How to reset state values for the component? - vue.js

I use vuex, and in my page module I set title and content, I arranged a destroyed method to reset them, If I click a different component there is no problem while resetting values but when I click a different static page, component is not destroyed and data is not updated. Is there a way to reset vuex state values for the same component.?
const state = {
page: {},
const getters = {
page(state) {
const mutations = {
setAPage (state, pPage) { = pPage
state.errors = {}
setCleanPage(state){ = null
reset(state) {
const s = state();
Object.keys(s).forEach(key => {
state[key] = s[key];
console.log('state', state)
const actions = {
fetchAPage (context, payload) {
const {slug} = payload;
return ApiService.get(`pages/${slug}/`)
.then((data) => {
.catch((response) => {
export default {
namespaced: true,
and in my component :
import { mapGetters, mapActions, mapMutations } from "vuex";
export default {
name: "Page",
computed: {
...mapGetters('pages', {page: 'page'}),
beforeRouteLeave (to, from, next) {
// called when the route that renders this component has changed,
// but this component is reused in the new route.
// For example, for a route with dynamic params /foo/:id, when we
// navigate between /foo/1 and /foo/2, the same Foo component instance
// will be reused, and this hook will be called when that happens.
// has access to >this component instance.
methods: {
destroyed() {
this.toggleBodyClass('removeClass', 'landing-page');
created() {
this.$store.dispatch('pages/fetchAPage' , this.$route.params)
How can I reset or update data for the same component ?

You can use this package for your resets -
You can use a beforeRouteLeave guard in your component(s) when you want to catch the navigation away from the route where the component is being used (
The beforeRouteUpdate component guard is called only when the component was used in the current route and is going to be reused in the next route.

I would suggest you watch for that param change.
I don't know how you make use of your params, but you can pass them to your component as props and then add a watcher on them which would call your vuex reset action.
// in your router
// ... some routes
path: "/page/:id",
props: true, // this passes :id as prop to your component
component: Page
In you component
export default {
name: "Page",
props: ["id"], // your route param
computed: {
...mapGetters('pages', {page: 'page'}),
beforeRouteLeave (to, from, next) {
// called when the route that renders this component has changed,
// but this component is reused in the new route.
// For example, for a route with dynamic params /foo/:id, when we
// navigate between /foo/1 and /foo/2, the same Foo component instance
// will be reused, and this hook will be called when that happens.
// has access to >this component instance.
methods: {
watch: {
id() { // watch the id and reset the page if it has changed or add additionnal logic as needed
destroyed() {
this.toggleBodyClass('removeClass', 'landing-page');
created() {
this.$store.dispatch('pages/fetchAPage' , this.$route.params)


VueX actions/mutations error in Chrome console

I try to store drawer data in VueX to use it on external component.
My console error: [vuex] unknown action type: app/switchDrawer
My VueJS template:
<v-navigation-drawer v-model="drawer" app>
<v-list dense>
export default {
computed: {
drawer: {
get () {
return this.$
set (value) {
return this.$store.dispatch('app/toggleDrawer', value)
The console.log() function give me lot of lines in loop in console.
I'd like to use too the mapGetters class from VueX instead computed get/set:
computed: mapGetters({
drawer: 'app/drawer'
I've an error in console:
[Vue warn]: Computed property "drawer" was assigned to but it has no
My VueX store:
export const state = () => ({
drawer: true
export const getters = {
drawer: state => state.drawer
export const mutations = {
TOGGLE_DRAWER: (state) => {
state.drawer = !state.drawer
export const actions = {
toggleDrawer ({ commit }, value) {
commit('TOGGLE_DRAWER', value)
IN CASE YOU DON'T WANT TO MAKE A NEW MUTATION AND HANDLE LOCALLY. (which I preferred personally as my store is pretty big already)
Faced similar issue using when using a vue-ui library(vuesax)
Solved it by initializing a new data variable to a computed variable (the one from the store) in created hook
(Why in created hook)
created() {
this.localDrawer = this.drawer
data() {
return {
localDrawer: ''
computed: {
drawer: 'drawer'
watch: {
drawer(newValue, oldValue) {
this.localDrawer = newValue
Now use localDrawer in the you app.
NOTE: I am watching the drawer variable as well. So that in any case if its value changes it gets reflected.
Found your problem - a computed setter has to have no return statement.
drawer: {
get () {
return this.$
set (value) {
this.$store.dispatch('app/toggleDrawer', value)
Please notice that your action submits a value to the mutation which dosen't take any value. So better add a new mutation that handles said value:
export const mutations = {
SET_DRAWER: (state, value) => {
state.drawer = value
export const actions = {
toggleDrawer ({ commit }, value) {
commit('SET_DRAWER', value)

