SQL to assign covid patients to hospitals - sql

I have 2 tables:
CREATE TABLE remdesivir_inventory
hospital_id int,
stock int,
state varchar(2)
CREATE TABLE remdesivir_requests
patient_id int,
prescribed_qty int,
state varchar(2)
I want to write a SQL that inserts rows in the remdesivir_assignments table
Every patient whose request can be fulfilled (until the stock runs out) will have a representative row in
the remdesivir_assignments table.
Each patient can be assigned to only 1 hospital (ie. requests cannot be split)
The 'state' of the patient and the hospital must match
CREATE TABLE remdesivir_assignments
patient_id int,
hospital_id int
INSERT INTO remdesivir_inventory VALUES (1, 200, 'CA');
INSERT INTO remdesivir_inventory VALUES (2, 100, 'FL');
INSERT INTO remdesivir_inventory VALUES (3, 500, 'TX');
INSERT INTO remdesivir_requests VALUES (10, 100, 'CA');
INSERT INTO remdesivir_requests VALUES (20, 200, 'FL');
INSERT INTO remdesivir_requests VALUES (30, 300, 'TX');
INSERT INTO remdesivir_requests VALUES (40, 100, 'AL');
INSERT INTO remdesivir_requests VALUES (50, 200, 'CA');
In this scenario, the following rows will be inserted to the remdesivir_assignments table
(10, 1)
(30, 3)

You can use a cumulative sum and join:
select rr.*, ri.hospital_id
from (select rr.*,
sum(prescribed_qty) over (partition by state order by patient_id) as running_pq
from remdesivir_requests rr
) rr join
remdesivir_inventory ri
on ri.state = rr.state and
rr.running_pq <= ri.stock
Here is a db<>fiddle.


How to list total number of scholarships per department in SQL

I have 2 tables that look like this where I want to query how many scholarships (from Tuition table) each department (from Student table) has distributed:
I am thinking a join is necessary but am not sure how to do so.
Create tables
create table students (
sid int auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(100),
email varchar(100),
department varchar(100)
create table tutions (
id int auto_increment primary key,
sid int,
cost int,
scholarships int,
duedate timestamp default current_timestamp
Sample data
insert into students (name, email, department)
('John Doe', 'john#abc.xyz', 'B'),
('Jane Doe', 'jane#abc.xyz', 'A'),
('Jack Doe', 'jack#abc.xyz', 'C'),
('Jill Doe', 'jill#abc.xyz', 'B');
insert into tutions (sid, cost, scholarships)
(1, 1000, 2),
(2, 1000, 1),
(3, 1000, 7),
(4, 1000, 2);
Query (department-wise total scholarships)
SELECT department, sum(scholarships) as scholarships
FROM students s
JOIN tutions t ON s.sid = t.sid
GROUP BY department
Running SQL Fiddle
Not sure It's something you want? And not sure scholarships is a number or name of scholarship? So I doubt it's a name as varchar string type.
### dummy record
CREATE TABLE students (
CREATE TABLE tuition (
student_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
semeter_cost INTEGER NOT NULL,
scholarships VARCHAR NOT NULL,
due_date DATE NOT NULL
INSERT INTO students VALUES (1, 'John', 'Hello', 'Jonh#email.com', 'Engineering');
INSERT INTO students VALUES (2, 'Bella', 'Fuzz', 'Bella#email.com', 'Computer');
INSERT INTO students VALUES (3, 'Sunny', 'World', 'Sunny#email.com', 'Science');
INSERT INTO tuition VALUES (1, 1, 4000, 'first_class_en', '2022-05-09' );
INSERT INTO tuition VALUES (2, 2, 3000, 'nobel', '2022-05-09' );
INSERT INTO tuition VALUES (3, 3, 5000, 'hackathon', '2022-05-09' );
INSERT INTO tuition VALUES (4, 1, 4500, 'second_class_en', '2022-05-09' );
### query
SELECT s.department, count(t.scholarships)
FROM students s
JOIN tuition t
ON s.psu_id = t.student_id
GROUP BY s.department
### output
department, total_scholarships

Can I reference this table?

