sql looking for pattern - sql

I have a string similar to this 'MSH|^~\&|STF_ALL_LAB_IN_C...
I'm trying to find some sql that will bring back all messages that contain
MSH|^~\&|(any 3 characters)_(anything after the underscore).
Tried something like this
WHERE TransText LIKE 'MSH|^~\&|%_%_%_'
But that doesn't seem to require the underscore.
Any suggestions?

MSH|^~&|(any 3 characters)_(anything after the underscore).
The pattern would be:
where TransText like 'MSH|^~\&|___\_%'
In some databases, the backslash would need to be escaped, so that would be:
where TransText like 'MSH|^~\\&|___\_%'

_ is a special character in a LIKE clause. It matches any one character, where % matches any series of 0 or more characters.
You need to escape it, using \_.


using Regex get substring between underscore 2 and underscore 3 of string, vb.net

I have a string like: Title Name_2021-04-13_A+B+C_Division.txt. I need to extract the A+B+C. The A+B+C may be other letters. I believe that using Regex would be the simplest way to do this. In other words I need to get the substring between underscore 2 and underscore 3 of string. All of my code is written in vb.net. I have tried:
boatClass = Regex.Match(myFile, "(?<=_)(.*)(?=_)").ToString
I know this is not right but I think it is close. What do I need to add or change?
The regex code that will extract a substring between the second and third underscore of a string is:
However, I chose to use the split function:

String manipulation with Replace in SQL

I am using a replace function to add some quotes around a couple of keywords.
However, this replacement doesn't work for a few cases like the one below.
See example below.
This is the query:
select timestamp, SparkTimeStamp
from SparkRecordCounts
select "timestamp", Spark"timestamp"
from SparkRecordCounts
However, I want it to be like:
select "timestamp", Sparktimestamp
from SparkRecordCounts
EDIT I wrote this before knowing what RDBMS you were using but have left it in case it helps someone else.
I think you are looking for word boundaries in your replacement, which are generally a job for regular expressions.
Oracle has one built in, called regexp_replace, and you could use something like this:
regexp_replace(aa.SourceQuery, '(^|\s|\W)timestamp($|\s|\W)', '\1"timestamp"\2')
The regular expression looks at the start for:
^ - the start of the line OR
\s - a space character OR
\W - a non-word character
It then matches timestamp, and must end with:
$ - the end of the line OR
\s - a space character OR
\W - a non-word character
Then, and only then, does it perform the replace. \1 and \2 are used to preserve what word boundary matched at the beginning and ending of the word.
I'm not sure how other databases handle regexp_replace, it looks like mysql can via a plugin like this but there may not be a native method.
SQL Server has a solution to something similar here

Find character sequence at specific position in string

I need to use SQL to find a sequence of characters at a specific position in a string.
I need to find 'atg' starting at character 7 or at character 7-9, either way would work. I don't want to find the 'atg' at the end of the string. I know about LIKE but couldn't find how to use it for a specific position.
Thank you
In MS Access, you could write this as:
where col like '???????atg*' or
col like '????????atg*' or
col like '?????????atg*'
However, if you interested in this type of comparison, you might consider using a database that supports regular expressions.
If you have a look at this page you'll find that LIKE is entirely capable of doing what you want. To find something at, for example, a 3 char offset you can use something like this
SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE [InterestingField] LIKE '___FOO%'
The '_' (underscore) is a place marker for any char. Having 3 "any char" markers in the pattern, with a trailing '%', means that the above SQL will match anything with FOO starting from the fourth char, and then anything else (including nothing).
To look for something 7 chars in, use 7 underscores.
Let me know ifthis isn't quite clear.
EDIT: I quoted SQL Server stuff, not Access. Swap in '?' where I have '_', use '*' instead of '%', and check out this link instead.
Revised query:
SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE [InterestingField] LIKE '???FOO*'

substring extraction in HQL

There's a URL field in my Hive DB that is of string type with this specific pattern:
and I would like to extract the two Cat "types" near the end of the string, with the result being something like:
Basically, I'd like to only extract - as one lowercase string - the Cat "types" which are always separated by '_ and _', preceded by '-', and followed by '.html'.
Is there a simple way to do this in HQL? I know HQL has limited functionality, otherwise I'd be using regexp or substring or something like that.
HQL does have a substr function as cited here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+UDF#LanguageManualUDF-StringFunctions
It returns the piece of a string starting at a value until the end (or for a particular length)
I'd also utilize the function locate to determine the location of the '-' and '_' in the URL.
As long as there are always three dashes and three underscores this should be pretty straight forward.
Might need case statements to determine number of dashes and underscores otherwise.
solution here...
LOWER(REGEXP_REPLACE(SUBSTRING(catString, LOCATE('-', catString, 19)+1), '(_to_)|(\.html)|_', ''))
Interestingly, the following did NOT work... JJFord3, any idea why?
LOWER(REGEXP_EXTRACT(SUBSTRING(FL.url, LOCATE('-', FL.url, 19)+1), '[^(_to_)|(\.html)|_]', 0))

How can I perform a SQL SELECT with a LIKE condition for a string containing an open bracket character?

I have a simple search query:
<cfquery name="_qSearch" dbtype="Query">
DESCRIPTION LIKE '%#URL.searchString#%'
This query works excellently for most values. However, if someone searches for a value like "xxx[en", it bombs with the error message The pattern of the LIKE conditional is malformed..
Is there any way around this, since the bracket has a special use in CFQUERY?
QoQ shares a feature of TSQL (MS SQL Server) whereby it's not just % and _ that are wildcards in LIKE - it also supports regex-style character classes, as in[a-z] for any lowercase letter.
To escape these values and match the literal equivalents, you can use a character class itself, i.e. [[] will match a literal [, and of course you probably also want to escape any % and _ in the user input - you can do all three like so:
That is just a simple regex replace (using String.replaceAll) to match all instances of [ or % or _ and wrap each one in [..] - the $0 on the replacement side represents the matched text.