
return {
id: itemId,
return {
post: post,
Obviously also include any other fields that you want, but I found that the Tax Schedule, COGS account, and asset accounts were all required.

Fetching nearest events with user location using GraphQL API

I am trying to find out a way to fetch nearby events using GraphQL API. After digging into the documentation for quite some time, I wasn't able to find a query that suits my needs. Furthermore, I wasn't able to find old, REST, documentation, where, the solution for my case might be present.
Thanks in advance !
This is what I could figure out so far, the Documentation for SearchNode is missing, but I could get id's for events:
query($filter: SearchConnectionFilter!) {
keywordSearch(filter: $filter) {
edges {
node {
Input JSON:
{ "filter" : {
"query" : "party",
"lat" : 43.8,
"lon" : -79.4, "radius" : 100,
"source" : "EVENTS"
Hope that helps. Trying to figure out this new GraphQL API
You can do something like this (customize it with whatever fields you want from Event):
const axios = require('axios');
const data = {
query: `
query($filter: SearchConnectionFilter!) {
keywordSearch(filter: $filter) {
edges {
node {
result {
... on Event {
variables: {
filter: {
query: "party",
lat: 43.8,
lon: -79.4,
radius: 100,
source: "EVENTS",
method: "post",
url: ``,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer YOUR_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN`,

BigCommerce Stencil - GraphQL query using front matter not returning anything

I'm not sure if it's a bug, but I'm not able to make GraphQL work in the Cornerstone template. I'm expecting an error or something getting returned at least, but nothing is being rendered at all from gql.
I am on the pages/product.html template, and I even tried this example from the docs:
limit: {{theme_settings.productpage_videos_count}}
limit: {{theme_settings.productpage_reviews_count}}
limit: {{theme_settings.productpage_related_products_count}}
limit: {{theme_settings.productpage_similar_by_views_count}}
gql: "query productById($productId: Int!) {
site {
product(entityId: $productId) {
variants(first: 25) {
edges {
node {
defaultImage {
url(width: 1000)
My goal is to have access to the paths/URL on each of the product's category because product.category is just an array of category names. Here's the query I am able to make work on the GraphQL playground (86 to be replaced by $productId in the front matter GraphQL query, I think?):
query getProductCategories {
site {
product(entityId: 86) {
categories {
edges {
node {
If there's no way around this, maybe I'll just try to do the fetching in the client side.
This now works correctly, as of 20-Sep-2021.
There was a bug, tracked as an issue here: which has been resolved and closed.

How to generate Items list with vue-paypal-checkout?

I am trying to generate an items list response from paypal checkout requests. I am trying to do it dynamically, using my data objects and some computed properties in a for in loop. As far as I have understood, my items_list will always need to be a data variable, never a hard-coded array.
Here is my template element:
<div v-bind:key="plan.key" v-for="plan in plans" >
:amount="plan.price" // all good
currency="GBP" // all good
:client="credentials" // all good
env="sandbox" // all good
:items="[plan]" // this is NOT working
#payment-authorized="payment_authorized_cb" // all good
#payment-completed="payment_completed_cb" // all good
#payment-cancelled="payment_cancelled_cb" // all good
Here are my data objects on my script:
plans: {
smallPlan: {
name: 'Small Venue',
price: '6',
mediumPlan: {
name: 'Medium Department',
price: '22',
payment_completed: {
payment_completed_cb() {
payment_authorized: {
payment_authorized_cb() {
payment_cancelled: {
payment_cancelled_cb() {
Here are my methods:
methods: {
payment_completed_cb(res, planName){
toastr.success("Thank you! We'll send you a confirmation email soon with your invoice. ");
toastr.error("The payment process has been canceled. No money was taken from your account.");
The documentation of Vue-paypal-checkout is available here
If I don't add the items list :items everything works perfectly:
{"id":"PAY-02N9173803167370DLPMKKZY","intent":"sale","state":"approved","cart":"90B34422XX075534E","create_time":"2018-10-30T18:39:51Z","payer":{"payment_method":"paypal","status":"VERIFIED","payer_info":{"email":"","first_name":"test","middle_name":"test","last_name":"buyer","payer_id":"JCZUFUEQV33WU","country_code":"US","shipping_address":{"recipient_name":"test buyer","line1":"1 Main St","city":"San Jose","state":"CA","postal_code":"95131","country_code":"US"}}},"transactions":[{"amount":{"total":"245.00","currency":"GBP","details":{}},"item_list":{},"related_resources":[{"sale":{"id":"2RA79134UX2301839","state":"pending","payment_mode":"INSTANT_TRANSFER","protection_eligibility":"ELIGIBLE","parent_payment":"PAY-02N9173803167370DLPMKKZY","create_time":"2018-10-30T18:39:50Z","update_time":"2018-10-30T18:39:50Z","reason_code":"RECEIVING_PREFERENCE_MANDATES_MANUAL_ACTION","amount":{"total":"245.00","currency":"GBP","details":{"subtotal":"245.00"}}}}]}]}
But if I add :items="[plan]" i get this error message:
Uncaught Error: Error: Request to post failed with 400 error. Correlation id: 19238526650f5, 19238526650f5
"details": [
"field": "transactions.item_list.items.item_key",
"issue": "This field name is not defined for this resource type"
"message": "Invalid request - see details",
"information_link": "",
"debug_id": "19238526650f5"
Any thoughts?
Also if you happen to know, is there a way to sell/implement a subscription instead of a one-off transaction using Vue-paypal-checkout?
Many thanks

PayPal Express Checkout: Setting logo_image and name using REST API

PayPal's Express Checkout documentation says that you can customize the checkout using the Experience API. And when you go to the Experience API documentation, you see the ability to set a custom name, logo_image, and more.
In our implementation, hiding the shipping fields (no_shipping: 1) works - and that uses the Experience API - but setting the name and logo_image does not.
Code below. Does anyone know if there's a way to set name and/or logo_image?
payment: function(data, actions) {
return actions.payment.create({
payment: {
transactions: [
amount: { total: '9.99', currency: 'USD' }
experience: {
name: 'Custom Name',
presentation: {
logo_image: ''
input_fields: {
no_shipping: 1