I am trying to show amount paid for each tutor sorted by month and then by tutor id. I have the first part correct and can sort by month but cannot sort by tutor id because it is from a different table.
Here is the script for my tables:
create table match_history
(match_id number(3),
tutor_id number(3),
student_id number(4),
start_date date,
end_date date,
constraint pk_match_history primary key (match_id),
constraint fk1_match_history foreign key (tutor_id) references tutor(tutor_id),
constraint fk2_match_history foreign key (student_id) references student(student_id));
create table tutor_report
(match_id number(3),
month date,
hours number(3),
lessons number(3),
constraint pk_tutor_report primary key (match_id, month),
constraint fk1_tutor_report foreign key (match_id) references match_history(match_id));
insert into tutor values (100, '05-JAN-2017', 'Active');
insert into tutor values (101, '05-JAN-2017', 'Temp Stop');
insert into tutor values (102, '05-JAN-2017', 'Dropped');
insert into tutor values (103, '22-MAY-2017', 'Active');
insert into tutor values (104, '22-MAY-2017', 'Active');
insert into tutor values (105, '22-MAY-2017', 'Temp Stop');
insert into tutor values (106, '22-MAY-2017', 'Active');
insert into student values (3000, 2.3);
insert into student values (3001, 5.6);
insert into student values (3002, 1.3);
insert into student values (3003, 3.3);
insert into student values (3004, 2.7);
insert into student values (3005, 4.8);
insert into student values (3006, 7.8);
insert into student values (3007, 1.5);
insert into match_history values (1, 100, 3000, '10-JAN-2017', null);
insert into match_history values (2, 101, 3001, '15-JAN-2017', '15-MAY-2017');
insert into match_history values (3, 102, 3002, '10-FEB-2017', '01-MAR-2017');
insert into match_history values (4, 106, 3003, '28-MAY-2017', null);
insert into match_history values (5, 103, 3004, '01-JUN-2017', '15-JUN-2017');
insert into match_history values (6, 104, 3005, '01-JUN-2017', '28-JUN-2017');
insert into match_history values (7, 104, 3006, '01-JUN-2017', null);
insert into tutor_report values (1, '01-JUN-2017', 8, 4);
insert into tutor_report values (4, '01-JUN-2017', 8, 6);
insert into tutor_report values (5, '01-JUN-2017', 4, 4);
insert into tutor_report values (4, '01-JUL-2017', 10, 5);
insert into tutor_report values (1, '01-JUL-2017', 4, 2);
This is what I have so far:
Select (hours * 10) as amount paid from tutor_report group by month, tutor_id
however obviously I cannot just say tutor_id at the end.
You can join match_history to get the tutor_id.
But your statement and the query don't match. If you want to sort use ORDER BY.
SELECT tr.hours * 10 amount_paid
FROM tutor_report tr
INNER JOIN match_history mh
ON mh.match_id = tr.match_id
ORDER BY tr.month,
If you want to aggregate, hours needs to be argument to some aggregation function. Maybe you're after the sum of hours?
SELECT sum(tr.hours) * 10 amount_paid
FROM tutor_report tr
INNER JOIN match_history mh
ON mh.match_id = tr.match_id
GROUP BY tr.month,
If you are grouping based on columns on two tables,you need to join them on the matching Id and then use group by
Select (hours * 10) as amount paid
from tutor_report a
join match_history b on a. match_id = b.match_id
group by month, tutor_id