The prop object's property is undefined in refresh function

I use Vue.js and have a component. I pass a prop "request" to that component:
In the component I'm able to do this:
It works that is the value of "id" is displayed.
In props section of component:
props: {
request: Object
In mounted hook of component:
async mounted () {
await this.refresh()
In refresh function of component:
async refresh () {
console.log(' =',
if ( {
const data = await requestApi.getRequestResultAdjustmentByReqId(
The is undefined.
I'm not sure why.
If the request property is asynchronously available to the component then, you have to use combination of watchers like:
// adjustments-list component
new Vue({
props: {
request: Object
data() {
return {
apiData: null
watch: {
request(newValue, _oldValue) {
mounted: function () {
// Do something here
methods: {
refresh (request) {
if ( {
// Using promise instead of async-await
.then(() => this.apiData = data);
Also, note that, mounted should be a plain old JS function and not an async function. That's the lifecycle method of the component supposed to behave in particular way.

Vue-router: Using component method within the router

My first Vue project and I want to run a loading effect on every router call.
I made a Loading component:
<b-loading :is-full-page="isFullPage" :active.sync="isLoading" :can-cancel="true"></b-loading>
export default {
data() {
return {
isLoading: false,
isFullPage: true
methods: {
openLoading() {
this.isLoading = true
setTimeout(() => {
this.isLoading = false
}, 10 * 1000)
And I wanted to place inside the router like this:
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
if ( {
But I got this error:
TypeError: "_components_includes_Loading__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_9__.default.openLoading is not a function"
What should I do?
Vuex is a good point. But for simplicity you can watch $route in your component, and show your loader when the $route changed, like this:
watch: {
'$route'() {
I think it's fast and short solution.
I don't think you can access a component method inside a navigation guard (beforeEach) i would suggest using Vuex which is a vue plugin for data management and then making isLoading a global variable so before each route navigation you would do the same ... here is how you can do it :
Of course you need to install Vuex first with npm i vuex ... after that :
on your main file where you are initializing your Vue instance :
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vue'
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
isLoading: false,
mutations: {
openLoading(state) {
state.isLoading = true
setTimeout(() => {
state.isLoading = false
}, 10000)
// if your router is on a separated file just export the store and import it there
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: [
// ...
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
if ( {
new Vue({
/// ....
In your component:
<b-loading :is-full-page="isFullPage" :active.sync="$store.state.isLoading" :can-cancel="true"></b-loading>

VueJS - Accessing store data inside mounted

I'm having trouble understanding the following:
I have a store which contains variables needed for the application. In particular, there is a globalCompanies which stores:
globalCompanies: {
current: [],
all: [],
currentName: "",
Inside another component, I want to do the following:
mounted() {
this.$store.dispatch( "fetchUsers" );
var currentName = this.$store.state.globalCompanies.currentName;
However, this just shows as empty. I know the value is there because I have computed which returns the currentName and it works fine inside the view itself. It just doesn't like the fact that it's in the mounted component.
Where am I going wrong and what can I do to resolve this issue? I really need to capture the companies Name in order to use it for some real time events.
As a result of our discussion:
In the question Vuex state value, accessed in component's mounted hook, returns empty value, because it is set in an async action which does not resolve before mounted executes.
When you need to trigger some function when async action in Vuex resolves with a value, you can achieve it using watch on a computed property, which returns a value from your Vuex state. When a value in store changes, the computed property reflects these changes and watch listener executes:
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
globalCompanies: {
test: null
mutations: {
setMe: (state, payload) => {
state.globalCompanies.test = payload
actions: {
pretendFetch: ({commit}) => {
setTimeout(() => {
commit('setMe', 'My text is here!')
}, 300)
new Vue({
el: '#app',
computed: {
cp: function() { // computed property will be updated when async call resolves
return this.$store.state.globalCompanies.test;
watch: { // watch changes here
cp: function(newValue, oldValue) {
// apply your logic here, e.g. invoke your listener function
console.log('was: ', oldValue, ' now: ', newValue)
mounted() {
// console.log(this.cp, this.$store.state.globalCompanies.test); // null
// var cn = this.$store.state.globalCompanies.test; // null
// console.log(cn) // null
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
{{ cp }}
VueJS - Accessing Store Data Inside Mounted
Ran into this issue and it turned out to be a scope issue.
export default () => {
currentName: "Something"
ok: "Here you go"
export default {
return state.globalCompanies;
Mounted: This works...
mounted() {
// Initialize inside mounted to ensure store is within scope
const { getters } = this.$store;
const thisWorks = () => {
const globalCompanies = getters.getGlobalCompanies;
This is Bad: Reaching for the store outside the mounted scope
mounted() {
function ThisDontWork() {
const { getters } = this.$store; // this.$store == undefined

