ERROR in The target entry-point "angular-in-memory-web-api" has missing dependencies: - #angular/http - angular8

iam trying to run i already installed but it showing ERROR in The target entry-point "angular-in-memory-web-api" has missing dependencies:

Simply run this command:
npm install #angular/http --legacy-peer-deps


error Unable to resolve module - while generating debug APK

error Unable to resolve module /usr/local/lib/node_modules/react-native/node_modules/metro-config/node_modules/metro-runtime/src/modules/empty-module.js
Just by running this in the project directory, it worked for me!
npm i -g react-native-cli

Error when trying to do 'expo build:android'

In the Terminal I get the following error after running the expo build:android command:
Error: Can't find react-native in package.json dependencies
Error: react-native is not installed. Please run `npm install` or `yarn` in your project directory.
There is an error with your project. See above logs for information.Error: There is an error with your project. See above logs for information.
Terminal error picture
I have already tried to update npm version, npm install, and I also tried npm install -g eas-cli
Are there certain steps anyone thinks I should do?
Follow below guide
Delete node_modules folder in root folder
npm install (If you are using yarn use yarn install)

Error: Module `#nuxtjs/vuetify` not found. (v2.0.0-beta.2)

Because of fibers error on cPanel/CentOS/Cloudlinux servers, I'm using v2.0.0-beta.2 of #nuxtjs/vuetify in my Nuxt app.
But npm returns error on build or dev running.
No problem with v1.11.2, but the alpha and beta versions have error.
✖ Nuxt Fatal Error
Error: Module `#nuxtjs/vuetify` not found. Please ensure `#nuxtjs/vuetify` is in `devDependencies` and
installed. HINT: During build step, for npm/yarn, `NODE_ENV=production` or `--production` should NOT be
"devDependencies": {
"#nuxtjs/vuetify": "^2.0.0-beta.2"
buildModules: [
I deleted the node_modules folder and re-runned the npm install and problem solved.
Go through the bellow commands
Delete node_modules
run npm i if you have previously npm installed on you machine otherwise run npm install then run npm i .
run npm run build
run npm run start
I tried Fred solution but didn't work out for me.
However I run this command npm install #nuxtjs/vuetify -D to install the vuetify component and the problem solved.

Module build failed: Error: `sass-loader` requires `node-sass` >=4. Please install a compatible version

Can you help me? I got this error when I hit ng s
ERROR in ./src/styles.scss (./node_modules/raw-loader!./node_modules/postcss-loader/lib??embedded!./node_modules/sass-loader/lib/loader.js??ref--14-3!./src/styles.scss)
Module build failed: Error: `sass-loader` requires `node-sass` >=4. Please install a compatible version.
at Object.sassLoader (E:\Ibtikar\shop\node_modules\sass-loader\lib\loader.js:31:19)
ERROR in ./src/app/app.component.scss
Module build failed: Error: `sass-loader` requires `node-sass` >=4. Please install a compatible version.
at Object.sassLoader (E:\Ibtikar\shop\node_modules\sass-loader\lib\loader.js:31:19)
ERROR in ./src/app/detail-view/detail-view.component.scss
Module build failed: Error: `sass-loader` requires `node-sass` >=4. Please install a compatible version.
at Object.sassLoader (E:\Ibtikar\shop\node_modules\sass-loader\lib\loader.js:31:19)
ERROR in ./src/app/footer/footer.component.scss
Module build failed: Error: `sass-loader` requires `node-sass` >=4. Please install a compatible version.
at Object.sassLoader (E:\Ibtikar\shop\node_modules\sass-loader\lib\loader.js:31:19)
ERROR in ./src/app/products/products.component.scss
Module build failed: Error: `sass-loader` requires `node-sass` >=4. Please install a compatible version.
at Object.sassLoader (E:\Ibtikar\shop\node_modules\sass-loader\lib\loader.js:31:19)
ERROR in ./src/app/slider/slider.component.scss
Module build failed: Error: `sass-loader` requires `node-sass` >=4. Please install a compatible version.
at Object.sassLoader (E:\Ibtikar\shop\node_modules\sass-loader\lib\loader.js:31:19)
ERROR in ./src/app/header/header.component.scss
Module build failed: Error: `sass-loader` requires `node-sass` >=4. Please install a compatible version.
at Object.sassLoader (E:\Ibtikar\shop\node_modules\sass-loader\lib\loader.js:31:19)
You need to run npm rebuild (or npm rb) in your project folder.
This command runs the npm build command on the matched folders. This is useful when you install a new version of node, and must recompile all your C++ addons with the new binary.
This worked for me
npm install --save-dev node-sass
npm rebuild node-sass --force : should work
npm rebuild --force - this will rebuild all packages. Only this worked for me
Try rebuilding node-sass using npm rebuild node-sass and check if that fixes your issue.
working solution
Step 1 rm -rf node_modules it removes the directory recursively (the existing node modules, takes a min or two)
Step 2 npm install this will work for sure, i did try and it worked.
If you are facing this issue even after upgrading node-saas to version above 4 then follow below thread
Sass-loader requires node-sass >=4 even if that exist
Re-installing webpack solved the issue for me.
npm install --save-dev webpack
or, you can try :
npm rebuild node-sass
check for the supported version. As on date I had node 12.x installed on my machine and spent an hour running npm install node-sass and npm rebuild node-sass with --force and --save-dev hints.
Nothing worked until I uninstalled the node 12.x and installed node 10.x. So if you're hitting the same problem and could not get it to work, try following
Check if your Node version (Run node -v) if it's higher than 10.x
Uninstall the Node 12.x from your machine
Download and Install Node 10.x
Restart the console/editor (not required for all and may work without this step)

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'ode_modulesue-loaderlibcomponent-normalizer'

I've recently decided to give vue-cli a go but after I run npm install, running npm run dev gives me the following error.
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'D:Projects estapp
ode_modulesue-loaderlibcomponent-normalizer' in 'D:\Projects\testapp\src'
Any ideas?
I was able to fix this error by reinstalling previous version.
npm install vue-loader#10.0.0 --save-dev