SQL Server : permutations/combinations without looping

I have two data sets. The first is a table of product recipes along with the products that make up the recipe. The 2nd data set contains individual pricing by product (I can have multiple prices for a single product).
What I'm trying to achieve is to output a result set that contains the unique permutations for each of my product recipes. Only recipes where ALL of the components have pricing in the 2nd data set should be in the output.
Assumption: A single recipe can have up to 5 components configured (no more).
DECLARE #ProductRecipe TABLE (ProductRecipeID INT, ComponentProductID INT)
INSERT INTO #ProductRecipe (ProductRecipeID, ComponentProductID)
VALUES (21, 130), (21, 468), (21, 500),
(22, 468), (22, 500),
(23, 130), (23, 501)
DECLARE #ComponentPricing TABLE (PricingID INT, ProductID INT)
INSERT INTO #ComponentPricing (PricingID, ProductID)
VALUES (314023, 130), (313616, 130), (313071, 130),
(312865, 130), (316323, 468), (316329, 468), (398864, 500)
I would like my output to look like this:
Output Example
I have tried CTEs and self joins but I can't even get close to my desired output.. :(
I’m using SQL Server 2012
I'm going to assume you are working with SQL Server 2008 or newer, which is required to make the dense_rank() function work.
The solution below goes through a few steps that are outlined in the comments. One call out is that I changed one of the #ProductRecipe records from (22, 130) to (22, 468) as I believe it to be the intended sample data because Component1 of the desired output includes PricingID values 316323 and 316329.
DECLARE #ProductRecipe TABLE (ProductRecipeID INT, ComponentProductID INT)
INSERT INTO #ProductRecipe (ProductRecipeID, ComponentProductID) VALUES (21, 130)
INSERT INTO #ProductRecipe (ProductRecipeID, ComponentProductID) VALUES (21, 468)
INSERT INTO #ProductRecipe (ProductRecipeID, ComponentProductID) VALUES (21, 500)
INSERT INTO #ProductRecipe (ProductRecipeID, ComponentProductID) VALUES (22, 468) --values were (22, 130) in question
INSERT INTO #ProductRecipe (ProductRecipeID, ComponentProductID) VALUES (22, 500)
INSERT INTO #ProductRecipe (ProductRecipeID, ComponentProductID) VALUES (23, 130)
INSERT INTO #ProductRecipe (ProductRecipeID, ComponentProductID) VALUES (23, 501)
DECLARE #ComponentPricing TABLE (PricingID INT, ProductID INT)
INSERT INTO #ComponentPricing (PricingID, ProductID)
VALUES (314023, 130)
, (313616, 130)
, (313071, 130)
, (312865, 130)
, (316323, 468)
, (316329, 468)
, (398864, 500)
; with base as
--Joining the two datasets together.
select pr.ProductRecipeID
, pr.ComponentProductID
, cp.PricingID
from #ProductRecipe as pr
left join #ComponentPricing as cp on pr.ComponentProductID = cp.ProductID
, pr_exclude as
--Identifying that ProductRecipeID 23 should be excluded because of the 501 NULL value
select distinct b.ProductRecipeID
from base as b
where b.PricingID is null
, final_base as
--Assigning Rank to each ComponentProductID
select b.ProductRecipeID
, b.ComponentProductID
, b.PricingID
, dense_rank() over (partition by b.ProductRecipeID order by b.ComponentProductID asc) as prod_rnk
from base as b
left join pr_exclude as p on b.ProductRecipeID = p.ProductRecipeID
where 1=1
and p.ProductRecipeID is null
--Joining it all together
select a.ProductRecipeID
, a.PricingID as Component1
, b.PricingID as Component2
, c.PricingID as Component3
, d.PricingID as Component4
, e.PricingID as Component5
from final_base as a
left join final_base as b on a.ProductRecipeID = b.ProductRecipeID and b.prod_rnk = 2
left join final_base as c on b.ProductRecipeID = c.ProductRecipeID and c.prod_rnk = 3
left join final_base as d on c.ProductRecipeID = d.ProductRecipeID and d.prod_rnk = 4
left join final_base as e on d.ProductRecipeID = e.ProductRecipeID and e.prod_rnk = 5
where a.prod_rnk = 1
order by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Update / Merge table with summing values