Update VueJs component on route change

Is there a way to re-render a component on route change? I'm using Vue Router 2.3.0, and I'm using the same component in multiple routes. It works fine the first time or if I navigate to a route that doesn't use the component and then go to one that does. I'm passing what's different in props like so
name: 'MainMap',
path: '/',
props: {
dataFile: 'all_resv.csv',
mapFile: 'contig_us.geo.json',
mapType: 'us'
folder: true,
component: Map
name: 'Arizona',
path: '/arizona',
props: {
dataFile: 'az.csv',
mapFile: 'az.counties.json',
mapType: 'state'
folder: true,
component: Map
Then I'm using the props to load a new map and new data, but the map stays the same as when it first loaded. I'm not sure what's going on.
The component looks like this:
data() {
return {
loading: true,
load: ''
props: ['dataFile', 'mapFile', 'mapType'],
watch: {
load: function() {
mounted() {
let _this = this;
let svg =$el);
.defer(d3.json, `static/data/maps/${this.mapFile}`)
.defer(d3.csv, `static/data/stations/${this.dataFile}`)
.await(function(error, map, stations) {
// Build Map here
You may want to add a :key attribute to <router-view> like so:
<router-view :key="$route.fullPath"></router-view>
This way, Vue Router will reload the component once the path changes. Without the key, it won’t even notice that something has changed because the same component is being used (in your case, the Map component).
UPDATE --- 3 July, 2019
I found this thing on vue-router documentation, it's called In Component Guards. By the description of it, it really suits your needs (and mine actually). So the codes should be something like this.
export default () {
beforeRouteUpdate (to, from, next) {
// called when the route that renders this component has changed,
// but this component is reused in the new route.
// For example, for a route with dynamic params `/foo/:id`, when we
// navigate between `/foo/1` and `/foo/2`, the same `Foo` component instance
// will be reused, and this hook will be called when that happens.
// has access to `this` component instance.
const id =
As you can see, I just add a next() function. Hope this helps you! Good luck!
Below is my older answer.
Only saved for the purpose of "progress"
My solution to this problem was to watch the $route property.
Which will ended up you getting two values, that is to and from.
watch: {
'$route'(to, from) {
const id =
The alternate solution to this question handles this situation in more cases.
First, you shouldn't really call mounted() yourself. Abstract the things you are doing in mounted into a method that you can call from mounted. Second, Vue will try to re-use components when it can, so your main issue is likely that mounted is only ever fired once. Instead, you might try using the updated or beforeUpdate lifecycle event.
const Map = {
data() {
return {
loading: true,
load: ''
props: ['dataFile', 'mapFile', 'mapType'],
console.log("do a bunch a d3 stuff")
mounted() {
Here's a little example, not drawing the d3 stuff, but showing how mounted and updated are fired when you swap routes. Pop open the console, and you will see mounted is only ever fired once.
you can use just this code:
watch: {
$route(to, from) {
// react to route changes...
Yes, I had the same problem and solved by following way;
data() {
return {
productId: this.$route.params.productId,
methods: {
...mapActions("products", ["fetchProduct"]),
created() {
The fetchProduct function comes from Vuex store. When an another product is clicked, the route param is changed by productId but component is not re-rendered because created life cycle hook executes at initialization stage.
When I added just key on router-view on parent component app.vue file
<router-view :key="this.$route.path"></router-view>
Now it works well for me. Hopefully this will help Vue developers!
I was having the same issue, but slightly different. I just added a watch on the prop and then re-initiated the fetch method on the prop change.
import { ref, watch } from 'vue';
import { useRouter, useRoute } from 'vue-router';
import Page from './content/Page.vue';
import Post from './content/Post.vue';
const props = defineProps({ pageSlug: String });
const pageData = ref(false);
const pageBodyClass = ref('');
function getPostContent() {
let postRestEndPoint = '/wp-json/vuepress/v1/post/' + props.pageSlug;
fetch(postRestEndPoint, { method: 'GET', credentials: 'same-origin' })
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {
pageData.value = res;
.catch(err => console.log(err));
watch(props, (curVal, oldVal) => {
watch(pageData, (newVal, oldVal) => {
if (newVal.hasOwnProperty('data') === true && === 404) {
pageData.value = false;
window.location.href = "/404";
router - index.js
path: "/:pageSlug",
name: "Page",
component: Page,
props: true,
path: "/product/:productSlug",
name: "Product",
component: Product,
path: "/404",
name: "404",
component: Error404,