Is there any way to hot-reload static files in Ktor? - kotlin

I've been following the ktor tutorial for making a website and notice that every time I make a change to a resource file, I have to recompile to see it updated in the browser. Is there any way to hot reload static files to speed up development? I'm using IntelliJ if it matters.
I believe Spring Boot has hot-swapping functionality explicitly for this purpose, I was just wondering if something equivalent for Ktor exists.

Ktor should be able to pick any new static content you provide. Since you are saying that recompilation is needed, I would propose to double-check if you are modifying the correct files (resulting artifact vs. the sources). If you are using the default template, you should be changing /build/resources/main/static in order for changes to take effect.


Remove requests to any GAFAM (google api here) from Nuxt

Is there any easy way to remove any query to google font api "" in Nuxt.Js ? I would rather provide font files myself.
So far I tried to remove any mention of from .nuxt/components/index.js, but it seems that the command build reset my modifications, so nothing changed.
My configuration is quite simple, I initialized an app with #nuxt/content-theme-docs.
Since the concern is more aimed towards GAFAM (avoid the usage of Google fonts), the solution would be to fork the package for the Nuxt team and strip the related module.
Here is where to find it:
This module of Nuxt is aimed towards so fast, pain-free and easy to setup documentation. Hence probably why, Nuxt's team was using such package (since it's still the goto as of today to use Google fonts).
You can follow this answer if you want to use a module on build time:
Otherwise, you can use this website to have your fonts locally (link those to your CSS file and you should be fine):

Zeit/Now - Update existing deployment without changing link - is it possible?

I have a vue.js app hosted at now. It is an already compiled build, which was hosted with just now --public, without json building and stuff. And I wonder if it is ever possible to add files/assets or change/update files within the very this deployment, without changing deployment URL or creating new deployment. And if it is, what is the easiest way to do so?
My question may sound silly, but I've referred wherever I could and failed to find an answer.
There is no way of adding files to an existing deployment.
Deployment Immutability
It is worth pointing out that there is no notion of editing or
modifying an existing deployment. When you make a source or config
change, a new deployment is always created.
Instead you should use deployment Aliases to keep a single url for your project.

Webpack sometimes fails to detect changes saved with Intellij Idea

I'm developing a JavaScript/React application in Intellij Idea and I'm using webpack-dev-server to incrementally build my files. That means that the dev server is watching the files and if a file gets changes, webpack rebuilds it. Pretty standard scenario.
Unfortunately, webpack sometimes decides to ignore certain files. I can change them all I want but webpack does nothing. I have not been able to determine any pattern on which files get ignored. It's arbitrary. Sometimes I just create a new file and webpack ignores it.
What is interesting though is that it only happens when I perform the save using Intellij Idea. If I open the file in another editor (for example vim) and save it, the file gets correctly rebuilt. Actually, simple touch file.js is enough to trigger rebuilding.
I guess there is something wrong in how Intellij Idea saves files. Any ideas?
This is due to an IDE feature known as "safe write". When enabled, the IDE will write the changes to a temporary file over the real one. This means webpack's file watching mechanism cannot pick up the changes. Disable this feature to fix the problem. Reference.
For me this did not work, I'm posting this in case anyone has the same scenario. After each save, webpack watch script builds the new bundles and I'm reloading all files from disk (CTRL + ALT + Y). Only after that the changes are visible.
There is an open issue "Background" changes by external tool not being picked up until VFS refresh happens regarding this behavior: file is saved but one has to reload all from disk in order to see the changes (for example in the browser).

Is it possible to use Dojo build without modifying JS files?

Is it possible to use Dojo build without the need to modify JavaScript files?
The article dgrid and Dojo Nano Build provides the instruction to create the build, but it requires adding the following line into JavaScript file, which initializes the application:
require(['dgrid/dgrid'], function () {
(replacing 'dgrid/dgrid' with your build module name).
However, it is very problematic when using build for own modules, because, of course, in development mode the require with own layer can't be included, otherwise the modifications made to own modules wouldn't be visible. But in production mode this line must be added.
So either you must modify the file manually before production build, or write a script that would modify the file during the build. Both are very error-prone.
Is there a better way to achieve that result? Is it possible for Dojo to recognize that the build is provided and should be used, instead of loading each module separately?
The following line of code can be included in both development and production modes.
require(['dgrid/dgrid'], function () {
I describe the reasons why in my answer here.
What you need to do is configure Dojo differently based on what environment.
In a blog post that I wrote, I describe this in more detail. The following summarizes the post:
I create three modes: Production, Uncompressed, and Development.
When developing code, I will have the js source linked into the web server and the Development mode will point to the dojo.js file and the raw css file(s). The browser will load modules that I need using xhr. And I point to the top level css files which import other css files. The result is that a lot of requests will be made to the server and the loading of the page will be noticeably slow. The benefit is that you can see development changes without having to do a full build.
Production mode points the main dojo file at the dojo.js that is built using the build tool. I also create <script> elements for the other layers that are needed in the page. I point the css to the built css files which the build tool has inlined the imported css. The page loads quickly, but it is difficult to debug
Similar to production, but I point to the .uncompressed.js files. Production and Uncompressed are available in the released version of our software. I use uncompressed when trying to troubleshoot an issue in a production environment. The value of this mode is dwindling as the developer tools are better supporting compressed javascript (ie source maps, etc.)
Server side
The default mode is Production, but I use a query parameter to switch modes. I also store the current mode in the session, so that I only have to set the mode once to change it. Subsequent pages will run in the changed mode, until I change it back.
Here is a java implementation of this code.

Testing Dojo with DOH without local Dojo installation

I'm trying to work out how to use DOH to test Dojo modules if I don't install Dojo locally to my project. I'm working in Eclipse and ideally, I'd like something that I can run as part of a Maven build eventually. The Dojo package is 5-20Mb and I don't want to have it stashed in my source control system with each project if possible.
I've tried a few options with the runner.html test runner, but DOH is going to need to find a Dojo somewhere, and then it seems that modules will be found relative to that installation.
Having Dojo installed on my system but not in the project gives me a problem in trying to find the project relative to the location of the dojo.js file. The cross-domain protection prevents me serving up any kind of absolute path as it strips : characters. It also stops me using a Dojo installation served up on a different domain over http.
Is it necessary to have Dojo installed somewhere that I can then define a relative path from dojo.js to the roots of my modules? If not, how do I configure to get around it?
I've not tried this completely cross domain, but yes, you can define paths which may be enough to get you going.
We run our tests using a somewhat complicated deployment (to ensure we don't introduce accidental dojo/doh path dependencies), and our URL looks like this:
That is, you fire up the runner, give it both 'boot' and 'dojoUrl' to tell it where Dojo itself lives, use 'paths' to tell DOH where it lives and how to find your own modules.
Whether those relative paths can be made absolute successfuly, and whether it'll work cross-domain is an entirely different matter, I'm afraid. We'll be hitting that problem ourselves in a couple of months.
I've been able to do this with the runner located at and a gist.
The trick seems to be to use a path alias in the URL, and use a network-path reference URL (i.e. omit the URL scheme, URL starts with //).
I found this out while trying to answer this question without a local copy of DOH.
Here it is:,//