I have a schema:
CREATE TABLE test_table (
period NUMBER,
amount NUMBER
INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (1000, 1, 100);
INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (1000, 1, 500);
INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (1001, 1, 200);
INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (1001, 2, 300);
INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (1002, 1, 900);
INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (1002, 1, 250);
I want to update the amount field by adding amounts of records which has same (id, period) pair. like after op :
ID| period| amount
1000 1 600
1001 1 200
1001 2 300
1002 1 1150
I Couldn't figure out how :(
In actual case this table is populated by insertion operation from other 2 tables:
CREATE TABLE some_table1(
period NUMBER,
amount NUMBER
INSERT INTO some_table1 VALUES (1000, 1, 100);
INSERT INTO some_table1 VALUES (1000, 1, 500);
INSERT INTO some_table1 VALUES (1001, 1, 200);
INSERT INTO some_table1 VALUES (1001, 2, 300);
INSERT INTO some_table1 VALUES (1002, 1, 900);
INSERT INTO some_table1 VALUES (1002, 1, 250);
CREATE TABLE some_table2(
period NUMBER,
amount NUMBER
INSERT INTO some_table2 VALUES (1000, 1, 30);
INSERT INTO some_table2 VALUES (1000, 1, 20);
INSERT INTO some_table2 VALUES (1001, 1, 15);
INSERT INTO some_table2 VALUES (1001, 2, 20);
INSERT INTO some_table2 VALUES (1002, 1, 50);
INSERT INTO some_table2 VALUES (1002, 1, 60);
Dublicates occures when two insertions done:
INSERT INTO TEST_TABLE (id,period,amount) SELECT id,period,amount from some_table1
INSERT INTO TEST_TABLE (id,period,amount) SELECT id,period,amount from some_table2
new sqlfiddle link: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!4/cd45b/1
May be it can be solved during insertion from two table..
A script like this would do what you want:
CREATE TABLE test_table_summary (
period NUMBER,
amount NUMBER
INSERT INTO test_table_summary (id, period, amount)
SELECT id, period, SUM(amount) AS total_amount FROM test_table
GROUP BY id, period;
DELETE FROM test_table;
INSERT INTO test_table (id, period, amount)
SELECT id, period, total_amount FROM test_table_summary;
DROP TABLE test_table_summary;
But you should actually decide if test_table is to have a primary key and the total amount or all the detail data. It's not a good solution to use one table for both.
By what you have added, then I'd say you can use the Oracle MERGE INTO statement:
MERGE INTO test_table t
USING (SELECT id, period, amount FROM some_table1) s
ON (t.id=s.id AND t.period=s.period)
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET t.amount=t.amount+s.amount
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (t.id, t.period, t.amount)
VALUES (s.id, s.period, s.amount);
Beware though... this will work only if test_table already has no duplicate id, period rows to begin with. So if your table is already messed up, you still have to reinitialize it properly a first time (and maybe add a unique id, period key to avoid problems in the future).

convert marks into percentage

how to convert marks obtained by a student into x%
i.e. there are two exams. calculate certain %marks from both exams (say x% and Y%) so that the total will be 100%
Based on the limited info that you have provided, I think you might be asking for the following:
create table student
id int,
s_name varchar(10)
insert into student values (1, 'Jim')
insert into student values (2, 'Bob')
insert into student values (3, 'Jane')
create table exams
id int,
e_name varchar(10)
insert into exams values (1, 'Test 1')
insert into exams values (2, 'Test 2')
insert into exams values (3, 'Test 3')
insert into exams values (4, 'Test 4')
create table exam_student
e_id int,
s_id int,
dt datetime,
score decimal(5,2)
insert into exam_student values(1, 1, '2012-08-01', 65.0)
insert into exam_student values(1, 2, '2012-08-01', 85.0)
insert into exam_student values(2, 1, '2012-08-02', 75.0)
insert into exam_student values(2, 2, '2012-08-02', 42.0)
select avg(es.score) as ScorePct, s_id, s.s_name
from exam_student es
inner join exams e
on es.e_id = e.id
inner join student s
on es.s_id = s.id
group by s_id, s_name
If you provide more details on exactly what you are looking for that would be helpful in answering your question.