Zeit/Now - Update existing deployment without changing link - is it possible? - vercel

I have a vue.js app hosted at now. It is an already compiled build, which was hosted with just now --public, without json building and stuff. And I wonder if it is ever possible to add files/assets or change/update files within the very this deployment, without changing deployment URL or creating new deployment. And if it is, what is the easiest way to do so?
My question may sound silly, but I've referred wherever I could and failed to find an answer.

There is no way of adding files to an existing deployment.
Deployment Immutability
It is worth pointing out that there is no notion of editing or
modifying an existing deployment. When you make a source or config
change, a new deployment is always created.
Instead you should use deployment Aliases to keep a single url for your project.


Is there any way to hot-reload static files in Ktor?

I've been following the ktor tutorial for making a website and notice that every time I make a change to a resource file, I have to recompile to see it updated in the browser. Is there any way to hot reload static files to speed up development? I'm using IntelliJ if it matters.
I believe Spring Boot has hot-swapping functionality explicitly for this purpose, I was just wondering if something equivalent for Ktor exists.
Ktor should be able to pick any new static content you provide. Since you are saying that recompilation is needed, I would propose to double-check if you are modifying the correct files (resulting artifact vs. the sources). If you are using the default template, you should be changing /build/resources/main/static in order for changes to take effect.

How can I get to the root folder of another project in a .NET Core solution?

I need to read the settings file (appsettings.json) from another project in my solution. When I use:
From within the current project, I get the following path:
My question is: How can I get to the exact same folder in another project in the same solution? Or is there a better way to access the settings file from another project within the current solution?
If I understand the problem correctly there are two misconceptions:
It has little sense to access output directory of an another project as the structure has sense in compile time only. You will not have the same structure in run-time once the application is "published".
The Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() returns the current working directory. It is just a coincidence to be set to project output directory by Visual Studio. It can be totally different directory.
It is not clear to me what exactly you are trying to achieve. I recommend using the configuration system provided by .net core to access the configuration and add that other appsettings.json as another configuration provider.
If you really need to open the settings file then the project with the settings file (A) should mark the file as "Copy to Output Directory" and the project to open the file (B) should reference the project A. So the settings file will be copied to output of the project A too.
What you're attempting to do is not possible. There's no inherent way for ASP.NET Core to know where a totally different app running in a totally different process is located.
If you need to access appsettings.json from another project, then you would need to include it as a linked file in your project, and set it to copy to output. Then, you're accessing it actually from your project (which is all you can do), but the file itself is shared.
However, this is almost always a bad idea, and usually a sign that you're doing something wrong. If you truly do need to share the settings, then what you should be doing is putting them in a distributed config provider like Azure Key Vault or similar, where both projects can independently access the settings from a common store.

Dropwizard serve external images directory

I have a dropwizard API app and I want one endpoint where I can run the call and also upload and image, these images have to be saved in a directory and then served through the same application context.
Is it possible with dropwizard? I can only find static assets bundles.
There is similar question already: Can DropWizard serve assets from outside the jar file?
The above module is mentioned in the third party modules list of dropwizard. There is also official modules list. These two lists are hard to find maybe because the main documentation doesn't reference them.
There is also dropwizard-file-assets which seems new. I don't know which module will work best for your case. Both are based on dropwizard's AssetServlet
If you don't like them you could use it as example how to implement your own. I suspect that the resource caching part may not be appropriate for your use case if someone replace the same resource name with new content: https://github.com/dirkraft/dropwizard-file-assets/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/dirkraft/dropwizard/fileassets/FileAssetServlet.java#L129-L141
Edit: This is simple project that I've made using dropwizard-configurable-assets-bundle. Follow the instructions in the README.md. I think it is doing exactly what you want: put some files in a directory somewhere on the file system (outside the project source code) and serve them if they exist.

How to get RavenDB to recognize a plugin?

I'm trying setup the Versioning bundle in RavenDB: http://ravendb.net/bundles/versioning
The installation instructions are pretty straight forward:
Simply place the Raven.Bundles.Versioning.dll in the Plugins
I've tried this do this by creating a "Plugins" directory under the Server directory (the Server directory contains the Raven.Server.exe), and dropping Raven.Client.Versioning.dll into that Plugins directory.
However, when I run RavenDB after that (either from the command line or as a service), it doesn't give me any indication that it has recognized the plugin, and when I save/edit new documents no versioning is being applied.
I've tried running with the default plugin directory settings (which supposedly automatically looks in the Plugins directory), and I've tried manually adding the PluginsDirectory setting to Raven.Server.exe.config, to no avail.
Has anyone been able to get plugins working, specifically the versioning bundle? Do you hae to do anything special?
It is supposed to just work. Take a look at the statistics, you should see the versioning trigger registered there.
It is important to ensure that:
You are using the same version of the dlls
You restarts RavenDB after copying the directory
You don't reference another Raven/PluginsDirectory in the configuration
It is probably better to follow this up in the mailing list.
For Raven v2, you'll also add the bundle name to the the Raven/ActiveBundles property on a database document. The names should be semicolon-delimited.
For example, I have a database called MidwestAnimalRescue. To enable the Periodic Backup bundle and the Versioning bundle, my document will look like this:

Setting up StyleCop for team development

We are trying to setup stylecop for a team development environment. So far what we have done is:
Checked the files into source control
Create an environment variable on every machine that points to that location (each dev has source checked out to a different location, this solves that)
Add the tag to the project as follows:
This works great, but VS complains that the file is unsafe, and I know to fix that we have to mark is safe in the registry. We wanted to create a .reg file to import this setting and make it easier for everyone. Can we use that environment variable in the path? I have tried the snippet below, but that doesn't seem to work. Is the syntax for an environment variable different?
Why you need to host that Targets file in a global place? Everyone can install a copy of StyleCop.
If you in fact plan to share StyleCop settings, please configure the projects to use a project locally setting file (*.SourceAnalysis). You can check in this file along with your projects, and then everyone is in sync.